Winter Wonderland editionENF = Embarrassed Nude FemalesEUF = Embarrassed Undressed FemalesOld Thread: >>8540733Previous ENF Threads Archive: Anons Archive of Rookie's Comics: Stories Collection:
>>8615858I'm going to need all your Spongebob Enf pics.
>>8618717I like this. Some of them try in vain to cover up but others don't bother. All of them have no choice but to see the jiggling butt of the woman in front of them and/or know someone's looking at theirs. Wondering about the scenario though. Could be they're heading back from a shower and couldn't keep their clothes or towels with them. How embarrassing.
>>8619187It is nice, but I think you are reading a lot into it. To me, none of them look embarrassed. They are carrying their towels.>>8618717 belongs in >>>8614948
>>8619187>>8619669I agree. This doens't work well as enf
>>8619187While this was made in a way to allow for some freedom of interpretation, I did have this commission of characters from the Nagatoro manga and loosely based on the skinny dipping scene from the obscure British film The Bunny Caper, and had the story of this specific pic be something along the lines of thisThe leading girl, Sana Sunomiya, uses her extreme persuasion abilities to convince the girls of the school judo club (Shikki, Gamo, Asaka and Fujimin from left to right respectively) to join her in an art thing involving swimming naked. This specific part is midway through this, where they're in the midst of walking through school halls, Sana proudly leading and the other four reluctantly following, wondering to themselves show they let themselves get roped into this>>8619669>>8619729I can see why, but the only individual here not embarrassed is the one leading the group. The others are supposed to come off as such (with the nervous sweating on all of them and the far right girls side expression). Maybe it's because we only see from behind and not their faces, but rest assured this absolutely belongs here toI would know, I commissioned this piece and know what's supposed to be going on
>>8619763>I commissioned this piece and know what's supposed to be going onOkay. I figured they were coming from a sauna or hot tub/onsen.
>>8619795well you figured wrong
this randomly came across my feed, no idea what the context is or what it's from (maybe warhammer? idk not familiar) but it's pretty nice enf
>>8623210Wow, Cultist-chan. Its been a long time since I've seen her
>>8623810blueregardtwo on twitter, probably one of the most creative enf artists desu
>>8624464Nude AU
Anyone here subbed to Blueskull on patreon?
>>8626910of course not
>>8627669Okay thanks for nothing
>>8627770Be the change you want to see and sub to his patreon for US for once, anon.
>>8627959Cute butt.(Imagine having to wait 900 seconds just to save a thread from page 10.)
>>8628749delete this
>>8628749Are you fucking retarded no one wants to see this.
>>8628942>>8630299Could you even tell that's a guy if anon didn't specify it?
>>8630586To be fair to them, one of the word bubbles specifies that it's a boy's booty.
is it my imagination or did this kink take off for a year, then wither and die? bless the artists who keep making new material but it seems like there's only a few left
>>8631465I can't recall it ever taking off, just seems like something that's always been around, just something that occasionally happens in entertainment/media
>>8631465When I first got into it the only people who even had put a name to it were the guys who collected scenes from TV and movies, it was totally nonexistent in anime and hentai spaces as a concept, unless you happened to find something in the "humiliation" collections.Now there are constant threads on /aco/ and /e/ (though admittedly not as active as they used to be), dedicated artists and discord servers who only make this fetish, and a consistently updated tag on the rule34 booru, and occasional mentions of the kink by name on /a/ and /co/.So yes there was a bit of an explosion on 4chan specifically when we had artists who frequented this thread, and the discussion on 4chan specifically has declined since then. The artists who used to go here either got tired of the kink or tired of dealing with free anon requests. But I think on the whole ENF has seen gradual increases.
>>8631465What I know, is back when AnewEnfArtists name was accurate, there were already a bunch of artists. A lot of them are defunct now.
>>8631465The fetish is about as popular as it usually is. It's just these threads that have withered up.
>>8630590I didn't know that
>>8633254Love how the hair doesn't actually cover anything
>>8633276I wish I had fuck-you money, I'd commission a fuckload of ENF drawings directly from Timm
>>8631549ENF with pubes is the best.
>>8634935No idea just found it here on 4chan a few weeks ago
>>8639096What makes it better than other kinds to you?
>>8641841ENF and pubes are two of my top fetishes, so that's most likely why.
