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post capeshit. no ai shit.

cont. from >>8593873
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How Dr. Strange 2 should've ended.
where can I find those models?
Ask tekonsfw
He's the guy who made them
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Despite wanting to be 'somewhat adult' animation from what I hear, this was a prime opportunity to show nudity, but not even a nipple.

We eventually get a brief glimpse of a nipple from The Bride, and I think butt crack from the Princess of that made up nation, but that's all.
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>no ai shit.

Best couple
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is there more to this?
I love her so fucking much, she's so cute
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I totally see Mary Jane as an anal lover. Peter must have his tongue up her ass at least once a week.
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Her ass is always his dinner.
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How often did Annie May walk in on Peter and MJ's kinky spider fucking?
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enough to let her join in
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Question: Is there something going on with Squirrel Girl in Marvel Comics, or some other medium?

I ask because over the past week or so a Shit Ton of images featuring her (and her 'BBW' form) have been posted, so either one poster REALLY likes her (and its multiple posters, so its not that), or she has suddenly become visible to more than the hardcore comic nerds.
and to be clear, its at R34 sites that I have seen all the posts, not here.
She was revealed for the game Marvel Rivals.
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Ah, I see.
Got to admit, I do like this 'chubby' version better than her 'original' version.

A long while back I did my own take on her, maybe I'll try again soon.
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More like this please
Sorry, but I HAD to post this just to Laugh at how stupid AI can be at times! ^_^

Just What The FUCK is Captain America sucking on She-Hulk's shoulder?

A Third Nipple? A 'Shoulder Dick'?

The 'artist' even disabled comments on this image (at DeviantArt of course, a place that has been taken over by AI, at least in the lewd images sections), because I think he knows how bad it is (and even a little photoshop could correct it, but he's asking for money to see more, because Of Course he is 9_9)
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Nude mod just dropped
Also the in game models were already made with detailed nudes. Seems the developers knew what to expect after overwatch and just saved everyone the trouble
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I think the only thing that really needs fixing is the haircut. That "post-gum removal" look they introduced for her in the 10s was a sin. But then again everything they did with her back then was terrible.

Hasn't Jen gone through enough awful mutations without adding abominations like this to the list?
I use Daz Studio myself (not 'SFM' like many others do), so I wouldn't be able to use this, although I am surprised that female game models just have a 'default' nude form now (didn't the same thing happen with 'Aloy' in "Horizon Zero Dawn"? ^_^)

I do know of one guy who 'rips' models from games for use in Daz, but this is so new he hasn't done it yet (several other male Rivals characters, though).

Weird, but I really like those 'kinky boots' she is wearing, I'll have to see if I can dig up something similar.
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All I know is that as a longtime Squirrel Girl fanboy fan i'm really enjoying the recent enthusiasm
I commission artwork of her long before she exploded.

I'm expecting to see a slew of new content for her, Hela and Mantis because of this. We're already seeing Scarlet Witches model getting used, see: >>8637633 and >>8637630
Why does one of them have a bag over their head?
Did... did they meet their retweet goal?
Good question, wasn´t aware an bombastic bag woman was a member of the fantastic four. Or maybe it´s just Susan in a disguise
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Rivals has made me want to get back into making Blender stills again. Made this recently lol.
Despite that 'Derp' face they drew her with, I did like that the most 'recent' interpretation of her made her a bit 'chubby' (and she stuffed her tail into her pants to look like she had a Huge Ass ^_^).

R34 certainly has been exploding with images of her 'Rivals' form recently.

Yes, most of it is AI, but I have no huge problem with good AI. I have a problem when its obvious that its copying the 'style' of a real artist, and pretty much EVERYONE at DeviantArt who uses AI sets up a 'Premium' account ("give me money, and I'll type up more XXX images"...ugh.....).
>Yes, most of it is AI, but I have no huge problem with good AI
Well AI is dogshit and I made the thread, so get this drivel out of here
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Kamala Khan is the cutest hero brat in all of Marvel
Boa F. Hancock?
nice one
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>Each cartoon or movie franchise about spiderman keeps making Aunt May younger and hotter.

What did marvel mean by this?
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That she should be fucking Peter and MJ to get over Ben being gone.
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he looks pretty happy for someone tied up
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this art is cool, artist name?
2d_nsfw on twitter
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love the ass freckles
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fuck that is so good
Damn right.
fuck yes take that spidey dick. mj is so damn sexy with that red hair and pale skin.
I just hate that she's a pothead
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Is any artist here willing to do Diana and Carol hot tubbing together naked?
>love the ass freckles
new fetish unlocked.
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Once in the comic Spidey was tricked by Johnny of the Fantastic Four into wearing an FF uniform with a paper bag instead of a mask, because the FF don't wear masks. It's a joke on that.
enjoy it anon
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Nah that makes her hotter.
Why do smut artists consistently draw Marvel Rivals Squirrel-Girl with a pudgy belly? The ingame model has a toned stomach, not a hint of flab over the belt.
Because chubby bitches are cuter.
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Seconding this
what's with the random shark in the background?
It's Jeff the land shark from Marvel Rivals.
The girl is Dagger, one half of the Cloak & Dagger team.

That's notorious war-criminal Jeff The Shark.
Mary Jane Waterbuffalo is cute!
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you ain't gotta tell me thrice!
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So, as he somehow thought this was still Robin, this was Anal then, wasn't it? ^_^
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Man why do they keep drawing her getting raped by Venom :(

There have been like two girl robins.

Who DOES hard counter Psylocke? Hawkeye, like he hard counters everyone else by launching arrows with tree-trunk sized hitboxes at people?
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spider-tits, spider-tits
OK that just made the image 10 times lewder.
batman maybe
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