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Last thread >>8631600
No Animal Genitalia (Specifically Dogcock Futa), Slob, Inflation, Fart, Grotesque art
If you want that - post somewhere else
Please keep the drama/arguing to a minimum, and don’t take the bait.
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I guess we don't do themes anymore
Sometimes we will
The theme of every thread is Vriska putting my crushes to sleep.
It’s not compulsory. Sometimes you just gotta make a thread
Don’t you have to go whine some more because your posts got deleted
>Don’t you have to go whine some more because your posts got deleted
Don’t you have an Instagram account to mug on instead of posting on an actual website?
No I’m not a whore lmao
Why would I have an instagram
>my crushes to sleep
so vriska/Aranea arent your crushes?
Because you’re a whore?
Don’t twist my words like that, anon! Vriska could be reading this thread right now!
That'd require us to care
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OP here, the theme was “whatever pics I’m able to scrounge up before the last thread gets pushed to page 11 because nobody else is making a new one.”
she looks like the pale lady here
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That's all anyone needs really.
Tell us your crushes anon.
>Tell us your crushes anon.
The real ones or the fictional ones?
Insane concept where Vriska puts you to sleep and rides your cock while you have a wet dream about Aranea sucking your dick.
The Serket Sister double team
Fucks you mind, body, and soul
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How much Serkit can one man survive
Don't encourage threadcop behavior.
Something about you prefacing that with the words ‘insane concept’ just tickles me.
Threadcop > Schizos anyday.
What appeal does each troll girl hold for you, anons?
Obviously, Vriska appeals to me because of her hypnotic sleep powers, but she’s also kind of a symbol of my existential connection to Andrew. Homestuck was the first time I really, truly saw myself and my sensibilities represented in a piece of media, and Vriska is kinda like the epicenter of that, I think. Aranea is cool but her poshness and old English vibe make her a little less fun for me, although she does kind of make me think of Vriska in a Tron Legacy suit, which is hot.

Kanaya makes me horny because she’s a goth and because of her emotionless tone that places undue emphasis on literally everything she says, but the vampire thing is a turnoff because vampires are boring. That principle goes double for Aradia. Nepeta isn’t hot, Feferi is a *tiny* bit hot in that airy booby-showing ditz kinda way, but whatever otherwise. Terezi’s annoying and outgoing gremlin thing is pretty appealing, but basally she kinda gives me the same drab vibes Jade does. Meenah is kinda hot because she’s black, and everyone else is meh
Factually wrong, but you are clearly biased. Increase the schizophrenia, it's more fun that way.
I'm the guy they keep attacking and calling a schizo for my Vriska fixation, and I have to emphasize, by DSM standards, I'm a literal, actual diagnosed bipolar schizophrenic, but since there's no such thing as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, I have to wonder why they hate me so much.
I like Nepeta cause she probably stinks a little
didn't read past chapter 1 btw
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This discussion is boring. I want more rustblood sluts!
Pounding Fozzer's ass until he stops being a communist
anon that asked for more fantrolls, do you have any ideas because I made one recently and have 0 ideas (other than rust blood bimbo)
>rustblood sluts
No need to be redundant.
They’re genetically designed cum extractors.
Better red than…red?
god i want to knock that jade up so hard
That’s not much if an OC anon… though I guess it works for twitter artists lmao.
Give her a hobby, some sort of hair accessory, and make it so her belly is always visible (remember trolls have no belly button) and then you can hit the big leagues.
>remember trolls have no belly button
Shut up whore, go put grub nubs on everything too
>I made one recently
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>some sort of hair accessory
ahhhh do pigtails count? shes a rust blood pretending to be a cobalt (not very good at it, hence the bimbo part) she collects creepy, cursed dolls/plushies since she can talk to the ghosts who possess them
i dont even have one lol
also fuccck you for the belly button comment nonnie no one follows that rule lol and ill be damn if i cant give a character a belly button ring
>knee pads for sucking dick/ass/pussy/nook/bulge on the go
>Asymmetrical shirt allowing for easily accessible tiddy flashes
>Pigtails = Handlebars (though not hair accessories?)
>Horns = Also Handlebars???
>Wide Sleeve (i just like this)
Solid design. I approve - she’s a slut.
You could pierce the grub scars if you wanted to??? Idk if I’ve seen that before desu but it could work.
Rustbloods really are the Twi'leks of their planet
Yo mama!!!
makes me ponder if PvZ-type plant seeds could be a thing in the game
Are you autistic
You're in a Homestuck thread.
rose lalonde disinterested handjob
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>What appeal does each troll girl hold for you, anons?

