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File: 1733236821302085.jpg (640 KB, 1250x1250)
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640 KB JPG
Thread Rules
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Provide names and image references in a single post.
>Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
>Show appreciation, not "thanks in advance".
>Ignore requests from obvious spammers.
>Don't fight spam with spam and/or trolling. It wastes posts.
>Screencap edits belong in >>>/aco/movies
>If your delivery exceeds 4chan's file size limitation (or the delivery cannot be posted here whatever reason), consider uploading it on catbox.moe or our booru first.
>imgur and twitter uploads are not recommended for image quality reasons.
>New thread can be created *only* after this one reaches Page 10 at the bump limit.
>Editors are encouraged to occasionally help out on other edit threads on this and other boards of 4chan (and beyond).
>Please don't forget to bump the thread if it falls to Page 10 before hitting the bump limit.

>Collection of Deliveries:
/co/ - http://the-collection.booru.org/
/v/ - http://vidyart.booru.org/
/aco/ Edit Booru - https://acoedit.booru.org/index.php

Color / Edit Thread:
Previous thread: >>8563436
File: Padme.png (753 KB, 850x960)
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753 KB PNG
Requesting bigger boobs
Preggo bellies, please
File: camila.jpg (2.48 MB, 2400x2293)
2.48 MB
2.48 MB JPG
Requesting to remove all the guys, cocks and cum except for the one Camila is riding
File: Anger and Agony.png (3.02 MB, 2700x951)
3.02 MB
3.02 MB PNG
Requesting Anger & Agony nude edit version.
File: police.jpg (1.66 MB, 2000x1500)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB JPG
Requesting mouse to be edited into a human with white skintone and blond hair, please
requesting nude version, to-proportion large areola
File: joelasko.jpg (228 KB, 901x1280)
228 KB
228 KB JPG
requesting nude females, disembodied penis
File: 1727048891046 (1).jpg (677 KB, 1036x1240)
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677 KB JPG
Requesting a recolor for the man plz

Skin tone reference

File: big 06.jpg (1.07 MB, 1838x2600)
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1.07 MB JPG
Requesting the guys red shirt removed so he is nude as well
File: Mrs. Boonchuy.png (2.36 MB, 1536x2305)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Mrs. Boonchuy (Amphibia).
Requesting a futa edit with Casey's flaccid dick under her thigh.
File: IMG_4969.png (739 KB, 932x1598)
739 KB
739 KB PNG
Requesting Trixie to be completely naked.

Timmy's python of a cock being visible would be neat as well, but is optional
File: 124673640_p0.png (3.73 MB, 3550x4500)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB PNG
Requesting uncensored edit
Requesting adding in a bulge to this pic.
File: 1729205181426304.jpg (1.44 MB, 3216x3632)
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1.44 MB JPG
Requesting recolor's for the four females in this picture

Reference's below

Requesting this skin tone for the girl on the upper left.

And this for the girl on the upper right.

and for the girl on the bottom left this skin tone

and the girl on the bottom right this skin tone.

(And make the females hair black please, you can keep the dickgirl the same.)
File: Starfire X Raven.png (2.26 MB, 2472x3296)
2.26 MB
2.26 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Starfire and Raven.
File: 1724703126369 (5).png (1.21 MB, 1999x3177)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
Requesting the dick me note removed
File: 1730956699526054.jpg (794 KB, 2842x4096)
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794 KB JPG
Requesting the rest of her body to be colored black similar to the black part of her mask (watch out for the piercings)
File: GLMAqIBbAAA8t5D.jpg (249 KB, 1400x1600)
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249 KB JPG
Requesting nude edit
File: 1733796368403366.png (203 KB, 1197x1200)
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203 KB PNG
Requesting an edit of this comic by Montatora-501 featuring his OC's Simone and Grimella by having Simone pants and panties being removed in the last panel and showing her ass?
File: moms.jpg (1.21 MB, 1868x2490)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB JPG
Requesting to remove the speech bubbles and clean up the backgrounds to isolate this panel with just Camila and Oum
please remove the wristwatch
Requesting to remove her big titties of this pic.
File: Marinette X Alya.png (3.48 MB, 1920x2060)
3.48 MB
3.48 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Alya and Marinette.
Requesting Peach's boobs have 1 nipple each instead of 4, remove her udder in favor of a normal pussy, and her hoof hands and feet be made to be human-like again. If it's easier to just give her a thong and heels instead of drawing the full body parts, you can just do that instead.
File: possible strap on edit1.jpg (636 KB, 849x1200)
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636 KB JPG
Can I get this edited to a plant (wooden?) strap-on with leave and vine strapping.
File: Nea.jpg (246 KB, 1276x667)
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246 KB JPG
Requestinge nude edit version of this sexy alien news reporter.
You're already on the do not deliver list
File: 40053.png (1.3 MB, 1999x3177)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB PNG
I'm just requesting a nude edit, OK. Just stop.
File: 1732273174190654.jpg (1.4 MB, 4096x3150)
1.4 MB
1.4 MB JPG
Requesting to colour bimbofied Estel from Streets Of Rage 4
ref https://files.catbox.moe/uxuegc.png
requesting a bottomless edit
File: 1640221056879.jpg (77 KB, 720x1543)
77 KB
Requesting nude edit
File: Willow Park.png (2.72 MB, 1629x2304)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Willow Park.
Thank you!
File: Yvonne beach futa.png (3.94 MB, 1412x2000)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB PNG
requesting pussy edit and bikini removal
File: IMG_3439.png (595 KB, 712x1396)
595 KB
595 KB PNG
Request a short shorts, and sleeveless look
Requesting boots(the monkey) and all the text removed please

