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Immortal Empress Edition

Previous Thread: >>8618747

Thread Question: How loving is the ideal Empress? How does she treat you?
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Very nice art from last thread.
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Which is more sufferingcore? Kharne killing her father or Furia killing him?
Both are pretty terrible for everyone involved, so I wouldn’t be able to say.
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>Live Furia Reaction
I’d imagine there’d be lots of screaming and ugly sobbing.
she leaves you for a woman
She’ll come crawling back when Erda throws the kids into the Warp.
>She’ll come crawling back when Erda throws the kids into the Warp.
Nah, she'd try manipulate you into thinking it was all part of her plan and she wasn't to blame.
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>Now we have loyalists covered so which traitor legion's femmarine GFs would give the best after sex cuddles?
It is probably going to be the Iron warriors legion femmarines.
Mostly because when they finally get some off-time with anon they probably really get into it to make the best of it and are thankful for the rare times when they can rest from constant sieges.
It wouldn't be out of character of them to just want to cuddle up and sleep as they might be so genuinely exhausted from war.
I feel bad about them, since their mom doesn’t care about them.
It's all fun and games until Petra Turboautist thinks a particular company has failed her and she has her daughters beat their lovers to death as a punishment.
Hopefully her own consort can steer her away from that.
He is seen sprinting through the halls with a pallet of Mega Blocks before he power slides into her room at the last second, sparing the company via distraction.
Good job.
Either way, it’s miserable for everyone, but I do like how different the title of Kharne the Betrayer would be in this context.
>Holy Artifact of the Frateris Templar, the skull of the Red Angel's consort
>When carried into battle against the World Eaters traitor legion it is said that the holy visage of the consorts skull saps at the khornate's rage and battle frenzy
>Daemons of Khorne are greatly weakened by it's presence and causes weaker daemons to be banished given enough time
>The skull forever weeps tears of blood which has been used to bless weapons of Grey Knights
>Furia is always searching for her consorts skull when she isn't in battle, as rare as it is, and should she be present on the same planet as the skull may the God Empress save any who stand in her way
Her tits must be the softest things in existence.
So what would Lotara Sarrin think of Furia's husbando?
I’d probably have my whole mood ruined too if someone showed me my dad’s skull too.
Was making the daughter she deliberately created to be an empath into a rage demon also apart of her plan?
Of course!
R.I.P. Furia’s Desmond Doss BF
>Furia and the Lioness meet in the 42nd millennium
>"Hello sister. How's your consort? Mr Accidentally Patricided?"
>"Thought so."
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Give it up for Loyalist World Eaters not being teamkilling bitches.
They just have to live with the eternal sadness and rage of their sisters and mother turning against all they every stood for.
It was an accident
Merry Sanguinala!
Same to you brother.
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Is the colored version just this, or is there a more complete version?

I know the original image was a full body picture by baalbuddy. But is the coloring only that crop?
I grabbed it from the last thread so no idea sadly.
Morrigan a cute.
>Giving Morrigan headpats
Holding hands with Morrigan
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She wouldn’t actually care about you. She could probably fake it, but it wouldn’t be genuine.
Petulant Womanchild GF
Thinks Mega Bloks are better than Legos
it would be genuine with me but not with you
She wouldn’t love you either.
can somebody draw the empresses harem concubines arguing who she loves the most (she loves them all equally)
I want to massage her wings
Yes, the boobs should be bigger.
They’re big enough.
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What kinds of movies would they like to watch for date nights with their Consorts?
About half of them would prefer documentaries of some personally relevant sort. Dorn would probably refuse to watch anything that wasn't at least based on real events.

Fulgrima stands out for watching her own porn.

