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Helltaker General #169

Beels, Bubs, and Beauty Edition
Welcome to /htg/, the Helltaker game general.
Post art, gameplay, tips, how much you want to [cuddle] a demon, autistic fanfic, whatever is related to the game.

>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/
>itch.io: https://vanripper.itch.io/helltaker

>"What is Helltaker?"
Helltaker is short, free to play puzzle game in which you control a man who journeys into the depths to Hell to make a dream of creating a harem of sharp dressed demon girls a reality.

>"Why /htg/ and not something shorter?"
Because "/hg/" is used by Halo General.

>"Why a general for an hour-long game?"
Apart from typical waifu autism, Vanripper, Helltaker's creator, had considered making the game open source, meaning fan-made content and expansions.
Fan projects are also on the table, such as spin-off games, mods, and dating sims!
Also every 20 threads, and on certain holidays, join us for Harem Hellfighters!

>Level Editor Mod

>Full game/achievements guide

>Helltaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iybUh3-WtfE [Embed] [Open] [Open]

>Examtaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uGNdQLIUtw [Embed] [Open] [Open]

>Vanripper's Twitter

>Vanripper HT comic archives

>Vanripper stream archives

>Helltaker Booru

>/htg/ Archives

>previous thread: >>8587108
THe Fli is very fuckable:
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Bitch Tits:
Buff Bitch:
nice subject dumbass
Nah, she's still sexy.
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IMO she doesn't get enough love.

More Buff Bitch:
I would lick ever single inch of her musky, sweaty body.
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But enough of that bitch demon. Have some real muscle mommy member of the harem.
Posting Best Girl
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add to that she's probably coated in a layer of nicotine residue
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More Glasses Bitch:
What won't she do for pancakes?
Become an angel again.
I demand more muscle demons.

Ask, and you shall receive:
That's what I'm talking about!
Her favorite position?
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IMO cowgirl is her default, but for the most part she likes rough
I love the faces she makes, pure pleasure.
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Love me Charon, simple as.

Charon needs hugs:
that's why I like her. Zdrada pisses you off so you have angry sex with her but that was her goal all along
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Clever girl.
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Charon, the Weary Demon/Riverwarden of the Styx
"Be witness the oath of the gods, the relentless water of Styx."—Demeter, Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 260
"These Stygian waters are an object of fear to the gods and to Jupiter [Zeus] himself, that just as you mortals swear by the gods' divine power, so those gods frequently swear by the majesty of the Styx."—Apuleius, The Golden Ass 6. 13 ff
>Charon took the job of guarding the Styx and ferrying the dead across it when Hell was first occupied by demons
>At first she wondered why nobody wanted to take up the job
>She knows why now
>theriver'swater is poisonous and will dissolve any vessel floating on or containing it except one made of the hoof of a horse or a donkey
>It is also black, blacker than anything in Creation
>She's been on it so long that she's developed a hoarse voice and a cough, and sniffs often because of it's fumes
>Still, she's taken to being Riverwarden well enough, and is very protective of her river
>When she heard that Dis would be dumping its waste and toxic runoff into the Styx, she was furious
>She paddled right up to where Astaroth was planning the dumping grounds and slapped her right on the face
>"This is MY river! You're not gonna *cough* dump yer crap into my damn river!"
>"And what, pray tell, are you going to do about it? you're just a filthy, stinking imp~"
>"Oh, you'll see. *sniff, hack*"
>She petitioned Lucy for weeks, writing a letter to her every day to stop the dumping
>Eventually, Lucy responded, and a new path was made into a nearby canyon instead
>Charon is many things, but "stubborn" is her best and biggest trait.
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>Charon has allowed one mortal to go into the Styx: Achilles, who was dipped in by his mother
>She figured that the kid would make a fine hero someday, so why the hell not?
>Charon doesn't get many visitors to her home on the river, mostly because of the river itself, but Malina comes over occasionally
>Of course, she usually is there to drink, complain, and ask for more games, but it's good to have her over nevertheless
>Charon isn't paid as much as she used to
>Guess that people don't put gold coins on the eyes of the dead anymore
>At this point, she'll take any coin, even copper
>The same workload, if not more, for less pay
>She needs a vacation, but nobody wants to take over even temporarily
>So she paddles down her river, beating litterers with her paddle and feeling the current under her boat
>She lays down, looking at the inky blackness of Styx
>..."It's relaxing when you don't have to ferry people, just floating down my river without a care in Hell."
>"...I just wish I had someone to share it with..."
What books does she read?
Moby Dick.
What Charon sings while she crosses the Styx:


From the musical Showboat, this song made famous by Paul Robeson.
How would a woman sing that?
Proudly if she's Charon.
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Lucy's got a dress for every occasion and continent.
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>That hairline
No wonder she's pissed and wears bangs
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I still love her all the same.

