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Post futas with kind of gross/extreme elements. Examples include:
>excessive foreskin
>excessive pubes
>neet-ish looking
Kind of a broad umbrella but when I post some examples you'll get what I mean. Gay futa/male stuff is welcome too.
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Starting image dump done, I'll try and keep this thread alive for a bit and hopefully we get some traction.
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Pick you flavour?
Give me Marle so I can kiss her puckered foreskin like a pair of lips.
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What is the appeal here
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Their battle will be legendary
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most definitively
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Oops, wrong thread
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Hoshi so beautiful…
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what are those bulbs on the rim of her dickhead?
Merpeople gene
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never seen that before and I'm a merperson irl
This doesn't belong here.
Two male brain in different opposite view
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love this comic
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Sure do.
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That's not futa. Those are supposed to be men's assholes.
Yes, fat futa from water tribe
>he doesn't have a NylTok account
you're missing out
also that's snapchat
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I don't give a fuck about Hazbin girls but there's this one guy who comms a lot of futa of them (plus Boa Sandersonia) from One Piece, and I gotta say he's got some pretty based taste.
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I wish rampage would draw poop again
Sorry, you're going to get SPH and NTR until the cows come home. It's the curse of liking an artist from Korea.
Probably her snake df power using escape odd fluid mechanism
>stinky nasty cum so thick and chunky it comes out and coils like ropes
We need more of this.
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I'd post more Zyldark but I got a warning for posting a pic of his in this thread earlier.
that makes sense
There's smeg alts for this on Patreon but Kemono hasn't been updated. Also sorry for the sample size but fullsize was 30 MB.
Also more of this OC by the same artist, if anyone has that new stuff I mentioned that'd be nice.
Is futa on male gay?
It's whatever you want it to be. I just called it gay because otherwise there would be a "le futa is gay" argument in this thread so i'm just skipping that stage.
yes and no honestly
Snak face
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I wanna clean dirty futa mommy cock with my boi hole
I don't know man. Some people really like nasty shit I guess. Not my thing, but if that's your thing, fine
>Not my thing
not yet it isn't
Take a shower?
I love dirty futa milfs
These hags bitch need my duck pounding
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Says it on the bottom corner, Adoggoart. Also chill with the scat
gamer gunk
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Zombi shot dead cum
what does it taste like?
Herb butter or rotting fluid

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