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Post pictures, gifs, videos, or even links to literature if you're so inclined, of art depicting cute girls ripening/ripened up into big, sexy blueberries, or whatever fruits fit your fancy.

Blueberry inflation is fantastic, but there's a lot of other fruits for girls to turn into that look just as sexy in their own right, so don't feel shy to share some of them here.

No AI generated content allowed.
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Previous thread archive:
Here are some questions to get the thread talking:

Besides the indomitable classic blueberry, what are some of your favorite fruits for girls to get turned into?

Why/what do you like so much about it?

Do you prefer it to be relegated to just targeted expansion, or full-body inflation?
Can you level with me, anons? What is it about Yuri that makes her such a perfect subject for blueberry inflation?
I love the horniness and how honkin' BIG lasagnainfl8 draws boobs on blueberries.
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I would, if I had any faith in my ability to write smut and didn't want to take time away from my """serious""" writing.
Around Halloween I actually started a (non-berry) inflation story, pumped out a thousand words in quick order before bed, but then proceeded to lose pretty much all motivation and horniness the following day. It doesn't help that I think my style when it comes to this stuff (i.e. slow burning) has very niche appeal.
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Pears. They are crazy soft, and I like me some dumptrucks. Targeted or full-on, it's all good.
Sauce? That @ doesn't bring anyone up on X
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It's @Klomb0, not Klombo. C'mon, Anon, this is third grade stuff.
It's not blueberry exactly but it's Wonka related? Does anyone have the "veruca puff" pic from Nemo3313? They seemed to have removed it which is a bummer since it's always Violet that gets blown up.
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Everything you said is a prime example of things artists do to impede themselves.

>if I had any faith in my ability to write smut

Faith without action is just wistful, lackadaisical hope. Try hoping in one hand and shitting in the other, see which one fills up first.

The way you strengthen faith in your abilities is through work and experience. There are things that can't be earned except through doing. Even if you make something terrible, at least you have something concrete to look at and see, "okay, this, this, and this are wrong," and then you can focus on improving those things so they won't be problems. They might even become strengths. James Earl Jones used to have a debilitating stutter, you know.

>didn't want to take time away from my """serious""" writing.

So you actually do know how to write adequately? Then you must already be familiar with principles of good writing. All that applies just as much to erotica as it does to standard fiction. Hell, fetish fiction is even easier to write and hold people's interest, because the sex appeal is a built-it hook.

>proceeded to lose pretty much all motivation and horniness

That's an issue with inspiration and conviction, then. For things that take greater effort and time to complete, you need something longer burning than ephemeral arousal. It's like the difference between trying to run a marathon fueled by carbs or sugar.

>my [slow burn] style[...]has very niche appeal

Now you're just sabotaging yourself. Interest in slow burning stories isn't so small that it's niche. There are a lot of people who prefer slow burners.

What you said should be a red flag to you for your motives, if you're thinking less about making what kind of art that means the most to you and more about what you think will be more popular. If you really wanted popularity above all, you'd just write banal factory tour checklist stories

TL;DR: Stop being your own worst enemy anon, and make some art that satisfies you, for you
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tfw no helpless permaberry gf
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more effort is required
Having been turned into a helpless being that is an object of ridicule or disgust by most, she is surprised to find that I would love her. That anyone would want her, let alone view her as an object for lust or love.
Is this the only fetish that can be traced back to one specific movie?
Pears are good, though how people approach the complications of the tapered shape of the fruit and it's compatibility issues with the human form vary wildly, subsequently effecting the appeal of any given pear inflation for me.

Me, for whatever reason, I've found myself becoming especially fond of girls turning into pumpkins over the years. It's odd in a way, because pumpkins are like an opposite of blueberries, in size and color. I haven't quite psychoanalyzed myself enough to determine the reason, but maybe it's just because I saw that one sequence by Opik Oort and began to realize girls could be just as sexy when turning into other fruits, too.

(Thank comic turned ten years old this month... fuck, I'm getting old...)

Speaking of pumpkin girls, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
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Try this.

Seems manipulative when you put it like that...

