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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels.
All kinds of western erotic games are welcome here (2D & 3D).

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Previous thread: >>8600104
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So what do I play next? These are the games I played so far

Princess trainer
>loved it since it was my first one
Star channel 34
>kinda shit but some scenes were good
>loved it, but unfinished
>kinda worse version of BADIK
Seeds of chaos
>going through it right now, I like it, but I feel it will leave me blueballed same as above 2

I'm looking for great art and at least OK story
How do you search for "breeding" games on cuck95?
Depending on how far you are, (or how many run throughs you're doing) it might be a good time to get caught up, as it's looking like the next chapter will coming out by the end of the month, beginning of Feb.
pregnancy+management tags i guess
Good point, I'd do a replay but this makes me think of a massive time investment I'm not ready for.

Does skipping minigames have some tangible negative impact?
Which WEGs involve same sex sodomy?
degrees of lewdity
do you also count transformation stuff? because trouble in the arena just updated and its futa ntr but the protagonist doesnt know that so he's essentially fucking a guy playing hide the pickle
What WEG is going to give me comfy at-home vibes like Milfy City?
the opening act of the game is peak comfy
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I don't think so bud.
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My wife.
The bot is broken again.
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oh wow
it's kind of amazing how a game can be captivating for like 2 acts, and then take a hard turn into total garbage because the dev just can't help themselves.
to be fair im not sure what a satisfying end to MIST would even look like
fog lifted?
establish a new normal living in the fog with your harem?
become a fog-man and molest your harem to death only for them to become vengeful fog-women and violently rape you for eternity?
i need the sumemrtime saga meme
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how do you pronounce weg? w e g or weg?
what game in op?
airborne warning and control system?
weggy wegg weg
the weggiest wegger to ever WEG
like wag, but with a "e"
one syllable

over-syllabification is for the woke
and acronyms are for fucking corpos
the MISTerious tyrant
Every weg in the op of these threads is some obscure shit and you can never get a straight answer
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>The ones who know don't care anymore and the ones who care don't know.
yeah my buddy works in those so i hear it surprisingly often
would an overly realistic depiction of life in an american overseas airforce base be a good setting for a weg?
they banned having boys/girls visit each others bunks so now they all have to sneak away to bang
>muh mixed-sex units
>muh mixed-race units
>muh unit solidarity
>muh DEI
black women will just end up as the squad's designated drone operators anyway
led by White and Hispanic NCOs
supported by Black and Indian (dots not feathers) infantry
tell that to Ramesh's white buddy when Daniqa "accidentally" targets their shared foxhole in Isfahan Province because of the former's "sexual emergency" from three days ago

sounds like a /weg/ WEG to me roflcopter
unless you have some great idea that can only work in such setting and nowhere else i don't think so
a good game doesn't need more than one great idea
>weg where you play as a guy in a wheelchair
>low, agonizing crawl through the game only to hit a dead end due to some bug
3d model production quality looks really good but holy shit it's a 5gb rpgmaker game
Anna Exciting Affection
I just finished Third Crisis, there's times where it's not great, and the art isn't amazing, but it's easily in my top 5. Are there any other corruption games that get to good extremes? The only other 2 I can think of that are anywhere similar are succum brewery and karryn's prison
Well I guess I'm through all the best Futa on female games
>Futa's World
>Unveiling the Unknown
>Instinct Unleashed
>Inner Growth
>Lustful Temptation
Just gonna cruise mode check their updates now
There's also the Eruption Imminent.
But yeah, I think you got them all as far as futa on female goes.
idk why I skipped over that one, it just looked ok I guess and I don't wanna cheapen the kick I get out of the genre
sky resort 1 and 2
a home in the desert
One Wild Futa Nightclub
There's having a Hard Time too. Not a ton of content yet and updates are glacial at best but when it gets more girls to fuck it'll be ace.
>updates are glacial at best
how often? I'm looking at it but im not going to play something that gets updated twice a year
Yeah it was like 8 months between the last two updates.
I have not played a porn game in 4 years. Anything good released?
I liked 2D trainer games like early akabur, 4 elements trainer, orange trainer etc. What I liked most about those games was the slow burn of getting the characters to do more and more little by little, anything is fine as long as there's some build up and it's not just meet girl > she instantly wants to have anal sex in the next scene.
2D preferred but if the game's really good 3D is fine.
>No haven
Can it work in 2024?
why are there so many cuck phone games?
easy format for AI both in terms of art and writing
oh also there is now a generation of sociallifelets who grew up watching all the cool kids who have sex sexting on their phones all day in highschool and now they are old enough to make wegs
smartphones are a weird niche as a fetish but they do exist
Are these games made for phones where retards get cucked, or games that heavily feature phones as part of the gameplay for retards to get cucked?
I like Eruption Imminent. It's got a lot of variation to it. You'll want to tap out if you can't stand the MC though. She's a horny virgin gooner with self esteem issues. I like it because you get a lot of options and can take her out of her shell.
games that heavily feature phones. There's lots of games that are played entirely through phone texts
it would seem Burdie has decided to start a weg
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Bye bye Burdie
I'm gonna miss (You) so
Bye bye Burdie
Why'd ya have to go?