>>8641841It's an additional thing that you don't want people to see, what's not to like
>>8641841It's more authentic. The girl wasn't expecting anyone to see her like that so she let the pubes grow, but alas fate had other plans.
>>8633250Jenny was quite literally built for ENF
>>8643636Agree. Too many artists portray her as a sultry seductress. She is an awkward girl who gets into embarrassing situations constantly.
>>8644425>Jenny, that was so righteous. Could I… have your autograph?>Absolutely, buddy.
>>8645176>picrelthat's not what eject means
>>8651652It ejected the screws dummy
>>8655921if you say so
Anyone got any good nerd/geek enf? They're underrated
>>8659947Agreed nerd/geek enf is underrated.The first thing that came to mind is more suited for /e/ but Maerchen Maedchen the MC is a shy total bookworm and in ep1 she runs around naked literally holding a book to cover herself while another girl chases her.
>>8659947nerdy girls are so perfect for enf
>>8660477only because they're so shy
>>8666864can barely read that handwriting
>>8667117I mean that's pretty on brand with Rookie
ENF globalized scenario:Every male human on Earth finds an app on their phone tomorrow: The ENF-ier. It has what appears to be a chargeable app with a function: Girl stripping. Specifically, upon pressing the button, women in whatever distance you set (from 1 foot up to 20 yards) is stripped of whatever clothing you wish. You can adjust which clothing it destroys, destroy specific people's outfits while leaving others untouched, or just cause a big omnidirectional blast of nudity, it all varies on what you want. In addition, the app has a lingering side-effect: Any woman hit with it will, forever a length of time varying from 1 hour to 1 month (again, varying on a per-person or per-use basis) forgets entirely how to wear clothes or even cover herself. She's still embarrassed, in fact, the app seems to amplify feelings of humiliation, but the idea of getting dressed or using a blanket or even covering with her hands simply will not occur to her, and she'll look at anyone who says it like they're speaking Spanish. Note that, if a woman gets a man's phone and tries to use the app, it'll work, but only on other women and it will affect her too. Any attempts to use it on men will cause her to instantly be hit with the full "naked for a month" version.Picture the chaos that ensues...
>>8668442Nemona is always based.
>>8670145Who's leaking my patreon exclusives again? >:o (stupid captcha really making me wait a whole ass 15 minutes for a comment)
>>8670145Val (I think that's her name?) is my favourite of Revrook's characters. She's the "normal" one, so seeing her naked is very special.
>>8670224your secret admirer
>>8670145post more of his patreon stuff
>>8671034I can post them myself. thank you
>>8671952either which way is acceptable
>>8676599Not even enf
>>8645176>>8651652well, you got meby all accounts, this wouldn't make sense
>>8680162it would and it wouldn't honestly
>>8640556>>863493580% sure is Femforce.
>>8615848Powerful fart bump.
>>8614654just outta curiosity, has anyone done an enf version of this?
>>8683874Man you know I’ve actually wanted to see an ENF version of this scene and it’s never been done before, but if it has I certainly haven’t seen it
>>8683877honestly i’m surprised no one exploited family guy scenes more often, that stuff is loaded with stuff someone’s pretty getting giddy towards
>>8684387I always enjoyed this one
Does anyone have Joker@mmd new stuff, Fantia on kemono has been down for almost a year.Only if Fantia wouldn't such shit site to pay for
>>8652754>>8652757Fuck, I didn't even know this existed, I assume these are the only panels Leela is shown naked?
I remember this webcomic from a year ago or so that was ENF in a coffee shop. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
>>8690474moomoo coffee by misfitrogue
>>8693633That's the one!
>>8694355always has been
>>8695475That pic is an absolute classic.
>>8697256>>8697257Rellu2D is underrated. Good situations
If anyone is interested in Lego enf, I'll take a request or two.
>>8701613Do you only have specific characters or are any allowed?
>>8701754Anything officially produced by lego (with some limits) or characters that don't have super specific/complex designs since I'd have to create them with the limited parts available. I also have a Power Girl design.
>>8701770Then ho about Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, and Luminara Unduli stripped nude during a battle with droids
>>8701782The piece for Shaak Ti's head tails isn't available. I can make do with what I have unless you have a substitute.
>>8701613>>8701770Can you do Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn? It can be in any scenario you want.