You asked the same question (almost word-for-word) on the last thread, and the answer is the same: no... or at least, I don't think so. Like was said on the last thread, multibreast fetishism could be linked to the 1990 film Total Recall, might even go as far back as the 1972 album Monty Python's Previous Record. Modern macrophilia was probably heavily influenced by the ever-so-subtlety titled Attack of The 50-Foot Woman (1958), just as microphilia probably hit an evolutionary leap with not one, but two films about Sinbad the sailor (Captain Sinbad in 1963 and The 7th Voyage of Sinbad in 1958) that both feature a shrunken woman as a significant plot point. But both macro and microphilia could have taken root in the impressionable minds of the youth as early as 1951's Alice in Wonderland. Granted, that film certainly was not made to be fetishized, but neither was Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (... I think...)

It was already mentioned that furries began life in the 1940s, as a clique of the underground comics scene's sardonic response to the anthropomorphic characters of Walt Disney cartoons, but what wasn't mentioned is that one of the biggest characters to come out of that scene, Fritz the Cat, was made into a 1972 independent animated film of the same name, and on top of being Ralph Bakshi's writing and directorial debut, is also one of the most financially successful X-rated films ever made (earning $90,000,000 on only a $700,000 budget).

Another anon with a much more apt knowledge of fetishes in film could do a better job tracing kinks to films than I, but the point still stands that this isn't the only one. However, blueberry inflation is probably the most specific fetish to have arisen from a single film (which, come to think, might be a contributing factor for why factory tour fetishists are so incorrigibly autistic about the details of the inventing room scene)
>You asked the same question (almost word-for-word) on the last thread
Missed it, sorry. Thanks for the detailed answer. Very informative.
Not the one you replied to, but, this is honestly really inspiring. Thank you.
As someone who started writing thanks to these threads years and years ago, just fucking go for it. You'll never know until you try. And you'll be surprised just how enjoyed your work may be.

In other words, write it. You got an idea? Write it. Share it. And then do another when you get critiques. Writers are a dying breed in this, we can always use more of us.
Thanks. I've actually since started working on another inflation story and am making good progress so far. It's (again) not-berry though, so it'll probably be in the other thread if I end up posting it.
>banal factory tour checklist stories
It's funny you mention this as I've been toying with the concept of a murder mystery based on CatCF for a while now. The concept just seems too good to pass up, although I'm not sure how fetishy I'd end up making it.
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Doesn't have to be berry. Any inflation will do. The important piece is to just write and create as you see fit.

Now that I'm home from the holidays, I'm planning to get cracking on a new piece myself.
Does anyone else especially like the leaking juice aspect of berry inflation? Stuff like the realistic parts of being horny all the time and constantly leaking juice from your pussy and nipples. It's very rare to find art or writing that focuses on this, and I want to know if anyone here has other examples of this.

Is blueberry DE-flation a thing?
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You mean juicing?
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Be careful what you wish for...
i would never get tired of it
Always felt a bit too close to self-messing for my liking to be honest, plus it kinda' feels anathema to a fetish based on people filling up with something to the extreme. If anything, I prefer the idea of a girl berry being so corked up i takes "special treatment" or brute force to finally blow her load to the point she's got to carefully moderate her intake or even certain behaviors and even thoughts lest she start blowing up at an inconvenient time.
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I find that a bit surprising since I view leaking juice as adjacent to lactation fetish, which is fairly common.
You're welcome. Hope this helps spur you to create art of your own!.

At the risk of taking off your mask at the Eyes Wide Shut party, do you have anything you've made that you'd like to share here?

You're welcome. It's good to know you've pried yourself out of that funk for the time being. Let us know if you post.

I don't inherently hate factory tours. There are factory tour stories I've liked that have strayed from merely being convention confirmation bias, even a few that are more traditional but which had the writer's distinct take on the format. I hate paint-by-the-numbers stories with less room for novel ideas and creativity than an Indian musical, where every single story beat is just a regurgitation of moments from either movie or meta tropes.

