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Vanilla Redux. NO futa or trans characters. NO AI.

Reminder to *report* ~and~ *ignore* all off-topic content and derailing in regards to it. If you reply, you are part of the problem. Do NOT engage with any shitposting, off-topic bait/drama, futa, diapers, derailing, spam, etc. Report any autistic textfucking/HMV/PMV/lyricspam/blacked/youtube rap/twitter repost/deuce ad posts from the /trash/ dildo spammer.

- This general *is* for FF14 OC, finding /gposing partners, help with modding, and lewd art that you either drew or commissioned yourself.
- This general is NOT for posting twitter/r34/booru/tslg/fanart content you didn't make, other FF games that aren't XIV, make a separate thread for that- you're allowed to.
- **Do NOT post** futa/shemales/traps/transgender, diapers, hyper, snuff/guro, hardcore bdsm, men being pegged/inserted (gay or 'straight'), beastiality, QoS/blacked, scat, or AI content.
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>Previous Thread

>SFW/Main Thread
>Homo Thread
>Futa Thread
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>Lewd Modding Resources, Guides, and Discords
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Missed out on some festive posting, ah well
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i dont often share my screenshots
(i make them for myself)
but im feeling good today
might as well ask here, are there any active nsfw ffxiv modding discords? there's something i want to ask on one
that's vague as hell but i might be able to help, what's up? (there's like a thousand nsfw modding discords)
ah i seem didn't realize there were so many
mainly just looking for someone who could help recreate someone's character, make a few adjustments with mods, and export the model for use elsewhere
i can kind of help with this,
there's an experimental plugin called meddle that kind of does the exporting part, but you can also just recreate that character using textools with whatever mods you want pre-installed in safe mode so it doesn't change your install, and then export the character pieces and import it into blender
it's messy either way
slight issue in that i don't have/play the game myself, and the person who has the character in question is modding averse, which is why i'm looking for someone to help
this sounds like an extremely specific scenario and either way you'd have to use those tools to do it
maybe just ask a friend who has the game idk bro good luck tho
Anyone know of a 2B neck seam fix? I've seen some made for other NPCs with thin necks like Sphene, but haven't been able to find one for 2B.
oh hey this place isn't dead
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Perspective is actually kinda hard to get right.
god that looks like shit man tf
Anyone know if it's possible to steal someones mod list/customize+ scaling if you have them on mare?
why would you want to do that...?
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>I can make my cool OC fuck hot girls
I can't believe it took me this long to start making these things.
Is she sitting on the PoV character's chest?
Looks like a weirdly detailed latex bodysuit that's starting to break down from being cleaned with improper chemicals
She's not *supposed* to be. The idea was to make a cowgirl shot with a hand on her waist, but the distance from the PoV's arms to her torso (plus the fact that she's like 8 1/2 feet tall) meant an unaltered position only got the hands up to her calves.
She's still positioned on the dick, but I had to pull the rest of the body down in order to make the concept work. The end result is this kinda-hot stomach riding thing.
Larger female size difference stuff is pretty hot though, you should post the unaltered too
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It really is, and it's one of the reasons I love femroes so much. I'll try to play into it more in the future, but I don't have the unaltered shot anymore.
Well if we are celebrating femroes...
More interested in the straight hroth...
You made an image of your hroth facefucking a roe a while back, do you still have that image?
Actually feminine femroes are a treasure
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So true king. They're 1000% better when they don't have penises.
That's new.
I've been experimenting with them. They look better from certain angles than others. I kinda like them though, they're probably gonna stick around for my later poses.
So is she a mum or was she just a lot bigger at some point?
don't ask any more clarifying questions because that's all I have figured out so far, kek
I have way too involved backstories for my characters, to the point that I keep involuntarily coming up with scenarios from their past. There's such a thing as too much, but my brain never got the message
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Posting another one of these before I pass out.
I'm deciding to write this angle off as a stylistic choice and not me just forgetting how to save steam screenshots vertically.
Is the veil just so you don't have to work too hard on the facial expressions
I know I do stuff like that
It definitely helps, but the honest answer is that veils make my dick hard.
Veils are pretty hot. I may have to revisit my "veiled Radz castle guard giving a quick blowie behind the guardhouse" idea at some point
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Veils are pretty hot.
I was about to answer you, but
You're creepy as fuck man
Make the character yourself and mod it however you want, even try to get another specific character right, but you're basically asking how to steal and modify their appearance for "use elsewhere"
I hope you never get the answers you seek
Big fan of this cat. What's she into partner-wise?
I uh, actually have a few of those so you might have to be more specific...
Holy shit, is she part snake?
Catmen with dogdicks trigger my autism

Guess so.

