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/mfg/ - Masked/Faceless General
Previous Thread: >>8568448

>No futa
>No male on male
>No racebaiting
>No gas or onara
>No drama
>No AI 'art'

Happy Thanksgiving
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OP here, hope the artists from last thread make a reappearance, it's always nice to see new stuff! Don't be discouraged if you don't see your stuff being reposted right away, I usually just grab the last 6 images from the previous thread to dump in the new one to get it started
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New thread new bread
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I'll allow it
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Moooore Spl4ts
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I dunno why but Gwenpool is one of the few masked faces that I find disturbing instead of arousing
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lol sorry to hear that anon, is it the half-masked face?
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who doesn't love spl4ts
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Gotta love the plague doctors
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Some guy posted space porn last thread so here's some others
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quite nice desu
I imagine there'd be a pale blue hotdog down a suspended sunbeam issue though
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god faceless women are hot, and I'm thankful dazzlelizz exists
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I miss the glory days of Reach ass, it was perfect
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>"Reach Ass"
>*looks inside*
>Halo 5

Is he stupid?
no anon I was simply stating I prefer reach ass to what I am looking at
it's not very appealing, it looks off
also where's all the armor, that's part of the appeal
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New Abnormal Shift update is live.

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Added note but we're gonna play around with the design of the characters' gas mask for Chapter 1. We won't stray too far from what we got but just alter it a bit. A major thing is the table is making Novy's eyes look more 'girly' which may apply to all the female guards.
Ah forgive my ignorance anon. Personally I like both, but I can see why you would prefer reach.
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For whatever reason there's a thread that's just about photoshopping peoples faces away, but they had one decent image
cool beans
what do you mean by table?
dunno how I feel about this one
Just a typo as I meant 'major thing on the table'

Chapter 0 is really a test run. I've been getting feedback to improve things in Chapter 1 not just in design but character presentation too. Though may be hard for people to cast full opinion when there's only 6 pages live currently.
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Someday I should post a list of all the people I get these from since it's starting to feel like I got a daily supply of masked ladies to post now.
please do, we used to post lists of artists a year or two ago
she's a cutie
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Now this, I really like
>glass bowl helmet, but has stylized features and hair vents
>ample chest support (flat is justice), cool coat
>navel ToT
>two big tracts of land
>big hands for hugs
>no ridiculously big heels that would be impossible to run around in
Good faceless waifu
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She looks very happy. This makes me wonder anons, how many of you are fine with emotional expressions on the face(less)? I'm pretty fine with it but I imagine some prefer absolutely no emotional display outside of like, body language and such.
I'm sure most faceless enjoyers are more than fine with stuff that makes no sense but is still cute, like blushes through a helmet, or the eyes showing expression
Cartoony/mob faces are okay, and eyeless with a detailed mouth ones are too, especially if they have plump DSLs and a long tongue. Detailed eyes only would throw me off though. The key is to not have visible skin or facial structures with whatever facial features are there.
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I really like this design
as long as the bottom half of the face is obscured, I'm good
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any good artists that do halo stuff? I already know of spartandoodles, ankhaijit is alright when he's not indulging his foot fetish, methados lost his style, rube's halo comic part 2 is on permanent hiatus, etc.
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Llamasarepink does a lot of Halo stuff alongside Titanfall
where's the clown nose and wig?
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You're right my bad, here's the HONK for you
pretty decent but only has a page or two on rule34.xxx
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Spl4ts has been posting again and they've drawn a lot of halo content
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hell yeah
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Does she still have the schizo moments?
one would hope
Sexy schizo moments?
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Silksong soon. I feel it in my bones!
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Merry Christmas fellow mask lovers
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Wife material
would marry 10/10
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Chapter 0 is almost done but we decided to update the mask designs for Chapter 1. Added some new details to Novy's eyes cause it looks cute.
She does look like a 100% cutiepie goon
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Link to thread?
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I'm sorry anon I think it fell off the board I can't find it.
I want to cum on it
Let's keep this one alive
If you want to actually keep it alive, post content.
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get in line
kino thread
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The line starts behind me.
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so long as I'm not at the back of it I guess
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I'd report your heresy, but the commissar would shoot me for having an erection.
Big titty tech priests are definitely at the top of Pavlov's needs for your average guardsman
it's hip to fuck masked women
only on saturdays
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We were saving this for Valentine's Day but I like you anons so here's a look at some art my bud did before it's inked.
Looks nice, man
Novy is great, I think she'd appreciate a line up of people to test the waterproof seal on her mask.
I won't lie that I was gonna suggest that idea after seeing the other posts. My friend sent me the design before I could say it and I didn't wanna ask for a change cause this was him doing me a favor.

Next time, I've got you guys.
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love the armor here
that navel is prime for blasting with baby batter, inside and out
That's literally just her body.

I hate how this artist's style isn't just blobby and formless, but also removes the one reason Warframes would fit in this thread by giving them a (usually shitty) face
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... is this FFXIV
Yeah, though I've never played it so I can't tell you anything else about it
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Arti wore it better
It's a classic fit
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And here's the other side of the board

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