Anything with butts getting slapped, paddles, flogged, etc.
Spanking game recommendations:Cure My Addiction by TheGary>MC: Male Switch>Spankings: F/M (Optional), F/F, M/F>From: F95Zone, PatreonElven Kingdom by Kalidwen>MC: Female Switch>Spankings: F/F, M/F, F/M (Optional)>From: Itch.ioThe Elven Paladin by Kiotokai>MC: Female Switch>Spanking: F/F>From:, F95ZoneHail Dicktator by Hachi>MC: Male Dom>Sankings: M/F, F/F>From:, F95Zone, PatreonThe Headmaster by Altos and Herdone>MC: Male Dom>Spankings: M/F, F/F>From:, F95Zone, PatreonKana Sensei by Kana>MC: Female Domme>Spankings: F/F>From:, F95Zone, SubscribeStar, FANBOXMissy by Trinian Gaming>MC: Female Switch (mostly sub)>Spanking: F/F>From:, F95Zone, PatreonThe Silkfang Respite by Godspeak>MC: Female Switch>Spanking: F/F>From:, F95Zone, Patreon
>>8648783>GodspeakThis guy made a lot of other spanking games too
>>8648783Cure My Addiction, The Elven Paladin and Silkfang Respite are all finished. Elven Kingdom, Hail Dicktator, The Headmaster, Kana Sensei and Missy are all in development.
>>8649289Yeah, but I think Silkfang Respite is probably the best example. Wet Dream Diary is still pretty early in development. I liked Diary Of A Slave, but it lacks art. And his others are very short games.
>>8650024Fair enough
The artist called this a self portrait.
What are everyone's favorite types of spanking scenarios?I'm quite fond of semi-public humiliation. When there's an audience, but it's not just random strangers. It's people who know the spankee. Like a student spanked in front of the class, a maid spanked in front of the rest of the household staff, or domestic discipline carried out while friends are visiting.
>>8652209The way this artist draws lips makes many of his girls looks like they just ate a lemon.
>>8652209>What are everyone's favorite types of spanking scenarios?It may seem kind of vanilla, but I think there is something particularly hot about consensual domestic discipline. Especially if the wife/girlfriend who gets spanked when she misbehaves is the one who originally suggested the arrangement.
>>8658467Nice art. She should spank Robin too.
>>8664236maybe she will if you make a commission of her doing it
Anyone got more of punk girls?
>>8666636unfortunately no
>>8666379>>8666380sauce request. nothing came up on search for me
AnimeOTK is finally back up after being down for weeks.
Dunno if anyone will know, but I’m looking for this comic, it’s essentially a girl who’s babysitting this guy and she fucks him. I remember the first page is her sending a photo to him naked, and him panicking because his parents are still home. She shows up, parents leave, then they pretend to study for a bit but start fucking. At one point, he accidentally pushes her off the bed and she gets mad, and they fuck harder. Anyone remember anything like that? The parents come home at the end and no one finds outHe spanks her at one point
>>8667881is that a good thing?
>>8667182>>8655909I was about to ask if Kalidwen had died, but it seems he has uploaded two new images the past days.
>>8652209>What are everyone's favorite types of spanking scenarios?High and mighty princess or queen bee type, humiliated and spanked in public
>>8673848>>8673771I also like proud strong warrior women being humbled and put in their place, preferably by a hot female rival
>>8666379>>8666380SAUCE PLS
>>8667297>>8673862It's from a comic called "The Witch and The Nun" by InCase.
>>8673771That was commissioned as a squeal/expansion of this old Endart piece.
>>8674837how do you know that?
>>8675584Are you stupid or blind?
>>8675584The guy who commissioned it said so when he posted it on Deviantart.
>>8676216he didn't say that
>>8682792ok maybe he did say that
Cue fat bastard.
Cue first slap.
Bottom bared, spanking begins.
Other girl bared, spanked.
Implement introduced: tawse.
Implement used.
Spanking concludes "off-panel".
