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Post futanari/newhalf/shemale with female images or stories with futa x female characters. My small example being the "benefitship" visual novel on steam. (highly recommend, go buy it, only 3 bucks, go support)

Also please no fighting, we're here to fap right?
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I've been meaning to finally give WoW a shot for the longest time. Every time I see night elf or draenei futa/f stuff it makes me want to try it out. Anyone know if there's still an active RP scene on any of the WU servers? And if so, what girls do the futa/dickgirl players usually go for? Human? One of the types of elves?
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EU, not WU lol. I guess NA is probably fine too, idk how their servers work.
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This artist does really good stuff, the only problem is that they are a huge scammer. I just so happen to be one of the victims.
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Dang. I'm sorry to hear that anon.
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What a good girl she is for mommy!
If you're going to bump every thread at least have something to contribute ready.
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In loving memory of the dickgirl Rava who quit playing.
Miss you Raven. Nobody will ever fill my fiddie's holes like you did.
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That's enough spam from me again.
Now I'm horny AND sad. /blogpost
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you have my salute soldier
I fucking hate posts like this, go back to the rule34.xxx comments section you gross fucking freak.
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Very nice.
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aaaand that'll do for now. Thread once again safe from my spam.
Time to finger myself to sleep.
Happy fapping and a bonus happy Thanksgiving to NA anons.
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Approved of seal
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it's fine
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I appreciate it. Though I am talking to them again and said that if I retell them what my com was from 2 years ago they will work on it. Not getting my hopes up but at least it's something
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I love futa Starfire so much it's unreal.

>At least it's something.
Yeah, this is true. I suppose they could have a legit reason for somehow forgetting but in that case they should've offered you a full refund and an apology, not waited two years for you to reach out to them again. Either way, I'll be praying you get your piece or your money back anon.
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Thanks man, I hope so too! Also yes starfire with a cock is goated.
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>last remaining futabunny RP friend is quitting XIV too

I want out of this cursed timeline already.
Time to spam this thread and copeschlick again.

Hope everyone's having a good day!
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And now the captcha's being a nightmare. Woo.
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Did he try to rhyme doll with roll?
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_uta x umi
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I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
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I wish someone else would make comics like rino99. He has some porn plots I dig, like a blacksmith and apprentice getting jiggy with it, and he has his futas be muscular without making them grotesque and dominant while still being somewhat romantic and erotic, but at the same time his art is extremely samey and I don't like his fixation with anal, probably because he has variants(futa on female/futa/male) of everything he draws.
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Haven't dropped in to ruin the thread in about four days (you're welcome) so I guess it's time again.

I'm really only into futa/f stuff rather than futa/futa for self-insert reasons and Raven's definitely more of a taker than a giver imo (yes I'm autistic as fuck) but I respect you bringing back the Titans theme.
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Uno card:
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Power of door-door
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Would volunteer as Stormtrooper
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brother that's two cocks in that image there
where do you see that?
It Robin ability
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This protagonist gender is canon
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Fuse doubled
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Is it just me, or are they drawn like Baki characters?
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Wrong thread
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Lara Croft?
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We need more nursing handjobs wih futas.
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Ass we can!
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aurora and nami (league of legends)
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how thicc is too thicc?
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i wish futas were real
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New Rigid3D vid dropped
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Human Futa x Monster Female is a pretty hot combo
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Part 2
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part 1 is better
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Nice, like this one.
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Where's the female?
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Does anyone have the other versions from thier patreon?
Inside the tree
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Try mod Beefa
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Is there any more to this set? No booru hits.
Even artist name would be nice, since I assume it's somebody's ERP commission and that might be it for those characters in particular, but the style is great
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think that's all, sorry anon
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Happy New Year anons!
New Nyl is out:
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Much improved than new Witcher 4 trailer
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Anon, please stop being so /pol/-and-porn-brained. Ciri is objectively still hot - not as hot as she used to be tho.
Her appearance in the trailer is also not her definitive look in the game, since every W3 trailer featured a different-looking Geralt.
agreed, they walled her hard in the new game apparently
Politic? Polish dev shouldn’t hire dei "lore" designer, which no sexy woman.
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Jimmy do deserve her?
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Witcher 4 unused cutscenes.
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I wish anon. We already had lesbomancy, so it should be time for futamancy.
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Schneenis sexo
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>undercover futa thread on /v/ reached 450 replies in just a few hours
>regularly have to bump futa threads on /aco/ from page 9 or 10
What gives? Is this place so devoid of life or have anons simply stopped caring?
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lol is that sextuplets happening there?
Alas. Thank you anyway.
Why's this thread all flaccid and sad?
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limp flaccid relaxed sexual organs wanting to be left ALONE
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Too bad.
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La Putanari
thought her hair on the left was making a heart shape for a moment there

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