>>8701857 done. Unless you want to see a different scenario
>>8701869Yeah different scenario with just those two only
>>8701932that would be nice
>>8701782Here you go.>>8703797
>>8701613I dunno how many requests you're up for doing. But I would love a pic of Daphne surprising Velma in the shower and recording her. Complete with Velma covered in bubbles (but still wearing glasses) like you use in this pic. With a second panel where a desperate Velma chases after a giggling Daphne with the camera, losing all her bubbles as she runs.
>>8701613Kylo Ren using the force to strip Captain Phasma or Pixal’s suit malfunctioning, leaving her naked in enemy territory.(also keep the boobs as print, the 3d boobs look incongruous.)
>>8704845>>8704846My guess is that Tiffany’s mom loses her panties for good from a bet, Tiffany loses her high heels because they are uncomfortable, and Matilda shows up at the end naked because she lost all of her clothes super quickly by a house fire of all things.
>>8691640She looks embarrassed. Can't cover her ass
Any idea were this is from?
>>8706937Requester here, thanks so much!Let me know if you're interested in any other ideas.
>>8708845I make no promises, but I'd love to hear any other ideas.
>>8708870I got one kinda, any female character you have is fine I don’t really have anyone specific in mind maybe some marvel ladies, but maybe an ENF parody of the “sign my pants” ending scene of the SpongeBob Ripped Pants episode, or an ENF/EUF parody of the initial “lifting two marshmallows” pants ripping scene from the episode?
>>8708870If you have wyldstyle (from lego movie), the scene when she is dressing in the wild west, but doesn't have underwear on?
Naked in school / horny is school stuff is the absolute best I can't get enough
>>8711104Art by Polyle
>>8711097here's a webm for your troubleand a version with audio
>>8711187ENF is the best when the dialogue draws attention to it.
>>8711187Any more examples of ENF in cartoons?
>>8711679If it doesn't work.
>>8711187God, this scene gets me going. Sometimes the implication of nudity is just as good as the real thing.
An illustration for my naked superheroine fanfiction Taylor's New Undress.
>>8712076>TaylorAs in Worm?
>>8708870>I make no promises, but I'd love to hear any other ideas.Thanks!Another idea I had looking at >>8701869 was how much I wanted to see Raven only wearing only her cloak.Could have something with a completely naked Raven confronting Harley about giving her costume back and Harley cheekily throws Raven just her cloak back. Raven puts the cloak on and glares at Harley laughing at her wearing just a cloak and nothing else.
I really like this Zelda picture from a now-deleted pixiv. It's very simple but there is so much embarrassment conveyed through just the pose. I'm really glad I found it while it was up
>>8715137Ain't this done by same guy that did Hopping Gills?
>>8715179Herny, yeah. Used to show up here every once in a while.
>>8715382Still shows up here occasionally.He made this >>8698249 in a semi-recent thread, same as pic rel
>>8715406hopefully he shows up here again
>>8714911what was the pixiv?
More EUF, but still exposed and embarrassed. Latest episode of Disney's StuGo
>>8716041something tells me this artist hasn't spent his time drawing garfield back in the day
>>8724704not many have to be fair
>>8729299I've seen hotter
Looking for ENF requests
>>8733129post art example
>>8733129Regardless of whether you are who I think you are, I'd like a Ty Lee ENF piece to serve as a companion to this Mai piece >>8698249Another rear/butt view is preferred, but a frontal would be fine too
>>8733129Alright I got one, or two options but one idea really Recreate the ending of Ripped Pants but as an ENF scene with a humanized female SpongeBob and Larry or recreate the ending of Ripped Pants with Tracer in SpongeBob’s place and Zarya in Larry’s place Here are some examples:
>>8733129Chrono Trigger teleporter malfunction.Lucca is apologetic, the princess is pissed, Ayla doesn't care/is showing off
>>8733129Requesting a situation like this with Ava Ire from Ava's Demon, wherein she gets caught masturbating and is allowed/encouraged to keep going. Extra bonus points if the dildo cums, causing her to lose composure and cum hard
Is this basically the fate of any revrookton character?
>>8734541There's that white haired goth and the glasses wearing redhead, but he never uses them anymore anyways
>>8734643Are there new characters but they’re behind the pay wall?
>>8734729Everything I saw was just the cast he previously used
>>8734760So who is Tiffany’s new rival?