The rest are personalbe or indescive enough to let their partner choose what they watch.
No, bigger.
>Pre-corruption lorgarion
>A bit clingy but really loves you

>Post-corruption lorgarion
>Full on yandere and would annihilate anyone who even looked at you funny
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Only if he doesn’t die at some point throughout the Hathor Heresy
>lorgarion has spent 10000 years in the warp trying to find a way to bring him back
>Due to shenanigans she still has his soul locked in a item, so it might actually be possible.
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>Average Ork Warbitch title
>BIG GREEN(tits)
And who could forget
She’s capable of genuinely caring about individuals, but it’s very rare.
>hand rots off
get this stinky harlot away from me
This is pre-Slaanesh, so she’s not a whore.
this, give me Sanguinia instead
How did they get his skull in the first place
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Worst mom continues to be worst mom. Calliphone was right about her.
She’s also one of the better Primarchs pre-heresy.
Either they robbed his grave or it was stolen off of daemon princess furia, could be why she's looking for it.
She's looking for her lost love
It must’ve been a complete bloodbath trying to get his skull either way.
All Traitor Primarchs are made for suffering.
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>Thinks Mega Bloks are better than Legos
"Mega CONSTRUX Micro Action Figures are SUPERIOR to the simplistic Lego Miniature Figure!"

>Yes, the boobs should be bigger.
It's the Slaaneshi way!

>All Traitor Primarchs are made for suffering.
>>All Traitor Primarchs are made for suffering.
Tell that to furia
would you any of the r63'd All Guardsmen Party?
>berification not required
It's explained multiple times that all of the primarchs could have fallen, the ones that did fall were pretty much always the Emps fault
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It’s more of Erda and the Chaos Gods’ fault.
Is there an Angron or Kurze gf meme yet?
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There’s been ones for them for a while now
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I want to eat, not floss.
I’ll go by most of the names from Coffin of Roboute
>1 Roberta
>2 Danu
>3 Atalanta
>4 Athena
>5 Sanguinia
>6 Khatun
>7 Fulgrim
>8 Furia
>9 Aurelia
>10 Hathor
>11 Vesta
>12 Madonna
>13 Lofn
>14 Corva
>15 Alpharia/Omegan
>16 Petra
>17 Morrigan
>18 Kassandra
It’s what they deserve
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Imagine the smell.
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Need Primarch GF to princess carry me
Kharne the Kinslayer
I need her to cuddle me like a teddy bear in bed.
MILKSOP, Have You No Wolves?!
>says she wants a piece of you to keep with her
>cut off ring finger
>have skin removed and placed in a protective reliquary
>give it as a present
>”on ancient terra there was an ancient custom where you exchanged rings with someone you love” you say with a warm look and soft smile
How would Konnie react?
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>She is overwhelmed and taken aback
>She finds the taxidermied finger bizarre and abhorrent
>The information that it's your own finger is even more deeply upsetting to her.
>The idea that you would permanently injure yourself for her sake is mortifying
>The fact you would do it as a sign of your affection is even more so
>Worst of all that you would ever think to love her so deeply as to do such a thing compels her to immediately repeat it with her own and promise that you never harm yourself again.
>You smile and accept it under the condition that she does the same, be it any more or less grievous, or any more or less involved, this promise would be broken should she allow or commit any harm to herself, no matter how "inevitable" it might seem
>Until only a truly inescapable death did you part.

