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1). No one is entitled to your request so no begging
2). You can post bondage on here too but it has to be latex bondage.
(There is a bondage thread here: >>8621521 )
3). No fighting or spamming
4). Provide references for manipulators / artist
5). Have fun

Hope to see more latex edits from more people than myself ^^

>> 8609464
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>> 8612175
>> 8612243

>Camila: well, seems like our girls are getting along very nicely~

>Ophelia: Indeed they are, if it’s no hassle why don’t I borrow your daughter for a day, give her the ‘bright’ treatment~

>Camila: of course luz would have a wonderful time with you, I’ll treat your daughter to myself then, a little toy to play with ~

>Ophelia: it’s a date then~
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>Blindfold/Muzzle alt:
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Nice good expression on Amity. Also love the variant.
any chance of doing the exact same thing with Trudy and Penny with Sunset and LaCienega
Nice is this new?
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Gonna take a break from editing for a bit, hopefully someone could try their hand in editing it
New thread yeah
Another mother daughter
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Damn this is fucking great, excellent work OP. I love how the mothers have slighter darker and more faded out colors compared to the young daughters
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I love Fetish Hand's stuff.
thank you anon! glad you liked it ^^
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seems like the type that can just chill on the couch and cuddle with as well as kinky stuff
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Requesting bondage latex
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Finished this peice :3
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>cum alt
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>>8631487 requesting a bondage edit of this hottie from rick and morty bound and gagged like luz and amity in this post
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god i love those rubbery edits sm i need to find more amazing owl house edits like that
(if anyone has any feel free to message me on discord hehe my username is Rubber0nhead)
hehe the best rubber addicted mindless gals~
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Requesting rubber edit
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Nice edits ^^ nice to have another editor on the thread ~
hehe i wish sadly they are just other edits ive found i wish i could rubberise that good hehe~
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Is that OSP red?
it's girlfriend from friday night funkin'
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Request latex edit
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Glad to see my request done, fantastic job anon
my goodness gf looks stunning in latex
is that elasticgirl?
omg yesss they would both look so good in latex
oooooh that was your request nicee it turned out spectacular
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no rush or worries if ya cant but id absolutely adore an edit of this photo maybe something like camila has hypnotized luz and made her a obedient rubbergimp of blight industries
Yeah, anon did gods work, i also did the original original request back in the day but this one feels more complete, has more of my fetishes
ooooohh shii that was you? i absolutely adored that pic sm was instantly hooked on the rubber owl house edits hahah and yeah OPs edits are truely amazing im totally addicted to em hehe
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just to refresh some memories
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A younger girl being an older woman bitch its a favourite of mine
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I also requested the she-ra and su pics so i was inspired that week and thanks to drawnon it felt like winning the lotery
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And the last one, for those who love smalldom/bigsub like me
god that one gets a rubber addicted gal like me worked up its so lovely
hehe the best way for a simple brat like her to be completely under the rubbery addictive control of a stronger smarter more mature woman~
heheh oooh i love that pic small dom and big sub is such a fun concept~
hehe made a lil thread for other hypno and rubber images i found and love

Source? Or did you make It?
Requesting this already edited model sheet of Priyanka Maheswaran to make it look like she's wearing any of THESE https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m38ljj4d latex outfits.
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Dude, would you mind working your magic on this Amy image? It's like the perfect screenshot of her.
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How is that an edit? This is a latex edit thread, not a latex thread.
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nice you love your request ^^ had fun maniping it
i found an naked edit to this picture and i edited the latex in, so an edit within an edit to an original picture
either or, i prefer edited latex but any latex is fine with me
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still the best image i requested <3
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Sorry I haven’t been posting much on here been busy on my side with work and art
If anyone has any edits don’t be afraid to post any ^^
Found a latex tutorial or anyone who wants to test their edits
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Thanks, sadly im quite inept with this things, otherwise i would try my hand at making edits
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I’d say practice, it will take time but you will get it
would like to see other people tackle latex edits lol I’m just one guy figured this would help
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Haven't done much but am trying to get into latex and edits
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Not bad ^^ keep doing what your doing ^^
sea water has to be murder on latex
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wish I could post the one I have, but it violates rules
This pic awoke me to the path of latex mermaidsuits years ago
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the one I'm thinking of has human Ariel in latex and smoking. But it has her daughter in it and it could be considered loli
Artist name?
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poochygirls. Just look up 'ariel latex' on a rule 34 site and you'll find it

pic unrelated
>pic unrelated
yet still wonderful nonetheless
found it, doesnt seems problematic to me so ill risk
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that's the one.
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OMG this is one of the first images that ever got me into latex and bondage, and it still holds up so well!
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something about Disney women in latex just seems so right
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On god bro
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sadly there isn't a lot out there for my favorite Disney lady.
You mean Kim or Shego?
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neither, it's Cruella. Rule 34, or at least decent stuff, is rare enough as is.
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Merry Christmas and happy holidays thread I’m happy that this thread is still going on
Fair enough.
To this day, the best delivery I've ever received.
You should check out deadinside97

Did a pretty good Leni and Lincoln pic
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add to that I'm too broke to commission and I have an innate dislike of AI art
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I just want to apologize to OP for taking over the thread with non latex edits. This is pretty much the only place I can post most my latex art
nah your fine! im honestly just happy to see this thread still standing, ill try to get some edits going but im busy myself.
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thanks. I can't post Commandeer Rab's stuff on /d/

pic unrelated
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She looks like one of them anime girls, I bet she smells like Hello Kitty.
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given the dungeon I think she probably smells like sweat and lube
taking off a latex suit must be hell cuz of all the sweat and lube inside the suit lmao
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never wore latex, but it must be a pain to take off. And if you stay in latex for too long you start to soak in your own sweat. There are lots of videos out there of latex models draining copious amounts of sweat from their suits
latex feels kino, you should try it
Wish I could lol, but I’m broke af
just buy it used
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not that Anon, obviously, but the idea of buying used latex gear feels like buying used underwear. But that's just me.

your post gives me pic vibes
Yeah was gonna say buying used latex sounds gross to me lol
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maybe gloves or leggings, but anything that touches my butt or my junk would be a no go. Even if it was chlorinated
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Even then with used gloves, that’s still a no from me, even if I’m desperate.
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that's why i say maybe. The other thing is finding used latex that fits well.
used gloves are kino
new or used, I just want a latex domme to shove her gloved fingers down my throat
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OP's pic makes me think of a animated sitcom about a group of latex loving dommes getting into weekly wacky hijinks
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Surprised this thread is still lasting, it’s been like 2-3weeks long?
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I like to drip feed it Commander Rab stuff, only play I can post their stuff
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If anyone is up to it I'd like to see her covered in black latex from the neck down.
And we appreciate it, we really do
Can you do a version where she's wearing a gas mask instead of a gimp mask?
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it's so hard to read sarcasm on this site, so I'll take that at face value. Just trying to keep from posting dick girls
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Took a crack at it
Eyyy looks great!
Go nuts.
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Cover up this pervert.
Nice (not OR)
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Reagan seems like the type to be into this. Pic isn't mine
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meh, best i can atm.
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My i have ask for the request of to cover Sam with hard, sweat covered rubber?

I have strong obsession over spies. No day passed without pumping over squeaking, sticky shines of those three.
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If possible, i prefer this kind of shines
not to derail the thread, but I love it when cocks are encased in latex like this
Honestly real. It was definitely these spies that helped get me into latex. Always loved seeing those tight suits.
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for me it was the Baroness from GI Joe
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very cute

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