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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8620768/
/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive
40k Kink Meme
Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection
Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection
Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites
Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. rentry.org). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.
>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!
Write. Write. Write. The mega.nz links are there for a reason. The more you read, the more comfortable you'll be creating a story of your own. For any more questions, check the 'Writing Resources' post below or simply post a question in the thread.
>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
It's been more than three years. /tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons were against it, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods gave up and set the threads tagged with '/wst/' on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.
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story time
Daemonhost x Reject (Darktide) w/ Reverse Corruption themes

I can't find the piece of daemonhost art that inspired me but this will have to suffice. Enjoy, dudes.

Enjoy, bros.
Fem Konrad Curze x Human crewman

Here is part three of "Ancient Evil Smutty Texts", the story about the corruption of a Sister of Battle:
Part 1: https://rentry.org/ty5t6vm2
Part 2: https://rentry.org/8mwy4wqd

I think that's everything but I am probably wrong. again.
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okay so I got an error when I posted because I did too many characters and I forgot to fix it for the second up load do you want me to try again or nah
you have 120 seocnds to say yah;

saint timothy is always related
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so anyway movinbg on

=== General Writing ===

Creating a Story

General grammar tutorials and key notes

How to Write from a Second Person Perspective

Tips for Writing Grimdark


Body language

Facial Expressions


Guide to Constructive Criticism


=== Erotic Writing ===

Smut 101: An Introduction

Writing Erotica

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Thesaurus for Male and Female Sex Organs

Thesaurus for Sexual Action

Thesaurus for Erotic Description

How to write an Orgasm

/wfg/ Community Thesaurus
>>>8640233 (You)
>Art Megas
>>>https://mega.nz/folder/yn40jYbB#7qJ-ZAXEgFw-FixizevWBQ - Blindwildcat WH art
>>>https://mega.nz/folder/H99m3IhY#SbpRVp2fghX8OABqHX5yOg - Lewdanon art
>>>https://mega.nz/folder/8skznaBS#ibTA-IlvIaDtIl7asqOR9Q -
moralfags aside Mossa's Cultist chan material is pure, undiluted kino. INJECT IT INTO MY CAROTID ARTERY
her mark of Khorne is on her foot because you get corns on your feet
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completely unrelated but this is an absolutely fantastic album and you should all listen to it.

this is what happens when you let the old thread get to page 10 and I have to do it when I am drunk.
there was some random ambient shit after sleezevil on the playlist and i regret that. here's the Destroyer

like what the fuck that is straight up vandalism
It's kinda fucking strange to see a /tg/ creation getting made by somewhat famous artists.
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New joefap kerillian dropped on /coopg/
Fix the elven depopulation crisis.
But Saltzpyre is for Sienna
nice subject title bro
it strikes me as pandering. i feel the same way whenever flick draws cultist chan. It never feels passionate but rather a case of someone trying to invoke nostalgia for a particular kind of person.
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Sneaky weaboobs. Do you like sneaky boobs anons?
I wanna fuck the overy-loyal mutant
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Mossa is a completely deranged SoKor, and for sure he doesn't care about "pandering". He made an entire piece suggesting bestiality just to spite Reddit.
He simply draws what he likes, and as Asians are wont to do, he likes cute. Cultist is cute. Still a better companion to the Emperor than whatever Erda was.
Posted a new chapter of Queens Don't Quit recently, for those into the usual Tyranid/Escher content. The fic keeps growing on me so we haven't quite reached the hardcore content yet, but there's plenty of softer stuff to help build things towards their climax.

https://archiveofourown.org/works/58654930/chapters/156497305?view_adult=true if you want to give it a look.
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>Still a better companion to the Emperor than whatever Erda was.
But she's his DAUGHTER!
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>It's kinda fucking strange to see a /tg/ creation getting made by somewhat famous artists.
More than that, a /tg/ creation that's old enough to vote.
Good writing, still blue balling from no sex. Also you leave closing brackets ] in several places.
Ah, bollocks, I'll get that fixed tonight after work. Thanks for pointing it out, and hopefully you won't be waiting too long for the good stuff to begin!
I prefer the world-building. It gives the sex more impact if you know the characters instead of them being stand-ins for sex toys. I'm actually starting to prefer the non-sexual content over your sexual content. Same quality, but the way you create weave the characters out of their actions and reactions, how they take and give, really drives me on.
Maybe he was on /tg/ during that time? Also cultist chan is well known enough outside of /tg/ I think.
Nah, the guy got an history lesson on her after asking around on twitter
>cultist chan is well known
Don't kid yourself
She's on 1d4chan, anyone finding out about 40k will learn about her sooner or later.
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Does anyone have the full image?
That would require signing up to Twitter and going to https://x.com/kumrattekorner
Dude, 1d4chan hasn't existed for three years and is hardly a well-trafficked search result.
It's also apparently 1d6chan now. Good luck to them and I hope Fandom doesn't buyout their host.
isn't there another fork like 2d4chan or something as well?
I think 2d4 is just a mirror of the last updates to 1d4 before it went down for good, so it's not updated anymore.

