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1. Post a bondage image when you request. Ignore requests without images.
2. Post female bondage only. Male bondage posters, you have your own thread, use that.
3. Don't feed trolls, ignore them. Ignore and report their posts for being off-topic. This includes off site drama bullshit, rumors, and politics.
4. If you post AI bondage be sure to say so either in the post or the filename.

Have fun!

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Do you have more from Discord exclusives from Gingr? This is amazing.
Someone was asking for the PO master link in the previous thread, owner just remade it a few weeks ago after not updating for a year.

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Kidnapping edit anon if you're here have you done anything with one of these two yet?
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It would be based if you updated ginger's discord tab on kemono anon
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My PC is out of commission atm, stuck phoneposting ;_;
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Personally I’ve always wanted a kidnap edit of this series
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I prefer this one just because the idea that she's attempting an escape only to get bound tighter later is hot to me
Either-or for me personally. I just want to see more of her in bondage
Does anyone have pics of Ryner's art for the demo game After hours: all tied up?
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You are awesome man!
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someone please share dropbox links for Ashley, Juvia and Robin on lostonezero?
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That was me, and this is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing!
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No problem
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I haven't done it yet but I've got some idea:
>Little bro, that usually get tied up by Busty Big Sis, get his revenge
>Big Sis get tied up in clumsy ropework
>She tries to escape after he left
>Mom (April) finds out her attempt
>Mom tie Big Sis tighter
>Mom get turned on and gag herself
>Little come back and suprise Mom and Big sis, and tie them together
What do you guys think?
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thx for all the uploads, guess there was no gag alt so I made my own
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Gingrjoke’s May
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finna based
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I never get presents like this
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anybody have a kusujin collection from pixiv fanbox?
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maybe siblings get tied up for acting up by the mom only for the mom to get tied up by kidnappers that take all three
I don't care for GID or Femdom, so little bro getting his revenge all the way!
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I dunno I’d be way more into a straight kidnapping/robbery scenario personally.
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I mean yeah i guess but i think jam already did one of those.
wouldn't mind seeing it again though maybe it's best to keep it basic
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Anyone has a compilation of magnolia dropbox? Looking for year of the dragon draw specifically.
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This, but somebody should also drop the zenless zone zero stuff too
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>I got bored at work and drew this doodle of Dawn doing that one Peter Griffin pose. Mhmm.
>at work
As much as I hate Flashlight237 ever since he stood up for the sin of homosexuality, at least he has an actual job and doesn't just rely on a hobby for money.
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I don't get it, why would the mom tighten the restraints on her daughter upon finding her bound? And why would the little brother tie up his mother, let alone tie them together in a kinky way? Not to mention if the lil bro sucks at ropework, how did he successfully tie his mother to her?

Here's my suggestion that's still more or less the same framework. How's this?
>for years, the mother has been trussing up the big sis and lil bro as punishment whenever they act out or screw up
>mother notices her daughter is secretly starting to enjoy it, maybe she even starts acting up just to be punished
>"Well that won't do, this is a punishment not a reward. How can I ruin this for her?"
>mother orders the little bro to tie her face-to-face with her daughter
>"What's the matter, dearie? Not as much fun when mommy joins in? Just pretend like I'm not here!"
Does anyone have the variants for this by Cailin020?
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YotD & ZZZ folders are both in the 2024-11 section. Go nuts. And maybe save this link, it still gets updates.

Y'all weren't kidding about the posting timer getting worse, god damn.
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does anyone have ryner newest pic?
here,my image tax
thank u very much,bro
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do you guys have this image pack pls?
and update silk jam jar's patreon too pls?
my double image tax 1/2
my double image tax 2/2
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Is there really a point to that when you only get the previews on Kemono?
Does anyone have paprika's recent stuff like pt 3 zhuyuan and ellen?
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AI-generated medieval bondage
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It's just a silly scenario I made up while browsing Jam's collection, there is no particular sense to it.
>why would the mom tighten the restraints on her daughter
This one was to implement the idea of this anon >>8673984 I was thinking of the mom saying to big sis something like "Be nice to your brother and let him take over for once, he's always the one tied up"
>why would the little brother tie up his mother
It might sounds weird but I imagined this with the idea of a familly that was raised by a mom with massive bondage fetish, so it's common between them. I dunno.

