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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8642246
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My wife.
MY wife.
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OUR wife.
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Tell me about Eternum. Is is harem-like? Is it like BaDIK where you must choose a waifu and how early are you supposed to do it in order to not fuck up your playthrough?
don't bother, it's basically a worse pale carnations
>comparing Eternum to the greatest vweg on God's green earth
For what purpose?
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>implying we don't press Tab on both games until the next lewd scene
>implying we don't use a gallery unlocker right after unzipping the update
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Don't talk about that trash and the masterpiece BaDIK in the same sentence.
what gallery unlocker do you use?
Where's the leak!?
what leak
Post it here.
saars android pls saars
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>2nd scene of the game
>calypso chads are already FEASTING
I take it all back. There's no h-scene with Calypso this update.

Fuck you caribdis.
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What are the best cuckshit games?
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Universal Gallery Unlocker
Did you censor the NSFW images? On /aco/? lel
I covered up the faces so I don't spoil it for the Eternuumfags. We don't all keep up with faggoty Patreon and ESL95 updates you know
>scared of muh spoilers for muh shitty soap opera story
>but everyone else is faggots
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Mommy properly breed this time, all is well
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lol which wegs are you shilling for anon?
So far I've bred Penny and Nancy, only Dalia is left.
was waiting for this update to finally catch up

youve no one to discuss the game with if you don't leak it bro
All of us are backers, actually
fuck off, cuck
Is that image from HS2?
Can't spell pregnancy without nancy
What did we think about the eternum update ?
Daliah and Alex were great as per usual
Nova was cute
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0.9 for sure bro, the cliffhanger's circumstances hopefully point to it.
On the other hand MAATBROS WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK. There is yet hope.
It got leaked on F95 in under ten minutes.
It was okay, the cliffhanger was better this time around imo
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But I'm not against leaks? I was talking about ESL95 thirdies freaking out over dev patreon status reports that eventually end up here too. Not everyone here cares enough to wade through those garbage threads to get recent updates
>wade through
Yeah man clicking the link on the first post in a thread is such work
Love Maat
I hope she becomes more relevant like Jasmine did
any oiler get the walkthrough mod for eternum? fucker is gating it for 2 days behind patreon
why are you talking like this
asian luna
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Games with big women?
because i play wegs
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It's literally just the GOAT update. I was a bit sceptical at first because I didn't like the Arabian setting and it felt like the Nova scene last update was unbeatable, but honestly it just went on and on and on and got better with every cut. What can even top the Dalia scene? Maybe PinkGOD when he finally lets us make Riona cum.
The Alex scene was great and very unexpected. That "you're my daddy now" line.. oof. Annie was decent, but I'm not as invested in her. Nova got a ton of screentime in the beginning which is always great and she's definitely making the biggest case for best girl at this point. Weirdly I feel like Nancy needs a bit more development, her scenes seem way too sparse for me, like she's more of a plot device to eventually put the harem together rather than a true love interest.
Also that dream sequence was pretty lame and the only miss this update, but the rest hit pretty well imo. I'm a bit tired of the NTR baiting at this point, but honestly it was even worse in OiaL, so meh.
Just read the normal Walkthrough, it's updated on ESL. No idea why the Walkthrough Mod creator is being a greedy cunt.
i don't have a second monitor, so it's pretty annoying. plus i can't help but read ahead since everything is right after the other so i sometimes get spoiled on story beats
Meh I still think the Nova scene last update was better. Honestly the Dalia scene was underwhelming imo. It lacked variety, yes big ass nice and all, but it was too repetitive. I also wanted more of a romantic undertone. Like start more romantic and then it goes to this nymph competitive stuff, like she drops the tough girl facade and it starts a bit more vulnerable you know what i mean.
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I get you, I expected a different setting etc. too, but it worked pretty well I think. Like I said I was a bit sceptical at first but it picked up as it really got going. It reminded me of the first Alex plapping in 0.6 that started kinda meh but then just kept going and going and got better.
But the more I think about the update, the more I realize Nova stole the show once again. Fuck it man she's just the best at this point
Nova > Luna > Dalia > Alex > (Calypso) > Penny > Annie > Nancy
FUCK I need to PLAP the spicy enchillada in 0.9 or I'm gonna kill someone. WHERE THE FUCK WAS LUNA THIS UPDATE SHE HAD LIKE ONE FUCKING RENDER
summertime saga
It's a full harem and you don't have to choose anyone, in fact you might aswell not play it if you only plan on focusing on one girl since you'd miss like 90% of the content
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How is it?
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>Games with big women?
are there amazons like that in the sequel?
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Sooner than you think.
The dirty talk is quite bad in eternum and I expected something more romantic with dalia too
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but not sooner than we expect?
>vanilla thread
>everyone in here wants to fuck his mom
What is wrong with you guys
What game?
seeds of chaos
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well yeah, the next update seems to be about her