Looking back on it, it might have been a mistake to post all eight pages of build up instead of just cutting to the chase, but at least it buried that AI slop a bit. The comic was by Altcor, whose game is supposed to be done this year. Considering how game development has a way of dragging on I figured that it would probably get pushed back another year, but a month ago he released eight and a half minutes of spanking gameplay footage, and what is there looks pretty polished.
>>8687284>spanking is a minigamedropped
>>8643525Was doing some research for something I'm writing and I came across the story of Anne-Josephine Theroigne de Mericourt, a tomboy French Revolutionary who was giving a speech at the Tuileries Garden when a group of women, disagreeing with her political sentiments (French Rev. had a good amount of infighting), attacked her and stripped her naked in public, then they birched her. She was so humiliated having her ass whipped-- by other women, no less-- that she went mad, probably with manic-depressive psychosis.I wonder if anyone's drawn that scene of the angry shrews birching her, though... I leave you with this knowledge, spank-connoisseurs.
>>8648783In terms of spanking you should check the various games from "Spankbot"
>>8689582I've played Spanking Ara and can't say I'd recommend it. This may have been partially a matter of poor translation, but it didn't seem to have much going on in the way or story or characters. I felt like it'd be better off just watching the animations out of a gallery, because seeing them in the context of the game wasn't adding much.
>>8648783>Elven Kingdom>The Elven PaladinWhat's the difference?
>>8690388They're both fantasy games where you play as a female elf who can both get spanked and give out spankings depending on your choices. If you like one, you'll probably like both.Elven Kingdom is a visual novel. It's incomplete and has been waiting on the next update for a long time, but has a good amount of content in the current build. It has Kalidwen's art. So mostly black & white (or I guess blue & white) with some splashes of red for things like lips and spanked bottoms.The Elven Paladin is an RPG Maker game. A playthrough is fairly short, but it's a finished game with plenty of content to find by replaying and making different choices. It has an anime-like art style.
>>8692755Hmm, I remember playing some version of Elven Kingdom. Writing of spanking scenes was pretty bad... What's the point of making a spanking game if you are not going to put lush descriptions and stuff. Just make a webcomic if it's a picture and two lines of text.
>>8687024that's disappointing
>>8695383I will never get over how dumb partial coloring looks. No one else does this.
>>8648783>Kana Sensei by KanaThis just had the public release for the "Day 4" build.
>>8702514man ass
>>8705819Who was in the wrong here?
>>8692812>Writing of spanking scenes was pretty badI think Kalidwen is an unironic ESL.>>8707269As a rule, demons are never in the right
>>8709026>As a rule, demons are never in the rightthat makes sense actually
>>8709480Is this link safe?
>>8716532I don't think VR chat can do this.
>>8717483Why not?
>>8714078Yeah, it's safe. It's a big collection of spanking art from different artists.Though do be warned that it includes all different types of pairings, and they're mostly untagged. For instance Amlensky, RedRump, Sardax, Underling & Y. Vanof are all focused on F/M content. While C for Sweden, Copper, Franco, Jonathan, Roscoe & Tom of Finland are M/M artists.
The fewer lines you put on woman's face the better. Artists need to stop adding ugly details.
>>8722085Some of it is pretty good
>>8722085>>8714078>>8709480The main issue with that site is it does not necessary load the actual max size image it has.You need to left click on the image, once it has opened then right click and select Open image in a new tab, then from that newly opened tab remove part of the URL.E.g.>Take>Remove?format=750w>Press enter to actually load the new URL to get means what was loaded as 750x1045 instead becomes the proper size 1604x2235
>>8689327This is from the spanking magazine Ferbus issue 44
>>8723730>FerbusHe has accidentally mistyped, it is Februs. It is a play on the name of the sister magazine Janus, named after the Roman god that January is named after - so February is the joke.
Hey spankers.I didn't want to make a thread, so I am asking here.What happened to Kamitora?Patreon down, website down, no twitter or pixiv.But he last logged into >hentaifoundry in Nov '24Did he just up and leave? Did anything get saved?
>>8728676>Patreon down, website down, no twitter or pixiv.>Did anything get saved?It is only spanking but... can find stuff there. Though he last updated there Sun September 3, 2023.I have no idea if he is still actively making art and uploading it anywhere.
>>8729156Thanks for the link!