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where is this from?
She's canonically closer to this instead of this >>8673602
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that's just your opinion
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who was in the wrong here?
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Luz: "O-Odalia, your butt feels so good."
Odalia: "Why, thank you, Luz."
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They need to draw more
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I agree
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Oh my.
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you love to see it!
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God, I wish this was canon.
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That's not very Titan like behavior.
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Anyone have any comics?
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Only the rightmost though
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King's knot.
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Hey so a lower resolution version of this image was up on /co/ for a few days.
Found it in better quality and decided to do an edit.
The original first.
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And my edit.
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A few other edits I did.
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Anon you posted the same image twice I think. Can't see any differences
>Also very nice edits, Amity is so hot ..
There were a few purple pixels at the very bottom of her legs. An error.
Great work with these edits! I especially like this one >>8710491. Delicious pale Amity butt.
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how does that happen?
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But will she Baja Blast Masha?
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only if I tell her to
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who is the artist?
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Lester Warmgun.
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Any artists ever lurk here to take requests? Or is this just a image dump?
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Sometimes, but not often. These threads are usually just posting art from elsewhere.
The latter. Artists stay mostly at the drawthread, I haven't seen a single artist come to any of these threads ever.
Alright, thanks.

I mostly avoid drawthreads for their drama and botted spam.
Any more?
oh hey that's my art.
Carl get off of /aco/
>get off
roger that~
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That's all there is, at least for now.
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Draw some more Camila
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Edric and Emira's mutant babies.
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A small detail, but I really like the faces here. Vee and Amity's faces have really nice expressions but Luz's also has that horny determination that I can appreciate.
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it's the small details that matter most
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do you take commissions?
I'm not the artist.
answer the question
I have no idea because I'm not the artist. There was nothing on their baraag that said they took commissions.
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Thank you for this.
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A new Poland, in the year 2025???
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Oh yes, from their baraag:

Hi everyone, I know its been forever since the last time I posted something, real life has been demanding, but Im back, to start the year (super late start!!!) I give ya a pic featuring Luz and Amity, have you seen those "czech castings" porn videos? well they found their way to the Boiling Islands, and they say they are doing pretty well!!
who's the artist?
thank you
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