still I expected at least one little scene
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she better be damn and well pregnant now after 2 creampies
Can you fuck her eye socket?
that's about as vanilla as it gets
>forget about badik for a year
>ep11 still isn't out
what's the reason this time? Ep10 took so long because of the minigame spam don't tell me pinkcuck doubled down on it
best thing about HS is how nearly every chick has abs
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you're absolutely goddamn right
Bestest girl
what ntr bait? why can't these faggot devs help themselves?
>That "you're my daddy now" line
Reminds me of a sex story where a dude kidnaps an orphan and she asks if she can call him daddy while being raped
wegs need more stockholm syndrome
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Always look on the gob side of wife
Always look on the gob side of wife

Wife is quite absurd, and death's the final sperg
We must always face meat curtain with a plow
Forget about paypigs, give Anonymous a spin
Destroy it, it's your last lance anyhow, so...

Always look on the gob side of pledge
Just before (You) draw your Patreon ban

Wife's a piece of shit, when (You) look at it
Wife's a laugh and pledge, a joke, it's true
(You) can see it's all a blow, keep 'em choking as (You) grow
Just remember that the last laugh is on (You), and...

Always look on the gob side of wife
Always look on the gob side of wife

>"Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" by Monty Python
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star periphery
luna is overrated
Not yet you can't.
did annir and dalia get deflowered this update
Probably not but your guess is as good as mine.
I'm bored of these dripfed updates to soap opera arcs. I want a nice quick game
>couple of family member gobbos
>fuck them
>harem ending
Stuff like Sisterly Lust or Parental Love or The Visit
Anything like that in the last few years?
midnight paradise [completed]
Okay, how about some games that aren't for cucks?
in the last few years? uhm no
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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Everybody was gob fu fighting
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There's no actual NTR and there never will be, but for some reason Caribdis can't help but continuously put the girls in situations where the bad end would be rape. There's a scene this update where one of the girls infiltrates a place as a slave and once it's confirmed she's a virgin she gets sold to an oil sheik and brought to the "deflowering room", and the sheik's assistant (a woman at least) goes "he's not known to be gentle", "they usually scream". And it's like.. why put that there? He just can't help himself. It does lead to a pretty sweet scene when she's finally reunited with the MC, and all the girls are 100% loyal to him, but still. You just pick up on these things, especially after playing OiaL, which literally has a bad ending where you can sell your sister to some sleazy dude.
Just sounds like Taken if Liam Neeson fucked what'sherface at the end. Pretty kino
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My desert wives
Some shitty one where you already start in a relationship with your daughters and taboo doesn't exist
then why did you post it? huh
Pregnancy when???
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>ynr Come Inside
Is that the abandoned loli game?
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No, it's the abandoned weg where you were /ss/'d by your hot mother
Shani my beloved
It's just a big episode and he got struck by the WEG curse midway through development, but he's back on track. It's all about the animations now, 61 in the render queue as of today's status update. Expect the episode in February
Is simple days a vweg? I've been enjoying it a lot and I know it has bdsm and a mmf threesome I think? But I don't go those routes only stay with my girls. I'm asking as I don't want to be pissing people off here talking about this weg is it's not thread appropriate.
We're in full-on retard segregate story branches mode now, so pinkcuck has to create separate versions of the exact same fucking shit for every single girl's path while also adding 10 more freeroam segments with yard work minigames nobody wants and going out of his way to intentionally brick the game for people using mods to unfuck his stupid shit, that all takes time anon.
kinda got sucked in by a different game, but i'll probably get through it in the weekend
>Being so mind broken that the very idea of a hypothetical scenario that could have happened in an alternate universe where the MC failed to rescue his waifu from a villain sets off your autism
Seek professional help
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And how does putting the image of my waifu getting raped by an oil sheik in my head further the plot in any way? It's a completely pointless scene, and I'm not mind broken at all. I wouldn't even complain if this was a first-time thing, but Caribdis is sadly a bit of a serial offender. If you want mindbroken, check the cuckspergs on ESL sperging about the Stanley Parable reference.
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i love fucking dumb blonde bimbos
Consider the following: Flat bimbos
Terrible, that defeats the purpose of a bimbo.
Built for BIC
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Star Periphery

Grandma's House: College Days
>putting the image of my waifu getting raped by an oil sheik in my head
>I'm not mind broken at all
uh huh...
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Wegs where lesbians fall into dicklust?
Pale carnations
Though technically Veronica is bi
name and website anon
Do people prefer hairy female characters or hairless?
For me? It's hairy all the way. But that's pretty tough to find.