No more sunshine
It's followed (You) away
I'll cry Burdie
Till you're home to stay

>"Bye Bye Birdie" by Ann-Margret
>thought I've giga fried my dopamine receptors over the years because I just speed through VNs to the scenes and speed read for contextt
>remember I only finished Snow Daze probably because it was all voiced
I can read normal books just fine but I guess if my wieners' hard I MUST coom maybe I just need self control or something
I read plot establishment and just enough dialogue to have context in situations. That is, unless I'm actually interested. That game about creating settlement on planets for instance. Lots of new interesting characters and interactions all the time.
>maybe I just need self control or something
start by skipping the scenes with characters you dont care about
then skip scenes that dont seem to matter
then maybe read something with an actually good story(can depend on what you like as much as the competence of the writing its self)
>Here is your quarterly 5 minutes of our red string bro

The slow development hurts the game more than you even know. I have saves where I legit have no idea what I was going for with the playthrough. Its all just a big jumble of shit and I will probably have to just stop playing updates and wait until I am 70 years old to play through the completed game
It's out.
Heroes are welcome.
It used to be the opposite but I guess either the dev or the audience got too impatient and started doing it this way. i'm not enjoying it as much anymore. i don't think there's been a proper lena update in like a year.
>All the fag95 comments of them crying over someone possibly leaking it
Legit wild how hard dickriders of hgame devs are.
Like is it because they are trying to justify their patreonbux on some dude churning out 5 minute updates 3 times a year?
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Eruption Imminent is really good, one of the best AVNs I've played in general but it's still in its infancy. It's a slow burn but the writing is pretty impressive and the renders are great. Not much variety yet though. It'll be another few updates before it starts getting really degenerate. There's dom/sub/cuck routes.
Don't know.
It's pretty much proven, time and time again with other porn games and even 3D videos, that releasing a full public update a week after original release is good PR and good PR produces more willing donations if the shit is quality. Just ask the likes of boobsgames and peasant's quest devs.
Strongarming mentality always baffles me. Even in real video games where it fails.
How do I make money as weg-dev when everybody pirating wegs for free?
Ask the weg devs who release updates for free yet somehow rake in more donators than paywalled retards.
>justify their patreonbux
100%, simping makes them special
I made a game and I literally had 8 patreon subs and one of them was leaking instantly lol no idea how some games have hundreds and no leaks.
into the trash it goes
You don't sell weg, you use it as advertisment for merch. Sell requested scenes ingame, custom banners and emotes on discord.
They do cute art and little stories but I don't think this will really be their strength. Like. A big part of their comics is that there's literally no writing, and the sketchy art style is fine for brief stories but I think people will get tired of it in a long project. Still, I hope it goes well.
my thoughts exactly
Can you recommend me bimbofication games? It is super hard to find decent ones.
my bimbo dream
bimbo life coach
Are there any games out there with the Witcher 3 Ciri model?
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I'm sure there are but I never recognize her without the scar.
One game is literally named "Witcher 4 Ciri Training" and I'm pretty sure I saw a few other cashgrabs like that one too. They shouldn't be that hard to find.
did all the devs an hero
AI stole multiple jobs
others got lazy because winter, not sure how that affects things but it clearly does
think two devs did unironically die last year
I saw that, but it's abandoned. I was hoping someone would know about something complete or still being worked on.
What the fuck is up with the sheer amount of slob ai shit garbage visual novels on f95 atm?
cheaper and no less ethical than hiring a russian
they got conscripted
>average rating 2 stars at best
>average amount of likes under 50
this is not the future pAIjeet bros promised
why so many rpgm shitters
>whoaaa how come this shit that's so easy to produce that any mouth breathing retard could do it is suddenly everywhere???
gee I fucking wonder anon
I feel like AI shit gets uploaded in waves. The last few months felt normal, not like this.
>gyazo screen capture
for what purpose just use OBS
they never learn

