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TES General
https://www.tesgeneral.com/ [WIP]

Anon's Lewd Guide for Dummies
LE: https://rentry.org/oicfh
SE: https://rentry.org/vgxyh

Recommended skin and body suites

Recommended mods for lewd screenshots

Recommended sites for outfits

Butthole Compendium

Link to old OP
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How the FUCK
Do I get equestrian, SC Horses, MNC, ASOS and ABC to work together?
I had done it in the past but have forgotten how
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Cursing this thread with actual gobbos
Things can only improve from here
I've seen worse
at least the tits are nice
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rather slow day for coom
Been mostly fucking about in Varla's Keep while being sick as a dog. I hate December.

Dumb knight himbo, he's supposed to cum -in-side her.
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page 9 my beloved...

That was the original plan, but there's no way I align proper penetration with these poses
Also his peepee nodes are already tweaked beyond human limits, hence the tactical left foot covering the uglies
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somewhat operational nadi
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This shot legit scared me a li'll when i opened it at first. Great fucking job
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Need some help with actual RP. I want my character to get "cursed" but I want it to happen organically with an in game quest. I started her out in Riverwood and wanted to have her adventure her way up north towards the Vigilants

And by "cursed" I mean her libido gets increased 10 fold and her body slowly gets plumper/bigger. I'm thinking maybe a daedric quest. She's level 5 right now but I want to get her cursed sooner than later so the actual gooner lewd stuff can start happening
Dunno, do hircine or whatever.
Do either Hircine or Molag Bal daedric quest. The molag bal one would b e better since you start it with a Vigilant and the whole quest is about breaking his will and being a dick
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Not a Daedric quest but maybe you could do something with that weird quest at the Temple of Dibella in Markarth?

That's a big hat.
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a fine hat, indeed
uhm who is this waifu and why is she not naked and in my bed?
please post more of this absolute semen demon
get some taste
You are one miserable little bitch.
And what are you?
I had sex with your waifu last night. She said I was the best she'd ever had.
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Thanks for the pep talk, me.
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finish it
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There was a mod called Sanguine Debauchery, was similarly themed I think.

Sisterhood of Dibella, it's meh. Mostly lesbian sex, but with nothing really interesting going on. It'd be cool to have a semi-lewd priestess of Dibella questline with maybe offering sexual acts as ways of healing, dispensing blessings (fucky wucky through your party so that followers gain extra buffs), but one can only wish...
boring thread
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Needs more black guys using her holes.
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sexo in the Goma rooms, like peanut butter and jelly
What kind of spells does she know?
Damn.....Where is everyone else?
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Work off day, visiting my old place. Moonlight streaming is a godsend.
Is that monkey? can you make a werewolf use her.
Are there any good waifus left or is still all synthia garbage here?
back to the gym, frenchie
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not gonna try attempting to be clever & give a funny response, so fire & shadow-based spells with some spider summons
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Early Xmas dump
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the butthole gamble
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it's over
But then how does a petite telvanni slut ends up getting so busty and curvy? is it the uncontrollable lust for human cock?
I kind of had a similar idea in one of my playthroughs. When she started absorbing Dragon souls and learning words, she would grow more and more horny to the point where she can't fight effectively, and surrenders to bandits and wild animals.
Also, I had Hentai Pregnancy installed that one, so she got pregnant from being raped by the final Draugr in Bleak Falls Barrow. And I roleplayed her as more cautious and paranoid after that. Partly because she doesn't want to get assaulted like that again, and partially to protect the baby.
We kicked him out a while ago.
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it's the copious amounts of sujamma & guar stew, of course
At this point, is it even TES anymore
she has the high ground
Very good pose. Fantastic butthole.

I love her but for some reason it feels like she needs to be a bit thicker. More pudge on that tummy and thicker thighs.
>copious amounts of sujamma
She must have some insane libido with the stamina to match, how can mere humans keep up?
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Forgot about the dumb webm

