Bureaucracy editionA thread to post hot ayylmaos getting steamy and interacting with humans>Bonus for Star Trek>No futa shit>No gay shit>No Queen of Spades cringe>No gas or onara>No dramaThread questions>Do you think ayylmaos are real?>What do you think an alien federation would be like?>How do you think first human-alien interaction would be like?>How different is alien sexuality compared to human sexuality? What about reproduction?>What is your hottest alien fantasy?
I would love to be reborn a Borg
Holy wow, this thread is perfect for me! Dumping some of my own self-insert art with Spock <3>What is your hottest alien fantasy?I have a bazillion scenarios with Spock lmao I can't pick one. Anything with him.
>>8654510Any that come in mind right now? How would you spend Christmas with Spock?
In this one, I imagine that they've beamed down on an away mission on this new planet, and then split up to scan new plants or whatever. Spock encounters these female aliens, who deem him to be the perfect mate, and so they emit pheromones that eventually trump his logic and stubbornness, and he gives in and breeds them.
>>8654513If we were on the Enterprise, I would make a holodeck program (Ik they don't have them in TOS but let's be flexible) of a cozy cabin in the woods. It's snowing outside and we can snuggle up in front of a fireplace, and I can tell him all about Christmas traditions where I'm from and he can share some of his Vulcan culture too. There's a Christmas tree and cozy lights inside and we can drink mulled wine (or tea if he prefers) and eat gingerbread and so on. Then, I'd love to go down on him, maybe while wearing a santa hat, blow him, then ride him, all that good stuff. No pulling out. Our Christmas gift to each other would be a baby.That's about it!
Technically not alien since this is just Nimoy in his trailer during the filming of TOS (and myself as an assistant) but it's Trek related so I'm posting it. Love this man.
>>8654536Very wholesome. I wonder if Vulcans got stuff similar to Christmas in their worlds
>>8652320>What is your hottest alien fantasy?I like the idea of aliens keeping humans as pets. Abducted humans are enslaved, but not for labor. They're used as subservient companions and sex toys. They're cared for and may even be loved if they get a good owner. But aren't afforded any autonomy or modesty.
>>8652320Gwyndala, Star Trek Prodigy.
>>8652320Maj'el, Star Trek Prodigy.
>>8654510Hot, do you have snapchat or insta? Would love to see more of your work
>>8657488seconding this
Lower Decks representing!
>>8658850I liked this show! A shame it got canceled
>>8657488>>8658000Not posting that here haha. My self insert art is best to stay obscure. Here's an older, mind-meld piece.
Humans being turned into aliens against their will is such an underrated kink.
>>8659393A shame, would be fun to chat. Also very hot mind mend, becoming one with another being must be so hot
>>8660612Is it specifically Borg you're into, or do you also like more organic assimilation?What about brain slug type aliens that hijack the body without visibly changing it, like Goa'uld and Yeerks?
>>8658902Eh. Five seasons is, on average, a decent run for a Trek show. Enterprise and TOS only got 3, Disco had 5 as well, and hell the previous animated Trek show only got 2, I think. In a wider context, it's absolutely not a bad amount of seasons for a show of this type. Besides, I'd rather have a good show finish on a relative high, than last long enough to turn to shit.
>>8661268fuck that, I want 10 seasons on average
>>8664444Mate. Not even TNG got 10 seasons. Hell, almost nothing get's that much. In this sort of genre it's basically just Supernatural and Stargate, and the only reason the latter had so many seasons is because they were literally bankrolled by the USAF. Even then, they had multiple Final Ever Episodes. Hell Stargate went on for so long the original cast got so old some of them retired, the show then hired sci-fi actors from sci-fi shows they'd outlasted, and the actual final episode involved a gunfight between cast members of Firefly Vs cast members of Farscape.I thought that Lower Decks was running out of ideas by the end of Season 3, there's no way they had more than two seasons left in them as a concept.
>>8664444Then go and watch what it derives from, Family Guy.
>>8664622>Not even TNG got 10 seasons. Hell, almost nothing get's that much."Seasons" of a streaming series isn't really comparable to seasons of a traditional broadcast television show. Lower Decks' 5 seasons is only 50 episodes. Even Enterprise got almost twice that.
>>8665441enterprise was also much better than lower decks because enterprise had tpol
>>8667025Shame she never got much R34 attention.