my guess? it's old. more tutorials, more examples to copy/paste code, more shitty pixel art to steal.

I would write a renpy story but the second i start thinking about making art assets i lose interest, so i get it

you'd think AI would let them churn out updates quickly, but the AI projects don't even do that. they all get bogged down trying to add stupid sandboxes or branching stories, which none of these retards have the discipline to do well
I have to update OBS and i dont want to do that.
They arent doing it for money. Its free
Never used it but i assume its the easiest to learn. If something isnt good but easy to learn people usually gravitate towards it
I see....
Overpowering Horseability just released
Saw that but figured there wasn't a lot there yet.
esl95 broke
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looking for games similar to away from home if anyone has recommendations. i really like the "older, neglected women hungering for attention" aspect of it. mothers and aunts a bonus. dommy women a huge, huge plus. young women a minus.
are there any good 3D games that aren't just slideshows and the models don't look ugly?
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yeah there's even a special tag for those games, search for "real porn".
So apparently Krasue is the only competent weg dev around. Hopefully he doesn't follow Oko and go into a massive depression, never to be seen again.

I miss Oko. I really liked his music.
I feel like 95% of games have extremely bad writing. I wish there was anything that could make me feel more immersed and interested in the characters.
thats why i appreciate vague html grinders because some of them allow you to make up your own story in your head.
Anyone can recommend some futa/male content? I've played the shit out of tales of androgyny and am thirsty for more.
try intertwined, its no masterpiece but it at least has attempted effort
Star Periphery is the best one.
There is also Futadom World, The Shadow over Blackmore, and Becoming a Femboy. You can also look for abandoned games, like A Failure to Launch. There are some jap futa on male kino, like Pandora's Forest, but the rpgm shit can be hard to bear.
>consider installing sims to enjoy coomer mods this morning
>a 0.01 sims weg drops
is this an auspicious or suspicious sign?
i mean in theory i could shit out a sims weg myself, not sure what the story would be at all but its entirely within my capability
but maybe the universe was warning me not to install the sims at all
looking for games with stern, dommy women if anyone has recs. milfs a big plus.
tell me how bad that shit is because they all look ugly as shit
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Why do so many Western eroges try to emulate archaic language? It just seems pretentious and unnecessarily verbose. Games like pic related or Sneed of Chaos.
Unrelated to that, I'm looking for western games with good game-play.
>Why do so many Western eroges try to emulate archaic language?
not just an eroge issue, people love the old timey faux dialect as it evokes a sense of history and class which helpts with the fantasy setting
>why characters in a fantasy setting are not talking like zoomers
you are a part of the problem
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i love mature computer generated women so damn much bros
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That's exactly what I said. I was missing things like:
"No cap!"
"Das is sus as hell!"
"Bustin a nut!"
You can have characters in a fantasy setting with concise dialogue. What a Legend is a great example of that.