A chocolate factory murder mystery is certainly a unique take on the setting... because no one's even tried mashing those two diametrically opposed tones. Erotic factory tours are built on child-like awe, wonderment, & magical thinking, plus trust and vulnerability of the sexual (even in masochistic stories, there is comfort in expectations fulfilled). Mysteries however are built on suspense, tension, intrigue, deceit, and quests for the truth. A mystery is essentially a logic puzzle, which puts it into conflict with the magic candy factory setting; that's why one of Ronald Knox's 10 Commandments of Detective Fiction is: "2: All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course." (Speaking of which, I highly recommend looking up Knox's commandments as a writing guide.)

The only ways I could think to write an erotic factory tour murder mystery is if the murders being solved were exploded victims, but my disdain for fatal popping is so great I'm hesitant to even suggest it; exploding is just hyper-gore snuff porn wearing the skinned face of inflation. That, or the detective for whatever reason has/is forced to undergo multiple transformations to solve the case.
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The basic premise for the story I mentioned is something like this:
>Willy Wonka is murdered
>Five famous detectives are called in to investigate
>One-by-one, however, they end up falling victim to various ironic "accidents"
>Who's the culprit?
The set-up just fits too perfectly, to the point where, as I said, it doesn't even need to be fetishy to have appeal. That said, if I ever wrote a fetish version, I'd definitely try to keep the actual death to a minimum (maybe none at all), or at least focus everything on whoever gets to be Violet and her transformation from Brilliant Detective to Berry Detective.
Another factory tour concept I like (this one for 100% horny reasons) is having the Violet stop chewing/get juiced quickly/end her juicing early and try to forcibly stay with the tour group. It lends itself to a lot of scenarios and character interactions, since I doubt Wonka planned to have to deal with an overly determined, waddling berry girl.

As for what I'm writing now, progress continues. It's turning into a supernatural mystery-themed story because I apparently can't help myself (and also because I was watching Undead Girl Murder Farce when I started writing it), but I like to think I know enough about the genre to make it work. As for the Knox Commandments, they were never intended to be that serious in the first place and mystery novels (in Japan at least) have long since moved past them, so I don't trouble myself with them all that much.
Lactation's one thing (and I fuckin' love me some milking, believe you me) but you can only see so many pics of a girl standing/sitting in a puddle of her own juices and her bottoms absolutely drenched and vividly stained before that connotation cements itself.
>anything you've made that you'd like to share here?
If you've visited /vp/ at all in the last few years you've likely run into my berry stories. I've done other stuff but the only berry content has been Pokemon related - thus far, at least.

This is a smaller piece I did about a year back. Never published it, but it's short and sweet.
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Who says permaberries need to be juiced? Maybe I'd just keep them spherical.
Does anyone know what happened to goodnotgreat? They made a ton of art on that one forum and then just vanished.

Also anyone got the source on pic related? I forgot
Weird I don't remember this one on their twitter or on their patreon through kemono. Do they post anywhere else? They need to do more Violet and Veruca stuff.
Might be a case of deleted and lost to time. I haven't had luck finding that image in ehentai archives or reverse image search.
big berry women
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Not really into "bad ends" but peril as a result of turning into a berry gets me good. Like I want things okay, but the implication of otherwise? That's nice stuff
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was wondering if anyone had access to this new motherload of stuff by blueberryverse?
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I think watermelons are a fun option. And I feel like it's a category that I see a lot of, but never see people talk about.

Especially in writing, watermelon inflation/transformation has a lot to play off of. The way people describe the spread of color over the body, or how the skin texture feels, or how the seeds play into the inflation are all aspects that watermelons enjoy over regular blueberries.

And I was never big into targeted expansions. Breast and ass? maybe. But just belly alone? I think I'm good.

A separate question for everyone, are there any new and up-and-coming artists/writers that you'd suggest?