Lucy is pure Sex in a Cheongsam:
What big eyes she has!
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In my fantasy she's a baddie that loves to turn people out
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All the more for Lucy to say to you 'Eyes Down Here!':
God I wanna run my hands over her bodysuit
>turn people out
As in, turn them into sex addicts?
She and Modeus collaborate a lot to do just that.

A rare Modeus in a Cheongsam:
I want to make hearts with her.
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Double dubs deserves another Lust Demon and her predecessor.
I'm thinking more along the lines of decedent hedonists, but sure why not.

nylon doesn't get enough love
>I'm thinking more along the lines of decedent hedonists
Like they'll start dropping responsibilities and live like slobs?
>decedent hedonists

Hedonists who are decent?
Just like Zdrada, yes.
She's quite indecent in private, ask the Knights Templar.
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I'm afraid to.
>Now playing: "The Ultimate Show"
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...or playing something else based on id Tech 7:

Dr. Samuel Hayden: 'The longer Baphomet is on Earth, the more Ara~ Ara~ she will become.'
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meant to type decadent, brain moves faster than fingers

Oh yes, Zdrada is very decadent:

Bitch is pure Sex in those fuck-me heels with ankle straps.
We all have a good idea as to how they size up from smallest to largest boobs
But how about butts?
How would you rank the helltaker girls (and prominent non-canon characters like Generic and Baphomet) by their ass sizes, smallest to largest?
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I like because she fits the trope of 'the kind of woman your mother warned you about'
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No matter the size, Lucy has the best bum hands on... I mean hands down:

