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Straight sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

>the male(s) must be the main focus of the picture
>preferably, a female (not futa) must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male(s)
>the female(s) may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless self-insert. She may also be the focus, but shouldn't steal the spotlight
>avoid posting girls with gigantic tits, ass, etc.; this thread is about the guys
>posting femdom is encouraged, but not necessary
>posting monster boys (non-furry) is encouraged

Reminder: since this is /aco/, either cartoon/western-style art regardless of origin, or anime-style art of western origin may be posted here. All Asian-made, anime-style femporn goes here: >>>/h/femporn

No yaoi (unless MMF/bi), no faceless dudes, no shota. Thank you.

Don't post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that's not sexual).

Examples of things you may post here:
>female self-shipping with a male character
>het ship porn
>your own femporn art
>male-oriented art that happens to have an attractive male as the focus instead of the woman

Tip: Make sure to use reverse image search sites such as Google Images, Yandex, or sauceNAO.com to find sauce, before asking in the thread.

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Oops, here's the previous thread:

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Unconventional Coffin of Andy and Leyley bump featuring an unlikely character
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is there more to this?
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Nah, don't expect too much. Especially since the fandom, both guys and gals, do not give a flying fuck about the dad and only care about Andrew, Ashley and Renee.
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Imagining myself at a Star Trek convention in the 70's, meeting Nimoy. Oh if only it would have been this easy.
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Me and my husband
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Which one is you and which one is your husband?
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I'm the girl and my husband is my fav e-celeb
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mr. crawling is nightmare husband material
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Agree. I love him so much
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More Spockstuff <3
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Experimented with some digital watercolour brushes :]
could somebody post impregnating/breeding content? I spent ten minutes trying to find some pics to post of my own so I wouldn't just end up being rude but I genuinely don't have any idea where to find this stuff, I just look at ao3 or other written smut instead since tumblr banned porn
It's an emergency I'm having a particularly bad case of baby fever and I keep waking up thinking of being pregnant, might break my bf's condoms (just kidding) (but am I?)
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it's awfully difficult to find good male focus or equal focus impregnation pictures. Usually most of them are female focus or just not too good.
(also don't do that. nothing wrong with doing that sort of thing if you check with him and he's okay with risking it, or in favor of it. consent matters. or if you want to be safe you can just do as much birth control/contraceptives as you are comfortable with, do it on a "safe"-er day, and have plan-b on standby if you REALLY want him to cum in you. the risk is what makes it hot, but still, you can always roleplay like you aren't using any contraceptives even when you are.)
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I like these threads and would like to contribute to them, so here's my weird offering. Remember Adventure Time? Well Finn eventually grew up and some people shipped him with Jake's granddaughter because they stood next to each other once. It's pretty silly but a lot of the art for them is pretty hot and I like this one guy's stuff a ton so wonder if this does anything for anyone.
Pretty sure it's made to just focus on the girl, but pretty good guy focus in a lot of these too.
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This one is probably my favorite.
I'll stop there for now cuz don't just wanna spam. Could do more if anyone is interested.
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Pretty great. Interesting they use the Fionna and Cake spinoff Finn, seeing as canonically they only met in the original series, unless I totally missed it. But I suppose older Finn is much more appealing, and uh, legal.
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Not F/C, this was Finn in Distant Lands. Not sure if you saw it but there was one episode about PB and Marcy and it ended with Finn and Bronwyn arriving in an RV to help. Finn was in a towel for some reason and lost it in a joke, and that very slightly lewd material and people wondering what she was doing there leading to some coombrains thinking they were fucking. Had a surprisingly big pull for a bit.
Could post a bit more from this artist if interest holds.
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Absolutely based, he's much more handsome as spock
>hair grabbing
cute ESL nightmare husband...
I love these, your style is great and I AGREEEE spock is so hot. Also glad to find I'm not the only one who fantasizes about people like this lol
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Ty <3 In this piece I imagine they've landed on a planet inhabited by these female aliens who deem him to be the perfect mate, and so they emit pheromones that eventually trump his logic and stubbornness.

>he's much more handsome as Spock
Agreed but Nimoy was really charismatic and manly as himself too. https://youtu.be/ak4JfSjLdZE
Also, his episode of Columbo is kino
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snagged these from xconfessions
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I don't get it.
It's one of those Twitter posts where the more likes and retweets it gets the artist will draw lewds of it which where these >>8650516 >>8650517
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This comic gave me that kind of vibe, it's really good, can't be arsed to upload the whole things so here's a link(remove the space)
https://e-hentai .org/s/9af2f94a7a/1662788-1
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Support bump
Go away
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Would this count as femporn? I enjoy porn where the male isn't a wimpy otaku or an ugly bastard
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Support bump
not my thing
Don't knock it until you try it.
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What makes something femporn?
Ridiculous thread, everyone posting is a man (homos/trannies aren't women).
at least men with decently good taste.
That's actually a really good point surprisingly.
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i'd let mr scarletta steal my soul desu
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Support bump
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Hi femanons, what other threads/fetishes do you goon to?
t. curious manon
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Femdom stuff. I like the fantasy of manhandling strong muscular men and a bit to the 40k threads and alien thread >>8652320
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who are these characters? they're cute
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Checks all tumblr boxed?
Just started watching Cosmos with Carl Sagan, so of course I had to lewd him. Hehe. Just a lil doodle. Gave him a fun blonde to play with. I guess I just really appreciate certain nerdy guys.
i have a fetish for men grinding their penises on parts of a woman's body besides her vagina.
back, face, breasts, stomach, legs, armpits buttocks, feet, you name it. Men behaving animalistically in a way he'd grind on a woman gets me wet every time
>implying tumblr boxes are finite
uhm no
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Ewww, no. Sorry but you cannot convince me to like that pseudo Bara/Fat Kink trash. I'd like my men to at least be believably big but not like THAT.
Are you Spock Anon?
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Yup :]
In real life as well?
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Of course and I hope my boyfriend provides that for me
Ain't this furry?
It's is yet somehow it's still up. I'd rather have Finn with Huntress Wizard instead.
that would be living the life
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holy quads

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