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I want to wear diapers and feel comfy all the time...
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Is there any diaper art of Fami from Chainsaw Man?
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Rev' up the the potty, I Gotta go FAST.
That's adorable. For banter ideas, I think some back-and-forth about Flo's bedwetting (if that graffiti in the store is to be believed) would be funny.
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Can't believe that moron wasted storage space for this junk
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Rare to see Ab/Dl Dr Who stuff. There's concepts that could be mined out of that terrible Space Babies episode. Millie Gibson's not really the 'cutesy' type I am into, but would be hot nonetheless to see her character be put in her place and diapered.
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yeah dont like the show but i was into it
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>Akane, holding a diaper in one hand, menacingly approaching Neru after explaining to her that their next mission will require them to infiltrate Shanhaijing's Plum Blossom Garden.
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Here you are. Sorry for the wait. I might color this in a bit. There's an alt with and without skirt.
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Also again my art skill isnt that great so sorry if its not what you were hoping for.
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>Rapidly running out of diapers
>All my usual suppliers are out of stock
Bambino's prices are so damn tempting but I hear nothing but mixed opinions on their quality and their samples go for like $30 for 2. So expensive.
I think you did a pretty good job tackling the game's artstyle. Add some color and it would almost look like the real thing.
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Seen in the last thread someone posting my clover comm from carotte, wanted to be a bit different and post the initial sketch for the comm before full work began
Unfortunately they haven't updated their brand since they started selling diapers. If they had just moved with the times they'd be excellent
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Alright. Here you go. Tbh i wonder if this is one of the first diaper arts of this game lol.
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And the skirtless alt.
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Thuggies for boys
What would a girl's diaper brand with a punny name be called?
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Anyone have anything from Coxxy? Maybe one of the messy ones? Kemono dosnt have much...
>get a new vtuber rig commission, start looking at the details
>requests a pacifier as an accessory
>"nothing unusual, I shouldn't assume they're abdl"
>asks for an idle animation sucking the pacifier every few seconds, and a string clipping the pacifier on the chest
I know pacifiers are vtuber core at this point and normalfags ask for it all the time, but these two things are not common at all.
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Wearing a pacifier is at least AR. Alternative would be just a raver on E.
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well what about other good girl's diapers?
nothing said about each other's diapers.
Maybe I"m just a bratt...
they are, ravers use necklaces, and normal vtubers would use a 2D pic
I mean, are you an abdl artist? if not then it's a big coincidence.
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Guys does anyone have the big text written by an anon here trying to explain abdl to non-abdl people ? Can't manage to find it and i feel like it's a decent explaination, better than one i could come up with
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drunk girls in diapers, Y/N?
Sorry I'm ESL so maybe I haven't explained myself properly. I'm an animator. I got a vtuber asking for a new model and the request has that: a pacifier as an accessory (which is normal at this point). But a sucking idle animation and a pacifier clip to have it hanging there is a new one for me. And now I wonder if I'm just paranaoid and think everyone is an abdl or if this is normal.
You're not paranoid, it's just a big coincidence, keep tabs on the vtuber and see what other hints do they drop.
I understood just fine, I'm saying a non-abdl wouldn't ask for sucking animations and a pacifier clip. Clips are purely baby play shit, ravers typically hang theirs from necklaces, not that I'd expect your client to be a raver vtuber.
>Purly baby shit

>Ravers have them

Pick a lane fuckwit
co-ed nursery where boys and girls are paired off and share a crib every night and naptime
swapping pacifiers with your cribmate
being found out when the lights come back on
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Hello, I'm a Baby elf filling in for santa today, the present is in my diapee!
(it's warm in there!)
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has anyone tried the safeway brand easy sleeps? they appear to be around the same size as goodnites xl, I checked that they hold the same size around goodnites too. Im reallu only worried if they rip easily.
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Do you mean this one?
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How are you supposed to fold up and tie plastic-backed diapers that use velcro tabs and a velcro landing zone instead of adhesive tapes? I've never understood this combo for this reason.
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Roll up the diaper, then use the tape wings to tie a knot to hold it together.
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Cover page for the ABDL Homestuck comic I've been working on. It's called Soporific Proclivities!!
>Ragatha wearing a diaper while high on the Stupid Sauce
I've heard that before but never managed to get it to work right. I think I'm gonna need some pictures or a video or something.
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Got a disco handle? I'll send you a pic of my dirty diapee
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bocchi my beloved
Nice try, but no.
Assuming this is a commission, I can’t imagine the blank stare they had when they read the description of what this person wanted drawn.
why she cry
She's embarrassed
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poop her pant
hasn't learned to like it yet
Any recomendations for buying a sleeper? I don't need a buttflap, but I'd like it to be footed
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Almost any abdl brand hassome clothing these days. Or you can get the legit autism one.