I've been keeping my eye on BlueberryMercenary since I've liked what they've been writing so far. He's just a little bit on the sadism/humiliation side, but I think it's good.
nope, sorry
I had an random idea today for a story about an inflation-based penal colony, but I have nothing beyond that right now. Basically, a bunch of female felons would be shipped to an island and experimented on, resulting in all kinds of berry/pear/melon/whatever transformations. Just not sure where to go with it or what fruits to turn the bitches into. I think it could be hot if I could work up the motivation to do it
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I'd read it, even better if there were art or even a comic of it. You could make it a dystopian future where food supplies worldwide have been wiped out, and turning female prisoners into giant produce is a solution to food shortages. Could even include female cattle transformations with milking as well.
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I love humiliated berries so much
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I miss anysizebut small
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Timely pic for the upcoming 2.2 Update for CP2077
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It's seen pitifully infrequently, but berry sex is such a delicious concept
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Well, there's certainly a premise for a functioning story there, but then comes the exponentially more complex and difficult matter of execution.

For a story like this, just looking at the concept as a whole from this far off, I think your best bet might be to keep the intensity of the fetish-related bits somewhat mild, where the entire erotic hook is just each detective's "accident" and watching (figuratively speaking) it happen. Doe as much as I enjoy these kinds of stories to be extremely sensual, like I said early, a key of detective fiction is tone, and much of that comes through tension: a most dangerous game of wits between the detective and the culprit. Drama builds steam, while erotic fiction is meant to, "let off steam," so to speak... unless, you wanted to go the route of the detective gets turned into a blueberry part way through, and then has to fight against her own body's new prerogatives for long enough to solve the case, before impending orgasm leaves her in too much of a cum-brained stupor to concentrate much on anything.

Knox's Commandments are admittedly more like guidelines than actual rules. In fact, there's an anthology out there of ten stories by ten different authors, the axis of each being to completely invert each of Knox's commandments. But the whole point of Knox's rules points to the one unbreakable rule of all detective fiction fiction: internal consistency. Mysteries are a literary puzzle, and therefore have to present all the pieces beforehand, and for the pieces to connect objectively, for the reveal to be satisfying. As with any work of art, you have to know what the rules are, how they work, and why they're rules before you can bend or break them.

Otherwise, you get shit like Ruin Johnson's Knives Out movies, which are some of the worst, most insulting to your intelligence "mysteries" ever filmed.
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Why don't you guys make a regular infl general and post only blueberry?
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Because air inflation sucks and due to drama from a while before. You can find other inflation on /d/
What drama?
Too many separate instances to recount in an off-hand post, so I'll put it this way: if there's a way or an opportunity for a berryfag to be a complete and utter creep or autist to the point of gaining internet notoriety, they have and will do so and I don't think it'd be a stretch in the slightest to say the worst part of this fetish is a non-insignificant percentage of the people also into it.
Yeah in the end it's just better to leave it be. People are pains in the ass and too many try to start shit over clout, perceived slights, etc.
Anonymity prevails and keeping a low profile will never be a bad thing when it comes to this shit.
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Twelve days to Christmas, going to commemorate with a Christmas-themed berry post per day as we count down.

Original art by Better With Salt, recolor by ViviBerryGal.
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That's a very appropriate statement, since that pic is a color edit lol
Berry blowjobs are so hot and so unfortunately rare
Eleventh day to Christmas.
axel rosered?
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Also a color edit lol
Tenth day to Christmas, with the follow-up to the previous pic.
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Ninth day to Christmas, with a secret Santa gift as blast form the past, from Derpaggedon to CobaltReverie.
I like watermelon inflation, but it's pretty rare to see good art of it. and even more rare to read good stories for it. What have been some of your favorites stories on the subject?

As time has passed, I have become more drawn to full body inflation over just any of the 3Bs myself.

>recommending BlueberryMercenary

If you haven't hear, I hate to break it to you anon, but BlueberryMecenary has already announced he's retiring and deleting his account.

Short story is apparently he thought writing erotic fiction and being reasonably popular for it would take too much time out of his personal life, so he said he's deleting his account within a week as that leaving it up would be too tempting for him to return... that was six days ago. It's almost impossible to tell if this is just going to be another Burstoid situation (where he makes this huge deal announcing his departure, only to come back three weeks later), so if you have anything of his that you want to saved, now is your last chance to do it.