>She promises...
>You thank her for the honesty of her vows and kiss her tenderly. The two of you have a marriage to consumate.
that was fairly apt actually
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Can make you coom in an instant with just a flash.
please don’t bully the guardsman
>Older, grouchy woman who'd boss me around
>Nervous wreck of a medic that turns into a sappy romantic at the drop of a hat
>Cute little psyker gal with big goggle and big confidence issues
>Kleptomaniacal consummate liar that smells like shit and is of dubious abhuman decent
>Femcel tech addict who watches anime and probably fucks her drone
>PTSD filled explosives expert who probably thinks you have orks in your pants instead of a cock
Most of them yeah. Amy is a no go because she's just a complete cunt, Nubby is a maybe if she was held down and hosed down with industrial grade soap and Twitch would probably almost blow herself and I up
I dig this.
Think Henry Cavil will make that his warhammer series? Be a nice way to tie in tabletop gameplay and the greater universe.
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Which other Primarchs and their consorts are made for suffering?
Fulgrima and hers most likely have a pretty ugly falling out, followed by endless failed attempts to recreate him.
Magnaea gets the full Tzeentchian experience.
Isis probably had it among the worst between her manipulation and rapidly degrading mental condition, with hers probably ending up the worst of all the consorts.
Hathor blasts her consort into non existence during her final confrontation instead of Ollanius
Most of them.
Is mostly fine. Is mega gay, but keeps her consort alive through the Heresy. After she wakes up from the Rock, she realises her love is gone forever. Finds out she was tended to by her consort for decades while she slumbered and was left a note just before she died.
Kills her best friend, and gets corrupted. She then sex tortures her consort to death and she should be miserable forever.
Turbo-tism and is always paranoid about her consort leaving her, but actually keeps him alive. She still has him after the Heresy.
Is Konnie
Doomed to die. Consort will disappear during the siege. There was a thread months ago that suggested that the Black Rage should also make her daughters latch onto random guardsmen, thinking that they are their long lost lovers.
Dies/has most of her legion die. Even if she doesn't die or comes back as revenant Ferra, she lost her love and is forever looking for revenge.
Was covered last thread.
>>8666515 This
Gets belief shattered. Should get tricked into having her consort sacrificed to the Chaos Gods by Ereba. Is forever serving the Chaos gods in the hope she will get him back (she never will).
Consort survives, but she never sees him again after the Drop Site Massacre.
>Gets belief shattered. Should get tricked into having her consort sacrificed to the Chaos Gods by Ereba. Is forever serving the Chaos gods in the hope she will get him back (she never will).

