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Anything black/brown/dark-skinned/ebony girl related

No futa and try to limit AI content. Bleached/race play is allowed by not encouraged. prev thread >>8477188
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Last thread was pretty lacking in vidya girls.
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Built for Schneenis aryan seed
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Any new art from this artist? It's been long since we've seen some good Kamala porn
mostly does ai shit now
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Wait I just noticed that's AI lmao nevermind
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Thread's not a big fan of AI slop then I take it
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My Self Insert OC Detective Abby Lynch
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most aren't if you can believe it
this your art, too? the signature is kinda funky
No, this was drawn for my by KnohPhiltur in the draw threads. He's(?) very good.
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>My Self Insert OC Detective Abby Lynch
>Self insert
>Female OC

You're a woman? Here, in the internet, in 4chan!?
Hard to believe, I know. Especially since Abby being my self insert also means I'm black as well. A black woman in this racist, misogynistic den of iniquity. Truly unfathomable. That a woman of color would willingly spend time amongst such degenerate filth.
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Nah internalized misogyny isn't that rare desu. You go here to reinforce the self loathing you feel for your race/gender.
I don't hate black people. I hate stupid people. A great man once said that ignorance was curable. Stupid is forever. Stupid ghetto-ass people give us a bad name. The same as some stupid-ass hick fuck gives white people a bad name.

That said I am a suburban black lady born and raised so maybe I'm not 'black enough'. The modern equivalent of a 'House Nig'
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timestamp and Tits or STFU AND GTFO
How very charming you are. You must be attracting women left and right, my friend - a winning personality like that.
if you claim to be female on the internet you gotta have proof or else you're most likely a man larping
2005 called. They want their meme back, Anon.
>not 'black enough'
>modern equivalent of a 'House Nig'
Please don't think that. I'm saying this as an outsider, not only am I not black, I'm not even American, but to me it seems like it's this kind of mentality that's largely responsible for holding black communities back. What's being black supposed to be then, dealing drugs and shooting hoops? It's a ridiculous idea, one spurned on by jealousy. They see another black person do better than themselves and suddenly they can't outsource their blame anymore. It's no longer whitey or the system that's at fault for their shortcomings, it's themselves. But they're too proud to admit that, so everyone else to be an Uncle Tom.
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everyone else has* to be an Uncle Tom
>Samus non-Ar(y)an
Post more
Got any of her pinned down in a mating press?
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No mating pressed yet. I can give some context or background for Abby (the character - not me) if anyone wants it?
sounds neat sure
Okay. She's a detective of the San Francisco 'Black Cat' Division. They deal with cases unexplainable by modern scientific means. Essentially an occult copper in an urban fantasy setting. Abby herself is a descendant of a Human mage and a Succubus.

Magic in the setting is not like normal fantasy stuff. Anyone of any background can cast any spell if they know it. Ancestry only changes how a being refuels their mana. Humans do so with food and rest. Demons like Succubi and Incubi so so by absorbing a person's Lust. Abby can be just fine with human means but in a pinch sex will top her off. I'm thinking that as she grows in power she'll gain a temporary demonic transformation not unlike Dante, Vergil, or Nero's Devil Trigger.
It's just a thing. The 'blackness' zeitgeist falls towards that urban representation. It's no use getting upset at it, at least I don't anymore. When I was growing up a lot of black people treated me and my family like 'dark white people'. White people treated us as 'white black people' or worse. Racism is alive and well on both sides of the argument.

I'm not even innocent of it. I prefer 'white' culture (and I do consider it 'white' despite wokeness telling us it's for everyone) because that's what I grew up around. In the suburbs I grew up skate-boarding, listening to rock and alternative, and playing ttrpgs/ccgs/videogames with my friends.

I was also fetishized by white men and that was weird but also a different conversation lol. My best friend is Asian. She got that treatment as well and it's just something women of a different race deal with.
cool, i like the mix of of detective work and fantasy here
people are strange
As a white Southerner with a lot of black neighbors, I get annoyed that Southern (especially rural) Afro-Americans get pretty much forgotten by wider American culture. It's all emigrants to other parts of the country perpetuating black culture across the globe, aside from the relatively small niche of cultural production coming out of Atlanta, and even that is definitionally urban/suburban.

