Year of the Snake EditionPrevious thread is in a deep sleep here: >>8618785
Snakes... why did it have to be snakes
do you ever think that the people making "the jungle book" were all like, "i can't wait for this film to drop so we can create a generation that has a mind control sexual fetish?"
>>8668955I do think that, actually.
>>8668955From all the actual history that we have of Walt Disney's operation, we can seriously assume that Walt's only thought was "I want to make the Kipling estate as angry as possible."So that explains the massive difference in Kaa's characterization, but from everything that we know about Disney, I don't think that he or his animators ever imagined any kind of sexual weirdness.Just chalk this one up to an unintended collision with very weird forms of psychology and how the internet era allows these things to propagate among people in ways that would be way too long to talk about in 4chan posts.
any updates for the kvfx kemono now that the tracker works again?
>>8669132You know, the one thing I do appreciate about Kaa is that he uses the word “sleep” so liberally.
I just hate when Kaa fucks people with a weird snake dick or even worse when he inexplicably has a human dick. Just make him an anthro if you're going that route, but for some reason hardly anyone does, compared to the huge amount of actual snake fucking art out there
>>8668955That scene is probably responsible for a LOT of peoples weird kinks. It's not just hypno, but it's also breathplay, bondage, scale furry and vore rolled into two short scenes.
>>8668955I know I would
>>8669228It's useless. The Jew hides his vids behind his Discord which is tied to his Patreon, so there's no getting around it.
>>8669719well discord servers are also able to get scraped and apparently it is just a dropbox link with a password
>>8668099abuse? i remember hearing bad stuff here but im wondering if i have forgotten some stuff
>>8669739His vids aren't worth watching anyway. Whoever he gets to voice Kaa does the absolute cringiest Sterling Holloway impression. Don't know why everyone thinks they can just imitate that voice as easily as Jim Cummings. The voice actresses for the female characters aren't that good either.
>>8669976i disagre
>>8670085Why am I surprised the leftie British dyke with the snoring fetish is also a Marvel stan?
>>8670116>leftie British dykeTranny. Svetta is a tranny.
>>8670436no she isn't
>>8668486I gave up. I used to hate this stupid fucking snake but it's so popular and there's so much of it I trained myself to like it by jerking off to it for a week straight. Now I think it's fucking hot, but I can feel myself dangerously close to becoming a vorefag, and when that happens I'm going to kill myself
>>8670707have you seen a picture of her, or even heard her speak?i know when her fellow hypnohub self-insert bum buddy pokemongirl started doing voiceovers they showed that they had a deep voice with a gay lisp to repost the Kate scene for those who havent seen it
Any good places to talk about hypno aside from here? Would love to trade some Ludella Hahn files
>>8669567Yeah the implications of using Kaa means that after they get hypnotized they get eaten, I can't with hypnosis that uses Kaa because of it
>>8671295>he's such a cuck he imagines his waifu getting eaten aliveJust don't imagine that bro? Visualize yourself walking into the image, wringing kaa's little pencil neck with your newly gained superhuman strength, and tying him to a tree so he can watch you fuck the girl he hypnotized for you.
be a pretty princessso nice and spoilednot a single care or worryfeel loved and cared forso beautiful and cuteendless silk and laceno need for stress, just blank sweet bliss
>>8672067Do evil organizations have any use for chicks they hypnotize or do they just have them saluting and staring ahead all day. Have them run on a threadmill to power the fucking generator or something, it's free labor.
from the big Hypno Cruise Ship project by majinsfw
>>8672167detail on a section for Year of the Snake
>>8672167for me, its the section in the bottom left corner
>>8672167That's a lot of OCs, what hypno community is this?
>>8672217Hypnohub and or twitter/X. As well as a lot of characters from various media like totally spies, pokemon, and even super paper mario to my surprise.
>>8672217>>8672274The way things are, I'm just assuming that most of the ones I don't recognize are from some money-grubbing gacha thing.
>>8672373Some of them are, like I recognize at least one of them is from FGO. But most of those are likely OCs, hell one even has a nametag that looks like it says OC on it.It's far more likely that you probably don't recognize somebody's OC than a gacha char as those chars likely get loads more art and attention in the mainstream.
>>8672167I've always wanted to make a cringe self-insert hypno OC. If only I could draw.