Ravager would be sooo much better if the sprite artist was also the hcg artist.
Eternum. Models are peak, scenes are animated.
Have you embraced the new flesh yet, wegdevs?
>another pAIjeet delusion
I tire of the two more weeks.
amazing sir
beutiful woman give me a kiss
That, or animated by Bethesda Softworks.
looks like that fem ogre from shrek
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>implying Fiona isn't fucking hot
Look, you can fight it all you like but when it's this easy to train a character model off DAZ renders then force photorealism in a prompt, it's a no-brainer.
can it make gobbos that look under 50 years old
Would take twice as long to develop, too
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its here
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thoughts on Homelander?
Lack of laser eyes/10
its a bit wordy but i did like the scene behind the bar
Any anons know any games with beast/animal stuff? The only one's ive found so far are really low quality. Ravager is very good. And that FMC merium game has a lot of good scenes. I remember there was a really good breeding game but I've forgotten it's name.
Human Fiona is hot af
A lot of games are too wordy from what I've played. Suddenly porn game creators feel like they can write and produce a good story and we all suffer for it. Worse is the fags who espouse ot as top literature while they themselves haven't read a book since they were a child.
While I appreciate a good bit of character writing in WEGs there is an ideal ratio of erotica to non-erotica that too many devs get wrong.
True. Any recommendations of games that do it right?
It's all the usual suspects at the top of any WEG sites popular lists that come to mind. Depraved Awakening strikes me as underrated in terms of story/porn balance though the story does taper off a bit toward the finalé.

top in my list are mist and once in a lifetime
So does anyone have any swinging /cheating games that doesn’t devolve into ntr?

Ive been thinking NTR games are actually shit
dont get me wrong i love MIST but that skews heavily into being more about the story than being a porn game right up until it decides to be nothing but a porn game and completely whiffs the plot
>Shadows of Desire
The women in this look great but fuck if the writing isn't awful. At least he dropped rpgmaker.
>girl gets raped / blackmailed into sex
>develops feelings for assaulter

Ruins the whole fucking game
My futa family got updated yesterday, still no leaks tho
Yeah but the men look awful and you are forced to look at the men a ridiculous amount
Recommend me the best bimbofication games I can get on f95 or on steam, frens. I want to break my dick.
depends if she knows he's the assaulter
manipulation on top of physical abuse is still hot
lol imagine seeing someone wearing a summertime saga t shrit irl
hol up who is the futa in this image?
the best friend
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AI powered wegs when?
they're already there and all look like shit.
two more weeks, pAIjeet kun.
good evening anons, since this isn't the vanilla thread, could anyone tell me where i can find the new version of "such a sharp pain"? ty
Instinct Unleashed is the goat, with a super had mc
then try The Writer's Visit
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Are there any games with decent hate fucking? Or ones where the sex/rape is integrated into the gameplay instead of being cutscenes or fight rewards? Something like Degrees of Lewdity, but not sub-only with almost no chance of winning a fight.
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how is the late game content in Karlsson Gambit? I skipped the last few updates and things were already getting weird back then
Desert Stalker has some hot sharing scenes but I'm guessing you already know of that one. Looking for some games with good non faggoty sharing scenes as well.
If you game is good or even just not shit people will give you a shit tonne of money. Just look at all the games out ther with good art that earn 6 figures and update once a year.
Is this that innocent witches game? I played it for a few hours and the writing is so shit. The art is class though so it might be worth trying to get through it again. The devs add one scene every few months as well and they're really milking their patreon for all it can give
>What I liked most about those games was the slow burn of getting the characters to do more and more little by little
It is not everyone's cup of semen because it's an actual game and the porn is text based, but try Corrupted Saviors. You're a demon lord fighting three procedurally generated magical girls at once, and the game plays more like a puzzle to play their moral hangups off each other and slowly crack their team like an egg. It is insanely fucking difficult, but once you get good at it you can mindbreak the girls in several different ways or convince them to rape each other. And THEN there's a NG+ mode where you keep the girls you've corrupted as succubi to send out and fight the next more powerful set.
how the fuck does one find procedurally generated porn text fappable
depends on the procedures at play
I'm new to futa games so I'm using your list as a guide.
Dope game.
>Instinct Unleashed
I'm downloading this one now. Cheers Anon
Can anyone reccomend me something with "sex gameplay" kinda like ones made by illusion
>Romeo, Rome-ee-OH wherez you at homie?
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I've finally realized what has been bothering me about this game. The women all talk to the MC like they would talk to another woman or a man they have friendzoned.
Add to this the soft femdom vibes more than a few characters give off and the MC seems more like a retarded pet that these women are only keeping around for their amusement.
>tfw no hot mommies to treat you like a retarded pet that they are only keeping around for their amusement.
well im sold
>MC seems more like a retarded pet
Well now I have to ask what game this is?
writing is really hit or miss for me, but i love bimbos so its still one of my most played
holiday island
What game?
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holiday island
Thank You Anon
Blint, hows Holiday Island nowadays? I haven't played in like two years. Is there enough of a new coomtent?