That's rough buddy.
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Oh shit you facefuck a lot of roes, not the ones I was thinking of but these'll do. I actually ended up finding the one
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Can anyone tell what body mod this is? I saw someone with it and it looks cool
Bibo+ flat?
Oh, yeah, that's a roe I met here actually. But yeah, enjoy working with roes a lot.
One of my favorite femroes, just love how her head is being used like a toy in that pic, and the weighty look the tits have. Love your work in general though
I think I've seen a ton of commissioned porn of this roe
I know I've done my fair share of fan stuff for that roe, but I don't think I've seen any commissioned pieces
There's such s massive amount of it around, a fair bit of it has got to have been commissioned. Some of it is done by pricey artists too
Got any of it?
I think you're probably thinking of Ruby, which was in this one >>8664617 They're like the only femroe I know that has a ton of commissioned art.
lmao that mouth
hey man if it comes to getting off whats a couple of broken jaws
God I love femroe in heels
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That would explain why I couldn't find it. Was in the 'male body' mindset to start
Though I still get a decent bit of breast shadow on this. Maybe the OP was editing that out in post..
Theres a fix that gives it updated DT textures and removes the breast shadow, if you can't find it I can dig it up personally in my files
I looked it up and JUST found it. Thanks a bunch anon, that fixed it!
For sure, good luck anon
God I fucking love the Knorb mods
Are there better penises than the default TBSE ones? It always looks kinda low-res, especially the balls.
someone get me OUT of this chaotic alliance raid pf hell
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ma'am that shirt is far too small for you
I'd say femy guys are a major weakness of hers
Ah not my lad then, damnit, too bad. Hope she finds all the femy guys she desires though.
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is this any better?
But there's-
Yeah, it's fine.
So you're saying there's a chance
is there a place from this thread for people to meet up and goon?
Some of the posters here also post in the /xivg/ thread on /vg/, ask there... Actually people hook up more from that thread than here
You could always post poses of your character in reply to someone and ask them to meet up in game, you'll have little luck if you don't have pics yourself
4chan is generally shit for hooking up though, join lewd Discords instead
Which lewd discords do people use?
Pretty Kitty Emporium, Eorzean Nightlife, Warriors of Lewd for instance, which you could have found by googling "ffxiv erp discord server"
PKE is not for hooking up, it's a modding community with a nsfw pics channel
Post more
if it makes you feel better i did get permission from the owner and i was only going to make changes they'd approve of and give them the model as well
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Installed a makeup from a loose file but now I've got this neck seem. Is there something I missed to alleviate this? (bibo, nymph fwiw)
Was it just a diffuse? Or was there a normal map included as well-- because an incorrect normal can make everything tinted red-slightly darker
Just a diffuse
just seems to be a seam issue then, easiest thing to correct is to take your old face diffuse and your new face diffuse and import them into an image editor, find the neck seam and blend it into your old face texture (I do this all the time with makeup mashups)
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I need to grind it more, been so busy lately....

the /trash/ thread was also a decent place when it didnt get spammed but that era is gone now. I don't really like using discord too much but I considered joining some communities just to meetup with people.
When's this slut gonna post her location so we can meetup?
Please save me fellow middie...
All the fucking prog liars and trap parties are killing me here I've been stuck at 0.8% enrage since the 25th
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or the even lazier way
if you can extract and upload both diffuses i'll do it for you
this post timer stinks
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The lighting system in XIV still feels wonky to me, but I think I'm starting to get a feel for it.
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Have you considered using the relight shader? I also think the posing tools will get their own light system but im not sure if its out of beta yet.