>>8667271Maybe people got enough between the photo shot and Berman´s writing.
>>8667025>enterprise was also much better than lower decks because enterprise had tpolNo amount of vulcan tummy or random naked Hoshi will make that show good.
>>8669336Enterprise was no worse than early TNG. If TNG had been canceled after 3 seasons, it would also be remembered as a bad show that was starting to get good at the end.
>>8669524This. Hell, if the Xindi war had been the Romulan war like they wanted, then it would have been pretty decent from the second season onwards (albeit marred by the occaisional needless time-war episode) Hell, there were plans to refit the NX Ent, giving it a more traditional starfleet design with an engineering section in season four, and they still had those plans for a Romulan war knocking about.Enterprise probably was a show taken a bit too soon to be honest, it was clearly marred by meddling from the beginning.
>>8669524I'd disagree, TNG first season was mostly bad granted, but it wasn't the mess that Enterprise was from start to finish. A series following humanity's first venture into space and then formation of the Federation could have been so much more than it was. Instead we get some nepo-baby with a chip on his shoulder, his dog, bad time travel episodes and the writers exposed midriff fetish. They had Scott Bakula as the lead for goodness sake.Like do you remember when they felt the need to create an origin for "Red Alert"? Cause I'm sure that was the question on so many Trekkies minds.
Are the aliens from Steven Universe considered good depictions of aliens?
>>8670532that really depends on who you ask
Is she the hottest alien character ever?
>>8676060I don't know. Even sticking with Star Wars there's some strong competitors.
>>8676408For me its Asaj Ventress
>>8675284i'd say this is more monstergirl than alien... Sea Angels are inspired by a real creature in the deep ocean. en wikipedia org/wiki/Sea_angel
Human supremacy is the best
What do you think about this, anon?
Twi'lek are the best alien race!
An alien tourist.
>>8684232many such cases
>>8676060Yes 10000%
Truly the perfect alien
>>8652320Missed the human supremacy from a while back
>>8690537As long as she got the big orange jugs
>>8690947>Gwyn next to Rick & Trek.Pretty please no.
>>8691834Dude, I don't know what to tell you. I searched R34 works that could fit with the theme I was trying to portray AND I do happen to like T'lyn. Crop the "offending" part yourself if you want. Also that Gwyn is AI generated but you'll have to cut me some slack there, there's very few smut of that Vau N'akat booty around the web
>>8692018Absolutely no problem with your taste, or sources.
>>8692049Terra Prime forever!
For the Empire!>>8690947Based
>>8692222Based quads, wish that was me
>>8694180it can be if you apply yourself
Truly best girl
>>8660612What about aliens being turned into other aliens?
Human women being used and abused by aliens is hot.I always wanted to see how the women of Star Trek would fare if the Ferengi somehow took over the Federation.
>>8691834>Rick & Trek.I'm guessing you never really watched much of it. It's thematically about as opposite to Rick & Morty's nihilism as it is possible to be.
>>8694428Where do I have to apply myself to get that gungan dick all up inside me
>>8696681Honestly it would be fascinating, a shame they didn't cover slavery in more detail.
>>8697763Gee I wonder why that is
Flood Waifu.
>>8698102With cum?
>You know it will be a long shift when you report and the vulcan´s pussy is making noises.
>>8698647This is not a cartoon
>>8698916Imagine being Zero, imagine being an incorpereal gaseous being,imagine being able to crawl in this form in her tight Vulcan pussy
>>8699171The 3rd suit has *something* else in that hammerspace the legs get tucked away.
>>8699171>>8699431No one cares, stop samefagging
>>8700368I know Paramount did a shit job advertising this show but there's more than one person who liked ST Prodigy and both of their alien waifus, anon.Also Gwyndala AI Anon ? (i think that's you from the Cartoon ai thread)Please make Gwyn and Ma'jel kiss naked if you can
>>8700396Eww faggitass light mode
>>8696681If you want humanity as a whole enslaved by Star Trek aliens, there's always the 24th century Mirror Universe as a canon example of that.Though fandom doesn't do much with that concept. Mirror Universe fan art is all either about the Terran Empire or Kira selfcest.
>>8701111More like shoddy blue
>>8700507Yeah, Prodigy is great! Easily one of the best things to come out of the trainwreck that's been the Kurtzman years, and better than Enterprise and Voyager, at least.