>Within the depths of Lorgara's daemonic citadel, there lies her consort
>Entombed within a sickly golden light, with his final moments of betrayal and sorrow forever frozen upon his face
>Lorgara can pray, worship, sacrifice and kill all she wants. She will never get him back.
>It will never be enough for the gods she worships.
>After all, they need a carrot for the stick to work
It knocked enough sense into her that she let her guard down out of remorse just long enough for Emps to kill her.
>Is Konnie
That’s not enough
>anon and konnie get separated during the heresy
>anon finally manages to get to her
>she is in the middle of one of her visions
>anon goes to soothe her
>switch to konnie’s pov
>she sees a black winged monster bearing down at her love
>the same one she has seen countless times
>she attacks
>feels her blades sink into something
>she snaps out of it
>she looks to see that she has impaled anon
>she is silent
>tears well up in her eyes and she can only let out small whimpers
>anon places his hand upon her cheek and wipes the tears from her eyes
>with a warm smile he says ”Don’t blame yourself, this isn’t your fault” as he coughs up blood
>he kisses her
>she cradles him in her arms as he fades
>as his eyes turn to glass she lets out and absolutely spine chilling wail of sorrow and agony
>after the heresy on the planet tsagulasa a fully maddened konnie is a shadow of herself
>she acts as nothing more disheveled madwoman speaking to an abhorrent meat puppet
>and in brief moments of lucidity muttering to a small reliquary with a finger bone inside of it
She kills her bf while she is having a vision of something (her) killing her bf, but he tells her not to blame herself and kisses her before dying but she still does. The rest is how Curze died in lore but with an added bit from some other post here
What does an ideal date look like between the Primarchs and the consorts.
>Rapesnake fulgrima has her consort trapped in a painting
>She'll sit there staring at it for days on end, unblinkingly gazing at her consort at his happiest moment
>He's completely unaware of the passage of time, forever trapped in a single moment of pure joy
>Any EC that interrupt her during this are killed without exemption
>stalks you, you are always being watched
>kills every one of your ex-gf
>kills your sister for being too close to you
>kills some random woman on the street because she was looking vaugly in your direction
>puts all their heads on spikes in your bedroom
>wants to make you too scared to break up with her
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Sister fisting....
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That's not in the slightest what would happen here but i can definitely imagine Corva stumbling upon it in one of Lorgana's books while beating her through the walls of her tower.
>The Khatun
Bike race and karaoke
>The Wolf Queen
A hunt with feast/party after
Sight seeing various architectures and then recreating/improving them with LEGOs
Same as Rogirl only she constantly exclaims she’s better
Walk through the woods and quiet meditation, have some poetry reading after.
Sparring while you cheer her on
Romantic dinner
Going to an art exhibition or play
Making gifts for each other at the forge
Quiet prayer and listening to her recite some sermons
Reading together and using her Ouija board
I don’t know enough about the rest.
She’s just giving her what she asked for.
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Your neck would always have hickeys
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pls no pegging
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I miss that story...
>t. Kor Phaeron
Seconds before being obliterated by Big Bro Rowboat
It seems like it’s on Hiatus for now. Hopefully the author comes back to it sometime this year.
Hopefully so. Dude deserves a break after putting up with all the bullshit on QQ and SpaceBattles.
Yeah. I really don’t understand what got people so upset.
Grognard see cool thing. Grognard no like how author no cater exactly what Grognard want. Grognard throw almighty shitfit.
>There are no consorts
>Empress in her all knowing autism thought it was unnecessary
>Malchdana however thought that having someone around to keep the literal demogods in check sounded like a good idea
>So she had you created
>Are you anywhere near the power of a primarch?
>Are you a psyker?
>No, not a blank either
>You're just a perpetual, and a unaugmented one at that
>At best you calm the warp and dull warp powers with your presence
>Mamachadana made you to be the ultimate tard wrangler with the assumption that the girls would be stable individuals
>Too bad Erd shit the bed and threw those babies into literal hell
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There was something about them getting mad it was an incest fic too, and that they were accusing him of supporting grooming.
That whole situation was fucking retarded and yet another reason why I avoid shitholes like SpaceBattles.
Yeah, me too. I mainly stick around places like AO3. It doesn’t have power tripping Jannies that can close your thread for no reason other than it making their balls tingle with delight.
The greater good (Hot Human Dick)
I’d kill myself if Erebus’ words were tattooed on my dick.
How do the tard wranglers get to them? Does Malc also throw them into the warp and hope that you end up on the planets as well?
anon this is how you get Would You Kindly'd
Nah the TW would meet them as they get found
Would they have any special magnetism at least? Or would they just start as Wesley from A Princess bride where they’re just following them and taking shit until they realize as you wish means “I love you” also would they TWs grow up together?
I miss cupanon.
A mix of both. However there will always be primarchs that don't trust the wrangler as far as they can throw him, which is probably very far but whatever. If a primarch doesn't trust Malchadana I believe that the same mistrust would transfer to him seeing as he's literally her creation/son meant to control them/curb their worst tendencies.
They could maybe come to see that he isn't some plotting mastermind or manipulator after some time but it would be a very uphill battle.
Fixed a typo
Would they be male clones of malc? And who would trust/distrust the TWs the most? Also would they be combat trained or just function in a more official/bureaucratic role? I imagine if they were combat trained malc would have them be around Solar Aux level.
A man chooses. A slave obeys.
Less clone and more test tube baby between her and male amar astarte, before his big fuck up. As for which primarch would trust him the most I would honestly have to say Alpharia if she really was the first one found instead of Isis. She would be around him the longest and would know how he really feels and thinks. As for who would distrust him the most the easiest/laziest answer would be petra or mortara, mortarion, given her general petulant bitterness at everything. However I think the one who would genuinely dislike bordering on hate would be Isis. Unlike the consorts which seem to be meant to cater to and attend their primarchs, the wrangler is meant to keep them in check. Not only is Isis and Malchadana's relationship strained at best, she has to deal with what is basically a jumped up mortal who has the authority to mote or less give her orders.
As for the wrangler's role I honestly see them be more of a officer or an in-between of the empress and malchadana and the primarchs. As for combat and training yeah solar aux would be the expected level of training. He isn't meant for front line action, serving with the primarchs in battle but having him being untrained is unacceptable to malchadana.
Gonna be honest I'm a promptfag and fleshing ideas out this much is unfamiliar territory for me
I’m confused is there a TW for every primarch or is there just one that deals with all of them?
I meant for a singular one but that's a lot or wrangling for a single person
Multiple wranglers would probably work best but the idea of an overworked and over stressed dickhead is funny to me but ultimately it's up to whoever picks up the idea and writes shit
If you were going to make a story out of it you would probably have them function as a mix of foil and ally to the consorts. Someone who can sort of get where they are coming from and vice versa. You could even have it where if the primarchs don’t trust the TW the consort will or the other way around.
I like the idea of mixing interactions between the TW and the consorts, mostly because you get a lot of that brother-in-law drama, between the consorts who better understand the primarchs as individuals, and the TW who understands their actual purposes and functionalities.
I could see some really getting along with him and others who may even make outright attempts to kill him, depending on their trust of him.
Sounds about right. Wasn't the author also working on a legit book as well?
I think so.
I hope it goes well for him, then, and that he'll be able to summon the willpower needed to pick up Coffin again.
>Anon is forced by Astarte to kill him with WYK type code phrases
>Something something the primarchs find out
>Something something some of them realize how fucked over anon is
Knowing that TW is also a perpetual, actually especially if a deliberately manufactured one. I'd think he'd have some acute awareness of if he was being WYK'd, even if he wasn't powerful enough to expressly resist. Like attempting to backup as much of Astarte's research as possible before they do finally kill him, or even setting up a situation where they get to interogate Astarte before they actually finish him off.
As it would happen, I would see TW becoming very prevalent in the roots of both the Assassinorum and Inquisition. Potentially even starting his own assassin cult.
Ah, the Adeptus Spudfarmicus.
>You stare down the giant woman across your desk
"You used phosphex weapons. On civilians."
>Mortaria doesn't even bother justifying her and her legion's actions
>"If the planetary rulers cared for their people they wouldn't have fought amongst their own cities."
"Oh that surely makes it better then! You used PHOSPHEX weapons and killed civilians who were in the crossfire!"
>"I do not see the point of this meeting."
"You, you giant genetically engineered sociopath, were made to bring planets into compliance."
>"I did."
"No. You gave the imperium a uninhabitable hellscape because you used PHOSPHEX WEAPONS!!"
>The primarch swears she didn't smile, having spited the empress with her actions. But you saw the faint twitch of her lips
"Fuck it, I'm reporting this blatant act of sabotage and having your phosphex weapons revo-"
>You're cut off by the hand of Mortaria wrapping around your neck and lifting you out of your chair
>You struggle against her grip as her facade of stoic disinterest falls to reveal a look of pure spiteful contempt
>You saw her lips moving but the sound of your neck vertebrae snapping and being crushed was deafening
>When your body finished repairing and resurrecting you hours later you sat up from the floor
>You saw your office in complete disarray
>Almost as if an overgrown child had a tantrum and wrecked the place
>This is definitely getting reported
not!Occurence border would be a nice spot to meta-knowledge dump some things on the audience without it being a heavy stop-story-dump-info exposition scene.
Both pre and post fall would be you going up her ass, just in vastly different ways.
I think having a TW for each would allow for more interesting interactions as well as making it so they can each travel with the primarchs.
True, but I much prefer the concept of an individual TW, potentially with multiple clones as compared to multiple individuals with such a singular collective function.
Choke me next
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>Mortaria is on the bridge of the Endurance.
>Heading to Terra to fight at the Siege.
>Callie is guiding the fleet because she killed all of the Navigators.
>Her Consort has repeatedly expressed his fears with this plan.
>She tries to comfort him, but her mask can't hide her own doubts and anger at Callie.
>Suddenly the fleet is enveloped by heavy psychic energy.
>Unbelievable, paralyzing agony rips through Mortaria's body, and she is brought shaking to her knees.
>Around her, the armoured forms of her daughters also collapse onto their knees.
>A voice in her head, offers her a reprieve from this torture, if only she would submit to it.
>Her spiteful thoughts of defiance deny the being causing this onslaught.
>She will persist. She will endure this pain. Her Daughters will do as well.
>The voice talks of eternal life and a place among a pantheon. Mortaria endures.
>The voice offer gifts and power. Mortaria endures.
>The voice promises revenge and destruction upon her mother and her Empire. Mortaria Endures.
>Something catches her eye.
>On the floor, writhing, convulsing, bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth and ears is her beloved. Unable to speak. Unable to breathe. The pain inflicted on the Astartes and their mother is nothing compared the torment he suffers through.
>Mortaria tries to stand. Tries to crawl. To reach her consort.
>His spasms intensify and a sudden jolt of his arm shatters it against a nearby monitoring console.
>The tears roll down her cheek as she cannot reach him. She cannot help him. She cannot save him.
>She cannot stand the pain she puts him through.
>The voice offers to save him, of the torment he is in, and the torment that is to come.
>Mortaria falters...
At least Roberta wouldn’t have to be wrangled.
>Furia's Consort, having been her Tard Wrangler for some time by now, gets on swimmingly with this new Imperial Official, even if Furia hates the fact he exists.
>The TW isn't willing to do the near-suicidal acts of bravery that the Consort does, but he's a perfect cornerman and by their powers combined they've made a near perfect model to go off of for handing or manipulating her into or out of things.

