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New thread for TF
Old thread: >>8468534
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Please no more petrification shit this time
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Too bad for you.
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Who drew this one?
What Western franchise is this from, senpai?
I wish I knew
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My favorite transformations are ones where you can see a pile of the transformed woman's clothes left on the ground. So even when she changes back, you know she will be stark naked.
>The last kink AI will ever really invade
It's too funny for it to handle
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Who made this? After the first time I saw this, I always wanted to see more actresses/characters petrified like this.
I never knew there was more to this. But here's the entire project. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KOEdDW
It's by 3D artist Kotaro Fukuda
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what is going on in this pic?
Gum TF
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