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Fast Toilet Edition

A thread for all adult/pornographic AI video generations, and the discussion of technology for making such content.

previous thread

https://hailuoai.video (requires sign up w/ google)
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the fact putting crosses in the gens somehow fucking lets them through is hysterical to me

it's like some old /b/ tier bullshit humor of "no don't worry it's not porn, she's just a nice christian who happens to not be wearing clothing :)"
Anyone tried that on hailuoai?
Also what did you write on kling to get that?
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I've got whitepilled as fuck today, the first videos made with hunyuan that i saw looked terrible full of artifacts and super blurry, today some pretty decent short videos using hunyuan were posted on civitai. I think we're gonna make it bros.
Can you post them? (or link if not on topic for the thread I suppose)

Oh sadly not my gen but the previous thread is full of huge tiddy girls with crosses on them. It's kind of really fucking funny.
>Also what did you write on kling to get that?
isn't kling prompt super hard to bypass as opposed to the easy hailuoai even accepted stuff like "ass" or "breasts"?
just go to civitai and search for new videos
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Wish that crosses business worked for me.
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Requesting an animation for this pic.
it doesn't?
make it darker maybe
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heard there was a kling update so the filter is less aggressive
hailuo seems to be faster at filtering videos
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Requesting you learn how to upload a pic to a website and type words
what's the least censored service that doesn't look shitty?
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This is what I use hail for now
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How can I prompt for hyper tits?
try "modest bosom rapidly spasms to greater sizes" you could substitute "spasms" with "twitches"
Get it while it's potentially illegal.
"modest bosom rapidly spasms to greater sizes"
... Ill take it
The problem with PixVerse is that attempting any sort of expansion usually defaults to belly expansion.
Vivago refuses and I haven't tried Kling though I suspect I know how that goes.
I've never seen Kling do any sort of expansion, just generic posing
It's always CURSED VIDEO In Philadelphia.
Because of the incest cursed implication.
now that's a 5 star man
an anon of sophistication. I too have a soft spot for wet asians.
My disappointment is immeasurable...
Tip-toe hops cause her chest to heave as her arms drop to her sides. The woman's chest heaves as her arms drop to her sides. She struts away from the camera like a supermodel on a runway, her undulating figure prominently displayed.

perhaps this helps
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That's cursed.
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Requesting an animation for this pic.
Second attempt.
what a cute asian i wish she was real
It's prompt filter (img2vid) at least can be pretty forgiving, I've done gens with words like fucked, strokes pole, etc... seems kind of random.
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New feature out for us plebs, have not tested yet, queues are killing me
This ass looks like it's made of plastic or is it just me?
does kling work if you add a cross in the corner in paint?
Looks boring unless it allowed for swap of ugly looking actresses in porn with beauties, but that's hailuo so we can go fuck ourselves.
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Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man?
Add more crosses.
what wording did you use?
That one was the best result of several that involved more biting than I wanted - even with negative prompting to try and prevent it, so YMMV.
>The naked woman moves forward to engulf the phallus.She swalllows it deep within her mouth closing her lips around it.
>Neg: biting, using teeth,
thanks anon, sounds painful to watch lol
Which version of klingai do you guys use?
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Hailuo img2vid paid is great for disrobing and preserving likeness.
1.6 seems to work fine
>Estimated time : more than 3 hours.
trying kling the first time, what a welcome
>3*10 hours
>Oh neat, Kling does motion paths now. I'll just...
That's relatively fast for kling. I've had waits of 2-3 days before.
I graduated HS and about to receive my MD and I'm still waiting on my video to render.
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Prompt? I'm assuming something involving "lingerie made of tape"?
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Man I love ai. Movement is still a bit off but things are evolving fast. I can't wait to have a virtual dinner with Nimoy one day.

T. Spockanon
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Hello im looking for ppl to chat with about img2vid nsfw , sharing tips and help
(not willing to make pizza, dont worry)

Im using pixverse but appreciate chatting about anything you use

My sess is


And my teleguard is

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>>8677640 Fixing thumbnail hopefully.
I have returned! With many many cross.png

lmao it took half a day then
>process failed
can you share your workflow anons
Why does hailuo repeat motions? If I say I want a girl stomping her foot, she starts doing a jig. If say I want a girl turning around and walking out of frame, she starts spinning in place.
Is it the prompt optimizer that's doing this?

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