>>8701224It's literally worse than enterprise with Scott Bakula
>>8700507Unfortunately, civitai doesn´t have regional prompting capabilities, so the early attempts were unsuccessful. Will try again.
>>8700507Finally got something acceptable.
The best I could get on this path.
>>8703658Faggoty homestuck does not belong
>>8704612Retarded blue monkeys with aids should not be posted
>>8704612Why even post this shit literally no one wanted this
>>8681920personally, I think I like the old one more
>>8706430Literally just ripped this from r34
>>8706932She's so hot
>>8707388There's a star wars thread, retard
>>8709978Looks like somebody wishes he had his rape whistle at hand.
>>8710366R u retarded
Every woman on Earth wakes up tomorrow turned into an alien from a sci-fi TV show or movie.What alien species would you choose them to turn into?
>>8711837Toydarians, obviously
>>8711841Fuck, that's hot
>>8711837I know one of the most obvious answers would be "Twileks", but I'd be as curious to see what color any woman becomes and whether or not that stereotype of Twilek women being bred to be lithe dancers checks out when your mom and Debbie from accounting turning into crayola-colored alien fuckmeat
>>8712045The most obvious would be Deltans.
>>8712678Would be worth it just to see what every woman looks like bald.Also just to see what those sexual Deltan powers actually are.
>>8712853>Would be worth it just to see what every woman looks like bald.definitely don't want to see that
>>8712853Only if they also get fit along with the baldness
>>8715675There's a star wars thread retard
Heh naboobies
>>8718343I see what you did there.
>>8719964Can practically see them from space they're so big
Spock and femanon is in rule34!
>>8721563>The lames crap possible.Very on brand.
>>8721563>Not even naked alien titties
>>8719115The art is fantastic. Lumen_Fox is a major fucking prick, though.
>>8722132No one cares about your personal grudge
>>8721447>green blushthat's a great touch
>>8722610You can care about my boot up your ass, cracker.
>>8723559You must be new
>>8711837Either of these.
>>8711837You know every woman turning into an Asari version of herself would be hot as hell.
It's not porn but anyone got that image of a grey alien in a baseball cap? I thought it was cute.
>>8711837Kinecelerans or Turians.
>>8724466Yah.No one cares about your opinion on here newfag
>>8725203I’ve been on 4chan on and off for years, you mindless windowlicker. Did your father molest you again today, and you secretly enjoyed it?
>>8725355Where did that oddly specific and completely out of the blue line of questioning even come from, your repressed childhood?
>>8721566Say what you will about Lower Decks, they introduced female members of species that previously only had male representatives, plus a few new ones. Downside is they're toonified.
>>8727199>Self owning in the same post.The mythical high IQ on display.
>>8728023self-deprecation is a form of humor, actually
>8730944It took you the *whole* weekend to copy that from somewhere?
>>8729233It is interesting to see how different nsfw Trek fanart can be. That piece is a bit too male-gaze for me I guess. Here's my spin on the episode Catspaw, where I've self inserted as a version of the witch they encounter. Love Spock in chains (or putting myself in that position, too haha).
>>8738686what is the name of this exact fetish?!
>>8738725>male-gazeThat shits bimbo trash.Nice art and the blurb would fit right in with a awkward Trekkie forum post from 30+ years ago.
>>8738817Thinking Family Guy art style is visually tolerable.
>>8657407Can't bring myself to watch anything New Trek after the abominations that are Discovery and Picard (seasons 1 and 2).I'm guessing this character is named in honor of Gene's wife (and Nurse Chapel, and the voice of the Computer on Enterprise D ^_^)
>>8738920Not blaming.Yes.
>>8658902To me, it was the best of New Trek (and the only one I supported with my money, by buying the DVD collections of each season.......had 'other' ways to watch it when each episode premiered)It wasn't any 'Prequel' bullshit, and actually stuck with canon as established in everything from 'Voyager' era on back, even expanding on it a bit (mostly with stuff relating to the original Animated Series)I would have liked it to get more seasons, but I was happy with what we got.
>>8738860The art style is fine. Calm your tits.>>8738920>>8738924Yep, Prodigy is surprisingly fantastic.
>>8739879It was funny finding her LoRA.
>>8739055Gwyn belongs to Starfleet scientific team to use for extensive research on V'au N'akat biology and in-depth study of alien miscegenation