I'll be active this weekend so I'll poke my head around incase you still need help
Relight looks promising, but I'll have to think about whether or not I wanna spend $10/mo for extra lights.
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Or we can skip all of that and do this.
Have fun
Oh wow, Much appreciated!
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>set walking animation
>take screenshot
This feels like cheating, but the results are too nice for me to complain about.
I'm glad you're cheating. Post more
Tonight I'm eternally grateful for the textools dt updater.
what is that?
The old modding platform from before Penumbra, these days it's mostly used for mod editing and making old mods DT compatible, rather than importing mods.
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This one is even more cheating. She's just standing still.
Need to see this fiddie riding a dick
with handholding, fingers intertwined, and eye contact
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kino nipp slip, tbdesu
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This is the first time in 1.5k+ hours of playing that I set foot in the Coerthas inn. It's a shame too, because I really fucking vibe with the lighting in this room.
If I found this femroe waiting for me there i'd certainly go there more often.
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So much femroe meat in this thread, jesus.
I love femroes so much it's unreal.
blessed thread
same bro, they're the best
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I've tried pov shots before and they just end up looking weird, I'll give it another shot though. Maybe some compositing will help.
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Tried reshooting that riding pose from before. That fuckass lamp in the back of the room ruined my color balance.
(I also forgot to flip it ack)
ancient bnuuy
The best bnuy, whose return i've quite eagerly awaited. I've cleared a whole expansion and almost maxed out my DoH/DoL since last I saw you.
i love this bun
Damn, missed the zip. Relight sounds handy but $10/mo sub is not worth it at all lmao. Hopefully some of the posing tools for XIV will include extra lights.
I hope to resub soon so I can share some new stuff!
I should hope to pair my lad with your bun as well then, spent a fair bit of time setting up a decent apartment for it too.
Assuming he appeals to you/your bun in the first place of course.
glad to see more veil appreciators
Before the DT graphics update, there were collections of expressions you could load up in Anamnesis for each race and gender. Has anyone recreated that for the graphical update faces? I know Anamnesis actually has a built-in expressions folder, but it seems like it's still the old pre-DT face bones.
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i if it has not been updated by now i doubt that part of anamnesis will be
but you can use brio to do basically the same thing
Every time I see those bottoms I'm reminded of an old gif I saw where they were running strings of pearls on either side of the labia and it was hot as fuck
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What shaders do I use to get a look like this? Or is it just Photoshop
Finally decided to move to Rue+ and I couldn't be happier with the results
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This is just shaders. You can just use some of the popular ones (or download gposingway) and then adjust things to your liking. Mess around with things like bloom, levels and different lighting options.

The tummy is truly unmatched
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based baked potato
very nice
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sub ends in a few days and don't plan on renewing until it's actually worth playing again, was fun while it lasted
Non compressed version:
good set
The lighting and excessively oily skin makes that bun look like she's made out of plastic
Thats the problem with the oil mod in general desu.
Its why most people aren’t using it anymore.
It's mostly a problem with people being afraid of detail on their characters. Skin imperfections actually make you look better and not like a barbie doll.
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Would you a femezen
Nice knot, jealous
I think it's stuff like realistic cellulite and popping veins looking a bit out of place on our smooth idealized characters
A pity to see you go but understandable, for some people posing and ERPing is enough to keep them subbed, some other people actually like redoing the same Savage or Ulti mechs again and again and have the patience to wait 8 months to do so
I don't think you will ever find it worthy to play due to how formulaic it is, you've seen the game and played it enough, it won't ever change
>I think it's stuff like realistic cellulite and popping veins looking a bit out of place on our smooth idealized characters
There's a middle ground though, you can have like beauty marks and freckles and stuff.
I would plap this Elezen with my Malezen.

Contact me on disc… you might know who I am.
We have! I have other girls if you'd prefer a roe or a hroth, but would be quite happy to see you stuff that huge knot inside any of them. If you'd be interested in something, I can DM you on twitter
Starting to get that itch to pose again, what kind of stuff would y'all like to see, any specific character, aesthetic or kink we're in desperate need of?
Sure yeah just hit up my DM's again then and I'll make sure to pose something this time.
Damn lucky au’ra, she’s a cutie as well
my femra would turn this femezen into a mess
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Does anyone have a link for NeoLithe download? I'm not trying to join a Discord channel just for a single body mod.
she can handle a lot!
yuri or futa?
Finally workshopped something that felt worth doing
this is like a week later but it's just female middie face 1, with the mod linked from before
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Been away for awhile and gifted some delightfully thicc scaling/body, what kinda chunky gal do I make?