I am including various levels of hairy in my WEG
I'm a child of the 70/80s, I love hair! But it's very hard to find these days!
Pubes usually look pretty bad in DAZ
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The harem is being built
Interesting, it goes into my Dyke Getting Dicked list.
any lesbian wegs? I just played awam lesbian route
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>Cum inside Nova (twice), Nancy, Annie, Dalia and Alex (again)
>[spoiler] Alex tells us shes pregenant after the apartment fuck sesh a week earlier as a 'joke' to gauge our reaction [/spoiler]
>Nova, Nancy,Annie and Luna say they're into being a harem
We are rapidly approaching full pregenant harem ending
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is that even a confirmed thing?
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well, i finished the update. much better than the last one for sure. where that one felt wafer thin, this one had some proper set pieces and sections, aside from the alex one, which genuinely surprised me. i still think there's somehow less content than the other updates, but i think that's because a lot of the other updates had a lengthy free roam section. this one has 2 free roams, but one of them is over in 2 minutes and one of them is a retarded dream sequence that's a massive waste of time. still a very good update all around for story and whatnot. i thought we were on a fast track to the end story-wise but it seems like there's still a lot more to go. not sure how i feel about the teleporting (also, it doesn't really make sense that you can give eternals away without being connected to the esuit. no inventory), but it's worth it for the ending alone

as for the sex scenes, i was very surprised we actually got a threesome. i guess i should believe people's predictions more, since a lot were calling the nancy/nova scene, but i just didn't think it'd happen. unfortunately 2 of the 4 scenes were with characters i don't really care about (annie and dalia), but the scenes leading up to them were still cool; the date and the desert. the threesome was obviously the highlight, but the alex scene was a nice bonus. maybe that's also why it felt like there was a bit less content, though? alex didn't really have a proper section like is the normal formula for this game, it was just a quickie, which i didn't expect to have in this game. but she's one of the best girls so i can forgive it. the animations are incredible too, honestly probably the best animation work in wegs now. lastly, the threesome setup for the next update is hype. alex and dalia should be a great pairing. competition between two girls to fuck you better is always a great scenario. my prediction is calypso, the threesome, luna, and penny. guess we'll have to wait 8 months for it. amazing update though
also, i don't know if it's just me, but i really regret picking the huntsman as the nickname because seeing the word "the" where it's not supposed to be really pisses me off lol
wow i didnt realize there are two different threads (what's the difference between this and the other weg???) well i'll post this here as well since you guys are talking about eternum