Your idea is interesting, but I think I'll stick to a kidnapping/robery scenario like >>8676254 and >>8676436 suggested. I like keeping it basic aswell!

Thank y'all for the feedbacks, it's nice sharing ideas with you!
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don't think i didn't see that one dude in there
[spoiler]also where is that even from[/spoiler]
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Please anyone have full comic for this?
Anyone have full comic for this?
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Does anyone have this one comic from yaohuba on da? The art is so similar to bralash. The only other one i can find is this.
Image for request
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Anyone with comilation of ryner-e dropbox? Looking for his comics
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Tiedtiki’s Yor
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Need myself some hot busty qt girls like freya and co to roleplay a kidnapping with with fr fr
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Anyone have a full version of this?
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Image for request
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your unwavering dedication and extraordinary contributions. I truly appreciate your time and effort, and if it’s not too much trouble, may I kindly ask if you could share the link to chapter 6 of the comic by Ryner-E?
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Anyone got the new Tifa Lockhart set from Bagelbomb please?
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The "bondage" aspect is weak, but I know some of you will appreciate these two. I know I would.
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Btw, I'm still hoping that somebody will update Salmon on Kemono, so consider these two my payment for it.
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Collection Updated: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JUTlSPChvMVCNJ8Z_qyiQWxSG2ZaUz_E?usp=drive_link
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Anyone got a link to SanePerson's folders?
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Love clear tape gag!
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Does anyone have paprika new ellen joe and zhu yuan set?
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Cool, thanks
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Can someone share elijahpink dropboxes?
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Hey bro , thanks for the work . Can you also post the policewoman and slapper comic ?
Any of you ever get 'mindbroken' by an idea in a pic that's you like so damn much, that basically from then on you keep thinking of it while fapping to other pics and half wonder why you're not just fapping to the original instead?
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Something about this Wossa sketch gets to me. It's inescapable overkill, but looks like it could be realistically done to someone without jeopardizing their safety. Makes you feel like she's captive for the long haul. I'd kill to get a cleaned up version of this or just pics with similar vibes if anyone's got them.
I know the pain, anon. I've been reviewing the same scenario with the same characters in my head over and over to the point I'm starting to cringe myself for how obsessed I am.
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This one picture of shantae has remained in my head rent free.
I genuinely think of this from different angles too it's all sorts of fucked for my brain.
Yep. Sometimes if a pic isn’t quite doing it for me, I’ll switch over to that one and just finish there.
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I haven’t thought about it in forever but seeing this post reminded me that I used to come back to this drawing constantly like six years ago. Something about the expression and restraints really did it for me. There’s a pretty heavy tape gag variant too that I liked as well.
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Ameng draws bodies that are objectively exaggerated and out of proportion but something about them activates my neurons like nothing else. Combine that with all the specific restraints I like and you get this picture
(They do need a new monitor or something because skin colors are always a bit off)
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Does anyone have Mag's latest? Specifically Chelsea sketchies & ZZZ flat colors?
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Yeah, what's done it for me is "sex toys" which I've been categorizing as a sub-fetish of bondage for decades and not one of my main fetishes but I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate and list it as a main one.
More specifically what I've come to realise what I like (way more than I knew) is having the girl's three or at least main two holes stuffed with vibrators and plugs - not over filled beyond breaking point or 20 egg rotors or anything like that, but a single vibe or plug or whatever each that makes her "comfortably full" to like 95% of her reasonable max capacity, *AND* that for whatever reason she can't remove it by herself as she'd have to remove the majority of her restraints and/or clothing to do it.

I already posted the main two pics that have rotted my brain a bit
here, liked them so much I went out of my way to edit and translate them, that remote control anal vibe is 11/10 perfect mindfap material for me. Tried looking for new pics to fap to just to get my mind off them a bit and found this pic. On it's own I wouldn't have paid too much attention to it, but combined with the idea of that anal vibe from the other pics + another similar sort of vibe for her pussy from an old doujin all being held in place by that chastity belt, the idea that she can silently serve me as my maid without being able to remove any part of her outfit and that only I'd be able to remove the dildo from her throat (and only if she asks nicely and deserves a reward, in which case I replace it with my cock) without the need to actually bind and restrain her is just completely fucking sending me this week for whatever reason, a perfect storm.