...or perhaps I was right first time?!
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Right now, I can definitely say that Mammon is the smallest. Like her breasts, her ass is flat as a board.
Is she compensating?
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Every moment of her life is compensation, her whole life is a sham.
So George Costanza?
Pretty much, except with more money.
Now I want a "Seinfeld" parody with the Exiled Lords of Hell. We all know who Kramer would be.
a Helltaker 90s style sitcom would be interesting
Demon girls in just bra & panties:
Helltaker has more than earned his harem.
Even more buff bitch.
How fast can she drain my balls?
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>Beelzebub and Behemoth were having a playdate with Helltaker and his harem in Behemoth's room
>Helltaker and Azazel were asking questions about Behemoth
>"You know, I don't think I've ever seen her dad. Is he a femboy as well?"
>"I wish to know as well, Miss Beelzebub! Your daughter's choice of men must have a reason behind it!"
>Beelzebub blushed at Helltaker and Azazel's words
>"A-ah, well....yes. He's... quite the character...A bit of a....fa—er, girly let's say."
>Helltaker raised an eyebrow
>"Even more than Behemoth's staff?"
>"WAYYYYY moreso. I've kept him alive and well so long because I know that my Beebah loves him, and I just can't bring myself to break her heart!"
>Azazel's eyes light up and she gasps
>"Can we see him?! Please please please please please???"
>Beelzebub pauses for a moment and sighs
>She gets off Behemoth's colossal bed and leaves the room
>Several minutes later, Beelzebub walks back in
>Behemoth's dad twirls into the room, in a bright pink and baby-blue dress
>His heels were black and his stockings were striped red and green
>His hair was dyed neon purple, all the way down to his hips
>Even his glasses had glitter on them!
>He had the most flamboyant accent ever spoken, like this: https://youtu.be/s4a7Grarc_A?si=Ni799s_fBgvGGt-S
>He struck a pose and called out in a sing-song voice, “Hellooooooo, Beebah! Beebee’s been telling me allllll about your little friends!”
>Zdrada and Pandemonica shot each other a look that said “We are both thinking the exact same thing, but if we say it we are beyond screwed.”
>Justice, on the other hand, laughed her ass off
>Helltaker was as straight as a crossbow bolt, but damn if he wasn't tempted in that moment
>Lucifer was silently dying of laughter, slapping the bed in hysterics
>Beelzebub looked like she wanted to disappear
>Her husband sashayed over to Azazel and shook her hand
>"Salutations, my name is Maxwell! You must be the little sugar ball that wanted to know about little old me! Emphasis on the old~”
>Azazel paused before bombarding him with questions; even she didn't know what to think of him!
>Her questions mostly pertained to the circumstances of Behemoths birth, why he's so...him, and Beelzebub's relationship with him
>To the first, he gushed about how beautiful Behemoth was as a baby, and how proud he is of her
>"Why, I didn't even faint when I saw her coming out! And believe me, everyone else did~"
>To the second, he gestures to his rather feminine build and expresses how comfortable he is looking like how he does
>"Hon, do you REALLY think that THIS was EVER gonna be a warrior? I was doing my hair while everyone else was getting all sweaty and grunting in training! Not that I minded the view of course~"
>Beelzebub audibly groaned at that
>To the third, Maxwell goes into entirely too much detail about what he and Beelzebub do in private
>Behemoth gets visibly uncomfortable at this point, and squeaks at her dad to please stop talking about it
>"Trust me honey, you're not a femboy is you *don't* like your women big~ Beelzebub doesn't look it, but my BeeBee is a real *freak* in bed, not that I mind it when she brings out the—"
>"Daddy please, t-that's too much..."
>"Sorry my Poopy Girl, but I just LOVE your mother's attitude in bed~"
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>Maxwell eventually shifted back to Behemoth's birth, tears in his eyes as he spoke
>"I still remember when I first held her in my arms, resting her on my shoulder... I....*sob*, I made a promise to her that I would always protect her and care for her no matter what. she was so small...so... beautiful."
>Behemoth began to cry, overwhelmed by the amount of love her mom and dad have for her
>Maxwell began crying too, hugging Behemoth and petting her huge head
>Beelzebub came over to the bed as well to join in, holding back her own tears and failing
>"You're such a beautiful girl, Beebah... we're both proud of you, our sweet little girl."
>"I...I love you mommy, I l-love you daddy!"
>"We love you too, that's never going to change. No matter what you do, we'll always love you just as much as when you were a baby. You have such a beautiful eye."
>Helltaker and his harem could do nothing but watch a family reunited, driven by pure mutual unconditional love and understanding
>It was enough to make a grown demon cry, let alone the Helltaker himself
>And that's okay
I didn't ask for these feels, Lorebro.
>Beelzebub pauses for a moment and sighs
>She gets off Behemoth
I bet she does
I've started to follow a bunch of no name helltaker artists on twXtter and am looking for more.
Any suggestions?
No no no, no incest in that house. Behemoth is too precious.
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I want to hug this big girl.
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>Behemoth's dad is a fucking femboy
I absolutely love the way you think, so goddamn ridiculous yet it makes so much sense when you think about it m

Here's BIG Azzy bringing us blessings this Sunday:
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Here's a big Metatron judging people that call her Megatron:
That angle now a big demon with the nickname 'Megatron' and she doesn't care? You be the judge.
>Metatron a demon
Why would Enoch ever join Lucifer, he of all people knows what happens when demons have control.
Lewding up Judgement dressed an angle is Justice:
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Sprite i made of naked azzy, my goat

Don't know why, one day i thought it be fun to try and make nude sprites but i have no clue how to mod so this is all i have to show for it
forgot to post the link to the nude alt ;;

Nice tits, Azzy. Baphy agrees:
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Can someone translate what the poster on the right says?
Dunno, but Pande has nice legs
From what I can tell, I can see "Deceit" on it. The full thing probably says something like "DECEIT IN ALL DEALINGS – ALL EXCHANGES ARE WATCHED."
It's obviously anti-angel propaganda.
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I need pictures!
Pictures of Judgy in a suit!
>Judgement in a suot

Ask, and you shall receive:

I mean 'Suit'. Still, more Judgement in one:

...and a rare Glasses Judgement too.
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Why do glasses make girls look 20% better?

Dunno, but extra Lucy numbers require more Glasses Judgement:
More thunder thighs Judgement as well please.
>thunder thighs Judgement

Ask, and you shall receive:
I unironically want to kiss and lick Judgement's muscles.
Every high testosterone man does
>Sex Goddess Judgement

What does she love to do most?

Dominating men:
My favorite.
>thunder thighs Judgement

I know you'll like this:

>The tusk
Orc Judgement is still hot.
If she rode my dick, I'd cum buckets.
Why is it that it's such a big fetish?