>Meanwhile, the TW for Sanguina and the Ninth is straight up not having the best of times.
>Sure, he's in a very sensible legion, full of art and chivalry and nothing like the terrifying file said. No blood-drinking, ceremonial civilian-eating in battle lines. Nothing dodgy going on at all.
>And it's not like they're behaving weird. They're still the Destroyers, razer's of worlds. Just with more art and high dignity than cannibalism and omnicidal mania. And it's not like the Primarch has done anything wrong.
>But he's hardly allowed to do anything. He's not allowed into certain apothecarion wings or training halls without express permission.
>Sanguina is at least willing to give him her time. But Azkaella and the Sanguinary Guard won't have any of it unless he comes up with a good reason because they're just that paranoid and defensive.
>Sanguina's consort has been his primary contact for a while now, but he's not reporting anything out of the ordinary
>And he knows he shouldn't complain about getting to sit around with fine wine and art pieces in every room. But it does bug him a little.
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I've officially cleared my comm queue so I might do a couple requests. post 'em. not drawing anything that doesn't pass the harkness test.
The Khatun with a harem of Eldar twinks, with at least one of each flavor.
Fem-Angron and Fem-Lorgar double teaming Fem-Guilliman during the shadow crusade.
The Angel's consort taking Sanguina on a 'surprise date', having managed to; separate her from her daughters, and take her to a multicultural dive planet where she won't stand out if she wears a big cloak.
It's not about the sights, it's about being able to go incognito, getting away from the attention, and getting treated normally.
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Empress pin up with breast and butt expansion
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sanguina mating press
ideally with some wing locking
Konnie and wearing a cute dress and blushing as her consort tells her she looks really pretty.
A tyranid synapse creature, (hive tyrant, norn emissary etc.) taking a written Harkness test in a classroom with other sci-fi bugs
Erebus... Ereba? Erebi?
Whatever. Get the NTR slayers ready to chop my head off for this shitpost
>Ere watches the fool Aurelia prattle on to her consort
>Ere stole the name she uses, the face she uses, why not steal her "primarch"s lover as well?
I would go with Nyx.
Oh no
I'm a bit torn whether or not to include the asuryani.
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fucking morning brain. I meant to type ynnari.
You can if you want, I won't blame you if you don't though since they don't really have any real distinction.
The progress you're making on the 4 you already have is more than enough for me!
Keep up the great work!
I would also greatly appreciate if the clown had a chastity cage for lore friendliness
suggestion noted
Many many thanks
It's my size difference kink talking, but if it isn't too much work but could make the size difference between fem khan and the eldar boys more exaggerated? Just thought of it since primarchs very big compared to eldar.