Yeah, Ameng is an artist I quite like, you posted my 3rd fave of his and his blue + red hair shipgirl facing each other set from his early days is easily in my top 10 all time, but he also has a lot of misses for me as I don't like too many restraints or ryona and he's done way too much of those recently.
Anyone willing to update Punepuni on Kemono? He hasn't been updated in nearly two years and a lot of his newer stuff on Pixiv since then is activating all my almonds.

Picture tax (1/2)
Picture tax (2/2)
Disregard, For whatever reason he has two near identical accounts and the other one is fully updated there.
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Second this
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This one hits different
covering up the nose is a little too much for me. makes me worry.
Love this combo of tight mummification and padded coffin. Now just put a lid on and take her to a secret crypt.
Jan 2025

yall guys got these 2 ep's from silkjamjar? 1/2
With my picture tax (1/2)
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Do you have a link to Jams latest dropbox for the rest of these?

goddamn i love such straitjackets
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Nov 24
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Oct 24

Sep 24

Aug 24
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July 24

June 24

May 24

Apr 24
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Mar 24

Feb 24

Jan 24
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Same. Probably my fav kind of bondage gear, especially bolero straitjackets. Girls just look so hot when they helplessly hug themselves.
Did Jam draw this? I don't think I've never seen him draw a loli character
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Yea, from one of his older packs
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Hope Plusout makes Soi's Kidnapping day vol.6 this month....
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Do you have the bonus of the last Month ?
The three last Pokémon bonus
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Anyone got Bagelbombs January Drive please?
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You can only pick one.
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Could anyone update imightbemick or Team Husman on kemono? They've had a few posts recently, just can't see it at all.
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Does anyone have access to the sneakattack1221 patreon?
Anyone ?
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I like that hitachi down there
Only found some images not all
It's weird. SanePerson does incredible artwork. There's a lot of detail, the women are sexy without relying on overblown proportions, and the bindings/gags are tight and effective while staying near what a real woman could do.
Also, he doesn't draw every woman with clown feet.

And yet his stuff is rarely shared here and doesn't get shared to various other sites.
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does anyone have the Cyrusia's Adventures Archive?
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Do you have Jam’s 2023 Drives perchance?
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You have the full comic of this bro ?
If only someone could answer my cries for help
He could start using AI to do his art entirely and I'd struggle to tell the difference. He might already be doing so, not like I'd be able to tell.
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Anyone got magnolia's ZZZ flat colors? Thanks
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excuse me,can someone update jamo on kemono?

its really good stuff :D
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Thank you !!!
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Dec 23

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Anyone got Heart-Gear patreon backlog? Can't find it in kemono.
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Tiedtiki’s Seydlitz
It's on Kemono just search "heart" but in one of her 10 page redesigns, looks like all the fan bondage is gone. Just shit bug characters now. This is why anytime an artist goes OC you walk away shit spirals into paying them to fund their boring kink.
I seem to be in the minority here but I don't really like Jam's work. It's just an artstyle thing. I don't really like PlusOut either.

My favorite artists off the top of my head are SanePerson, root001, BlackProfessor, SneakAttack, ReptileEye, SkeleBomb, and PerilChaser.

I also like several 3d modelers like Algoid, IronLawbringer, LordKamski, OnModel3D, and Skvrwiel. They don't have very many bondage works, but AlienAlly is one of my all time favorite artists too.

Ryner-e, WossaRem, and Magnolia I'm 50/50 on, I tend to like when they draw videogame/movie/fantasy characters and I generally don't really like their OC's or modern day stuff. My favorite Magnolia works are by far her two Samus Aran sets, and my favorite Wossa works are when they do 2B, Samus, and other videogame characters.