Dunno, but here's more lickable... I mean likeable Judgement:
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I don't know. All I know is that seeing a hot woman with strong muscles and hard abs makes my pipi hard.
It's because a strong woman is a healthy woman, same reason why some girls like strong guys.
Absolutely breedable

As demon-strated by this artist >>8638161 , Judgement is very stylish:
I'm for sale if she's interested.
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Does Belial count as a muscle mommy?
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The amount of blush displayed by this Bunny Judgement is very acceptable
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"Rome was a highly militarized autocracy that effectively integrated the foreign cultures it conquered. It dedicated its citizens to something higher than themselves - to the idea of Rome itself... It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogenous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. Long-term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production."—Caesar, Fallout New Vegas
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." - Julius Caesar
"My principles are only those that, before the French Revolution, every well-born person considered sane and normal."—Julius Evola
>Belial was the first to swear allegiance to Lucifer when she rebelled against God, and was in the thick of the fighting
>There, she sustained many injuries, including two on her face, from Uriel
>She was the second-to-last to be thrown from Heaven, the last being Lucifer herself
>Since then, Belial has been a trusted advisor of Lucifer, and her most high-ranking commander
>she sees to the training of Hell's forces, and the operations of the IRA (Infernal Royal Army) on Earth
>Belial is all about antiquity, using gunpowder sparingly as she believes that a good soldier must know how to fight in close-quarters
>She dresses as the ancient Romans did, making her easy to spot when with the rest of the Elder Demons
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>Belial has a fiery temper; one moment she's calm and collected, the next she's pounding on the table because you brought her bad news
>Out of all demons, she is by far the most loyal to Lucifer, obeying her orders and decrees without question and issuing severe punishments to those that do not
>Such is her devotion that she's formed the "Cult of the Morning Star", a sect that can be found everywhere in Hell
>Usually worship is simple, lighting candles and treating their queen as one would treat a goddess
>Sometimes they go further, sacrificing animals and humans to her
>All are suicidally devoted to her, throwing themselves into combat against her enemies or even killing themselves to show their loyalty
>Lucifer will never forget how, when a demonic force failed against the angels, the legatus knelt before her, drew her sword, screamed "Long live the Morning Star!" and stabbed it into herself
>that girl refused all aid provided to her, pulling out her own guts as an offering to Lucy
>On the one hand, it's nice to have such devoted subjects as her. Belial certainly knows what she's doing with that
>On the other hand, holy shit.
>At least that cult is loyal...
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>Belial has been taking care of Hell along with Generic while Lucy's gone
>She's recently gotten reports from her scouts about where she's been this whole time
>"A human?! That mortal who came to Hell a while ago, she went with him?"
>"Yes Ma'am, along with the High Prosecutor, the former High Prosecutor, several other demons, and an angel."
>"How in the fucking...thank you, you are dismissed."
>Belial stood looking over the reports, unable to believe her eyes
>"I need to get there, she must have a good reason for being on Gaia. Generic!"
>Generic comes into the room and asks what the matter is
>"I'm going to Earth to find our queen. I assume that you can handle affairs until I get back?"
>"Uhm, yes! I–I believe so!"
>"Don't worry, I'll give orders to my legati to assist you in anything you require. Hell will run perfectly as long as I and Queen Lucifer live, this I swear. Vale."
>With that, Belial left to find out where this Helltaker lives on Earth
>Won't she be surprised when she gets there!
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>Ywn light votive candles to Lucifer with Belial
>Ywn spar with Belial and get sweaty and sore with her
>Ywn have Belial pin you down while she has her way with you
>Ywn cuddle with Belial while she tells you "Memento te a me amari."
Sorry, she only has eyes for her Morning Star. And possibly Generic.
Why Generic?

Who DOESN'T have eyes for Generic?:
I love how simple her design and desires are. No chance of getting hurt or killed helps too.
>No chance of getting hurt
Unless she's had too much whiskey, then she snuggles hard.
>Unless she's had too much whiskey, then she snuggles hard

Oh yes. Very yes:
That's the kind of aggressive I want in life.
>Generic has no vices except whiskey
>Whenever she's around a bottle, it's guaranteed that she'll down the whole thing
>It is strongly advised to only give her shots and to keep the bottle out of sight at all times
>Belial doesn't approve of her drinking, but allows that much for her

