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Christmas cheer edition
>Bonus for Christmas elves
>No futa
>No gay shit or single males but lesbians allowed
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
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Choose your flavor.
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that's a very difficult one. They're all extremely hot. If I had to choose I'd have to go with original flavor warm chocolate Piro
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I wish the new dragon age wasn't so sexless. The elf girl is made for breeding and ear play and theres no porn of her.
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OG chocolate Pirotess is best Pirotess, but damn, Daft Punk Pirotess is making me feel things I never thought I'd ever feel.

Got any flavors of Deedlit?
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Crime to make a game with hot elves but no sexo
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I should try making this style of Piro images with autismmix, should be better quality
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slim elves
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Pirotess my beloved
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prone bone elves, full nelson elves, or mating press elves?
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what a nice christmas present
mating press to completion, halflings for all
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very nice nelf
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we stan those here
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Luv Drows. Simple As.
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submissive and breedable drow
>>8633912 (OP)
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I love Shart like you wouldn't believe
Not as much as me.
total choco elf love
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Sense with the fanservice in the last Frieren pages.
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Sense doing up Serie's hair*
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>>8633912 (OP)
Merry Christmas
>furry shit
>futa shit
You really didn't read the OP, did you.
Go back to c/u/ck
This artstyle looks a lot like ArbuzBudesh, or maybe it's just the weighting of the lines, but the signature is different. What the heck
no I think you're right
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>short rest with your wood elf
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Best pic in thread rn
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maybe for you it is but not for everyone else
Agree to disagree.
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I think I recognise this, this is truly ancient stuff
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It's very old, but blonde elf sluts with big tits and short hair are always hot.
Personally I'd like fullytanks elf paladin to make a comeback
okay hear me out:
prone bone for elf witches
full nelson for elf rogues
mating press for elf warriors
we'll take that under advisement
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>>8633912 (OP)
smug zelda
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Elf is happy
What's with all the /e/ franchises itt?
fuck if I know
consider the following: pinning down Ying and aggressively breeding her elf pussy while holding her tight
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I like happy elves
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incredibly comfy
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Elf femdom?
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night elves are made for bunching on cock
sex with Saati
My favorite elf
What would elves be like in the modern world?
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just as fuckable, but realistically also on top of society since they got great social cohesion, are intelligent and hot and live very long lives
ok I've considered it
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I love modern day looking elves
something about them in a modern setting is just really comfy
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familiarity perhaps? I like all the modern outfits they can wear too
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proof that elves can fill many different roles in a party
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Shadowheart is fucking amazing. She got a really nice body
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Jews ruin everything.
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I want to breed Piro
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blonde Pirotess is a bit of an acquired taste, but it's hot. Fucking Piro and Deedlit at the same time is a worthy epic quest goal
She looks like a gyaru.
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you aren't implying Pirotess is some kind of airheaded bimbo are you?
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she looks like she loses to human adventurers and gets used as a self-heating multi-use fleshlight
>multi-use fleshlight
Do... do you just throw them away after using them once?
I meant that she has multiple holes to use
Drows are so fucking erotic
And you can always make more holes if needed
do not poke holes in the elves
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I'd kiss her under that mistletoe
who is the artist?
It says right on the picture, anon. Fiffer/FifferDraws.
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thanks anon!
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On the other hand, they might find the modern city environment very annoying.
>Elf CEO snaps at the office, sprints out, and tears off all her clothes while running into the nearest forest
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love this guys elves
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There's a follow up picture to this, but it's futa on female
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love preggo elves
Elves tend to lose their garments with increasing age.
you just know her younger version would put your dick in a vice-like pussy grip and threaten to suck your soul out through your cum, she just has that look to her
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I remember Fullytank's Paladin an order of elf bimbo warriors trained wrong on purpose to keep monster populations in control by being rape meat sacrafices...the only benefit they had is that they were magically enhanced to survive large insertions, inflations, regenerate from injuries pretty fast and resist VD.

Imagine witchers that just fuck monsters into submission but unknowingly.

They try to fight with their sword, stilleto high heels and bikini armor, but usually lose waking up in a pool of cum but the idea is the monsters are "drained" and thus don't attack villages kidnappping elf girls.
pretty sure there's an entire collection of fullytank endorsed stories on hentaifoundry, but that website sucks so I can't find them.
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imagine how tight Kerillian would be
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chocolate elves can't even resist being lewd in school
The very presence of them would completely change the modern world. Imagine a massive, ossified block of physically young people, except their social and political attitudes date back centuries. Every institution would be completely dominated by a class of undying bureaucrats with centuries or millennia of experience, society would be massively conservative and disillusioned with political and materialistic answers to life's questions. Democracy never even got close to happening.

Coverture was never abolished because good luck explaining to the 600 year old ruling class that women aren't property. The most progressive issue currently in the public square is that it is conceivable that it might be acceptable to admit people into university if they can read Latin OR Greek instead of both. Everyone who isn't Catholic is a Zoroastrian. Racoco is still considered a hot new trend. No fault divorce is illegal, nobody even knows what "alimony" is. Bluetooth speakers are banned in public. Phrenological measurements are required on your resume.

Young Elves are the only ones you ever meet, they have no social mobility or prospects because every position is taken until an older elf slips on a banana peel or gets struck by lightning, so they have to act as the go-betweens for their antideluvian ancestors and humans. They have total emotional fatigue and treat humans the way the British East India company treated the Sepoys--you're either a loyal slave or a rebellious slave. Their women are insanely hot, their men are ultrachads with valets, their first jobs were always something like "torturing dissidents during the Bourbon Restoration" or "British East India Company," and they can't remember your name.

It'd be fucking awesome.
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ok but would you still be able to sex them?
Damn, wish this was animated. Wanna see that asshole winking.
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