Let this be another lesson to you anons: ALWAYS. SAVE. WORK. YOU. LIKE, because you never know when the day will come that it'll all be gone.
Eighth day to Christmas. Get festive!
Maybe it would help if I remembered to post the picture. (Certified dumbass moment.)
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Damn; I forgot to upload yesterday, so screw it, have the seventh and sixth both right now.

Seventh (blueberry picture per) day to Christmas.
Sixth day to Christmas.
Fifth day to Christmas.

Speaking of blasts from the past, on Christmas day, this picture will be turning seventeen years old.

(Am I the only one keeping this thread alive right now? Jesus Christ...)
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i'm with you brother. i'll post a few.
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rest of that sequence is too big, filesize wise
well that's a shame
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Fourth day to Christmas. Getting down to the wire!

On a somewhat unrelated note, for some reason, maybe it's the contours of the face and her smug, self-assured attitude, but Cake's rendition of Violet here is a bit reminiscent to me of Lucy Van Pelt from the Peanuts comic/franchise. It's hard to believe I never saw the Charles M. Schultz influences in Cake's distinct style before, but I can't unsee it now. It actually makes me want to see the whole Peanuts gallery in his style; seems like something he'd have a ton of fun with, especially with the aforementioned Lucy and Snoopy.

Free online image compression websites are wonderful things. The one on ImageResizer dot com managed to get the file of the embedded image from over 8 MB to under 2.5 MB, without any loss in data, resolution, size, or quality.
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i posted about blueberry misato in the last thread so i decided to be the change i wanted to see in the world
please let me know what you think
I missed a daily post to Christmas again. God damn it.

Well, here's the third day to Christmas post.
Second day to Christmas. Almost hard to believe it's getting so close.
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It took me longer than I would have liked, but I did manage to finally finish the story I was working on. As mentioned previously it's not berry related, so it's in the other thread, but I did want to pop by and thank all the anons here for the advice and encouragement I received.
One day, the last day, to Christmas!

That's wonderful to hear that the both of you found the inspiration and resolve to create something! Unfortunately, I'm quite busy working on a piece of my own (it needs to be done before or by Christmas), and I'll be very busy on the big day, too, but I'll give them a look and write a review of them on either on their respective threads, if not the stories themselves within the next few days.

Thanks again for contributing!
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it's very interesting to say the least though I'm not quite sure I follow
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Oh my fucking god, that pic. Hell, that series. Those doomed me to this fetish forever, god damn (bless) you, bellymanga
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Are there telegram or discord groups for blueberry tf
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yes but you need to be invited, you can't just go out and find them
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So I was originally planning to mention how I didn't have any berry stories in the docket when I wrote this post, but I'm glad I didn't because it turns out that would have been a fucking lie. I sat down and started work on what's intended (at the moment) to be a three-part series a few days ago, and just finished the rough draft of the first. I would have liked to post it alongside the second, but I'm going somewhere for the next week or so and am not sure how much time I'll have to work on it, so I figured I'll just put what I have here in hopes of receiving some feedback during that period.

I had to find an alternative website because it ran afoul of Pastebin's naughty words filter. Unfortunately, said alternative does an equally poor job of preserving formatting. The beginning in particular is far messier than it should be, but without further ado, here it is:
new Neon Genesis Evangelion blueberry story for any interested!
Thought it was a fun read. Interested to see more.
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Here, have a color edit. Ashley gets infected with the B-virus.
Are you going to do more for this?
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Do any of you know of authors that do slice of life or character drama stories like these?

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I enjoyed it a lot, though I have one nitpick.

When she states she's a 1-ton blueberry, the text says she's probably not that far off, however, a sphere with a 12ft diameter (assuming based on the statement that the ceiling is 12 feet high) filled with water would weigh over 56000 lbs. With juice it'd be slightly more, but water is easier as far as math goes.
any more like that? hard to find such niche content
>but water is easier as far as math goes.
Who said she's all water?
No one said she's water. She's filled with juice.
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Well if we're talking blueberries it may be better to assume she has a similar mass-to-weight ratio of an actual blueberry. Square-cube law and all that. Or Circle-sphere law. I dunno.
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Forgot to mention it since I was busy with the holiday, but the day after Christmas 2024 marked it being a full year since Milk10pm last posted. This was his last known picture.