Same question with >>8686737
Anyone know of a good DAZweg that uses a lot of "finder" mechanics - like clicking on objects on the screens / in the environment to interact with to open up new options or to progress.

I like that specifically for some reason
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Anyone got recs for games similar to Paccsu or Goblin Conqueror?
claire's quest has nuns but those are slutty nuns
Downloaded the game and gave it a shot. I wanted to like the game. As it seemed silly and fun but the grinding is just too much for little to no reward.
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>a gobbo dev shows up and he can actually get legs right
Alright let's g
>good DAZweg
No. As for not-good, I seem to recall Rocking Robin had a minigame like that. It's abandoned.
I wouldn't say so. The main story's progress is glacial while the dev focuses on side content and revamping old characters.
What is Duckswim's deal? Did Darkhound give Duckswim the assets he uses or did Duckswim figure out the morphs and skins through sheer autism?
Shit, Inno makes 6 figs and she doesn't even update once a year. Being a good wegdev is basically like being a published author before y2k. If you have a couple good years you can just jack off in front of a typewriter for the rest of your life like John Norman.
who's inno and what games has she made?
liliths trhone
Lillith's Throne, like drunkanon said
oh i see. thanks
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there's a decent amount. still just as grindy as ever, but the dev has been finishing some of the routes lately.

and star periphery has another sex route, but with the nurse this time. and the alien girl is gonna have another one in the next update.
it's very grindy compared to other wegs, but there's a good amount of goodies to those that bare through it.
there's a dedicated thread towards fan art on f95 that find out what daz assets are used and makes renders themselves.

though i wouldn't be surprised if dark helped duck out with recreating them since he's probably been around as long as the game.
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Where are all weg-ideas-guys?
Post you weg ideas!
socially inept black girl bullies shy white guy into becoming her husband
>black girl
How big is her cock?
above average but she's a bottom

warlock and boobs has both these things but its an rpgm game with a pretty aggrevating combat system.
>exiles is back
>Halloween special
you just have to laugh
never played it, is the core game any good?
pokemon snap but its not pokemon and you are just a voyeur
hitman but you molest/rape people instead of killing them
an anthology of real sex stories people have told me over the years but with legally distinct names and gobbos
westernized plagiarism of something popular but which never left japan

ideas are a dime a dozen
none of these are as good as my "tsundere black girl" idea desu
how about a rwandan genocide weg but instead of hutus and tutsis killing each other its futas and females raping each other into extinction?
- mean spirited
- hateful
- edgelord vibes

+ futas
it might be a bit racist but its hardly hateful to fuck someone out of existence, it should be taken as a compliment
>fuck someone out of existence
anon, are you retarded?
Do you see any more neanderthals?
Yeah, I'm clearly talking to one.
ok bad example, how about wild cats? they keep trying to reintroduce them to scotland but then they always mate with domestic cats and we quickly run out of wildcats
there are two games that are so massive, i've always been afraid to try them (and they have no gallery, and the CG rips consists in one folder with more than 50k pics)
>A Struggle with Sin [Chyos]
>Peasant's Quest [Tinkerer]
should i try them?
i can see why you'd hesitate, though unfamiliar myself i'd say peasants quest looks the more competently made judging by the gobbos
Newer rpgmaker isn't that bad really. Idk about either of those games.
>Peasant's Quest
no, the peasant gameplay part was the only memorable and enjoyable part of the game