Y'all's roots are back here with us, and although the past is contentious and poor white Southerners are still doing themselves few favors in the reconciliation department, we have more in common culturally than y'all do with, say, other Angelenos and New Yorkers, to the point that when I'm traveling and get homesick, I visit a black church and am always embraced with such hospitality and love it makes my heart melt. I wish we could unite to improve our homeland's future together.
post warm smiles that show kind hearts of chocolate ladies
Great stuff so far!
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Thanks. I borrowed the Black Cat division from the Dresden Files which I had been reading at the time. I always loved Urban Fantasy. S'why my favorite cyberpunk is Shadowrun. Something about combining modern or futuristic with old world fantasy appeals to me.

Also people are very strange lol.

I grew up southern. Well, south of the Mason Dixon but not exactly rural. Rural was about 45 minutes away from us. I remember going out for a barn party when I was home from college between semesters. My friend heard about from another friend. Being the only black person attending, there was some awkwardness to be sure but it chilled when I went to the cooler and grabbed a beer and stabbed it with a pocket knife and shot-gunned it. They seemed to accept me as one of their own after that lol. Did some dancin' and drinkin' and hooked up with a cute guy.

Southern hospitality lol.

Also, black culture isn't even a bad thing. Song and dance and art and comedy. It's just the stupidity that it can attract and definitely glorifies. Gangs and drugs and more. People who see these things and think 'that's the right way to live life' and then attempt to emulate it and perpetuate a cycle of poverty and violence and chemical abuses upon themselves and others. It's just so... stupid.

It's fine to like rap, hip-hop, the BET whatever. It's the people who want to be like that which are the problem.

Family, friends, lovers, good times and bad. That's not a white thing or a black thing or a thing that can belong to any one group but should instead be shared. That's what should be glorified.

lol I've never been able to hold my laughter when someone calls me 'chocolate' as a pick up or flirt.
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>It's no use getting upset at it, at least I don't anymore
I'm glad to hear that. I've had friends in similar situations who let social norms and preconceptions dictate so much of their lives that they developed serious mental problems. Broke my heart to see it happen.

>I was also fetishized by white men and that was weird but also a different conversation lol
Kinda curious about this, what crosses the line into fetishization? Like I find black women attractive, but I wouldn't say I have a fetish per se. I'm guessing it's objectification, when you stop seeing the other person as a human being and reduce them to your own expectations based on your prejudices, right?

>I get annoyed that Southern (especially rural) Afro-Americans get pretty much forgotten by wider American culture
I've noticed that too. Southern culture in general gets very misrepresented. I remember seeing images of black people holding confederate flags or wearing confederate shirts, getting very confused by it, then have a southerner explain that down there it's more of a symbol for distrust of the government than a statement of racial supremacy. The yankee menace has a complete strangehold on how the USA is projected to the rest of the world and they need to be stopped.
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urban fantasy is neat, i dabble in it myself but im a lazy piece of shit who cant sit down and write so i draw my characters having sex instead
>People who see these things and think 'that's the right way to live life' and then attempt to emulate it and perpetuate a cycle of poverty and violence and chemical abuses upon themselves and others. It's just so... stupid.
I'll never understand this. I grew up in a decently rural area and the kids at my school would act like we grew up in the inner city. Like, we get greens from you and you own goats I know where you're from.
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If I were to throw my two cents on this, I'm Haitian American. Second generation. Parents came from the country but I was born here.

I'm like the biggest outsider to all of this. I wasn't raised urban like some other blacks. But I can't say I integrated/related with whites when we ended up moving to a rural (and admittedly kinda racist) town that in some ways fits the mold.

So I got the baggage of like being a child of immigrants from a different culture, being an outsider to both American white and black culture, on TOP of being black. It feels isolating desu.

And as you can imagine being Haitian hasn't been easy or fun at all this year with all the bad coverage (none of it humanizing in the slightest).
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That beefy body is made to be worshiped.
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I need a gf with hard chocolate abs <3
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Merry xmas thread
I want to be the bodyguard of a powerful black sorceress who often uses her magical powers to do kinky shit to me as a form of stress relief.
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I wanna caress her hair

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