It's safe to say that all his accounts are dead.

Hell, he might actually be dead himself.
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This exact topic was covered just over three years ago, when the blueberry inflation threads were still on /d/, with this comment:
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10012664/#q10025094, but here's the short version:

According to the online kitchen calculator Aqua-Calc, one cubic foot of only blueberries weighs about 39.05 pounds. The formula to calculate the volume of a sphere is (4/3)πr^3, so a 12ft sphere would have a volume of approximately 904.779 cubic feet. At 39.05 pounds per cubic foot, times 904.779 cubic feet, would mean that a 12 foot tall blueberry would weigh about 35,332 pounds, or over seventeen and a half tons.
What's your discord we can talk about blueberry tf if you want
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No Patrick, long hiatuses doesn't mean they're dead. They probably retired without announcing.
That is true; just because he hasn't posted and no one has heard from him in over a year doesn't mean 10pm is dead.


10pm is (was?) also bipolar and chronically depressed, who joined Twitter in November 2020 at the height of the rainbow cult's prominence, was immediately beset by them, and ultimately seduced into embracing being a transtrender and put "preferred" (read: incorrect) pronouns in his bio. The odds that he didn't merely retire in silent, unceremonious shame and instead "retired" like he was a replicant in Blade Runner is about, oh, 41%.

Damn shame; he seemed like a nice kid, and his art was, and is, fantastic. The way he drew girl's disconcerted about their inflations and nervously touching themselves, as if both a vain attempt to force down the swelling and feebly trying to grasp what's happening as their new bodies betray them and grow beyond their control, was some of the best of its theme, and the diametric opposite of girls reveling in their inflations/transformations or absolutely adorning being blueberries was as sweet and precious as it was sexy... but now we're probably never going to get any more... or finally see the completed sequence of Lisa Minci turning into a giant pumpkin.

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Ah yes, because creating a conspiracy theory based on little evidence about an artist in a niche fetish space killing themselves is more sane than the 'rainbow cult'.

Ever consider that maybe, they weren't manipulated into becoming trans and instead discovered that other's experience it? Almost like how we all found out at a teens age that other people feel the same way about one scene in a movie and had our feelings validated. You think we all were seduced by the blueberry cult?

Lots of artists retire without announcing in many communities. Many of them have mental illness like depression or bipolar disorder, and many of them identified as various shades of the rainbow. We gonna assume they're dead too?
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Now this is some autism I can get behind.
The weight I gave in the draft is something that "felt" right at the time but in retrospect it's definitely way too light. I've since sized her down a bit and revised the estimation (by adding a zero lmao).
Something that almost made it into this part and is probably going to be in the next is her weight having created a visible dent in the floor/ceiling of the part of the house where she inflated.
very good points
Not sure how you managed to get a tin foil hat that tight, but you're cutting off blood-flow.

This looks promising, hopefully whoever they are, the figures aren't just traced.
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Honestly though I think you're both wrong because I disctinctly remember 10pm putting out an announcement that they were quitting the fetish. I remember it distinctly because I was dismayed to hear it but thought, "Oh well, this isn't the most stable fetish anyways."

If ten managed to get out of this shit, then good on them. It's always a shame when an artist quits but at the same time given how utterly demented we can be, I don't blame anyone for taking the door.
Considering how many "cOnSpIrAcY tHeoRiEs" have turned out to be objectively true in the last few years, you'd think the NPCs would catch on and stop using that as a label to mark as an enemy anyone who fractures their fairy fuck bubbles of myopia and willful ignorance... if one was to falsely assume NPCs were capable of independent thought. "Conspiracy theory" is the real-life equivalent term for "wrong-think."

I never even said that I entirely believed 10pm is dead by his own hand, just that there are enough indications to suggest it's a possibility... but it's times like these that I'm also reminded that something like 90% people with a <90 IQ are too fucking retarded to be able to engage with hypotheticals.

Well, if you know about the phenomenon in behavioral psychology of hyper-stimulus/exaggerated response...


Whoa, hang on, *buddy.* I never said "manipulated," I said "seduced."

