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Merry Stankmas edition

A thread for farting and burping art of western origin.

Previous thread:
Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org (Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org (vintage and rare onara art)
Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:https://discord.gg/XkzsGwk

>No begging for kemonoparty updates or asking for unsolicited requests
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman)
>No furry/anthro (monster girls are allowed)
>No Yokai Watch/single series spamming
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But who was fart?
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Pick your poison
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>karin's fart making sakura tear up from the stink
love details like that
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never thought I'd get hard from an old lady farting but holy shit that pic
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older women farts are the best farts, especially when they do it on a younger woman's face
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>especially when they do it on a younger woman's face
You know it.
>especially when they do it on a younger males (my) face
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I have to say I'm truly amazed that there's always a brap thread going on this board. And that there's so much of this stuff. As someone who truly doesn't get it, what's the appeal, anon?
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For the appeal, for me personally, I just always liked butts, big, small, you get the point, so it came as a "natural" evolution from that, no thanks to getting fart scenes from cartoons, movie scenes, and internet comedy sketches of girls farting like probably most other people with their own fetishes and kinks

Also letting the mind wander a bit between something more comedic or being more sensual and hot and is like hot sauce to something that I might already find hot, so I'm just a butt guy that fell to the dark side

Why is there so much art, besides there just being more and more people who don't mind/care about it feeling more free, I say it's because it's one of the easiest kinks to get paid for on the Internet imho

Whether it's simply alts for ass focus/facesitting art, exclusive Patreon artwork, more money from comms to women selling absolutely fucking awful videos of them farting for like $10-$50 bucks a piece it's up there with other kinks for being highly monetizable without actually having to do much to get people to pay for it

The reason why it hasn't exploded like feet/futa is because not only is it just generally still weird (let's not kid ourselves, it's weird), it's because of there being a lot of gooners who can't control their urges around literally everyone, and artists who don't want their careers torpedoed for doing kink art like others have in the past even with the financial incentives that it has, also probably not helped by people freaking out and it there being a fart joke now despite probably masturbating to God knows what else is made

But that's just my theory
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The actual appeal can be varied between brapfags. Some like the smell or sound aspect of the fart itself, some like the concept of an attractive woman doing something base and unladylike, there are many reasons. For me it seemed to be a natural extension of love of asses, the idea that a woman's 'essence' can be expressed in the form of gas from the most intimate, private area of her body. For that reason I have a love for the 'unintentional' aspect, like when a girl farts because she thinks it's funny - her ANUS, her most intimate area, is making a noise, to me, that's like she's exposing herself in the most revealing way possible, and she doesn't even see it that way. It sounds bizarre, and I have no idea how it arose for me, but there it is
There's also no shortage of people asking why it's a thing in these threads. Seeing a gorgeous and lady-like woman ripping giant, long farts is the appeal to me. It feels good and it's just as important to see the girl moan and sigh in relief as it is to see her butt push up into the air, asshole pucker, midsection tense up, and hear the orgasmic sound of gas shoot out. Any girl can do it, it's not hard to film compared to other things, and it's essentially infinite. The hottest thing to me is seeing a girl with a fat, curvy ass comfy and satisfied as she farts.
You're still going on about this, Lurker?
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Also in the news, this actually exists now, I got strong opinions on this
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Kek holy shit. this feels like something someone here or in the brap community would make. It's not even subtle at all
Harley Quinn is do heavily associated with braps at this point
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I'm just not mentally prepared for the fallout this may cause from people getting up in arms about it

Tbh I haven't read the comics nor checked out that cartoon with her and Poison Ivy, so if they've done anything official I have no idea
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>40 scratch and sniff pages

I may need to buy this thing.
>that one scene from that batman cartoon where harley farts in the car with batman and robin
>now this
How likely is it someone at DC is into braps?
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We fucking won.
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I won't lie I completely forgot about that scene, at this point I actually wouldn't be surprised if someone actually does, but I'm calling bull until something like TAS Harley or Catwoman was sketched out farting
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What are Lucoas farts like
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Still can't believe this is all real
Can always use more Mika.
What the fuck was her problem? Is it her in-universe fetish too?
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Thoughts on brap pics where the brap isn't visible, but implied?
dunno but girls wafting the air behind their asses is the hottest shit ever
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Remember these literally whos?
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gotta use ur imagination anon
can't say that I do
Insulting OCs is truly maidenless behavior...
Who did this one?
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Oh right, Tenn did those for me when I was making a story for him, he asked if he could design the other characters that'd be involved and I said yes, it's just that neither he or I have done much of anything with them since
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>calling all sickos this one is for you
Actual insanity usually whenever this stuff pops up i assume its some bizarre coincidence since some people still legitimately find fart jokes funny but they seem to be fully aware of what there doing even the art looks like fetish art what the hell are they doing
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Does anyone have the full resolution version of this?