Space opera where you get your own normandy / millennium falcon / ebon hawk / other spaceship and gain companions on various planets. Sometimes they're mutually exclusive (good guy or bad guy path) or optional (e.g. femdom mommy or sleazy guy that will obviosuly cuck you if you don't stop him)
>Space opera where you get your own normandy / millennium falcon / ebon hawk
Subverse was so bad it ruined this entire genre for me.
why submit yourself to such torture
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Which WEG is this from?
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It's probably from a comic, not a game. People have been making comics with Poser since like 2005 (they're really bad)
TiTS and Space Journey X?
Anyone working on an AOC trainer?
a dating sim set in college with no shitty dad, submissive mom, bitchy+innocent sister, and pc that can pull the entire town nonsense.
sounds like a game without a hook. add an assertive black girl though and im on board
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My game!
MY game!
YOur life!
>bomb disposal flash game
>if you fuck up its very gore-y and traumatizing with dead gobbos everywhere
>if you win your wife makes you dinner without nagging your ear off which is nice
bonus ntr dlc where your boss bangs your wife
>dead gobbos everywhere
Any corpse-fucking wegs?
are you counting the undead e.g. vapires,zombies,etc or just motionless cadavers?
Well, if zombies are rotten then yes, vampires are gay.
>deadmoon survival
>the fallen order: zombie outbreak
>kindred redbaums
all pop up with the zombie tag, i dont recall banging any of the corpses in kindred redbaums
fallen order i think you bang zombies in the bad end scenes
dont really remember deadmoon survival but it did recently update so maybe i should refresh my memory
never trust the reviews and score on f95 wtf
seriously whats wrong with that site? there are so many games with a really high weighted rating, and they turn up to be shit with shit writing on top
you read the reviews and all the 5/5 are short and have no likes, meanwhile the 1/5 are long and have dozens of likes (but they are not enough to outweigh a hundred 5/5 ratings)
no in-between
I expect they are being rated more for the raw coom factor than their writing.
Certainly some WEGs are rendered more coom-able by virtue of the writing but more than half are simply skipped through until the good bits.
i'd make a tomboyish tall wnba star that may or may not be futa.
So you're gay, got it.
Go back to your containment general.
Try rewriting it for a third time you sweaty nerd lmao.
What can I play if I adore swinging and feet? Can tolerate cuckoldry and niggers if the art is decent.

Loved NTR Bunnies RPG by Hyanmaru Games, especially Stella, holy shit she's so cute.
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any good horror themed 3dcg weg?
btw, i just fell in love with Bellatrix
you're a racist piece of shit
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Can't think of any. There are so many games with the Horror tag and it's all just "one character happens to be a vampire/werewolf/zombie so that means it's horror"
What he said was the exact opposite of racism, reading comprehensionlet.
He's a janny who likes to break the global site rules and ignores your reports when you report him but when someone else does it like >>8691871 in the other thread then he'll remove it without escalation (that poster didn't get even so much as a warning). You are also 100% correct because according to the actual moderators using racial slurs to refer to their intended races does in fact count as racism.
You're not entitled to anyone's attraction, xir.