Higher quality
File: big 07.jpg (1.04 MB, 1838x2600)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB JPG
Requesting the guys red shirt removed so he is nude as well.
File: Charmcaster X Raven.png (3.39 MB, 2042x1650)
3.39 MB
3.39 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Charmcaster and Raven as well as removing the cum.
File: Ges6cUGWkAALUgV.jpg (400 KB, 1523x2038)
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400 KB JPG
Just a minor thing, but requesting to make her mask to cover the entirety of her face, not leaving the chin exposed
(Make the same for this one: https://files.catbox.moe/l1wt5u.jpg)
File: 1646445870226.png (681 KB, 1500x1500)
681 KB
681 KB PNG
Rerequesting adding navel gem, bigger balls, pit hair, etc.
(See: https://files.catbox.moe/s8gjb7.png)
File: Lifeguard.png (3.13 MB, 2322x3019)
3.13 MB
3.13 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Lifeguard (Lilo & Stitch).
requesting a smaller belly,the addition of a visible clit and also the removal of the cock
File: moms_edit.png (3.15 MB, 1868x2490)
3.15 MB
3.15 MB PNG
>>8642390 I hope this works
Requesting a decensor and no cum, please.
You hoped right.
Thank you.
File: 1731259690926997.jpg (405 KB, 1047x2487)
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405 KB JPG
Requesting Killer Frost having some legs
File: 412150215.png (1.49 MB, 1523x2038)
1.49 MB
1.49 MB PNG
File: 12150219.png (2.02 MB, 1828x2038)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB PNG
Requesting the removal of her top
File: 2150759.png (994 KB, 2600x3900)
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994 KB PNG
requesting a nude edit
requesting removing the cut character
i don't care about the background so if you have to erase it, so be it
File: big 08.jpg (2.47 MB, 1838x2600)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB JPG
Requesting the guys red shirt removed so he is nude as welI
File: nami strip by lewdamone.png (2.35 MB, 3880x2829)
2.35 MB
2.35 MB PNG
Thank you, anon. Nice work filling in the outline and skin color. I don't mean so sound ungrateful but I have a couple slight critiques. It looks like there's a little residual of the top by her right nipple. Also, it looks like her nipples are bigger in this version that in the original. If you don't mind working on this some more, could you make her nipples smaller (about that of the original) and give them a darker pink color kinda like in picrel?
How greedy
File: 2152113.png (1002 KB, 2600x3900)
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1002 KB PNG
File: FA_edit.jpg (84 KB, 661x445)
84 KB
Requesting replacing Batgirl with Emmylou Brown in this panel, Emmylou Brown edited nude more muscular with more freckles, and kiss marks all over Robin's face.
Thank you, anon. I'm sorry, you did pretty much exactly what I asked but I hadn't anticipated how much the nipple color from the reference would blend in with the shadows. If you don't mind doing another iteration, could you recolor her nipples so that they "stand out" a little more? If so, I have some references below.

