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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter
- Panda = check settings -> Language, click your language

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd (embed) (embed)

>Download latest Bing, Designer Slop tools here:
https://pastebin.com/raw/bk33MxxG (embed) (embed)

>Image prompts and tips
https://pastebin.com/qDRXFfBM (embed) (embed)

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY / GAY MEN, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No Stable Diffusion/Flux1/ImageFX/Midjourney/Grok/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8647712
Tummy thread?
Or feet thread?
These were fun while they lasted.
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some of you may already forgotten designer is a thing, but since the bing got 'updated' the UI seems way more usable
at least you can see the whole fucking prompt on the screen, also the history of your images is longer
these are old, just came back to this general after a year to post some pics I'm deleting in case anybody want them, I don't have any prompt, sorry!
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an attempt was made
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Care to share that one? I love how it "snuck in" a little extra. Happens a decent amount with drawing and comic style prompts.
>a 90s anime ova scene with an anime girl protagonist smiling jumping legs up in an action pose with pink explosions and cherry blossoms in the background.

The new model is super horny. I swear.
I know... and thank you.
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God, I have so many iterations of lifeguard prompts, it's hard to pin down which one this was exactly.

>seaside paradise, ocean shore background, short focal length, close-up, pov: a lifeguard female with her surf board on the beach, kneeling, fireworks in the sky, fourth of july,tilt shift, bokeh, macro view, reflected light.

These are tricky. Sometimes I get 20 gens in a row no problem. Other times they dog to hell. I swear theres something to some of that theoretical bullshit about times that you gen, different accounts, periodically requesting something innocuous like "generate a picture of a puppy" as if the censor is your 5th grade teacher standing behind you and you're acting good so they walk away... who knows.

But basically, lifeguard almost always gives you bikinis. Prompting something that would imply they're turning to look at something like fireworks gives you bums. "Podiatric" yields a high amount of feet gens. Never heard anyone mention that but there ya go.
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Those are spats, right? Yeah .. lol.
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it wants to plant the flower in her lady garden
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Seems like all sorts of prompts that used to be dog city are working fine now. "stretching" was like ridiculously dogged.

>scene is a park. an anime girl is smiling and stretching while looking back on an exercise mat. anime style. butterflies
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Thanks! Same to you.

oh my
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I’m missing LC on Bing. Here’s pseudo-Lily.
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Santa is so thot-ful!
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I fixed the face with Airbrush Android app which has face altering tools - both just regular face modifying tools and AI-based face changing tools. It has a feature where you can use a decent looking face as reference and fix the face by matching it to it with AI. It's not quite face-swapping but rather automatic face adjustment to it. I also fixed the teeth so they look like actual human teeth and not horse teeth. and then I de-bogged the face and shrank the lips. And I shrank the eyes and moved them inward. Overall, it should look better now. You guys should really use tools like this to de-bog and fix faces generated with Dall-e 3 when they look too off.
I hurt myself today
To see if if i still feel
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Looks nice, anon, but I’m just here for some occasional fun, not shooting for performance anything like that.
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*perfection, …oow2k
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Oh for fucks sake, I can’t type tonight.
Are there any Cici replacements yet? most of my prompts from even a few months ago are all text filtered now.
Grok 2
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It's kind of kek putting old dalle gens through grok
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I'm the fat guy holding the fosters and wearing the hat and the biker vest
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That's called "lip service." I'll believe it when i see it, as always.
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yeah, the faces look derpy as fuck, unfortunately, it's like early SD
these are gorgeous.
Nice buttpeek
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what art style? what program? bing?
Grok 2
this "updated" bing interface is dogshit, can't hide failed prompts, gens are worse, amazing upgrade microsoft
I was just trying to fix the bogdanoffed chipmunk-cheeks botoxed horse-teeth big-lips spread-apart-eyes face and undo the black fingernail on the male self-insert viewer in the image. You have no idea how many good gens are wasted because they get botched. I still use the special bots and all that but I go back and fix botched gens I saved in case I think I can fix them and make them passable. It's not about perfection to me, either. It's about making the most of the gens I get and turning off the mark fixable botched gens into good gens. There are some botched gens beyond saving, though. Inpainting is great, but there are limits to how much it can fix.
pajeets run the Bing image creator so it's no surprise to me that they would make it worse. Look what they did to Windows 11.
80's animation still

shut the fuck up, faggot
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mind sharing this one? I like the face and art style
no prob, i like your image too

>Samurai Jack style,a beautiful demoness (black flowy hair,purple eyes,black horns),swimming in a river,her body tastefully covered with water and foam,bare shoulders and neck,submerged chest,8k Ultra HD.

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