You're out of your mind if you think I'm giving my binkie away to some random bitch


Rearz footies are pretty solid, they look thin but they'll keep you warm. Diaperu also has some real good footies with cool patterns. The ones I really like lately are the little keeper sleepers, which have the zipper on the back (They're not hard to get on and off as long as you're at least mildly in shape)
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I’m starting to get too diaperbrained. Can’t look at pic related without thinking she’s wearing a onesie with thick diaper under them.
>weird ass blob from who knows where
You're sick in the head.
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I didn't know DiaperU and everything there is adorable, thanks. Little Keeper has one in a color I'd like to have, but I don't understand their size chart since it's in the american system
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okay figure out how to tie a knot on your own then, dumb babu
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Saw ABU got in a new shipment of SDKs so I went and got another case of those. I can reduce the price of Sunkiss Masterpieces to about the same as the SDKs, and was also curious about Fairylands and some of Tykables' modern ones. I think I'm just too partial to 2-tapes rather than 4-tapes.
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Imagine the smell...
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god way too long. I like this one tbdesu. Short, simple, and cute. Caring for someone's every need is peak love. Yeah, having power over someone and making them feel small can be cute too, but at the end of the day it's about making your other feel happy and loved imo.
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only semi-related but why is the amount of Omori diaper art criminally low
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i haven't posted this comm of mine or seen it posted for a while so enjoy
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50 bajillion hours in paint. I will stand by the fact that all magical girls should be forced to wear diapers. Poofy underpants perfectly compliment poofy dresses.
Forced? Diapers should be a part of their magical girl outfits.
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Could use some advice. I'm planning out a drawing, and want to show the diaper off a lot while not compromising the length of the character's skirt. im fine with some slight alterations to camera and pose, but if possible id like to avoid camera to the floor pointing up as thats really hard to make look good for my current skill level.
have the character lifting the skirt
You could just make the skirt super short to the point that it doesn't cover the diaper.
she's sposed to be hula hooping at the same time tho.
like i said, rlly dont wanna comprimise the outfit if i can avoid that.
If the skirt is looser, you can have it flipping up from using the hula hoop.
based. artist's name?
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strawbs, you can find some of her art on pixiv but she doesn't draw [diaper art] anymore
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Changed the post a bit. I think this might work as a pose. Anything I should change before I start the actual drawing?
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A caregiver slightly in frame giggling wholesomely at their lil' one having fun, even if the little is doing it in their own silly way
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What kind of art does she draw nowadays? Any link to her socials?
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Toilets are verboten.
>ywn be turned into a piddle pamps by your little sister
What happened to this artist, anyway?
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How do I go about using babby dippers as stuffers? Do I just put it on the front inside before folding the main one up? Will it move around inside or potentially cause leaks? Do I have to pull it out after it's soaked? For reference the kind I got is the pants-styled ones, not the huggies pull-ups kind, more like the kind you'd see in adult pull-ups, so at least I won't have to do some diaper wings cutting
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vroom vroom
I humbly request more Korra art
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The post you're quoting is not Korra, it's Pharah from Overwatch, but here you go...
oh fug, I see the eyeliner now, but thank you
goes to show you pieceofsoap has a sameface problem.
stinky poopy diapers
big babies toddling around in only a singular stinky poopy diaper and nothing else
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Isn't difficulties recognizing faces a common trait with people who has autism? I think there's a high likelihood he's on the spectrum and it's just because he suffers from face blindness. But, I might be over analyzing... It's also possible it's just because he's a smelly Frenchman.
I don't know the guy personally. I'd sooner suspect its easier for them to draw what they already know instead of mimicking a different style. This is what you get when you draw to make a quick buck instead of drawing to make good art.
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>Isn't difficulties recognizing faces a common trait with people who has autism? I think there's a high likelihood he's on the spectrum and it's just because he suffers from face blindness.
read me like a fuckin book, anon lol
have art of a likely autist in return
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>pants in the window
>this means she either saw them and decided to answer the door anyway
>she was never going to have them on when answering the door, because she wants someone to see her as the big baby she is.
she needs someone to watch her incase any kidnappers are around, be ashame if she was caught and they sent her to the Amazonian world.
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Or she just has clothes lying everywhere.
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is it just a fetish things for us, or are there kids in the school stage wearing an outfit like that, that also need diapers?
also I'd love one of these uniforms myself, but I have no idea what I'd do in it since I don't really color or do things that school kids would be doing.
the only right thing to do here is to exert dominance by squatting and going potty while making goo goo baby noises
It's a kindergarten uniform so it's reasonable to assume that late-bloomers would still wear them underneath. Worth mentioning that Japan unironically has diapers for kids up to 35kg, both pants-style and apparently tapes-style, for bedwetting and supposedly potty-training neglect. One of the brands is called Goon (no joke)
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Yeah, I've thought about ordering some of those a few times, but I'm fat so I chose not to waste my money on them. waist is about 36 so I don't have much hope.
Some online sellers mod baby dips onto adult ones if you're interested
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Meru was willing to draw anything no matter how weird it is
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What's the story with this girl anyway?
She lives with a landlord who subjects her with baby things. She is moda's oc
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Has anyone ever found success with meeting up with a girl thats also into this kink? Or is it mainly all dudes with this fetish?
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yeah my partner is pretty great.
Someone get this silly bab a frog-printed diaper or diaper cover or onesie
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Come to think of it actual babies typically have baby fat
Plus it must be humiliating for an unwilling participant to gain some baby fat
Was already into fat/chubby babs, now I'm into forced chubby babs
>Has anyone ever found success with meeting up with a girl thats also into this kink?
No but I've had success introducing my girlfriend to it.
>Or is it mainly all dudes with this fetish?
I've always been curious about this. Going purely by people identifying themselves online, you'd basically think it was 99% guys into diaper stuff but that probably also has a ton to do with the culture of online spaces. Once you enter the content creator side of ABDL (Art, amateur and professional porn) it switches to being majority women.
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>wake up
>shit myself
>take a shower
>ride a dragon dildo
>put on a diaper
>smoke weed
>play path of exile 2
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>image shows girl reading book, meant to convey she's dumb and doesn't know how to read.
>I can actually read upside down
am I the only little who can do this?
I await the day when someone tries to call me out on having the book upside down, and then show them sentence by sentence how I have no problem reading what's on the page. would you be impressed as my caregiver, or find a reason I shouldn't be doing that?
wow what a smart baby bet he's already on the pull-ups, need a fucking gold star too you fucking baby
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>a fucking gold star