>>8672167Fucking cringeImagine trying to create a fucking community around a sexual fetish
>>8671295It doesn't necessarily have to end with vore. Just imagine that Kaa (or another snake) is trying to catch his prey to take advantage of her body heat. A soft, sleeping warm-blooded girl to snuggle with on cold jungle nights. Or he could be trying to capture or delay her for some villainous plot. Plot armour can also work in the victim's favour, securing an improbable escape at the last second. Still, the threat of being devoured hanging over the peril adds to the flavour. All but the most naïve heroines will know that giving in to his hypnosis is likely a death sentence, but they can't help it and gradually feel themselves slipping. The fact that they start to like it as the hypnosis takes hold makes it humiliating. They thought they were better and stronger than this, but apparently not. Kaa's sadistic streak would enjoy putting them in their place, mentally and physically.
>>8673256All I was saying initially is that it's kind of funny how one disney character in one film was almost certainly the vector for SO many different fetishes. We joke about how Disney is responsible for most peoples weird kinks, but that fucking Snake takes the cake.
>>8673260Don't forget how they plugged that same shit into Robin Hood. I guarantee someone on staff knew exactly what they were doing. I wouldn't be surprised if Jungle Book 2 was only commissioned so some Disney exec could jerk off without having to convince himself he wasn't gay by making it a loli instead of a shota.
>>8673286I mean, he's in Robin Hood so they can trace and cut and pastes old animation cels over to reduce the work. Then they decide to make scene where he folds his arms petulantly, just to remind everyone that they COULD do him from scratch if they wanted to, but fuck that.
>>8672490Faggots have been doing it forever.
>>8674055pffffhahahaaaaalet’s see how she likes this one
>>8674448Was there a lot of fetish fuel mind control in Jimmy Neutron?
>>8675232Very cool
>>8677913How long could you have someone that's hypnotized standing in one place before their legs gave out on them
>>8677974Depends on if you lock your knees or notIf you do usually you'll pass out in like ten or twenty minutes, if you bend your knees you can stand at attention for an hour or so
>>8678006How the hell are you supposed to arrange your human furniture then
>>8670855Hot brought back the milk for now, then left for his cigarsHas anyone uploaded previous stuff from the itchio page?
>>8678424so weird how there are all these connections between leftism and mind control fetishism
>>8680048I don't give a singular fuck about politics, but I think it's always funny when people bring it into a fucking mind control fetish of all things
>>8680290stranger things have happened here
>>8681115>>8680290It's just a flavor of personality change. I find it fucking hilarious personally
>>8678957Minus the shitty modern Harley, this is an underrated subgenre
>>8681207that's just AI slop someone made because they were seething over the election (one of several versions)that's not funny, it's just sad
>>8680048Its not much weirder than the fact that conservatives fucking love transgender and mtf stuff. Back when they still released the statistics every year pornhub showed a pretty noticeable correlation between states that leaned conservative and states that loved incest and tg porn.
>>8682272This is the opposite of arousing
>>8682304>conservatives fucking love transgender and mtf stuffThe only people who ever say that are trannies themselves. It's a bizarre fantasy they love to project.>Back when they still released the statistics every year pornhub showed a pretty noticeable correlation between states that leaned conservative and states that loved incest and tg porn.You do realise PornHub "statistics" are literally fake? It's a marketing gimmick.
>>8683488Take a shot
>>8683786Methinks the Anon doth protest too much.
Needs more Haigure.
>> which mind control rays or whatnot are used to cause women to dress like this and do this, because reasons.
>>8673260>it's kind of funny how one disney character in one film was almost certainly the vector for SO many different fetishes.And that's a good thing. Still, it goes beyond Kaa and snakes - consider Hypno, mindflayers, various DC and Marvel villains and more, all getting into the minds of their respective universe's heroines, and what they must feel as their will fails them.>>8673286>some Disney exec could jerk off without having to convince himself he wasn't gay by making it a loli instead of a shota.Disney provided the concept, but fanmade girl + snake art will forever be superior.>>8683786This anon is correct, these people are mentally ill to an extreme degree.
Does anyone have the captioned pick of Kaa mind controlling a (more adult looking) Mowgli into becoming his lover? It has a line about how everything other than Kaa's embrace will now feel unbearably cold. Thanks in advance.
>>8684735love robotization/grey drones
>>8678006>>8678424This might be "shower thoughts" tier stuff, but it's crazy that something like that seems like it should be so simple and intuitive, just standing, yet I honestly had no idea. I can't say that I'm even really aware if I'm "locking" my knees or not when standing.And I guess that any shitty service job that doesn't allow you to sit down like a cashier or front person at a restaurant still gives you like, a podium or a counter with a cash register to lean on.That could be an idea for a story, guy with a mind control MacGuffin accidentally causes faintings/injuries while controlling women. You could go dark with that. Or maybe you could make it into some kind of comedic/semi-educational thing. After making some very awkward cover stories in the emergency room, the guy realizes that if he's ever going to live out fantasies he doesn't just need the mind control device, he's going to have learn a lot about kinesiology and sports medicine too.