1d6 is the currently maintained one and there's also a 1d4 hosted on wikia (I refuse to call it fandom) last I checked, I'm honestly shocked that exists without being nuked by the mods.
>SoB going commando under her armor
Isn't nude under armor the case for space marines and primarchs? With all the automatic waste diposal and skin linking to the armor and what not? They don't shit out of tiny butthole cutouts in their formal wear do they?
Why is mossa doing so much cultist chan art these days?
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He's Worst Korean. His interest wanders and latches onto the weirdest of things. Sometimes cute, sometimes horrifying. Just appreciate what you have for as long as you have it.
I'd assume they'd still have some sort of undersuit so it doesn't chaff.

Think astronauts
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They have an undersuit, it's visible in the joints of the armor.
Just finished a comm that shows part of it
Anyone got Moloch's "Power from Pain" 1 and 2?
>Don't kid yourself
[Not the guy you responded to.]
Dude, her creator is still has her comics and art on his DA and he has made a few new pieces of her earlier this year.

Other and more active artists have made art of Cultist-chan this year and before, It's not difficult to find out about her; she pops up in 4 images within the top 27 female chaos cultist art
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A more beefier version of my DP of Khorne Tiyasa. Also a version of her she likes taking to become even more imposing and bestial.
Anon that's not an undersuit, that's a secondary underlayer of the armour and pretty heavy armoured on its own.

Come to think of it, with the black carapace, Marines may actually go naked under there
I usually see it called undersuit or bodyglove. They probably are naked underneath, wouldn't make much sense to have any layers inbetween it and the skin.
Ah yes, rape
Hot, would pound as I drank all her breast milk.
Anons, do eldar look asian to you?
Why is this even a conversation, they're inexplicable aliens, they're not human.
This is pretty awesome
Sounds like the start of a Monty Python sketch w/ Kerillian, Kruber, and Saltzpyre

>I think she looks Bretonnian.
>If you genuinely believe that I STRONGly suggest getting your eyes checked. You don't need both to see that the elf has strong Cathay suggestions around her eyes and forehead.
I can hear you! Have to be deaf not to. What are you talking about?
>Just wondering what race you most strongly resemble.
I resemble the Elves of Athel Loren. Because that is where I was born and raised.
>True. True. But if you weren't an elf, which people would you most resemble?
>AH! I've got it. The wutelgi looks like she came from Sylvania!
Not you too Bardin.
>Don't mind the boys their nonsense. You know how they get when there's nothing to do. And besides, I can tell from the shape of your ears that at least two of your grand-parents were Sea-Elves, and at least one a Wood Elf.
I... Am going to visit my people for a while. Don't follow me.
>Rogue Trader vehemently refuses to refer to Yriliet as an Eldar; Insists she is a as-yet-undiscovered Abhuman. Especially in front of other Eldar.
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Plausible deniability.
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Why do Imperials and Eldar like boobplate so much?
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Gotta protect the mammaries
To mog the lesser no titty races.
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Even hiding she's smug.
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Do you like Eldar personality, or just their looks?
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Anon, it is called the Milkyway Galaxy.
You connect the dots.
And more importantly, why don't the space marines and custodes armor include a massive, bulging codpiece. They're supposed to be all about shock and awe but they can't cockshock the foes of mankind?
So I'm reading Carmilla, and her real name is Mircalla von Karnstein, which is obviously where the Von Carstein family got their name. Also, it's incredibly horny lesbian smut. Would recommend. Can't believe this book is from 1872.
Lesbian smut written by a dude? It's either gunna be goated or shit. I'm game to read it.

some can be sweet in their own very weird fae way,take yrliet from the rogue trader vidya for example
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>Also, it's incredibly horny lesbian smut. Would recommend. Can't believe this book is from 1872

It's so fucking shit that johnny-come-lately Dracula got to define the vampire genre instead of the infinitely superior lesbian adventure that is Carmilla. The Victorian suppression bureau couldn't allow that kind of power fantasy I guess.
So that’s where JBR has been. Neat!
Dicks are gay.
[spoiler]There's a dick in your pants[/spoiler]
Fucking hell, first I find out that I have a skeleton inside of me and now this...
How did that get there?

Oh wow, a sexy dress-up page, now that takes me back.
It's probably about a four hour read, I stopped about halfway through. Obviously there isn't any overt sex, in true vampire fashion, they use the bite for that. Lots of kissing. Lots of the MC thinking to herself, "what a curious thing to say."
It really doesn't help that La Fanu dropped dead of a massive heart attack less than a year after finishing Carmilla and In a Glass Darkly; despite what people say, death is not generally a good career move.
But I’m a girl…
You shouldn't walk around with a dildo all day then. It might sound fun, but I assure you, it's not as sexy as it sounds. Now, if Kerillian had to run around with a dildo held inside her with some very high-riding panties; That'd be different.
Then I'm sorry to inform you that you're a transsexual.
wtf, don't steal peoples dicks like that!
Hmmmm. Now you got me thinking of some artifact of slaanesh. Or just an artifact from a really really horny dark mech girl.
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Finished Carmilla. Highly enjoyable.
tits or gtfo, or "cap" as the youths say now. alternatively, sharpie in pooper
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Did this one ever get colored?
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The anon/anons who asked probably found it already but i was able to find some sslyth stuff. I have planned to commission some myself, but this is pretty good already.
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Another image sslyth image I found. If you want, the artist's name is: N0rko or Pork_The_Nork