>more pudge
I feel like that would get a bit comical, she started off fairly thin and got architect'd over time into some lazy slob (by waifu standards at least)
Any fatter and I would have to resort to the forbidden sliders (like with the gobbo)
Garbage is back on the menu.
Still better than overrated shitna spam. Like this guy>>8643295 said
Still mad, norafag?
So do you guys use modlists for these or do you just have your own things? Is there any way to grab modlists without resorting to Wabbajck, Nexus Premium, or painstakingly downloading everything, one by one?
kek urd having a nice view
amazing set

modlists attempt to overhaul the entire game and everything in it
lewds only require like a dozen mods for waifu with an enb and modded location to look nice
Yeah we read you the first 1,000 times you posted this, pedantic little Filipino
Yeah, I get it. I dunno, maybe I'm pushing a personal preference. I just see her right on the cusp of hitting a golden ratio for prime breeding matriarch.
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Telvanni wizards master even the sensual arts, my guy
Go on.
Is there a mod that adds (not replaces) furry race npcs? Also, furry followers?
nayan footjob. there I said it. it's out there now
Never seen a Dragonborn with down-syndrome before.
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god damn
See this is why some waifufags just need to be bullied. Low effort trash just spammed to death.
chill elder bro, i'm just having fun with my lewd virtual gunpla
Your fun is playing with trash like a raccoon. Fuck off back to Loverslab, Flip.
It's the other waifufags' faults for playing nice and being all "all content is good!!!"
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Pretty sure he's just trolling you guys at this point.
Seriously no one likes your "content", yet you continue to post out of spite. Just fucking go away.
i've read that the opposite of love is not hate but apathy.

the fact that anons are hating on me for 'intruding' this thread. With how protective you are of it, really shows how much you love this thread.

But you seriously lack leadership and bravery, as I've come to expect from the stealth archers.

stay safe and stay hidden ;)
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(You) should also be looking at no1 and no4 more closely
Just as a general idea yknow

Nah you did well telling me, I'll keep it in mind if I ever get bored and touch the sliders (which is generally unwise)
>nonsensical anime monologuing
Nooticing. . .
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Yeah, trolling.
just tir3d, time to sleep gn
Do I need to point to the sign?
Yes we saw your gay post that time and the 100 times before it, no one cares about your hateboner for the lich hag. That's still miles better than this bulldog-faced gremlin he's pushing.
>still miles better than this bulldog-faced gremlin he's pushing.
Horse shit isn't better than dog shit
>shit analogy
True pajeet technique.
hon hon hon
He's not wrong
sweaty orangutits
Nobody is ever fooled by this, wrap it up
is this chey?
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Naw, one of my many attempts at a waifu. Her name is Nivil.
>Every person I don't like is the same person
Grow up
>shitposting returns in the /vg/ general at the exact same time
indeed, surely a coincidence.
Quite the ironic post.
>no1 and no4
tfw pwned
I looked around a couple times each too

1frog on the middle-left behind the book on the shelf (based thumbs up on the little reaper btw)
1frog on the bottom-right behind the pitcher & urn
Where can I find any paywalled SLAL animations?
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at the usual place in the usual thread
I don't do this very often
Post some forsworn breeding ritual.
Kiminoho gathering and F59 should have them.
same face
other gremlin
I like this waifu right here
I'm glad you like her.

She's my rendition of Hoshino Ai mixed with Violet Parr, her face reference is Ichika Matsumoto but westernized.
>Sex mods
How could you guys do this to me?
He posts his abominations on the nexus: https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/s4rMs/media?gameId=1704
At least he posts his content unlike you. And once again please refer to this>>8644318
You can stop quoting your own post any day now, Filipino shitter.
>At least he posts his content unlike you
not that anyone here needs defending but that's a weird card to play when anytime you fags shit on Synthiaposter and get told to post your content, radio silence. so where's your content, anon?
How'd you do the movement of the head like that?
Finally, a question after my own heart
>loaded up the skull in OS
>removed the hat and added the magic vfx straight out of Kittytail's mod
>also moved it all the way up so it floated above the body, while still keeping it skinned to the head node as normal
>set up the actual sex scene you see with SAM
>then spawned in another TestWritingDude actor
>cycled a bunch of SLAL animations on him till I found one that involved Troll assrape (which I had installed for these occasions)
>stuck him in a corner
>equipped him with the OS-modified skull
>rotated and moved everything till the floating movement looked acceptable