My old Doman gal pictured, could be fun to update her, I'm sure we have new hair and outfits.
any more pics of your fiddie?
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the wedding ring adds a lot to this, wp
With a ravenous hrothgal
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It's the little details that really matter.
Wait, is that--
anyone interested in getting a cumtribute for their character? bonus points if you're able to help me cum with nightlife animations
fc leader!?
Is that what?
where to get mod
Fiddie looked familiar.
its called Stacked by Spudfarmer
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day 1000 of me wishing I could have explorer mode in more instanced content
ty. does that include the pasties and pubes
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pubes are included but the pasties can be found here, just make sure you update it through TexTools first https://puddingcupmods.gumroad.com/l/StackedFkMe
I'll have to take some new pics with this elezen sometime soon...
She is gorgeous
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The feline are bonding
I have only recently found out SE's screenshot feature allows taking some better resolution images compared to Reshade's
post moar
God, i wanna see this lizard from the front
built for
for what?
I wish I was this femezen's husband
you know.
Does this elezen have a twitter?
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I love watching femroes pee.
Uhmm I'm starting to think that veena male is gay
if i am using my carbuncle as an actor, how do i get that character's customize+ scaling and penumbra profile to apply to it?
>if i am using my carbuncle as an actor
Brotha, this isn't 2017 any more, you can just spawn as many dummies as you want with brio/kitisis and apply whatever you look you want to it by importing a character file or using saaved glamourer designs.
thanks, i had no idea lol
How do I get into this sort of thing? Do I have to start with some kind of manager like Bibo+ before I start grabbing individual pieces to wear? If I'm wearing an outfit with mods, do I have a way to see what a person with no mods on their own client would see? Like a toggle?
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Penumbra is what you're thinking of, not Bibo+.
You can look up how to download the dalamud launcher as well as penumbra on your own, it's very easy.
Bibo+ is just a body replacer mod.
After you download it, you can set your penumbra to look like this, that way mods you personally have installed will only apply to your own character model. Additional gpose addons will allow you to apply those mods to any dummy models you spawn, so it wont be a pain in the ass having to apply X mods to X characters like it used to be.
I have that installed, I just grabbed a random accessory from xivmodarchive, installed the .ttmp2 file, used Item Swap to make sure it appears on an accessory my retainer is already wearing, put the Swap in a Collection and set that collection to all male PCs and NPCs (rude, but I don't know how retainers are counted) and... the texture isn't showing up. Is my mistake in trying to change retainers at all?
Okay, I used myself as the guinea pig this time. The .ttmp2 changes the Empyrean Necklace to a custom skin. I installed that mod, used Item Swap to swap Empyrean Necklace to the necklace I'm already wearing, and set up the collection. And now the necklace I'm wearing looks like... the Empyrean Necklace instead of the mod. What did I do wrong?
Doesn't matter, dick went inside someone's pussy.
I think I figured it out. I had to use both the base mod and the Swapped mod, and make sure that the base mod had higher priority. I got the accessory to show up, but please let me know if my reasoning is wrong
should be spitroasting/dping her instead
this is just gay
We have gay, bi and straight in one picture here
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Same anon here. I wasn't able to completely iron out Item Swap acting strange, but I got a more efficient workaround of using Glamourer instead
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Blessed thread full of femroes
There's no way I keep forgetting to rotate this shit correctly
I'm killing myself
Sheen on that skin has me acting unwise.
Need to see more canon lewd stuff. Since SE is never going to let us actually screw Y'shtola or Alisaie.
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not the same anon, but thank you for showing me the first steps, have the first photo of my viera as a thank you
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Honestly just a quick one.
Cute bun, would plap.
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This fiddie was posting on VG earlier does anyone have more of them, a name or a server?