Not if he does literally nothing with 4/5 of them.
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That was fast.
>LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP didn't add an obligatory fart joke with Juliet and Nick's head
Go woke, go broke.
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I love when they draw girls without panties ripping major ass
Maria Hill from Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes
artist is gobrush

Straight up referencing James Joyce shows they knew exactly what they were doing
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Why is scat not allowed
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Considered too grotesque by the board. Also not all fartfags like scat.
what that guy said + I think scat is allowed on /trash/? I've seen a few threads there in the past. I'm sorry if there aren't any up right now
Where's Mozart?
Bunch of cowards, there's nothing more erotic than a huge turd coming out from a woman's anus
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Lolotron seems to have a real thing for older women brapping, which I find fucking based
>Also not all fartfags like scat.
Why people can't understand this is beyond me
Yeah someone's up on their brap lore, that doesn't happen by accident
i will now buy your comic book
These threads are gonna be hilarious with you retards screeching it should have been your obese rainbow hair skunk OC getting a mainstream comic instead of an actual popular character.
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I've been looking at this type of stuff for over a decade and I have not seen one example of what you're talking about, could you stop swinging at air for just a second
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The fetishes are closely related. Having to poop causes farts, and farts usually smell like poop. I also can't think of one of our major artists that doesn't also draw scat alts.
>written by a woman
odds on this being a based brapdyke instead of a womanchild with infantile humour?
Please don't reply to bait. The less attention he gets, the better.
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for me, it was personal experience that caused them to be separated in my mind. when i was younger i liked both, because the idea in theory is hot. it was mostly my sisters who fueled this, farting pretty brazenly and talking about their bathroom escapades shamelessly. their farts usually smelled like whatever vegatables or meat they had eaten, so not inherently unpleasant. but also, the idea of their relief and desperation was a big part of it for me, so seeing them rush off the the bathroom hurriedly also made me feel funny. but one day i went into the bathroom after one of them forgot to flush and that changed everything. at first i was super turned on by the idea of it, but when i got close to the toilet and actually smelled it, it was so bad it made me gag and lose my boner instantly. ever since then i've been brap-exclusive.
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I'm one of those guys that likes it a lot (in reason) in art thanks to seeing dumb comedy skits and movie scenes with women pooping and on the toilet from YouTube but refuses to do it in person because I'm a neat freak, same with farts because I refuse to play the lottery of getting pinkeye

I think the only artist I know off the top of my head that doesn't do scat is Sage, some others only do it once in a blue moon

Fun (I guess) fact: she's done work with Harley Quinn for years, even other works where she's on the toilet or whatever else with some more juvenile toilet humor, both with Harley Quinn and with other comics in the past too, this time it just smells of "the writer's barely disguised fetish" and or DC just scraping the barrel for anything to keep her relevant
>she's done work with Harley Quinn for years, even other works where she's on the toilet or whatever else with some more juvenile toilet humor, both with Harley Quinn and with other comics in the past too
Post examples?
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>People just repost old art or ugly art from literally whos instead of keeping up-to-date on artists everyone generally likes
>Generally is far slower than the fetish actually is on Twitter
>Still argues a shit ton
I don't get this fucking place.
Billdenovo and Lazei are pretty big and are pure farts as far as I know, it's not a universal thing. Scat actually utterly repulses me, it sucks that so many fart artists are into it as well
Probably (hopefully) the former. I just can't see someone THAT committed to it purely as a gag, there's *love* there
I suspect even the most committed scatfags probably couldn't deal with it IRL kek
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Lazei DEFINETELY draws scat, I don't know what rock you live under buddy
Bill however yeah, he's never gone beyond implied toilet stuff
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Sorry we're not posting anorexic skeletons that appeal to you, anon.
Forgot to post proof
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Merry Christmas, /brap/.
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>butterknife really drew thicc gilf mrs claus brapping again
couldn't have asked for a better present
Jingle bells
Her ass smells
Worse than rotten eggs
>No feces in sight
If you're going to argue can you actually provide some evidence?
Nvm, disregard, just noticed the log. Damn you Lazei, I trusted you
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Are you relatively new to this fetish? It's very hard to believe that you could believe that Lazei didn't like to draw scat for years, even months.
Nigga he's made a scat version of every image he posts for the past 7 years. It would have been impossible to miss, do you go to none of his pages?
No, I'm just not that familiar with Lazei, there are several other brap artists I go to before him, his subject matter is usually great but I don't care for his art style
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the elves all run
when they hear her bum
but it's often way too late
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Last Christmas
I gave you my farts
But the very next day
You gave it away...
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special...
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Kirby O Blue is one of the few western artist that doesn't do scat, I think
>pic is a mirrored screencap from a thisvid video
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I don't know how to feel about Harley brap's art now
He drew it once, I believe it was Bianca from pokemon
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It's not like it's the first time she rips ass in an official DC product


That comments section is a goldmine

If you ever find it, please share it
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Proto seriously knows how to draw a fat ass
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that's a whole lot of cake
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Drawfag here, I saw this trend on twitter of drawing Rouge with a butt window, so I couldn't resist.
good shit, but this technically counts as furry and janny gonna freak
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>hauls her fat stinking butt down your chimney

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