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Christmas/Brat Edition

Welcome to the experimental edition of /Bimbo/. For a long time, I've been unhappy with /bimbo/ and admired the creative anons of the /trash/ threads. Thus, I intend to change the nature of /bimbo/ from being a general that endlessly regurgitates content towards something that is something that is self-sustaining and creates stuff for itself. Thus, I will experiment with a mini-contest in this thread revolving around Christmas/Brats to encourage this creative mindset that I desire. If the thread is successful, we will vote for the winner of this contest.

>What are the rules of this general?
There are only two rules for this general.
1.) Act like an adult: Anyone who cannot act rationally and calmly tolerate content that differs from their taste is not welcome here. I don't want shitty clapbacks or endless circlejerks.
2.) Don't be annoying: While everything bimbo is allowed, we expect it to be done in moderation. If you're posting art, that would be controversial (Interracial, AI, MTF, etc...). We expect a modicum of restraint. Don't spam it and try to flood the general with it. Also, try to avoid being deliberately annoying.

>Poll for the next thread's theme (If this thread is successful).
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bimbo story for you guys
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Is there anyone but you posting?
Hope these threads have calmed down a bit. Sci-fi bimbo, I've got nothing christmas-bimbo related right now. Maybe I'll make a piece later or tomorrow.
Okay, whipped this up quickly. Enjoy, and merry christmas!
Does anyone remember someone with a name similar to fibbem? He made Kisekae content, I remember one called hip hop hooray about a cheerleader giving a nerd cursed pom poms and turning her into a bimbo. All his art was pretty good. Never saved any of it
probably not but that's ok
not sure if gaz is bimbo, but is christmas related.
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oops forgot image.
never again
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lattes turn girls into supersaiyans now?
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I like every kind of bimbo.

Happy bimbos are the best bimbos though.
I only like a specific kind of bimbo.
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>Happy bimbos are the best bimbos though
what about drugged up bimbos?
I am also partial to happy bimbos. I prefer them overall with at least average or higher smarts. I don't mind ditzy, dumb bimbos but I like it when they're "normal" - just with very enhanced bodies, of course.

Someone you can banter with in the kitchen, go shopping with, argue which movie you want to watch, talk about how awful the new neighbours are etc.
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Only if they took the drug willingly.

>I prefer them overall with at least average or higher smarts
Same. I am particularly fond of Office Lady bimbos.
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You like cowgirl bimbos,
I like cow girl bimbos.
We are not the same.
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do you have a link or gallery?
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Sweater pups!

I've got an outdated exhentai gallery and I have a twitter as well as bluesky I post on. You can find me under HoneyBoy3D.
>Captcha: H8SPH
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>captcha and that pic
I can imagine some poor housewife bimbo telling her husband that she isn't into SPH stuff and that she thinks his dick is perfectly fine
If I ever develop her (she was just something I created out of the blue a few days ago) that'd probably be it. A loving housewife who boosts the confidence of her hubby.
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Based bimboy wife.
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if bimbos with dicks are allowed
Tennis bimbos!
Bimbo Cowgirl GF.
How do I get into writing character bios and such? Writing at all, really.
Just write down whatever comes to mind (It's great for preventing writer's block) and refine it once you're done. It's important to get a skeleton of what you're aiming for with a clear beginning and end, since otherwise you might just get bogged down with the details.
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I will ask here too - recommend me bimbofication games, please. I dislike the html stuff if this helps you in any way.
Here's a pretty large list of bimbofication games. You'll probably find something you like here.

How do we feel about Gyaru? They welcome in the bimbo threads?
I like it yeah so feel free to post guaru pictures.
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