I'm also 50/50 on KataAoyoc. I like most of his Jaina, Samus, DotA, fantasy elves, scifi, etc work, but I don't like giant cocks or cum baths or any of that stuff, I just like bondage, so some of his work is great and some of it has stuff that just isn't my cup of tea. No pun intended.

While I'm here writing a novel already, I guess I'll also say that I generally don't like rapey stuff or stuff involving negative themes. For me bondage is a fun game, I don't want to see people frightened or crying, or being raped. Non-consensual bondage is okay if it's part of a story, and doesn't involve sex or rape or true fear. I like the damsel being rescued or freeing herself, and her having fun during the process is a big plus as well. When I see art of a woman being literally murdered it's a turn off for me, but I'm in a few discords where people react positively even when it's a literal saw movie death trap and she's about to die. Like thrown in a river with cement or dropped in acid or there's an monster chasing them or whatever. I just don't get that stuff. It's snuff, not bondage.

I also love bondage themed videogames and novels, but I've run out of room in my novel of a post.
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As Jane porter fan does anyone have this or can someone update lydiadidhome kemono party page
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Here’s pic for the request
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Anyone got Bagelbom’s January Drive?? Please
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This one takes me back, I remembered I did an OTM edit on this one
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Anyone have this comic? The name of the artist or where can i find it?
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Is there an archive of Eudetenis' sketches?
I swear is like a second DarkKuroHoshi.
>I generally don't like rapey stuff or stuff involving negative themes

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Actually I think I get that. I love AMeng pics, but could do with all his guro shit.
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Leila2015’s Chisato2
Screw the Smash Roster, who is making it Maid Manager? I'll go for the crack theory and say that one of Magnolia's OmniV girls gets in as a guest damsel.
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How can I see the boundhub's private videos? I lost the websites I used before :(
I went through old /a/ drawthread archives to find this that pic I requested like 7 years ago

Does this look like kusujinn to you guys or is it just me? Thinking about asking him if he drew this on Twitter or something.
I'd say Tiedtiki's OCs are guaranteed, since he regularly works with the developers. Just a matter of which ones and how many.
Issa and Magnolia I'd say are also safe bets.
Does anyone have more from this guy? Apparently the artist is called "night artisan" but outside some deviantart account calles "yaouhuba" linking to an outside store having this guys stuff, there is also a pixiv fanbox account named "bia" who seems to be reuploading his art, but regardless do y'all have more of him by chance?
Mandatory pic tax (1/2)
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I can't believe it, they made a game for my exact fetish. Bravo
Eudetenis posts their sketches on their subscribestar I think. If somebody is willing to share, I wouldn't mind at all.
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anyone have the dropbox for magnoliaducky eula
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Nov Dec 24
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Does anyone have a gumroad exclusive illustration of burnup19?
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Is anyone here on Lost1zero's discord and are picture sets only there now? Guy drops two color wheels, one with all the spies. And I'm like here we go group pics people want! Then said those days are over and fucks off for 7 months only posting a couple oc sets since. Aint ever getting those Bleach girls.
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Marco uses the community chat on patreon.
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If only my gf went down as much as kemono
huh? huh? amirgiht?
The golden days of bondage are dead. We used to get Nami and Robin or Aerith and Tifa tweets for free. It's micro transaction EA now.
No idea, but I know this was colored.


Type in "gag" and you'll find some gems too
I found the artist who made this but the names of the characters are so generic it's hard to find more information. APPARENTLY this is from some game called Home Sweet Home which may be Thai, but the game I found that fits that description has nothing to do with the images, this artist, or these characters.
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Looking for Bagelbombs latest works please? The Tifa, Zelda, rosa Stuff pleasee
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She is an artist's oc.
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Anyone have a link to Jams Jan 2025?
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Hasn’t dropped yet
Thank you that explains it, wondering wear the link was in the last thread.
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I know no one gives a shit, but Talanah really should have been a love interest. She’s one of the few characters who’s equal to Aloy in skill and they seem to have a will-they-won’t-they competitive thing already.

They should have made it official baka.
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anyone got the Cyrusia Adventures archive?
Does someone have the new Merinthos pics? Seems that all his new art is published almost at the end of the month
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