Saving this.
Any place you regularly post?
Realistically I should've painted it to a body part that moves less sporadically, like a shoulder or a thigh, but it's all up to which animation you wanna use with it
No, I've tried regularly posting in various places but I inevitably get bored of them and move on to greener pastures
Are there any good mods that can put me in scenarios against werewolves and Vampire Lords more often?
It's pretty hard to use those animations when the only werewolves are Sinding and the Companions.
There's a werewolf faction in Organized Bandits in Skyrim, but that's a bit too rare for me.
Thanks for the info!
What's the location mod by the way? I'm looking for inspiration in making a cluttered library setting.
Don't think so.
Maybe Baka's mods have a Werwolf or Vampire Lord encounter?
Lux patch off their Discord is pretty fundamental imo, I forwarded the time by 1 hour for each shot and you can see the windows pull a lot of weight
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Try forcing an random encounter between 10pm and 5am,
good chances after quest Proving Honor is completed.
The World Encounter place at Coords: X: -66453, Y: -31765 between Fort Sungard and Sunderstone Gorge is a good place you might encounter them in a pack of 3-4

( mapview from above, if you do not have the map ingrained in your brain already )
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slow day
Legs day
Telvanni titties
One of them riding a guy's dick, the other his face, while the smaller one fondles and sucks on the bigger one's breasts would be a nice image.
It'll have to wait until tomorrow, but I could certainly do that. Already wanted to do a set of them double-teaming Onmund.
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Seconding this.
What's the best mod for raping, as in the player does it. Enslaving them would also be cool.
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Merci anon, does it play nice with regular mods or should I revert to basic Skyrim before adding the stuff?
depends on your setup, follow the OP guides
Mini dump of extracurricular college activities
The requested pose. I somehow don't have an animation for the exact thing(or at least it didnt want to show up in the list), so I spent 20 minutes dicking around with screenarcher menu before saying "good enough". Hope it satisfies.
Thas it. Posing with more than two actors is a bit of a pain in the ass, but its easier than it used to be.
so this is her fabled negroid horsecock, huh?
How do you not see how terrible this looks
new? he shitposts her from time to time. just ignore it.
worse is when he does the oiled up goblina.
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damn, a busty madam of House Telvanni lowering herself...
Looks better than SHITMOM and UGLYNTHIA
unironically yes
I've always wondered what caused him to hate those two characters.
He's been going at it for years now, is it simple envy?
Or is it just an excuse to shitpost?
Or both?
I drove someone insane with ritual posting in another thread and now he makes scat edits
Its funny you know, the things that cause people to break down
it is indeed fascinating
The waifus and the posters are just straight up trash. It's just that simple.
I like big titty dark elves... I like big titty dark elves ALOT!!!
You ever gonna post anything?
I think it's just bored people finding someone to hate as a hobby. Like, in threads for an MMO I played I couldn't post pictures my character without one person obsessively posting that character's full name and going on at length about everything they imagined was wrong with me, and this went on for YEARS.
Are you?
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>think it's just bored people finding someone to hate as a hobby
kind of a bitch-made hobby though
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Is this how you honor the Sixth House, and the tribe unmilked?
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is that avas and snake girls new husbando ?
they wont will be able to walk for days damn,
her emilie de rochefort cosplay is as always on point and cute
>they wont will be able to walk for days
They wouldn't ever walk again, they'd bleed out in seconds from the damage that dick would do to them. Forget hentai physics, you'd need loony toons physics to fit a penis that large into a woman that size
>is that avas and snake girls new husbando ?
Nah, it's a old regular's husbando. He just updated him and I wanted to do a size comparison.
>her emilie de rochefort cosplay is as always on point and cute
>she broke the dick bone
okay and this is a world of magic where he can cast a healing spell that restores stamina and some hentai spell that turns pain into pleasure making it so that they're mindbroken by his massive cock completely destroying their cervix by forcing it open with his massive cock and unable to close anymore making it impossible for them to have a child and when he pulls out he slightly prolapses their uterus
and then he heals all that too
you mean
>heals them so hard it restores their virginity, heeh
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yeah, it still crashes every so often and runs sub optimal on my setup.
I really enjoyed the adult mod "Trappings of Fate" so I am going to post the small amount of screenshots I took during my first playthrough. I enjoyed the first part more than the second, which was a bit more narratively driven and kind of fell apart in the middle but was still great.

It wasn't a good situation to be in, but if you accept a drink from a stranger then you're a bit fucking dumb.
That green glowy thing seems to pulse with some type of energy. Oh well, I'm sure it's nothing bad.
Deal with a Dremora to get out of here.
Oh, there's my companion.
Oh it gets worse
Well I was enjoying the sweaty girl's escapades, but now it seems we're back to our regularly scheduled shite as usual.
It was already shite when @8651165 garbage arrived
of course you'd say that, flip.
still waiting on that content of yours, champ >>8647548
since that's the game now

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