Generic loves her single malts, such as Laphroaig, Talisker, and Jura:
I can see what Belial sees in her. Those THIGHS
I want to kiss and lick Generic's thighs.
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Would touching her halo hurt them?
Cerb's just about to get buzzed, huh?
It would be extremely painful
For you
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>"Where are those damn demon craft?! I'll shoot 'em down if Michael can't get a hit on 'em! How do I know it's demons? Because everyone's in a tizzy about it EXCEPT for Lucifer and Astaroth, THAT'S WHY! An' if what Michael said is right, demonic runes are ALL OVER the friggin' thing! I say, BRING IT ON YA SON'S A BITCHES! You think you're strong? You think you're scary? You try to mimic what you can only imagine in your mind is God's Wrath and God's Wrath coming for you, and you deserve everything that happens to you TRASH! YOUR SAUCERS WON'T SAVE YOU, YOUR TERROR TANKS WON'T BUST DOWN THE PEARLY GATES, YOU! WON'T! WIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!"

Angle Judgement:
I'm surprised that angels don't have more armour on them.
She should go to New Jersey, assuming that she hasn't gotten there already.
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The trichotomy of Cerberus.
teh dogis r liccy:
Liccing the angel may result in extreme lewdness, results may vary.

More angle getting the licc:
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I was going to ask what are the chances the demon girls would just end up mindbreaking Azazel.
And then I realized they did.
I demand more of this liccfest

Those are the only pics I have, but here's Azazel getting the licc from Baphomet:
Azzy's getting her tits out for the lads:
A (tamed) Zdrada appears!:
at least she's got her piercings and eye shadow. Personally it just seems wrong for her to be wearing a skirt and not smoking
Tamed, or just in a new line of work?
She's meeting with Lucifer, she needs to at least pretend to give a damn about her.
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Bitch wearing a suit is hot:
Who is that in the lower left corner?
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Dunno. But here's more mature Bitch:
And Malina is IT, as always.
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>ywn have an angry gamer girl gf
Why even live?
What kind of dicking does Zdrada have to go through to become tamed? I'd imagine it must be the best of her life if one sets out to fuck the bitch out of her.
So is Awaria discussion going to be allowed here?
Ghosts are just dead humans, so yes but only if they know their place beneath the Onceborn and Neverborn.
Of course we can work together! /Hawtg/ when?
/HtAg/ has a better ring to it and makes more sense.
Bitch playing with Malinka's tits:

Noaharbre delivers the goods yet again.
How does he do it, lads?
Alright, we'll settle this: should we combine with Awaria?