I started playing Eternum because of the new update and damn it's pretty good. The plot is kind of cheesy but the writing occasionally gets a couple chuckles from me, and the girls are really hot. Honestly my complaint is there feels to be a lot of filler and downtime and yeah I just dont think the main plot is that compelling desu. All the movie references seem kind of hacky. Came buckets to Penny and Nancy's scenes tho. I've never really given other popular WEGs a shot, is stuff like Being a DIK as good as this?
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>I started playing Eternum because of the new update and damn it's pretty good.
so is it actually worth playing? heard the last update was meh so I skipped it..
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where have you been
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it is, isn't it?
star periphery
That's a good one.
penny and nancy are mid
I like them anywawy.
i only played up to 0.6 before stopping for the day, my impressions is that the sex scenes and girls are good, sometimes it can be funny, but idk where the plot is going. so far it's just been a pretty lame ready player one ripoff. i'm hoping there's some cool twist to it but i dont think there will be.
if i had to rank the girls it would be:
penny > nancy > dalia > annie > (power gap) > alex > luna
dalia is best
oh i forgot nova, put her after alex and before luna
For me it's Annie.
more of an alex guy myself
Those are fighting words.
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>It's a full harem
Thanks. I thought it was route-based since everyone here seems to post about their 1 waifu in the game
It isn't, anon is making stuff up.
figured as much, thanks for confirming
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Many such cases.
He doesn't have any, they look fine.
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not if they're simply flat because they're inflatable/deflatable
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Milfy City
can confirm, the lesbian couple gets conquered by mc's dick
Yeh, it's good content.
what are these from? looks like sims3??
Sims 4 probably.
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>oh i forgot nova
wegger forgetting a waifu? ngmi
Pretty sure its The Wants In Summer.
we were talking about the renders like how eternum uses honeyselector renders
Think you mean screenshots from those games, anon. Because that's what they are. Games. Not rendering softwares.
whatever bro you get what I'm saying
The daughter in Our Fate has a pretty hairy bush.
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she should shave it
It's cute on her.
agree to disagree
BaDIK has a blonde lesbian you dick so good she turns straight.
her name is maya
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And she acute.
she looks ok but there are much hotter girls in that weg
Different strokes for different folks.
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more of a RiRi kinda guy myself
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isn't she frigid or something? like she can't come from sex
don't worry, I'm just the man for the job
Not if I get it done first!
to the victor go the spoils
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The victor will be me. She loves her reefer and I got the connect.
most girls in that game are a pothead for some reason
DPC is trying to tell us something.
he's trying to tell us that wegs are best played while stoned maybe
Disgusting. Drugs are for losers. Real weggers don't do them let alone do them while performing the sacred task of playing WEGs.
you may not like it but that could just be what peak performance looks like
That's only the weakminded who need to muddle their minds in order to traverse the quintessentially kino WEG writing.
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>ai cg
>zero effort clone of milfy city with none of the appeal
Why did you even bother?
every weg is a knockoff of some other weg that came before it, it's written in the handbook
I haven't read my WEG handbook in ages.
you really should, there have been a few addendums
>there have been a few addendums
can confirm, mine updated overnight
Maybe I should restart my Steam client then because I'm not seeing updates ready to download.
maybe you're missing a dlc?
Maybe that's it. I have trouble keeping up with all of this new WEG content constantly flooding the market.
just read the views to help you figure out what's worth following and what you can safely ignore
so much this, steam reviews are always 100% reliable even more so when it comes to wegs
>100% reliable even more so when it comes to wegs
So what is that, 110% reliable for WEGs then?
that sounds right, let's go with that
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Am I the only one having trouble paying on subscribestars?
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I miss her so much bros
What happened to her?
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she got abandoned
Many such cases.
it's the weg curse
What's that?
anything bad that can happen to a wegdev to cause them to stop working on their weg or otherwise abandon it WILL happen
basically the long short of it is that its the most dangerous profession there is so we always make sure to honor their sacrifice
Well goshdarn, I didn't know they had it so bad.
it's so bad infact that most wegs end up abandoned
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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looks to be a backend issue with their payment processor, hopefully it resolves soon because there are some updates I need to get my grubby paws on innit
Yeh same.
anon that's not ai..
What AI model did you use for these? The hands, while not great, don't really look all that bad for AI hands.
probably some shitty stablediffusion model
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What are you looking at, perv? Get out!
she cute, got anymore ofher?
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You best believe it.
love the septum piercing
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That's how you know she's ride or die.
nice, I wear that same bikini top to the beach
You wouldn't be a real wegger if you didn't.
more wegs should use swimwear like this
I called him "a giant faggot" because that the way he acts, and it produced some pretty amusing results.
light of my life
>fem protag
You love to see it.
that's just a matter of perspective
beggars can't be choosers, anon
Hard agree, if it has a fem protagonist it's an instant ignore.
that's how you know it's certified kino thoughbeit
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This is a fantastic WEG.
agreed, highly recommend
Is going through multiple cocks a day is the idea of frigid to you? She works as a prostitute at a campus glory hole.
She can't cum from penetration is what she says but she is very loose.
That just isn't true.
yeh no idea what anon is smoking but he should share with the rest of the class
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Forgive the newfriend, he doesn't know that femprotag is how wegs first started.
those are some nice titties even by weg standards
why get offended by this of all things? unless you're a cuck that wants shit like this, there's no reason to give him shit for that, and don't give me the "the story has to have stakes" bullshit, there's plenty of ways to make a story exciting without pulling this kind of shit
Where is the offense?
confused about that meself innit
I read the game and didn't ctrl scroll through until the sex scenes.
>and didn't ctrl scroll through until the sex scenes
absolute madlad
If this is an in joke I am clearly on the out.
you always were
Or you're so lacking in human connection that a simple conversation with someone real frightens you so, the only way you know how to respond now is through memes and double speak in order to not show sincerity and in that moment of weakness show your true self.
what in the absolute cringe did I just read
Just ignore the tourist, anon. He'll get bored and move on eventually.
You might not understand now, but you'll think about it for the next few hours and realise you've wasted your life.
get a load of this larping armchair psychology nigger, kwab
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Why was my innocent post the catalyst for this.. I just want everyone to be friends. It's Christmas!
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This looks like shit, fuck off
I'm pretty sure that was the hot blonde aunt on that pic.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it: either Jill or Bella would have been the ones to get the Lesbian Getting Dicked plot.
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I don't think so bud.
>320 posts
>already a new thread
Seriously...the fuck is wrong with you all?

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