bonus points if you have their data.
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thank you!
still trying to find a body and some cute outfits.
after that I'll look into posing
More like this please?
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what mod is that dress?
idk but I'd let them sell my Ul'dahn street trash to whatever john can cough up a handful of gil.
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Paid mod (for now anyway), have fun
ty gamer :D
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Is there a way to apply expressions through brio? I feel like I saw a screenshot of somebody with an expression menu open in its UI but I have no idea how to do it myself. Or if it even was brio, for that matter.
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Expressions fall under animations/emotes so you just have to look for it by name or animation #. Its typically in the bottom section of brio when you start posing. Some people also made expression collections to import instead since its faster and way easier to manage. I personally use an emote expression as a base (using the regular gpose menu) then load a pose on top of it.
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Rad, I'll have to look for that when I'm posing again.
>Some people also made expression collections to import instead
Would a collection like that be found in a file? Do you have one on hand, or is there a place I could go to pick one up for myself?
I swear to god I'm not doing this on purpose, I'm just fucking stupid
i have someones character i want to see get modded tf out, can anyone help will compensate - discord knd63
There are some floating around and they typically look like this:

Since you can import body poses and face poses separately, some people find it easier this way. Make a collection of faces they like and save them for later to use with poses. You can also make your own collection by just doing the face emotes and saving each one as a "pose" then mark them as such.

The added face bones are still new so doing complex expressions takes alot of practice but for the purposes of horny screenshots usually unnecessary.
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Built for roegadyns
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ever since they redid the bone layout for facial expression I haven't been able to do my own custom mouth positioning or even tweak my eyebrows for expressions worth a damn, it's been hell
Messing around with Brio. I'm figuring out how to move individual limbs of a character, but how do I pick up and carry that character, change their elevation or angle?
I really would move those pearls and stuff her full
If you use Glamourer you can grab her character details, then later you can make mannequins in her image
select the abdomen bone, or the purple ball at the bottom near their feet that's called model something I think
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an attempt was made
A good start
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Maybe one day I'll sit down and actually commit to learning complex expressions but most of the default ones work fine for me.
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had to take this photo 3 times because i'm an idiot and left the chat open in the screenshot twice.
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Happens to the best of us. But the pose is great!
Someone in the vg thread asked for this the other day and decided I could use some posing practice. I don't feel like posting it and getting banned over there through.
Does anyone even get banned over catbox'd lewds anymore?
old bnu
I haven't been warned for them yet, but I've heard someone say it got flagged as spam at some point.
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I know I haven't been banned, but they definitely won't let you post one catbox after another if the time between the two is too soon.
I played it too safe then
ah well, it's here now if that anon ever ventures over. I suspect it was bait honestly
NTA you are talking about but I love these, and the character for that matter.
Post new bnu
Am not subbed...
But soon!
Thank you! I need to take more shots cause i'm just posting old slop otherwise
Old bnu is also cute! Share more if you've got it
>Thank you! I need to take more shots cause i'm just posting old slop otherwise
I should post my lad more but I have had low energy to make shots and beefcake is less popular than cheesecake here, for admittedly good reason.
So, I can spawn an actor, turn him hyur, put him in sophist's gear... But how do I make him four yalms tall?
You'll have to use the scale function to get him to a height outside of the normal bounds of a midlander.
Cute lizard, too.
I love Fiera.
Four YALMS? Are you sure you don't mean fulms?
I love elf men. I want to spread his asscheeks and penetrate his boyhole.
Sorry anon, not into men.
Sure you can find a male elf that is in the gay thread.
wet cat
im slapping her titties all around
Making her wetter with my cock
I've been experimenting with a second actorin brio, for "normal" ingame /emote poses is there a faster way than to convert your character to the second actor, use the emote and then export the emote to import it on the second actor?

