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New thread for TF
Old thread: >>8468534
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Please no more petrification shit this time
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Too bad for you.
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Who drew this one?
What Western franchise is this from, senpai?
I wish I knew
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My favorite transformations are ones where you can see a pile of the transformed woman's clothes left on the ground. So even when she changes back, you know she will be stark naked.
>The last kink AI will ever really invade
It's too funny for it to handle
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Who made this? After the first time I saw this, I always wanted to see more actresses/characters petrified like this.
I never knew there was more to this. But here's the entire project. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KOEdDW
It's by 3D artist Kotaro Fukuda
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what is going on in this pic?
Gum TF
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is this a series?
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nice thumbnail
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I used to have those action figures as a small child.
Tiny Jenny Nicholson and Lindsay Ellis action figures?
not that NTA anon but it was the same for me too
Where does one get tiny YouTuber action figures? Asking for a friend!
Oh yeah, I used to make Jenny and Lindsay fuck Bailey and Maggie Mae Fish in the Breadtuber Sex Dungeon Playset, but then I got distracted by the Emma Langevin sex plushes
Does anyone have the name of/link to the doujin where a girl is tricked into getting into a mermaid costume and left in an aquarium forever?
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what's it called?
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is this supposed to be wicked? I heard that movie sucked
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you won’t believe where this one went
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(…i meant to just post the link)
I based it on this image https://sta.sh/01sx2eru1fjk I just thought that idea was cute and have been wanting to do something in that vein for quite some time.
ngl i wonder how they got the glasses to look 3-d aswell

mebbe i’ll comm a pseudo-sequel to that
to the image it's based on or the comic? What would the pseudo-sequel be about?
that’s Die Hard jumping through the window
just the girl asking about how she managed to make it so lifelike is all
I'm looking forward to seeing that.
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Her legbones are fucked the moment she unflattens.
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She's flattened like a piece of paper. The orientation of her leg bones are the LEAST of her anatomical worries.
she just needs to walk it off
Any more like that?
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The butt jelly tf, nope. I forgot the context of why I drew it.

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