Looks very good however, I like how your style has improved and I also like your design for fem Khan.
He does make a good point, the difference between primarchs and space marines is decently significant, and Eldar are on average a little smaller than that
>anal vore
So that’s why she’s worst girl.
Which one would be the most upset over this revelation?
aight. not making any more changes after that. resizing characters is a pain in the ass but I'll do it :p
Your plight is understood fair artisan
And in return my gratitude is immeasurable.
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Source on this image or artist
It's cool, keep up the good work.
Reminds me of needing to work on my Empress image too.
la creatura
They can be a handful at times, but he loves them.
I hate how this isn’t even a joke, and that actually happened.
Average eldar is 2-2.2 m tall, SM nearly same size.
How about longer cocks?
>TW becoming very prevalent in the roots of both the Assassinorum and Inquisition.
Imagine upity inquisitors in the 40th millennium trying to pull inquisitorial authority on not just the Sigilite's son, but possibly the co-founder of the very Inquisition
Primarchs aren't space marines.
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She was so perfect…
I need my head crushed in between those horse legs
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She was merely pretending to be retarded.
domestic abuse kino
“And in that one moment, I took everything that was dear to me and transformed it into nothing more than a memory.”
>Loken has agreed to help you escape during the recapture of Istvaan III
Oh Anon’s dead
Honey, I want a divorce.
How do Primarch’s feel about sharing? Do Alpharia and Omegan feel fine with their sisters getting friendly with their man?
I think some Primarchs that get along, like Ferra and Fulgrim, or Isis and Sanguinia, would be just fine sharing.

