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A thread for farting and burping art of western origin with exteme body types (slob bbw, hyper ass, etc)

Previous thread: >>8596879

>Grotesque bodies welcome! But try to post art of decent quality
>Keep up variety
>no furry/ anthro (monster girls allowed)
>no scat (toilet/wet farts allowed)
>try to give warnings before posting images with certain fetishes (femboy, vore, inflation, etc)
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Vore warning
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Vore warning
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Femboy warning
Considering the success of the last thread, I'd say it'd be worth making /brap-s/ a regular thing. Also forgive me for posting a sample pic, fullsize is over 4MB.
weird fart/futa warning
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Also, here's that mega of all of PTP/Anthroskunk's works. I'd suggest to put it in the OP for future reference because his stuff aligns with this thread perfectly and he was the GOAT at this stuff and I hope he comes back one day.
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>skinny bitches
Wrong thread broham
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OP here, that's a great idea and will do!
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i've always liked how melissaalli does art, even if it's really rough sometimes. Those fucking asses look tremendously soft
me on the right
>no braphog GF who cropdusts you whenever you're feeling down
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why even live?
Woah, I've never seen this one from him!
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Slobdom on skinny bitches is really at it's peak when the skinny bitch is prim and proper, or a brat, it's all the more erotic to see her getting reduced to a cushion, especially if it's from one of her underpaid maids, or even when it's a girl she bullied trying to ruin her make up, dress, general perfume and reputation before she goes on a really important date, picrel
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Always nice to see shit-blimps posted
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Does anybody know why punt's videos can't be played on certain devices? Has anybody else had this problem? Does it have something to do with the video format?
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His stuff works fine for me
I wish Punt did more Makima stuff before he left us. I need to see her big juicy swamp booty acting like a humidifier.
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Male warning
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Fatty baddies
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Woman shitting down the chimney. Cliche, but always hot.
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>Punt is back
>he's doing political cartoons now
Good for him if that's what he wants but I think he'll get a lot of people linking to his account of fat bitches farting if they don't like what he has to say.
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huh, not quite what I was imagining where he'd end up.
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love the variation here
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Hypermuscle warning
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Male warning
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I adore this centaur girl
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Post art my man
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can't even tell what's going on in this one
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That's when you know the fatness is PEAK.
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I wonder just how powerful her burps and farts would become if she descended into full on slobbery. Just considering how loud her burps already were in the show.
Slobby Korra in the Avatar State would permanently destroy the noses of anyone within a 10 mile radius
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I know right?
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Happy New Year! Let's try to make these threads a staple of /aco/.
they already are
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Same. We need more centaur girl farts.
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PuntThePoodle just posted an archive of ALL of his art from the past four years. This includes patreon exclusives, stuff he deleted from his twitter, discord art, and WIPs that he never released until now.


I don't know if this means he'll nuke his twitter, so I recommend saving this drive if you want to perserve his content. I myself will make a mega clone and put it in the OP for the next thread.
thank you!
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powerful stuff
Rush is carrying this whole fetish on his shoulders
someone has to since punt quit
When did that happen?
Like almost 2 years ago dude. He was nice enough to not nuke everything, that's probably why you didn't notice
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Can't believe people are reporting her account, she draws so good.
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Can't help but wonder how the usual suspects feel when they see images like this
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how long could you reasonably survive in this situation?
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Probably 6 hours
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"It wasn't me" bump.
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that's actually a lot longer than I would have guessed
Good shit
It depends on the person.
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ew, no thanks
Why is Jerma in this image? Is this one of those IRL experimental streams he does?
you know why
Whoever is responsible for the repeated commissions of Samus getting bloated and gassy off rations, thank you sincerely. So hot, and the proportions are always perfect; big round taut belly, not obese blob, fat ass but not hyper.
It's peak
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it's mid peak
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How does it get better than that though? For that body shape at least, there's plenty of morbid obesity as hyper asses here if that's what you're into. Sifting through these threads is a pain if you're just into normal bloated/pregnant bellies with your braps, though it's at least easier than the normal brap thread.
if you know then you know, otherwise you don't
Honestly this

Chubby girls with gassy bloated bellies are underrated
Braps are stored in the ass cheeks, not the stomach
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speak for yourself
This is peak
peak mid
Is this fucking woot!?
it can be
We just don't know.
Who? I don't keep up with Skullgirls
Stop bumping this thread if you have nothing to post, dude.

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