>should we combine with Awaria?
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One girl I haven't seen here is Exo/Dreadnought.
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Exo, The Monster Hunter/Dreadnought, The Fearless Demon
"You hated Harvey Dent, and would do anything to destroy him." "Why not? He was going to destroy me. Just as I'm going to destroy you!"—Batman and Two-face, Batman The Animated Series
"This is my world now... A dichotomy of order and chaos, just like me."—Two-Face, Batman The Animated Series
"You thought we could be decent men, in an indecent time! But you were wrong. The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased, unprejudiced... fair."—Two-Face, The Dark Knight
“I think a curse should rest on me – because I love this war. I know it’s smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment – and yet – I can’t help it – I enjoy every second of it.”—Winston Churchill
"World War One was the most colossal, murderous, mismanaged butchery that has ever taken place on earth. Any writer who said otherwise lied, So the writers either wrote propaganda, shut up, or fought."—Ernest Hemingway
"They understand of course, they agree, they may even feel it so too, but only with words, only with words, yes that is it - they feel it, but always with only half of themselves, the rest of their being taken up by with other things, they are so divided in themselves that none feels it with his whole essence..."—Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet On The Western Front
>Dreadnought first came into existence during the First World War
>It is rare, but demons have been known to be created during times of great emotional turmoil in the mortal realm
>The new ways of killing mixed with the destruction of WW1 manifested itself in Dreadnought; fearless, lacking most emotions save for sadism and hate, and a need for bringing chaos
>She was Justice's nemesis during her tenure as High Prosecutor
>She's even rumored to have beaten Justice on a few occasions!
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>After Beelzebub's Rebellion and before Garmr became temporary High Prosecutor, Dreadnought declared herself the new judge, jury, and executioner of Hell
>The power vacuum in Hell along with Zdrada's anarchists prevented Lucifer from being able to say otherwise
>Dreadnought's first order of "business" was to steal a train going into Dis carrying munitions and blow the besieged city sky-high
>She misjudged her jump, however, and was struck on the head by the cowcatcher; Astaroth, who was driving the train, thought it was just another would-be train robber
>What she didn't know was that she just saved her city and all of Hell
>Dreadnought was eventually found lying on her face and twitching, unable to remember anything including her own name
>Lucifer, in a miraculous case of not being paranoid, told her that her name was Exo and that she was a monster hunter
>She had made one big mistake, however
>If she had given the amnesiac "Exo" a psychological evaluation, she would have discovered sooner that a split personality had formed
>Exo and Dreadnought were now two parts of the demon
>When one personality is dominant, the other is relegated to being a mere voice in the demon's head, only able to watch and plead with the dominant personality
>The problem is, Exo and Dreadnought couldn't be any more different
>Dreadnought revels in chaos and destruction, while Exo protects the mortal realm from monsters
>Dreadnought is uncaring and an utter sadist, while Exo is full of empathy and helpfulness
>Exo likes ketchup on her hotdogs, while Dreadnought prefers mustard
>Another interesting difference between the two is that Exo speaks with an English/Russian accent, while Dreadnought has a French/German accent
>Dreadnought believes that she was created with a purpose: to prevent the Queen of Hell, and rulers in general, from becoming dictators
>After Beelzebub's rebellion, Lucifer cracked down heavily on all dissent, giving Dreadnought the justification, in her eyes, to overthrow her
>Lucifer is still leery of Exo, and Justice has tried to get through to Dreadnought
>Since her failed attempt at rebellion, she's been exiled to the mortal realm, a place that both personalities are all too happy to be in
>For Exo, it's an opportunity to hunt down the monsters that continue to spill out of Hell, especially since Lucifer's going to the mortal realm has caused more to come out
>For Dreadnought, it's her going back to the place where she was created and causing more chaos than ever before
>Mustard is much deadlier to humans than to demons, after all
*Mustard gas
>Pandy drinking two cups of coffee at once
Should we be worried?
Awaria being yuri just goes to show that all the Helltaker girls really just hate the Helltaker and would cuck or murder him at the first chance they get.
Why would it show that? Awaria is about dead humans, Helltaker is about demons.
Van went out of his way to show the dykes kissing and all Helltaekr gets is a medical bill. The man is a furry anyway so it's likely he hates hetero couple to begin with. Helltaker's was cuckbait game this whole time.
If it were cuckbait, it failed miserably in that. All he got was more art, OCs, and fangames than he could have dreamed of.
He succeeded in selling the cuckbait. Every peice of fan art, every OC, every greentext here is underline with the initial artistic intent that every single demon girl will cuck and/or murder (You).
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Murder, yes. But everyone knows that one, you can just make a contract with them, and 2, these demons and angels aren't your garden-variety demons and angels. It is whatever you want it to be, and we choose to love the demons. Belphegor will definitely eat you, though.
You may choose to love the demons but the intent of Helltaker is that none of them will ever love back.
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I beg to differ. The issue is that they've never BEEN loved before, so they have no idea how to react to it. You gotta teach them to love, and they shall.
Helltaker demons are incapable of love and no amount of headcanon will change this. I guess all we can do is wait for the sequel that shows all the demons turning to dykes and abandoning Helltaker since that's the directions the man wants to take this series if he ever continues it.
What about fallen angels?
Loremaster would probably cuck you as an experiment if she doesn't toss you into a death trap maze first.
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What about fallen angels?
Lucifer would cuck you as part of an elaborate scheme to take over Heaven.
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Mind you I think she's has her own ash pit every hour outside
Failed man.
You should stop coping with headcanons and accepts Van's artistic intent.
>A split personality demon
But which one should I love?
How's it feel being tied up, eh Pande...?!:

...just ask Bitch.

This hot ghost gets my uwaga:

...and another to add to the 'Meganekko' folder.

...aaaand... here's the first fanart:

Ula Usterka and Zofia Zmora.

Zofia looking rather Judgement-esque here:

Expect more to come, Vanripper. After all: look at what your previous creation produced. And you know what to do, Lorebro...!
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Time for research!
I will at some point, but I want to keep focusing on demons and angels for now.. I still have a few that I haven't finished yet.
What did they do this time?