that would be soo cute
Do you remember the 'everyone is a diaper fetishist, they just don't know it yet' thing? It's true. I managed to introduce 2 girls (and 1 dude) to this kink
Agreed, I got my GF (now fiance) into diapers. It's perfect
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What method did you use?
Now.....role reversal.......
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Somebody posted these a couple threads ago. Are there only three on the set, or did the artist do the other scouts as well?
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there's only three so far, for Mars, Moon and Jupiter.
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Dammit. I figured that Venus would have sluttiness curses and Mercury embarrasment.
Do we know who drew these, and how to get them to make more?
The artist is WishBerri formerly known as JamJarMonster
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>not talking with a Welsh accent
maybe they weren't a fan of the dub?
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>Pooped my diaper today
>watching some YT and eating
>feel the load still in my diaper, decided I need to stay in it for a while.
gosh I wish I had a caregiver who'd happen upon me just watching YT and munching on snacks and just check me, I'd love the humiliation of not only being so baby that other's need to check up on me, but I'm also not even bothered by it, and the rush of them finding me out too, and the fight to get chaged because "I wanna keep watching this, no!"
your caretaker should make sure you're only drinking stuff that'll make you pee and slip laxatives in your meals, too.
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Tea and bean burritos work fine. was pretty gassy this week though. hey CG, wanna smell my fart? (this would be where I'd touch my toes while my Bottom faces them while I let go, in a mischievous way)
though forcing an accident is fine when I was new and not able to do it on my own, now I'm able to feel it, diaper up, and let it go.
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Don't be a weirdo and don't be ashamed of it. I'm not saying you have to be voicing you are into this to everyone, but being too ashamed when you talk about it with your signifcant other conveys the wrong message. 'it's a wrong thing and he knows it' is what you are sending away, and that only works with a small group of people.
>dont be a weirdo
remove the diapers and im still ugly, have no personality, and am the physical manifestation of cringe and anxiety so fuck me ig.
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Futaba would definitely wear diapers, so she does not have to break her computer flow.
Reminder that no open scat is allowed on /aco/
Enclosed within a diaper is fine, but you can't show the poop itself
oh damn, i guess i don't know how to read kek

think i got one or two more actually appropriate sketches
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ok, actually appropriate draw here

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Nightmare fuel. Please never draw ever again.
too late
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Me on the left
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Dear santa,