So when I call you a faggot, do you think I actually have malice toward gay people, or is it shorthand for sanctimonious cunt?
Stray Incubus developer sperged out and deleted his patreon and ghosted everyone after citing family problems...
he could've paused development, he could've handed down his project to someone else
>he could've handed down his project to someone else
i'm no wegdev but if i was i think i'd sooner kill my project than watch it be bastardized simply because i cant continue to work on it for a living
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Just finished Rogschard. Pleasantly surprised that the game actually ends even if it feels rushed. I had just barely started upgrading the base when the final boss showed up (barely stronger than the dozens of mobs leading up to him). Why would I need all these upgrades when every enemy is already a cakewalk? Also, magic is borderline useless because for some reason it can't be used in battle. You know, when you actually might need it.
A good little time-waster though. And the gay shit is easy to avoid.
Okay but people have already paid to have it developed. You don't think they deserve results?
>think they deserve results?
refunds for the last month of patrons at most
if i pay someone to paint my garden fence by next month and he spends the money then has both his hands chopped off in a freak painting accident i obviously don't expect the fact that i have fully funded the painting of the fence to finish the job
now obviously the analogy falls apart with me not knowing what if anything happened with his family but certainly sometimes people pay for disappointment
Agree to disagree I guess. I consider it fraud and I wouldn't want my name associated with that.
Doesn't feel like much of a loss. I played it for the first time a few months ago and it felt like there was a huge quality drop after a point, despite a decent start
You'd need intent for fraud, it's more like an investment falling through. Not that wegdevs aren't regularly engaged in deceptive market practices but fraud is a bridge too far.
The investment doesn't have to fall through though, you could hand the project over to someone else to be finished. You have made a conscious decision to deprive the investors because of frankly petty personal concerns.
sure you could hand the reigns to someone else but that's not an obligation and of course someone willing to take the project would have to exist
its not like some aspiring wegdev couldn't just start a fan mod to continue/improve the project with a 'completely unrelated' patreon that just so happens to fund it
Like I said, agree to disagree. You wouldn't feel obligated, I would.
It's crazy how many people make it out of school without understanding basic concepts like 'a contract' or 'fraud'. To the point that I have to conclude the system wants most people to have a child's understanding of these topics.
i wish i could blacklist Koikatsu games on f95
woke is dead
the fuck is this DEI expectation from an incel terrorist manifesto-billboarding enthusiast imageboard

people say they do it for free
they really do it for the n-word pass
how about a meticulously accurate (perhaps even based on real cases) court drama weg?
>muh legal definition on Internet
>in a world with 195 legal systems
Fraud is against natural law. Do what you say you'll do
>Do what you say you'll do
says "i'll keep working on the game for money"
does that
says "im shitcanning the weg i dont care about your money"
does that

doesn't seem very dishonest to me, nothing lasts forever.
>make promise
>then break promise
>but he didn't ghost his fans
>wElL aT lEaSt He WaS hOnEsT
I don't care about the legal definition or about Patreon's official classification of these projects. I assume that these people are not paying for a game to just be "worked on" and that they expect to eventually be rewarded with a finished product.
Now if a guy gets on Patreon hoping to make money and a year in it's not nearly as lucrative as he thought, well that sucks. I wish people would float their games out there for a bit and try the Patreon thing after an audience has built up.
>they expect to eventually be rewarded with a finished product.
lmao, do paypigs really?
I think even the people backing Rogue-Like, Something Unlimited and STS actually believe that those games will be finished, yes.
The basic concepts are natural and logical. A contract is a mutual agreement on an offer, backed by consideration. People always imagine things with no mutualism or consideration are contracts. If you give someone money because they're doing a thing, but they didn't specifically agree to deliver you anything in exchange, that's not a contract. You just gave a dude some money. It's not fraud either if he decides he wants to take a year off or stop doing it next week. Because he never promised you anything, much less anything he knew he couldn't deliver.

At some point it just becomes a club where they hang out and give donos to the magical retard who brought them together. Basically one step up from being a lolcow.
is that the doctor?
nope, the pirate queen
oh i see. havent played through the game since early last year, but i think i remember her. the woman whose crew catches you snooping on some meeting, right?
yep. she's gonna come back with an updated look and more content in the next version most likely.
nice. i remember liking her, though she was maybe just a touch cruel if im remembering the early game over correctly.
>muh basic concepts
>launches into contract law
>it's not stealing, that's just life!
fucking lawyers lmao
legalese is JUST wannabe pilpul
He said it won't be the next update, but that it's close. My estimation is the r7.
in civilized countries we are born and live under a system of laws
it is basic for us
the political legitimacy of Western legal systems has been destroyed by the dominance of the globalist oligarchy
all we really have left is natural law