Dunno. But Pande continues to prove she has the best legs, though:

Either her tail is extremely strong, or Pande's thighs have antigravitational properties.
Daily reminder Vanripper's girls are all dykes who hate men that will cuck and murder you first chance they get.
>tfw no Saint Sabbat GF
She'd turn you into a servitor on the cuck chair.
She uses her tail like a third arm more often than most demons, so it's especially strong.
>I am not a necrophile
But she's only for dykes.
>all the fanart of Zdrada
>nobody ever remembers to include the cross-shaped burn scar on her decotellage
Fake bitches, y'all.
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Some do. I wish that Mastema's scars were shown more often myself.
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Step aside old and busted - its time for new hotness.
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Nothing old and busted about us, but all those maintenance tunnels sure look it.
Cute snek
Mortals call us old and busted, but it is us that gave them their technologies and culture!
Daily reminder Vanripper's girls are all dykes who hate men that will cuck and murder you first chance they get.
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Astaroth would murder you, but she's not interested in sex with anyone. I think she's secretly autistic.
Daily reminder I want to be mistress Astaroth's fucktoy.

It's okay, hags are the best anyway.
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>A hag
Now you're gonna get it, Anon.
Hot damn, her chin could cut through concrete!
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>her chin could cut through concrete!

...and then there's Astaroth's nipples:

She is pure Sex.

Dubs require Astaroth being pure Sex in a Cheongsam:
Would you let her in?
>Would you let her in?
>"What? It's just an ordinary Beelze—OH MY GOODNESS! LUCIFER!"
I love Beel's bubs

Will we ever get to know about how to Beelze the Bubs?

...but have a Beel: with extra titlicious Lucy at no extra cost.
>The png cigarette box
It ties the whole thing together, doesn't it?
Nice legs on those sisters, too.
How good are Lucifer's cuddles?
>How good are Lucifer's cuddles?
The breast... I mean the best
Azazel is jotting down every detail for later "memorizing".
I wish that was me.
Honestly? I kind of do too
Daily reminder Vanripper's girls are all dykes who hate men that will cuck and murder you first chance they get.
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Astaroth only loves her viper, Lil' Lucy. He's like a son to her.
>"come on, be a good boy and bring your mommy some wine"
>"Not enough to get drunk, of course; Lucifer is weak in that regard. While you do that, I'll get us some honeycombs, sweetums."
She does seem like the type to secretly love sweets and play Dwarf Fortress in the original ASCII.
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>Astaroth is secretly autistic
>"if you tell anyone, I'm going to fucking stab you"
Bunnygirl Astaroth:
>canon best girl
Either Justice, Judgment, or Beel.
>fanon best girl
Either Astaroth, Leviathan, or Behemoth.

>still mixing up Leviathan and Behemoth's names
Damn you, Bible, for having two different names for giant-ass monsters!
Here's Mini-Michael to bless us this Sunday
Daily reminder Vanripper's girls are all dykes who hate men that will cuck and murder you first chance they get
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>Astaroth is best girl
She's also the smartest girl:
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
I want to worship those legs.
Especially those abs.
Is nobody going to mention Luigi's new game about kissing ghosts and feeding them pudding muffins?
In his new game the dykes kiss. Helltaker was never kissed by a single one of his demon girls, but he did take time to make a chart on how each of the demons would kill Helltaker and it's a matter of how likely it is. When not if. He also went out of his way to make comics of the girls cucking Helltaker.
The first Awaria-related art by Suvorov:

...sort of. Zmora as a demon.
>first a game about a Gigachad gathering a harem of a dozen girls
>then a game about yuri
Guy really knows what men want.

Malinka has a new drinking buddy:
>a series of jokes made him seethe
...meanwhile, a wild Generic appears!:
The comic about Malina being the Hell jannie also has jokes, I guess it's no longer canon. You should just accepts Van's creative visio that this series is yuri core and NTR bait.

Also a couple of comics by Suvorov:
>buck-broken this hard
I'm sorry you got tricked into liking cuckbait anon. Hopefully you didn't waifu some lesbo.
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She's got the body of a goddess, the strength of an engineer, and the brains of Nikola Tesla.
The autism levels of Tesla, too.
Dyke maker TF machine
How can one become a demon?
Daily reminder Vanripper's girls are all dykes who hate men that will cuck and murder you first chance they get.
sounds like you'd prefer Yaoi, anon
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Would kiss her tummy.
Would suck her boobs.