>>8684526>>8684528god i hated this so much when it first came out. it singlehandedly killed hypnosis for me for years Even to this day it's still looks stupid.
>>8686304>tfw no Jungle Book world in BBSThink about all the more hypno art we'd have
>>8687184You mean art like this?
>>8687347dear lord I remember that episode of Underdog
If you could pick one /co/ or /v/ girl to get the Kaa treatment, which one would it be? Tell us why that one in particular.
any good discord server to share this kink? <3
>>8690221If you find the rare hypno pisscord that isn't sissy conversion cringe, you're getting constant office politics and ego tripping between a bunch of reddit degenerates who won't let you post porn to boot (ummm sorry sweaty, we don't allow non-con here, hypno is le heckin wholesome and only happens between two consenting adult parties btw)
>>8690232Damn, I was going to say that I have no idea what discord channels you've been going to.But then I realized that I don't really go into any about hooking up with 'tists or subjects anymore and mostly just follow the discord channels of hypno artists I like.In that case what you get is a lot of the same people on hypnohub, but if nothing else when the conversation goes beyond commenting "drools and rubs" for the millionth time, a few of them are actually tolerable. Being nerds they mostly just talk about replacement-level takes on comic books and video games.
>>8690055You are mentally unwell
>>8693826>niche fetish thread about /co/ hypno>talk about /co/ hypno>'you are mentally unwell'>???Good thing we have you anon, a pillar of mental stability to tell the anons itt where it's at. But I wonder, why are you posting here then?
>>8693946Why not?
>>8693962Just because maybe
>>8690776Same I'm only in servers for hypno artists, but all of these servers are inactiveThey'll get a couple messages a day at best, more when the artist posts once in a blue moon before immediately dying againTried joining the HypnoHub server but left as soon as I saw they had retarded phone number verification, fuck that
>>8695941Underdog? Really?
>>8695961At least it isn't the five thousandth Yolkian Helmet image
>>8693626>>8693628Hate to be that guy, but Artist?
>>8696486Looks like "Zel [Hypno]", couldnt find this specific comic on their kemono page though. So I could be wrong or it's gated behind discord or not right.
>>8696611Nah, Zelhypno is a different guy. He does have kind of a similar style though. This artist posts under the name "Tomo," or "Tomo_86." does have a lot of comics under a paywall.
>>8680290Isn't propaganda technical mind control?
>>8698671If you really stretch the definition. By that vein, just lying to someone would be mind control, because you're implanting a false reality on their mind.
I love the feeling trance give me. I feel at ease and at peace. The clown world is gone. The assholes are gone. Just warm happiness.I don’t want the vore part, but to be coiled and held while being soothed away feels so god damn liberating and joyful.
>>8671295Nah, poor snake has anti-plot armor.Take however long he's going to play with his prey, how long he's going to spend melting their minds and wrapping them up and making them perform for his amusement. Time it right to the moment his mouth physically touches them.Then subtract a quarter of a second, and that's the timer for how long until he's inevitably interrupted.The fact that he's trying though, as >>8673256said, adds the peril to the flavor. She's not just trying to resist being humiliated or used, but actually fighting for her life in a slow, perilous dance. No matter how hard she resists, by the time the snake's done she'll be ready to go to her doom with a smile on her face! Or not, looks like that blasted panther woke up again. Guess Kaa gets to catch her all over again!
>>8699396Nigga just meditate
>>8699652Not as fun as a seductive fantasy. MC story
>>8668486I blame this stupid Disney snake fuck for my unreasonable throbbing cock when I see hypnosis in media or irl
>>8668955The first one, no the 2nd one with the girl, yes
>>8699881Gives Jessica Jones vibes
>>8698938Based cat
The chick who makes all those Jungle Book-inspired audios released another one. This one has a heavy focus on British accents if you're into that I guess.
Got any anal hypno
>>8668955>>8669567The first boner I ever got was to the hypno scene in the jungle book. Definitely fucked me up.