For christmas I would like a new train set,
a hot wheels toy set that I can drive my cars around on, and a race car bed I can sleep in when I get tired. OH, and please send me some diapers, I think I may run out soon.
yours, xxxx
based. what class/skills? hammer ignite titan slaps but clear speed drove me nuts so on archmage spark now
I think you have to work on your confidence before worrying about getting someone into diapers, buddy.
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Being so delirious you mess after nursing is neat
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Is this the same girl that sketch drew in a ballet costume? Anyway ballet tutu + diaper is kino
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Slit the front of the diaper in multiple areas and then layer it into the diaper itself. Let's the excess bleed into the main diaper.
I need a cute Futaba from Biocum
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A man of taste
Any pics of Cure Majesty? or any of the HS Cures? Or if someone remembers a string of pics that has been posted before you can just link an archived post if that's more convenient for you
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>cringe esl/pajeet dialogue
Every time
No one asked, eww cringe
Alright, here's a prompt. Say a trusted friend tells you they're going to a music festival, and probably won't get to use the restroom for a while. So they want to wear a diaper, and they're looking for a recommendation from you for one. How would you go about finding one they would like, and coaching them on what to do?
Unironically just go with medical pull-ups since they're the most practical and discreet and can tank two wettings at most which I assume is the number of times they'd need to go, plus easier to change out of and into. Even the most heavy duty diapers will leak if pissed in the same spot enough. Don't forget powder to mask the smell for the sake of others.
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Monogatari good
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Man I remember browsing through the artist's gallery and reading the stories in the descriptions that go along with the pics. Tried using Wayback to read them back but no dice.
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"Clean it up wagie. I still expect Black Myth Wukong in the stocking. The stocking. Not as a present. I want other stuff too."
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This is how you get a public spanking by your caretaker
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This does bring a question, if someone was being a bad baby to santa, but their caregiver spanked them on the spot, is that enough correction to get anything besides a lump of coal, or does the baby still have to prove they're being good till Christmas? does it count any more/less if santa themselves gives the spanking instead?
where are the fucking tapes
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Maybe the tapes were the friends we made along the way
speaking of vtubers and ABDL
If you ask them about it you'll out yourself too. I'm sure you know that already but just reminding in case you're still considering doing that
probably gonna defeat my meat to the iono set every day for the next week to be honest good going mr omelette
How do I balance the fact that my story will not just be sexy fetish stuff with the fact that sexy fetish stuff is a major goal.
Let me read it
It's not done yet you dumb cunt.
I'm ripping off Momsterous except the MC's transformation into a girl is a sign of his degeneration and corruption. What should I include?
There's not enough evidence for either.
They should be spanked to tears by both just to be sure :)
Spanking is not absolution, it is punishment by caregiver.
To put it bluntly, unless the individual has genuine repentance, coal is coming.
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Always liked the scout in diapers, something about their innate nature that really fits.And you just know one day their was a monster targeting those that had accidents.

And you know that Usagi said "In the name of Bed Wetters everywhere I will punish you"

Que the other scouts picking up that would Usagi included herself in that statement.
If male friend pretend not to know anything about diapers. If friend female recommend goodnites and make up a story about a childhood friend who wore them well into her teen years if asked how I know.
Sailor Moon is born for fetishes, and they are especially suited to ABDL.
My friend, who I know isn't into diapers, asks me for a diaper recommendation? I go full retard and say Princess Rearz.
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no, what you need to do is suggest a "wearing party" to test out the diapers with them, and say each other should be in charge of changing the other so you can simulate the "not able to get to a changing area" feeling and know the limits of what was bought.
What kind of anime horseshit are you talking about? I don't want to try on diapers with someone I don't want to fuck raw.
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But which scout is which type of ABDL

Moon. is easy, put a diaper on her and she will be using it in under an hour without noticing. Needs a full day to make it back to the potty without issue. Just a fun loving diaper baby.

Jupiter. definitely a diaper mommy, for the other scouts. Dearly wishes for a boyfriend to change, and baby her.

Mercury. The type to track their diaper usage, to monitor their health. Times her diaper usage to exactly half an hour before a chance of a change to really enjoy the warm feeling and mess.

Mars. Cannot admit to herself how much she loves her diapers, is always trying to act like a big girl but just cannot quite manage. Always surprised to find she messed herself

Venus. All over the place, someday she wants to play mommy, other days she the most bratty of them all.
Man, I really should get back to writing my diapered magical girl story.
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you should!
File deleted.
look, sailor moon even has her own brand to support her "needs"
anyone wanna edit it to have her as the "baby"?
There's sailor moon branded sanitary pads I think, period underwear even (which is just diaper lite)
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Christmas themed diapers with naughty printed on the back and nice printed on the front
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If you're going with the maturity draining succubus I'd hope for age regression, but I'd get corruption probably leaning towards sex stuff, so probably incompatible with most people's tastes. After that, I'd say add abdl themed monsters, mommy-dom, hypnosis, maybe bad endings stuff.
where did you get it? I haven't seen that anywhere
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Does Rei admit that use uses Moon branded diapers.
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