This is what's called "telling on yourself," like when Florida passed a law that codified the illegality for ANY public school employee to talk to enrolled minors under the age of 12 about ANY kind of sexual topics without written parental consent, and the rainbow flaggots screamed bloody murder that it was "homophobic discrimination."

You can't see it, but know that I am very, very cynically and condescendingly smirking with gleeful disregard very hard in your general direction.

To ideologues and idiots, pattern recognition looks like insanity.

Do you have a link to that specific post or posts? I silently followed Ten's account for years, and I never saw such an announcement. In fact, the last tweet he ever made on 12/26/2023 enthusiastically proclaimed he "should be able to continue [commission] work soon" and thanked his clients for their patience.
> In fact, the last tweet he ever made on 12/26/2023 enthusiastically proclaimed he "should be able to continue [commission] work soon" and thanked his clients for their patience.

Do you know how many times people do that and still disappear off of the face of the earth? Hell, I did it on old accounts for things I was working on and no one was the wiser. Sometimes you just move on or have shit happen. For all we know they could be dead.
Speculating on dumbassery and just claiming they were trans is such an absurd leap.
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Seduction is a form of manipulation. To manipulate is to control or influence, to seduce is to entice. Whether the intent is good or bad, mutual or not, seduction is influencing someone into a course of action, therefore, manipulation.
Jesus Christ people...this shit is exactly why these threads aren't on /d anymore
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tbf it's literally one autistic schizo who doesnt realize the irony of complaining about trans people whilst simultaneously posting in a blueberry fetish thread.

also judging by his typing style, im also fairly certain its the same anon who got these threads kicked off /d/ for spamming similar tirades
Jesus, he's still going. Can you imagine spending that much time and effort on something that:
A) you don't even like
B) even if your ridiculous crusade somehow worked, it really wouldn't mean much of anything.

goddamn, that is a sad sad life.

>beengineer does berry animations
woo-hoo xmas just keeps on givin'.
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Yes, I know that happens. I've probably forgotten more MIA artists that you can remember, but sometimes disappearance due to death also happens. I've seen that before, too.

>" For all we know they could be dead."

What the fu... then why are you even fighting me about this? That's been the point I've been making this entire time! I know "gone from the internet" does not mean "dead," and I don't want that to be the case, but 10pm openly exhibited issues that sadly lead people to commit suicide more often than normal. But I merely bring up that it's a possibility, however minuet, and y'all act like a gang of children that I just told Santa Claus isn't real.

>"just claiming they were trans"


Screenshots of 10's Twitter archived on Wayback Machine show 10 had written "any pronouns IDGAF" in his bio as late as June 2023. This is even still the case for his also abandoned Fur Affinity account. It wasn't until late in his history of activity that he labeled his "preferred" pronouns on Twitter and DA to "she/they" and started drawing himself looking more feminine. This post https://x.com/milk10pm/status/1513650189164179460 of him grappling with his sexual interests over the years even depicts himself changing from presenting as masculine to feminine IN REAL TIME.

10 being trans isn't some shit I'm making up, it's objective, immutable, publicly available fact that you'd already know if you had even a cursory knowledge of his posting history beyond artwork, or spent five minutes researching for yourself.

I'm done. I will speak no more of this, either speculations of 10pm's status, or to you. You are clearly too incompetent of character to waste time on conversation with.

Good day, sir.
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Finally got around to finishing the second part . Both it and the original have been combined into one and posted on DA (alongside the other story I wrote.) As always, feedback is appreciated.

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I'm the Anon who believed seeing a post about Ten quitting. Didn't want to reply until I could find concrete evidence but unfortunately everything I checked pointed to me seeing that post on Deviantart....and I remember Ten having one but they/he/attack helicopter must have deleted it because I can't find it any more.

I did check Twitter just to be sure and yeah there was a post about commissions before going silent so I suppose that lends credence to the dead theory?

Either way I'm pretty convinced we won't be seeing Ten again and that's a shame but, well, that's just how it goes in this fetish. You make art, you go crazy, then you die.
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Your opinion has been noted and appropriately discarded.
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Because that's pointless gibberish?
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Is it thought?
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