also, can someone recomend me a shader? I lost my configuration on the gshade fiasco and the ones i have right now on reshade are very limited
brio has an animation dropdown menu below the posing dropdown
click the magnifying glass to search for animations
I see! I knew there had to be a faster way.
Thank you!
good luck out there
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pov shots are more difficult than I thought...
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Everybody thinks it's way easier than it actually is. I learned that the hard way about three weeks ago now.
It's also hard to believe that I've been posting femroes for three weeks, holy hell
this one's pretty good
I really REALLY appreciate it
and the other femroe posters
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Some people really cannot handle competition.
Right's nipples look like you could click a lego brick onto them
I want to see more of this cat
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What mountain do I need to move to get a shot at the one on the right?
Just PM them on discord
Don't have them so that's a womp for me.
that's a lovely chocolate cat
Need to be choked by those fat femroe tits
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I figure this is the best place to ask, I'm wondering if anyone here is in Soma's discord?
I've been there for a bit, downloaded a couple outfits for Juno/Okaa-san and now it seems to be locked
I'd really like to get more outfits. There were a lot of creators there, and I hate to see the outfits locked like that
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I'm driving myself insane working with this roe. Every time I get done posing one scene, I get like three more ideas I want to test out. I'm coming up on 35 hours without sleeping now.
This is the best problem I could possibly have.
How'd you get the nipples like that?
woah who is this sex goddess..? does she like femroes...?
that femroe here, just curious but i do not see those spots on her skin anywhere on my client, is that how she really appears with your reshade filter? i worry theres something i overlooked or cant see ordinarily
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No idea. I pulled her from an .mcdf that was thrown into the main thread a couple days ago. I assume it's just some obscure body mod floating out there in the ether.
Yeah, that's how I've always seen her. I will say, it's not something I noticed until I started taking these high resolution, close up photos. My assumption was that it was just something that was always included on the skin texture and it's too faint to be typically seen on gray skin with XIV's naturally desaturated color palette.
Not that I'm complaining, of course. There's way more to look at here than some skin splotches.
Fuck I love your femroe so much. Can you post more of her? I really want to cum to her right now.
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Her face did not survive the transition into DT with the changes but this is old bunmiddie.

Now that she looks like this i kind of want to explore her as an older woman and this body >>8687758 looks perfect for that.
one more for you, anon..
Can you please post some of your ass? You really press my buttons. I would do anything you want just to get some sex.
for some odd reason I never take any enticing backshots of her, sorry! and I don't really do any ERP either...
aww that's unfortunate, she looks absolutely stunning! if you ever want to take some poses, let me know
Can you make some ass shots please? And its okay. No need to ERP. Can I still fap to you? Maybe even do a tribute to your favorite picture?
I will never understand lighting
Looks really good to me. How'd you light it?
I used relight, but you can see light lines all over.
I just poke stuff on reshade lmao
Oh, I didn't open up to the full size. Yeah the banding is tough, you'll probably want a fill light off to the side to even out the subject's lighting.
I really want to plap this viera
Start messing around with the relight options like shadow trace. If you are using the immerse suite then make sure to edit stuff in the launchpad option as well to remove those weird lines. I had to tweak alot of options to get the lighting just right
I'll try using one to the side. I'm rusty so I had forgotten about that trick
Tell me far more
Lovely femra
So is NeoLithe body only available as some kind of early access on Discord? I'm looking for a thin/petite body type, and most seem to always have bubble butts or thick thighs.
You could always find a body you like then use customize+ to size it to your liking. Makes it easier to find clothes too since you arent locked to a specific body. Otherwise, check the pirate discords/websites for it
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Need to meetup and take pics with this slut
What are you bringing to the table?
Popping my cherry when it comes to potatoes but I can show you what Ive done before if you'd like
Ooo, perhaps another time, busy just now!
You have more? I’m interested in femlalas like yours.
No worries, I'll be on the look out. We can share mcdfs if thats easier for you in the future. I'm not picky
thank you!
Sure sure!
shits hard yo
framing too desu
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Also hows it going folks been a while since i checked the thread
Big hello!
And posing. And everything.
A couple, but that's it!
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thank you for this lala. I would like to share my mcdf files with you.
Milala is pretty neat
why is she sad
>All these thick lala, coming out of the woodworks
Wish you were out ingame too.
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She lost a dare and has to take half naked selfies in public
your fiddie should go full naked haha
this fiddie belongs in the arms of a 2 meter tall pale woman
That should be me in the middle
Pain that balmung is congested rn
>Tell me far more
I’d really like to pin this Viera down, her legs by her shoulders and unload a thick nut inside of her.
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Around a bit, wasting away the day

loving this lala
Give me your mcdf naked. I want to pose lewds
Got a way to receive it?


And what lewds do you do?
You can catbox it and send it here and I make het
oh, I'm this guy from eariler >>8688690
You can also use the new code system if you dont want to share files. We can also use discord or meet ingame if you are up for it.
new thread??!!!
Havent done the new code thing yet, hows it work?
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Might wait for a new thread so I can make a full guide for it to help people out here. Looks daunting but its straightforward
Think I have it actually!
New Thread!

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