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Does no one else like this?
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None of these are futa
Dumb faggot. Learn what words mean before you try using them.
I like it

Kill yourself
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Heck yeah, thanks for the boost, bud.
Where in this pic is the male-on-futa action?
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You can count on me
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I knew I could
got any more like this?
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What, like gangbangs? Yeah, a few
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Go back to your thousands of containment threads, please.
We in red board
Sir, you posted futa on male. This is the male on futa thread.
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My aryan seed
Futa on female is for troons in waiting

Male on Futa is the fetish of gentlemen
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Calm down
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based becca poster
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These threads just make me think transwomen should figure out how to have pussies and cocks at the same time. I really would much prefer to fuck a pussy on the futa while jacking her off instead of just pretending the ass is the same.
Outside of porn troons are hideous inside and out
I wonder if that's what is really holding them back; the technology just isn't here yet.

Homosexuality only was able to decriminalize in western societies thanks to the sanitation movement. Maybe trans rights just won't get traction until we have the technology to just get the right bodies with a shot or a sequence like in porn.
>Male on Futa
>i like nasty things and cute yuri.
You just assumed this was supposed to be male POV
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Cock ring make everything hotter
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I want futa elf for Christmas
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That's one blast from the past
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best in the thread so far
I do want Buttercup cosplay gf
I'd honestly be fine with her fuckin' as long as she lets me fuck her.
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>enter futa thread
>zero vagina
Nah he is right, all this shit is shemale. Futa needs both a vagina and dick(balls not all the time).
it's over
kill yourselves
the fuck am I looking at here
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>male bigger than the futa
We were on the verge of greatness
Small dom/big sub is peak.
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Or small sub with a big dick and a big dom with a small dick
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I'll allow it.
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love the ball squeezing here
It feels even better in person.
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Don't die on me
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Sad to say, but there just isn't enough fresh content (unless you include AI slop) to keep the thread afloat
My interests are like the universe, constantly expanding. Unfortunately, the actual universe cannot keep pace with my growing hunger. There is not enough male on futa. Let alone male on futa mommy kink.
Is it any wonder why AI slop is going to take over? I don't just want more male on futa porn. I want a male on futa western erotic game with a complete 300k word storyline. Because god decided that I was never going to get married, or have kids, and I need something to fill my time and the hole in my heart.
Okay bye.
no wait, come back
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Well that and this thread is lacking any male on futa
Might want to stay your tongue before going around declaring other people are the ones that are "ugly on the inside" ;)
>Does no one else like this
Looks like you don't even like it. 99% of your thread isn't male-on-futa. Say what you actually want next time
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kill yourself
it's literally in the name.

futa nari - two kinds
as in someone with both penis and vagina.

a girl with just a dick is just a dickgirl.
mmmph, god damn.

who's the artist on this? there's no signature.
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kill yourself
I prefer ball-less futa personally, it's just a whole aesthetic though it looks a lot better in real life
I get that AI art can't be stopped but for fucks sake at least look at it and check the hands and polish the details.
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He right tho, anon
furan sonoda
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kill yourself
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thanks bro
I do.
Bump. Don't let this thread die, please.
I second this question. Sauce on the futa Marceline comic?
i gotta draw this myself some day
let today be the day
this is just tranny shit
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No u

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