Was reading Krakoa-era X-Force and saw this hypnosis scene (written by a woman btw)
>>8706151>>8706152written by a lesbian, surely
>>8708114You can tell this Lenny shit is drawn by a chick
>>8706151>>8706152Oh yeah, I saw that a while ago and meant to track it down, but never got all of it.I did see some of what came after, and the twist is that she's possessed by the villain and working on some big plan.IIRC it's meant to look like Siryn just really, really had an awful time in her last go-round as a member of X-Factor and now just really, really doesn't want to get pressed into joining again. But then the plot reveals that she's possessed by Morgan LeFay or some similar big bad.That's another thing about the Krakoa era, suddenly a bunch of the British Mythology-related characters all had some deep ancestral hatred of mutants as some kind of rival tribe of "witchfolk."I've fallen off of my knowing continuity of modern comics, but was there any history of this at all? Or did they just clumsily retcon that in because with the power creep of getting Krakoa and the Resurrection Machine, the writers needed to give the X characters stronger foes to keep up?Anyway, in the other major comic imprint, in that new Question book a bunch of Krypton-related villains are trying to take over the JLA Watchtower and it in part involves a mind control plot. I think this book is a dumb direction to take Renee's character in, but if there are mesmerized heroines I can't complain too much.
Kaa never did anything for me, but my entire lifelong fetish was instead instigated by pic related. I don't know if that's more or less embarrassing.
>>8709172>did they just clumsily retcon that in because with the power creep of getting Krakoa and the Resurrection Machine, the writers needed to give the X characters stronger foes to keep up?Honestly, they kind of just speedran every major villain or problem child they ever had during the Krakoa era. New Mutants finally dealt with Shadow-King, Apocalypse almost got himself dumped back in his home dimension but I guess there's too much $$$ Value connected with him for that to stick and Legion managed to defeat Onslaught.Nimrod got killed by Storm after they spent about ten years building up her plot-armour to do it. Modern Beast is permadead, as is Hope Summers. Magneto is depowered and Xavier's in jail. Krakoa itself is in temporal time-out land and Cassandra Nova got dumped in the year 6,000,000,000 BC (this did not stick, annoyingly.) The only one who gave them real problems was Sinister, and thankfully they managed to delete that timeline.Honestly, the only person they didn't deal with I think was Arcade. Even Mojo got killed (and replaced admittedly, but still.) and even then I'm not sure. Vulcan got dealt with, right? I remember there was a whole thing involving him trying to reclaim the throne, that got properly dealt with, right?
>>8709393The mind control in that movie was too silly to be arousing. Like why does her voice pitch up three octaves?
>>8709393I think its a given that whatever inspired the fetish is embarrassing
>mental block wiki now deleting articles for movies with rape scenes How the fuck did this fetish that is by definition non-consensual get infested by so many moralfags
>>8710614I write MC smut, and I get faggots all the time that say stuff like "this isn't fun control, this is like Kilgrave control." And I'm just like -_- What are we doing here?
>>8710614Huh. I thought the Mental Block Wiki got taken down years ago. Never knew they migrated.
>>8710614Faggots did what they do best and turned it into another femdom fetish where it's all consensual because "she's just helping me live out of my fantasy of being a sissy femboy"
>>8710614>>8711472qrd? honestly never heard of MBW, is it just a wiki for movie hypnosis scenes? that shit would have been so much more useful to me than just waiting for radlen wotan's next youtube dump
>>8711704That's exactly it. Also TV and comics. Though that anon is exaggerating, it just looks like there's a discussion about removing rape scene films, they haven't actually done it yet.The trouble the wiki has is trying to strike a balance between being an obvious fetish wiki and pretending to be an innocent wiki that just wants to catalog and document instances of mind control and hypnosis in popular culture. When they were on Fandom they already set a precedent when they banned scenes depicting hypnotized kids, which as much as I agree with that, it does make it harder to act like you're not a fetish wiki when you acknowledge people specifically go there for fetish purposes. It was probably inevitable someone would propose banning something else. They don't openly advertise themselves as a fetish wiki otherwise Miraheze would take them down immediately. Also as much as the wiki can be useful, it's very incomplete. I know shows that have shitloads of hypno scenes that barely get documented there.>>8711690Misread that as fandom fetish at first, which is also true of the Hypnohub dickheads who act like this is just their fun little fandom club rather than a sexual fetish.
>>8700612not really but ok
>>8718743is there more to this page?
>>8668486It's been a long time since I have seen JB...why was this stupid snake hypnotizing people for? Food or sadism?
>>8721277Mostly food.
I ran across this comic strip from the MHA spinoff manga recently. It's mostly about gags and what-if scenarios, but does remain true to the character's personalities. Momo asking to be hypnotised as a form of therapy made me think of this thread. Willing submission isn't something you see often.