File: GFQ35uRW0AAtZ01.jpg (337 KB, 2048x1431)
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337 KB JPG
Requesting both of them have doubled breast size and the left have large instead of small nipples. Both share the same natural bush style and lastly the left without the tattoo.
File: GP_fastfood_Sam (2K).png (1.61 MB, 1632x2400)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB PNG
Requesting full nude edit
File: 12161105.png (1001 KB, 2600x3900)
1001 KB
1001 KB PNG
Thanks for the first one, but can you retouch just a bit the second one? it looks a bit odd on the lower part
Thank you, anon. Sorry for all the nitpicking, I really appreciate you bearing with me.
requesitng decensor please
Requesting removal of panties and, if possible, make Serena wink with a flying heart.
File: 1734108147782955.png (300 KB, 751x1061)
300 KB
300 KB PNG
I think this is the proper thread for this, because the placement of the text is what makes it complicated, and I was requesting in the regular edit thread. I just wanted a no-text edit on this Garnet image.
Please straighten the dick as much as you can.
Please narrow the top of the scrotum so it looks more natural.
Please get rid of the dialog bubbles.
And if you feel super nice, turn his visible body into an athletic/fit physique (lean, muscular).
File: tsona (nyantcha).jpg (392 KB, 1443x1445)
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392 KB JPG
requesting coloring, also please remove the heart shaped pastie
File: remove that dick.jpg (126 KB, 1280x1488)
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126 KB JPG
Could I have the penis removed and a cute vulva and small, slightly wet labia replacing it?
(gonna trust you can find examples.)
In this world of giant bush and bare pubes could I have a tidy small short-haired landing strip. (carpet matches the drapes.)
If you don't feel like pubes bare is fine.
File: qwe.jpg (1.61 MB, 3960x2763)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB JPG
do it on upscaled, anyway better request commision from original artist, its faster to draw from zero than edit. Export in png what you like: https://files.catbox.moe/lr5ia9.kra
You're the best! Thank you so much.
requesting a cumless edit
File: vamp.png (3.82 MB, 1603x2300)
3.82 MB
3.82 MB PNG
requesting a removal of the bulge
File: 1718171167371657.png (616 KB, 1768x1004)
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616 KB PNG
Requesting an edit with Blueberry getting anally fucked by a disembodied penis.
What's edited about the OP pic, anyway?
Could someone remove the dick from both versions, too?
Requesting a hung dickgirl edit of Jinx filling up a fleshlight with her cum.
requesting a non futa edit and bigger boobs if possible
You could also instead draw her stroking herself and filling up a condom, facefucking Raven, sitting on a dildo, or whatever else her pose inspires in you!
Requesting his shirt and pants removed
File: GfRLQbQWEAAAo5B.jpg (1.62 MB, 2894x4093)
1.62 MB
1.62 MB JPG
requesting a non-futa edit
File: Sticky Situation (1) EDIT.jpg (3.3 MB, 3700x5000)
3.3 MB
3.3 MB JPG
sharing edit
where's the original to compare it with?
File: Sticky Situation.jpg (3.27 MB, 3700x5000)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB JPG
this one, which is already an edit

heres the real origin
Here ya go friend!
File: Wendy White Christmas B&W.png (103 KB, 1100x1400)
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103 KB PNG
Requesting colours.
Here ya go friend! The pastie removal is unfortunately beyond me.
File: Frye decensor edit.png (995 KB, 1346x1500)
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995 KB PNG
Here ya go friend!
File: 123167440_p0.jpg (1.56 MB, 1096x1550)
1.56 MB
1.56 MB JPG
requesting uncovering her nipples
File: gknk7l.png (562 KB, 1476x2085)
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562 KB PNG
Requesting this pic colored https://files.catbox.moe/vbkdxq.png
File: 4825827785.png (2.77 MB, 1447x2047)
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2.77 MB PNG
Requesting Pitou's breasts reduced to a normal size and if possible to also remove the cum leaking from her, full res version is in the link since its too big to post here. https://files.catbox.moe/cb6lpm.png
File: nun presentation edit.png (1.28 MB, 2800x2000)
1.28 MB
1.28 MB PNG
Here ya go friend! I was able to do the clit and cock removal. smaller belly was too much. 2/3 aint bad though!
File: Baseball Kristy.jpg (631 KB, 2504x1700)
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631 KB JPG
This may be to big for a big edit thread.
This is a partially completed pic of Kristy form the Babysitters club on her bead with a baseball jersey and glove. Any chance of polishing off some of the linework?
hi james

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