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Gladiatorial version
Strong muscular warrior women and historical women allowed.
>Bonus for Rome and gladiator women
>No futa shit
>No gay shit
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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I need this!
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you and me both
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There aren't enough warrior women from the Byzantine Empire.
>Mogs every other warrior culture by her mere existence.
If you favourite Warrior woman got into a fight with Kheshig-Chan here, how long would she last before she became Keshig-Chan's pet.
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Not long, if I'm honest.
Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing my gladiator waifu humiliated and forced to lick her feet or be disemboweled while a crowd leers
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Warrior women are so hot
Reminds me of that short-lived Gladiatrix quest.
which one?
Depends on the individual warrior woman.
I find them all hot. Those toned muscles are great
Gladiatrix Manager Quest 1-8
Text-based, Roman empire setting with furry races, no art from the QM only fanart, surprisingly compelling for the interactions between the gladiatrixes under our ownership. I'm resisting the need to re-read because I know it ends so abruptly.
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What a beautiful gladiatrix
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Gladiatrix art is so hot
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Classical Warrior women are always hot.
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Are you not entertained?!?!
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what are the two black lines running across the penis for?
Hot! Defeated warriors should be defiled
What do you think about elegant asian warriors?
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Hot! Samurai women are so erotic and elegant
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Nothing made me harder than a scarred warrior woman
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This Simon Bisley?
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fresh out the oven
This is really good! I love warrior women, anon
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Really hot gladiatrix. Scars are the best
What do you think about Boudica, anon?
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I wouldn't be thrilled but I wouldn't exactly kick her out of bed either
Historical account of Boudica before she was defeated and raped by the Roman Empire
I wish I could rape Boudica too!
>Dismounted Mongol

She's gonna eat some real shit real fast!
Not when her sister shows up.
you drew this?
Realistically what do you think marriage with a gladiator woman to be like?
It was an artist called Harshmallowz.
He keeps disappearing and repapering so I can't give you a link to find his stuff outside of just looking at R34.
>only one of my ovaries is usable after being shot with an arrow
...what the fuck does that mean?
She does morning work outs everyday, eats twice her body weight, barely showers, and demands nightly snu snu
She only has one ovary left to produce children with.
Imagine fucking her pungent body after a heavy workout all day. Lovely
Her sweat would ripple off her abs and ass cheeks as you slam into her
>Her sweat would ripple off her abs and ass cheeks as you slam into her
That delicious salty taste and the acrid stench of her pits, feet and pussy would drive me crazy!
that's because you have good taste
That's the smell of a woman of combat, made to be mounted and bred
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Roman statue of an amazonian
Really hot
That scent is just the best. I want to overpower her and force her to assume dogeza position as I enter her
Women who have taken a life give the best sex!
>I want to overpower her and force her to assume dogeza position as I enter her
You'd have to beat her in combat first
If not then she will put you into amazon position and flex her muscles as she slams you into her
Sounds like a win-win!
The only downside is she'll keep going even if you do cum
I can only hope she does. Gladiatorial combat where the winner gets to rape the loser, was something like that ever implemented in Rome or other culture? History anon!
As far as we know no
But that didn't stop people from raping women when they kill their husband
I wish they did, for someone who reveled in violence I'm surprised they didn't consider it
Maybe men bet their wives in a fight but that'd be about it
But it would be great to beat the shit out of the woman and then take her in front of the whole crowd
>it would be great to beat the shit out of the woman and then take her in front of the whole crowd
Right? It would make for quite the spectacle to force her to cum over and over as the crowds cheer and leer
The crowd cheers each time she squirts in front of everyone
There are claps alongside the sound of her toned ass cheeks clapping
Would be hilarious to have her screams turn into moans of pleasure and then turned into a breeding sow. If she behaves and is a good fuck she just might get to stay alive...might.
Even if she gets to live, she's going to be made into a proper fuck toy by having her arms and legs removed
Imagine all those years training to master the sword only to have all that effort turned into nothing as she gets her limbs hacked and gets turned into a living onahole for men's pleasure
She sees how her muscled stomach gets bigger carrying her opponent's brat
Ruining a muscular woman's perfect abs as they distend to make way for my child to be born would be the best sensation.
Using her as a living sex toy and carrying her on my back for easy to find use would be great
it's even more enjoyable in real life, trust me
Of course it would, then I'd be able to have my living muscle sex toy
what would you do with it?
Use it to relive myself of any stress by fucking her at every opportunity
Pimp her out to other guys for a some coin
Put her on my back so I can have some weight training on my runs
Maybe even use her as a punching bag once in a while
>use her as a punching bag once in a while
Gotta keep my strength up to be able to fight more warrior women to add to my collection
How man have you got so far?
So far only three
Managed to turn the first two into living sex dolls but the third one needs work
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is she gonna be ok?
She's a tough girl she can take it
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How difficult would it be for a pregnant gladiator to fight?
Very if she wants to keep the baby
holy shit the captchas on this site keep getting more cancerous
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color version?
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From /aco/'s historical threads
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I miss those threads
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where is this from?
>Conquests #2 p.14
It's a European comic about historical fantasy. Emphasis on the Eurpean.
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Started drawing these
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Good shit!
>>8662401 (OP)
Warrior Amazon make sense as futa
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Rome was super "a woman's place is in the kitchen" about that shit. Thought women who fought were debasing themselves and their gender. Hell, some sources said women were only barely allowed to even see the Gladiator fights from the nosebleed seats.
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Kind of a waste
Life would be better with more gladiator women
It would make fights more entertaining
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>Et Tu Brutus, but they're all women.
I like this more than I should.
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Its simply the hottest
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Is this an OC?
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