The ones that see each other as rivals might share a lover as a competition to see who fucks better.
>Do Alpharia and Omegan feel fine with their sisters getting friendly with their man?
Not only would they be fine with it, they would send him to seduce their sisters as part of some convoluted scheme.
Fulgrima probably likes to watch. Maybe pours herself a glass of wine too.
The thinking woman’s fetish.
Fulgrima has the most ornate, finely decorated and most comfortable cuck chair in the Imperium. To call it a mere chair, even, is an insult to its opulence. It is her cuck throne.
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Part 2 sometime apparently. Looking forward to it. Hope he updates the smashman cinematic universe too.
That's great news! Makes the new year even better for me now that I escaped Retail for a less stressful job. I hope it goes well for him!
She truly is is Cuckqueen
It's only logical. If Fulgrima's lover is perfect for her, then he's clearly a specimen of a man whose strong genes must be spread throughout the Imperium. It brings her the greatest joy to see the poor unenlightened women of the galaxy experience the virility of her lover.
>On every planet that is conquered by the EC, Fulgrima demands that they present 10 of their finest women to come up to her flagship and fuck her consort.
[spoiler]>She also likes personally preparing them for his cock[/spoiler]
How nice of her.
How much do of girly man’s geneseed do you think she got before being interrupted?
Plot twist: those are actually Alpharia and Omegan who disguised themselves as Lewoman Russ and Roguette Dorn trying to seduce their man away from themselves. They're not fooling him: you can tell by his eyeroll that says "This again? Alright, I'll play along for now".