Also want to link a story of my deamon princess tricking an eldar but unsure If posting the raw GDoc is a good idea. Maybe I will just ask the author to post on ao3.
>Armoured thigh-highs
Somehow genestealers are not embraced by Slaneesh, even when we compare they do the same thing. So, why does Slaneesh not like them? Well, it's because they mostly focus on sex and not the gore part.
Slaneesh is all about feeling excess of sensations. Pain and pleasure devoid of division.
>Are these Tyranids?
>Worse. Genestealers.
>Oh God.
>There's more.
>They're aligned with Slaanesh.
>Try not to.
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Hive mind influence btfo's chaos
>Carry the consequences of their failure
Succubi chained up to a wall and forced to carry their alien pregnancy to term before they're allowed free. The arena's got to get fresh meat somehow, and raids are so inefficient. At least they are informed of the day their 'son' is due to fight. In case they want to watch, or compete.
I vote for the Incel Orks
Dracula just appealed to more people.
it's the same reason the found footage genre of horror was super popular in the late 90s early 2000s
do find odd how sexless Vampire feel at times especially VtM and Warhammer ones
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But what if they are... Tyurinids!
Sound gay.
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That and the lesbian pregnancy!
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Based. Protect all waifus.
>superior lesbian adventure that is Carmilla
Fuck no, Carmilla makes people uncomfortable. She's a monstress that literally wanted to build up a nest of corrupted maidens shackled to their own sexual desires in a perpetual purpose of pleasure Carmilla and each other.
Also, no men allowed part, really pissed the readers. Like, way up there.
I'll fuck her anyway and impregnate her.
Her being a vampire won't change that.
Carmilla LIKES dick. She doesn't like what is attatched to it, that's all.
Sometimes i wonder if certain soldiers are meant to be in the battlefield to begin with. A good looking female of breeding age must be a diamond to any faction that founds them in the battlefield, rare too. Slaneesh wants them, Genestealer wants them, the aliens want them. I mean, sure. Ending as a demoncubala may not be the best outcome but you can't deny some individuals were meant to be solely drenched under the rutting embrace of sinister creatures, be them male, female or both.
Would she accept dick if it was from a non-sapient source like a wolf?

>Ze wưlfs are a nəəcesarry èvil. So many of mine bētches are rêluctant to lŭrve wŏmen like I do. Until þey do, þey föök ðe wųlfs.

Reservist gets caught up in a Drukhari raid. Wyches think she'd wasted as arena fodder so they put her up as entertainment for the Beasts. They're less likely to kill each other when they're in rut if they have a warm hole to spill their seed into every so often.
Fun fact : in the earliest iteration of the tabletop, genestealers CAN ally with chaos as tyrannid hasn't been created.
>Waste its load
>Blue cum coming out of her
Dunno chief
>you can't deny some individuals were meant to be solely drenched under the rutting embrace of sinister creatures
That's a bit reductionist...

>Fun fact : in the earliest iteration of the tabletop, genestealers CAN ally with chaos as tyrannid hasn't been created.
And if the Daughters of Peace were to combine their powers with the Tau'av, WE WOULD BE UNSTOPPABLE!
>that pic
Thats unironically the best way to win the space era stage
Why fight them, when you could love them for years until they gently pass on the bed as you watch in saddness
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>Thats unironically the best way to win the space era stage
But NOOOO, we have to be all prickly and pointy and shit...
I can lactate opiates damn it!
We should be winning Hearts and Minds, not tearing Skulls and Spines!
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>She doesn't like what is attatched to it
And she has no say in the matter because I like her.
I WILL marry her, I WILL impregnate her with triplets, WE WILL live happily ever after.
I want to be a Vampire Countess' manservant/bedwarmer/bloodbag.
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Here's a nerd.
>Marines Malevolent
Uh oh ...
Imagine a mother reading a bedtime story to her kids about "The little techpriest that could" sort of deal.
Anon that's obviously an Imperial Fist

If it was a MM he'd have shot her first
You're joking right that's obviously an Angry Marine.
So are there any good stories or stuff on the fay enchantress?

I'm writing a self insert OP demigod monsterboy OC and after he helps Bretonnia win a key battle, he is seduced by the Enchantress. When he breaks her hymen however, it's enchanted so that whoever breaks it becomes her slave forever, and she has me submit to her loving authority.

I wanted to know her speech mannerisms and general personality to help me write her better.
Depends who you ask
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Now I really want a version of this image with the nerd replaced by a techpriest and homer replaced by an ecclesiarchy priest.
Sounds like she'd do great in Warhammer Adventures!

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