whatever, WEGdevs gonna flame out anyway
that doesn't make it right no matter what anyone says
Contract law is natural law. Imagine trying to explain to a group of your peers why someone should be tied to a desk and forced to complete a negro cuckoldry sim because you gave them $5 a month for 3 years with no express promises.
>that doesn't make it right
I'm not saying it's right, but you've got to be responsible for your own expectations. You may want someone to promise something and act as if they promised something because you want it so bad, but in reality they never promised you shit.
>all we really have left is natural law
Shit like this is usually said by the weakest, most dysgenic retards around.
>contract law is natural law
wtf am I reading
>yeah, it's fraud, but since it's distasteful content to me, he should get a pass

imagine still believing in a just legal system anywhere in the civilized world in 2025
and I'm the retard lol
>and I'm the retard
>weakest, most dysgenic retards
he said, on a cg ntr game board
seemingly unaware of the irony
The key difference is that I'm not the one doing some Fagnar Fagbeard might makes right larp.
>might makes right
>natural law
you're thinking of nature
or maybe a current legal system :^)
where have you been for the last 24 years, an unknown 196th country outside of human space-time called "La La Land"?
You sound like one of those hysterical spergs that you can find on Twitter. There is a solid chance you are a sheltered first world faggot that is lacking nothing in his life, too.
Just shut the fuck up and stay on topic.
>might makes right
You're less wrong than if you said the US government, but you're still an idiot. Theocracy would be closer to the pin. I mean, if I was entitled to marry-rape my first cousins, I wouldn't be wasting time here.
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>Bot value is dynamically updated when con g is changed. Train bots to max for optimized value.
Achievable maximum value is around 25 Million Cr.
I think I broke the game.
Encouraging a culture of grift and scamming is a funny way to maintain a civilization. Enjoy your "system of laws" I guess.
>we have no law hurr
>no justice durr
I've worked in countries where there is basically no law (Mali, Congo, Northern Brazil/Amazon, Syria, and a few others), including zones where there was literally no law. You have no clue, anon.
>there's a difference between just law and no law
Tell that to this dumbass >>8694213
I just think you're overestimating the importance of law and underestimating the importance of trust and social cohesion.
Indie devs are lucky paypigs are so gullible, because there should be almost zero trust in these developers.
post weg tiddies
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what the fuck do weg titties have to do with contract law? stay on topic please.
all WEG titties have to be cruelty-free apples or above to comply with Patreon's Terms and Conditions, as dictated by the California Chamber of Commerce Protection (CCCP), to keep American lolicons and hebephiliacs sexually frustrated
classical politically expedient censorship
you know who you are
You have to be over 18 to post on this board and to play wegs
23 sisters or 23 wives, I forget the title but with better Gobbos
nom nom nom
>and to play wegs
is that strictly true? i'm sure i encountered at least one weg where if you select "no" on the obligatory "are you over 18/21?" screen they actually just disable the H-scenes and let the rest of the "game" play out
yeah, no, I don't think he was implying that WEGs have DRM
but you do have to be 18 or older to post on 4chan, though I got away with underage b& for 6 years by lurking
you know, before phones, while constantly refreshing the first page on a ThinkPad on which we slow-played Zone flashes, when we had yet to figure out there was a catalog feature

disabling h-content to railroad underage b&...is there anything more pedantic?
what misery
wegs wouldn't even exist if they didn't
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I doubt it but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised
perfect housewife fits the bill because it never devolves into ntr.
That's a good one and also currently complete I believe.
sort of, they are reworking it so who knows what the final product will even look like at this point.
I couldn't get into this one even without the RPGM, the story just didn't really grab my attention.
it's not shakespear but it's serviceable
Well hopefully one pops up soon.
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favorite bondage wegs?
Desert Stalker, specifically Fairy's broken path where you keep her in your rape dungeon.
didn't know you could do that, thanks!
Most people don't know about it.
deluca family or summer's gone?
saving paula actually https://f95zone.to/threads/saving-paula-v0-0-31-xtz-xtz-adult-games.83770/post-15968302
never even heard of it before
not the most popular game, but the dev is pretty good at adding signs of aging which really activates my neurons.
you had me curiosity but now you have my attention, will be checking it out over the weekend
just be aware, there isnt a lot of game there at this point. will probably take you like an hour to play through it.
What WEG is this one?
the synthetic

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