The twins just can't get off without some kind of scheme or plan going on.
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About 3-4 liters from the look of things kek
Would get flayed alive again
Now, who would be more disgusted by this, Calgar or The Visarch?
The one who calls humans monkeys
Is anyone in that family not into cucking?
The sane ones aren't. Roberta doesn't count Yvrail given everything he's done for her and that her original consort is most likely dead. Etna isn't into it, but she was forced to do it while Konnie was torturing her, Konnie enjoys forcing others into it, but would kill herself or the convicted homewrecker before being perpetuating something like this.
How awkward would it be if he were still alive?
She'd feel inconsolably guilty even as him and Yvrail defuse the situation and come to (polygamous) terms.
I wouldn’t peg girls like Furia or Mortaria sane, but they’d probably hate cucking as well.
Konnie would do assisted/forced blowjobs and such. Like she takes Etna and then holds Etna's head as she makes her deepthroat a guy (Etna being a masochist secretly likes it). Inevitably Etna breaks free but then turns the tables on her sister and has Konnie quite literally taste her own medicine, ie. forces Konnie to give blowjobs until her whole face is plastered in semen and is gasping for air.
on that topic have a rarely reposted sketch from forever ago
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I know there are lots of stories and stuff on the Traitors consorts staying nominally loyal, but what about the Loyalist who had consorts that were traitors, or thought Isis was right?
Whatever causes the maximum amount of depression
I don't think any would've explicitly sided with Chaos, depending on their exact origins, but I do believe a few would've sided generally against the Empress for her iconically poor parenting among other reasons. The few that stand out to me would be Freya's, Konnie's, Khatun's, and quite iconically Aurelia's, who was either raped or torched by the Empress herself.
How could he even survive that?
Nice, is good.
If you wont mind requests, but having pic related with Etna and Konnie would be great. Obviously Konnie being the one throatfucked.
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The intent was very much that he would not
>The fire that kept me alive, was love. Her love. Monarchia's love.
Kek, good to see the shitposts I've made still get around.
Now that's an Idea.
Imagine if the coup that some of the White Scars threw was openly instigated by her consort, thinking that she was going to side with Isis, so after the rebels have been stopped, the Khatun has to deal with her traitor Consort.
I suppose if he wasn't more explicitly aware of Isis' corruption or the general influence of Chaos he may have come to verbally side with them. But I doubt he'd ever truly turn against Kahtun, and certainly not attempt a coup.
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Funny that the most vanilla of all the Primarchs is getting the "badass MC" treatment in that story.
And yet, it works surprisingly well
He admits he’s basically the weakest Primarch, and that his sisters are going to surpass him. I’m more surprised at how much they humanized Jimmy Space.
>Oh great and mighty Primarch from the future. You who has felled mighty daemons and crushed vast armies. It is often said that each of the Primarchs has a specialty. What is yours?
>Oh me? Implementing efficient bureaucracy and strategic level planning.
This looks a bit familiar.
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I want to tease the spell focus nipples...
Knowing tzeentch they made the nipple crystals into something where it is connected to her nervous system. So she always feels her nips being teased when casting magic.
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The beakie mask is cute
Furia should kill him.
We’ve already established who the best Primarchfu is, but who would be the worst?
Furia. Maintaining a relationship with her would require the most effort of any other, to the least reward of any other
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is this ntr?
Lorgara being forced to watch Monarchia and her consort burn
She’s about to be fisted with a Lightning Claw
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Do not disrespect my apocalypse waifu again.
I mean, you're right.
But do not disrespect her again.
I like the idea that the chaos gods got Lorgara to sacrifice her consort by accident.
She’ll make your life a living hell.
Fulgrima. She probably has harem, so you’ll always get sloppy seconds.
I'm not disrespecting her at all, I'm sure she's a lovely lady under all the barbed wire in her brain!
Petra’s autism and self pity would be insufferable.
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I could fix her I think
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You don't fix her, she breaks you down until you're in the mind set to say she's perfect
Or she snaps your neck.
Need snuggles with Sanguinia
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She hurts me because she loves me.
>beats you to near death then gets sad about it later
Apply pregnancy correction to her.
New thread?
Not until page 10
New thread?

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