Feferi: exhibitionist beach babe who's also kind of a dork
Kanaya: long lithe fashion model with no confidence to embrace her sexiness, and very cute when flustered which is often
Aradia: bubblegum goth who seems like a normal girl with a little tummy and a lot of boob and a limitless imagination for new sex acts
Nepeta: honestly? she doesn't do much for me, but she is very adorable
Terezi: smol and eager for energetic sex, which she will talk about loudly and often to make other girls blush
Vriska: literally perfect waifu, did nothing wrong, I would spend eternity trying to bone the crazy out of her and wouldn't care if I failed
While she regales you about Morrowind lore.
vriska serket unempathetic hypnosleep
Kill yourself
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Let the man have his fetish, he can banned everywhere else if he wants.
Hi anons! I’m buzzed off pf 5 glasses pf winr and let me tell you, I get it. A mother would 100% get addicted to wine if getting this wet meant you had fun. To connect this to Homestuck, please send me all the Mom Labolnde porn you have, she’s a sexy bit h with big milfy titties.
This pic is cute! CUTE!
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>Threadcop hates fun
What else is new?
Threadcop is taking a nap right now.
This poster is threadcop
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Oh shut up you anons! Why don't you go rape each other?
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What's wroooooooong 8ig 8oy? Scared of a horny older woman asserting herself on you?
No, I'm just afraid of having my penis touching someone else's insides! That's gross!
Why would you ever think you’re going to be the one penetrating lmao
Uhhh…because Vriska isn’t a tranny?
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>Mom Labolnde
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>that giant canon hairdo
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Tragic that I'll never be breastfed by Roxy.
pay a lactating escort to act like her
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Can you imagine?
>Act like the character from this webcomic.
>Do I have to read it? That'll cost you double.
>there must exist a payment floor where an escort would induce milk production AND read the entirety of homestuck in order to roleplay roxy
there are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to view them
It’s a lot easier than trying to get them to seal their paint properly
I'm surprised there isn't a sub genre of cosplay escorts who specialize in roleplaying certain characters
Gotta love street walker trolls
That Aradia looks ready to SIT ON some bitches dayum
Fucking Slamram
Mmm, Nepeta pubes.
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Aradia too chunky, but great stuff
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Shoutout to Toluen Trinit the omnifucker
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isn't it boring to imagine every single person in your waifu harem having the exact same perfectly identical copy paste body type
i'm not saying there need to be fatties for diversity it just doesn't vibe with me is all
OC self inserters aren’t the most creative or interesting people, pls understand.
I like my waifus because I like my waifus.
I don't like them for some weird arbitrary diversity quota. I like them because they make my dick tingle.

You faggots overthinking shit constantly.
As expected of a paheal user.
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settle down autist no one's going to take your factory produced bimbo clones away from you
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>factory produced
niggers will really complain about shit like this in a homestuck thread
This is nice, all the girls look different, but all of them look good - there’s actual conversation to be had over which is the one that works for you and as piece of art it’s got value.
This (plus the other ones I’m not going to respond to) might as well be AI slop because of how divorced it is from characters being themselves. It’s just taking each one, putting it into a template and filling a quota. No fault to whoever the artist is because I’m assuming this is the OC owner’s commission, but it’s lame af.

> factory produced bimbo clones
Even the stepford / Sunny Miami people are a lot more creative with how they get different things within those templates.

>she misses the point completely
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I'm not even decrying stepford wives type bodies that shit is hot as fuck
but you gotta be some kind of retard to look at a dozen radically different characters and posit that they all look like the first playboy pinup you saw when you were 12 years old
>misses the point completely
what is the point? At what point did you guys decide to start getting mad at when people don't draw HS characters every flavor of the diversity rainbow?
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>this is boring
this post >>8644473
doesn't read as mad to you?
That doesn't read as mad at all. You on the other hoof come off as bubblin' with rage.
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It literally does not read as mad at all, anon.
No it’s not mad sounding at all. Try being less autistic.
Also, the point is that homestuck characters, even within the confines of normal-mode design, are massively more diverse than >>8644455 ‘s.
You just posted a difference from >>8644455 not a similarity.
Premature ejac shaming is so hot.
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hell yeah brother
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Nobody saved them at the same resolution? Or nobody bothered?

>cali wearing a fucking string
Callie's design is so underrated, She's super cute
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Hell yeah. Cherub too.
Oh no, she indeed does "eat" the other five
The horns make it difficult desu. You gotta spread your legs real wide for her to get in there
She looks like a Star Vs. character here.
Good thing I don't have horns
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Milk truck's here
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>black sheep
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no she's grey
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big honkers
can someone PLEASE get that cat outta the way
There's no catless version IIRC. Aradia crotch without w00lly pubes is pointless anyway.
Sweater puppies
need rose lalonde to put on a nice pair of heels and then step on my fucking throat and/or dick with them
While reciting Morrowind lore*
Morrowind isn’t even good. None of TES are, I don’t know why you keep bringing that up
yeah, we only play good games like skibidi fortnite
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>Morrowind isn’t even good. None of TES are
Then what fantasy games are?
Why'd you deactivate your Tumblr? It was my best source of fantasy posts.
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Would you cut off one finger and win a mansion, or drink MILF Jade Harley's radioactive milk directly from the nipple?
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>drink MILF Jade Harley's radioactive milk directly from the nipple?
How radioactive is it?

Who am I kidding, I'd suck those puppies dry.
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Cut off one finger and win a mansion, easily.
Am I robbing milk from hellish dogspawn that require it more?
I think it's cool Jade Harley has been reduced to either a dog womb or a dog dick depending on what the poster is into. Great character Andrew.
Ah yes, gathering insight about a character on a porn board, truly you are doing incredibly accurate and balanced research
Jade is anything you want her to be, anon.
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Here's some milk. Turn into cheese to go with that whine.
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Just for you
I actually love this and it made my cock twitch reading that.
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I wish porn artists would include more of Jade being a scientist and gardener
I actually am not too concerned with her doggy womb
I wish Homestuck artists would acknowledge any of the previous Homestuck before post canon existed, but here we are.
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i don't know who you think i am. i've never had a tumblr. i just shitpost here about rose sometimes.
>Jade reduced to dog dick
>Rose reduced to cheating with dog dick
>Dave reduced to whiny gayboi
>John reduced to troon
Andrew hates his creations.
Dave didn’t really change tho
you would too
Nah I'm built different.
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Homestuck fans deserve death but nuking your story and reputation to spite them is still retarded.
No they do not actually!
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When's the Hiveswap upd8?
Me, I'm team /dogwomb./
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Human with a tail + ears is the right way to go.
I supported Jade with Bec's equipment long before Hussie made a "thing" of it.
no you didn't, I was the only one

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