She's already in. That's the shower.
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Not before you get served on a platter, you're not.
Worth it.
Struggle snuggles with Belphegor when?
Haven't you even touched a Bible? You can't expect me to celebrate THIS holiday. Okay, but just to wear the outfit. I'm not enjoying this. Next year we celebrate Sinsmas.
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>"You could just celebrate Yule, it's dedicated to my Wild Hunt!"
We desperately need lore comics about Awaria
Christmas Eve reminder Vanripper's girls are all dykes who hate men that will cuck and murder you first chance they get.
>all girs are dykes
Factually wrong

Pandemonica (forma dormata)
>too tired to care about sex
Pandemonica (forma sadistica)
>if it breaths, it breeds
>actually gay / closeted siscon
>whartever as long as it cools
>suffers from gay panic
>spent so long alone she forgot
>goatsexual (pref hetero)
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What of these girls?
You should give vanripper the gift of accepting his artistic vision for this Christmas.
>Lesbian, loves Sathanas but is too cowardly to say it
>Straight, but would go for Mammon if she weren't
>Too tired to care, starfishes
>Straight, but loves to keep everyone guessing
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Generic brings the gift of Love this season:
I want to wrap my arms around Generic's hips, pull her closer to myself, and look deep into her eyes.
>Christmas Eve in the Helltaker household is always very festive
>Now with demons and one angel with him, it has become even more so
>Malina is working with Azazel installing hidden cameras to catch Santa putting presents under the tree
>Cerberus is excited to get presents, hoping for a new toy
>Justice and Judgment are both on the couch, drinking hot cocoa
>Even Zdrada is in the Christmas spirit, sort of
>She's smoking a candy cane, but it's festive
>And of course, Lucy was secretly preparing to deliver presents to all the kids who wrote "Satan" instead of "Santa" in their letters
>Helltaker was helping her get all the gifts together, being sworn to absolute secrecy about it
>Lucy, almost ready, decides to go to the kitchen to have some cookies before she leaves
>When she enters the living room, she pauses, observing the scene
>She notices one missing girl
>She goes up to her room to get her downstairs and join the fun
>The door is locked, but she can hear noises behind it, and someone softly singing this:
>She knocks on the door, and the singing stops instantly
>Lucifer asks, "Pandemonica? Are you in there? Open the door, dear. Everyone's been wondering where you were, and I want you to join them."
>There is silence for a moment or two, and then the click of the door unlocking
>Pandemonica slowly opens the door, and says, "Nein. I have too much work to do."
>Lucy asks what kind of work, to which Pandemonica doesn't answer
>Lucifer waits for a response, then opens the door all the way as Pandemonica protests angrily
>She sees a desk, with a small lamp shining onto it and a large bag beside it
>On that desk are...metal objects
>Lucifer shushes Pandemonica and moves towards the desk, as Pandemonica seethes at her
>But she knows better than to try and fight the Queen of Hell
>Lucy closely looks at the objects on the desk
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>Cogs? Windup keys? What the hell...
>She looks in the bag and takes out one of the items
>A clockwork toy? Made of iron, by the looks of it. But why would she make—
>Pandemonica speaks up
>"These are toys I create. I make many of them, and every Weihnachten I go and give them to children."
>Lucy looks at her confused
>"First, what the hell is Weihnachten? Second, why do you do this, create these toys?"
>"Weihnachten is what Christmas is called back in Deutschland. I create these toys because..."
>Pandemonica pauses, and asks Lucy to keep this secret from everyone
>Lucy agrees, then tells her to continue. Although she's wondering why it must be secret
>"I create these toys because my sister loved them. She loved them so much, she wanted me to create more of them. So I learnt how, although with many errors before I got it right. Vik—my sister laughed at me whenever I made one wrong, but she kept all of them."
>Pandemonica pauses for a moment, sniffling
>Lucy then notices something
>She has tears in her eyes
>"Since then, I've only ever felt calm when I make these toys. But what could I do with all of these toys? That's when I had an idea. I can give them to children, so that they could feel the joy my sister once felt. And I could feel like—(her voice cracks, letting out a small sob) Verzeihung—like I still have a family."
>Lucy is moved by these words. She remembers when her family was still together
>Lucy decides to help Pandemonica in her gift-giving endeavor
>"My dear, you shouldn't be doing this alone! I too deliver gifts alone to children on this...How did you say it, Weihnachten? We should work together in this, to make it easier on both of us."
>Pandemonica thinks for a moment, then hugs Lucifer, saying that she accepts her help
>Later on, Lucy and Monika are preparing to go deliver their gifts
>Monika turns to Lucifer and thanks her for her assistance
>Lucy says not to thank her, this is an act of kindness
>It's Weihnachten, after all.
I can just imagine Zdrada making the biggest BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA laugh I have ever ever heard and then struggling to breathe, all the while Malina is actually crying and calling her a fucking bitch.
"We came for an inspection, ma'am."
"You're in sooo much trouble right now."
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It's Krampus time!

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