>>8721277>Food or sadism?Both, really. The internet went and made it into a staple peril for hot female characters (which sort of makes sense, because they would have more nutritional value).Some more random hypnosis tropes/ideas I like:>Despite repeated escapes and Kaa's anti-plot armour, being hypnotised again and again does leave a mark on one's mind. The heroine who got away finds herself distracted and daydreaming more often, and has dreams that make her feel funny and confused.>In any future encounters, she's less hostile to Kaa than she should be given what he tried to do, treating him more like an annoyance at worst. She subconsciously tolerates him, allowing him to get close and put her under his spell again.>Resistance to future hypnosis is also greatly diminished once he's broken her will before.>Tough tomboyish girls 'waking up' mid-hypnosis and finding themselves trapped and coiled, unable to escape.
>>8722077Chicken shit is the only thing cringier than Kaa shit
>>8722402I respectfully disagree. Respectfully
>>8722402what about Yolkian shit? I guess that would technically be chicken......
>>8723563based on my limited dbz knowledge it's probably a ginyu thing where she got swapped with the mind of a frog
Idk if you guys are following AI LLMs and roleplay using silly tavern, but running across this general got me to rethink some of my approach. Below is a character card based on hypno. Works much better than my prior approach to this type of roleplay. Have fun.
>>8724213Got more? Or know any like this?
>>8677974>>8678006>>8678424This is why you gotta robotize them.
>>8724476I've written up some others that aren't published. But the one linked above includes several NPCs and a bunch of different triggers and introductions. Rather than release more card, I've further refined the one and added supporting NPCs via lorebook. The other cards I wrote up (the ones that worked) ended up as NPCs on the Shannon card. I did an entire "corporate world" series that had a bunch of complementary cards. It didn't work well (too complex), and I've since changed my approach on how those worlds are built. In that case, it used fictional drugs as controlling agents. Hypno works a lot better and is a lot more fun to roleplay through. If any anons want something built out, respond to this post. No promises but I'll read them and build out / publish anything that looks interesting over next week or so.
>>8724213Cool, I'll shove this into SpicyChat later this evening.
hot take: i hate the snakes
>>8726778What the fuck am I even looking at?
>>8726940A recurring mystery of the /aco/ hypnosis threads. There is an anon who presumably makes or has commissioned a fair amount of these Scooby-pictures featuring the little mermaid, Ariel and sometimes posts them here. It's all a little odd.
>>8727084Seeing them makes me kind of happy, if only because it means that guy is doing okay wherever he is.
I wrote a hypnosis story with a giant snake. Hope you like it:
>>8727084Like I've always said, if it wasn't for Autists blowing their diability cheques on commissions, half the threads on /aco/ wouldn't even exist as genres.
I miss when Sleepymaid wasn't a reclusive schizo
>>8725014robotization is kinda divisive IMO
>>8728763I hate it. Especially that full body metallic bodysuit thing. Should be it's own genre but it always gets lumped in with hypno and mind control.
>>8728769it doesn't have enough good stuff to stand on it's own sadly
>>8728763So is Kaa and haigure, which are, unlike robo, total trash. >>8728733That picture is basically walmart basedjak
>>8728769>Should be it's own genre but it always gets lumped in with hypno and mind control.Because it is mind control?
>>8729172I like robotization too but I can see >>8728769 point. In can be seen as more of a transformation fetish.And yes, I also get off on IRL porn of women covered in metallic paint
>>8729200It depends Not all robotization is going to be graybotsIt can be as simple as making someone think they're a robotI for one think graybots are shit anyway despite being a robotization enjoyer
>>8729238when it comes to girls becoming robots I prefer the encasement/total conversion look but I take what I can get
>>8729138>That picture is basically walmart basedjakwut
>>8729238>It can be as simple as making someone think they're a robot
>>8729295Google it, because I don't wanna get a bannu again for posting a non-porn image.
>>8729172No. It's transformation.
>>8729426God I love seeing art like this where it overlays what they are perceiving onto what reality is
>>8730542Average salvia trip
I see that goth girl MAGA hypno comic got removed from hypnohub even though it violated no ruleslast I checked the comments were full of seething about it
>>8731754That sounds lame as fuck. Imagine mixing politics with your porn, get some better taste.
>>8731799I hate political hypno art but the hypnohub mods ought to have some fucking consistency instead of arbitrarily removing art based on the opposing viewpoint, especially after leaving up the aislop dump by someone seething over the election result
>>8731754>>8731851Post it so we can see if it was actually good or not
New thread>>8732613