Growing Strong EditionA thread to post the hot women of A Song of Ice and Fire universe.>Bonus for Margaery Tyrell>No futa shit>No gay shit, at least 1 girl on the picture. Lesbians are okay>No gas or onara>No dramaThread Question>Will GRRM ever finish Winds of Winter?>If you had the chance, which House would you like to be born in?>What would be your strategy to win the Game of Thrones and bed all the women you want?>Who would you pick for your Queen?
Who would you pick, anon?
Full size here since despite compression this shithole doesn't support it>R34 + 4062564
What do you think of Daenerys as Queen?
>>8682106Is this Daenerys or Cersei? Looks more like Cersei than Danny>>8682108So hot. After Margaery she's probably my favorite woman.
>>8681933>Will GRRM ever finish Winds of Winter?Probably. I doubt he'll finish a dream of spring>If you had the chance, which House would you like to be born in?One of the houses' that live in the reach like House Fossoway>What would be your strategy to win the Game of Thrones and bed all the women you want?Alley myself with those who simply want to indulge in their own personal vices and will keep me in charge as long as I can provide them, Get a wife who's ok with me bedding other women as long as I don't have kids with them, and for getting all the women I want I'd do it through coin or rape>Who would you pick for your Queen?Sansa when she's still a push over
>>8681944Definitely Margaery>>8682078She's got my support. Especially if this is what her kingdom looks like.>>8682115Kinda looks like Cersei, but its gotta be Daenerys becasue of the dragon.
I love Margaery and her pancake tits!>>8682393>Get a wife who's ok with me bedding other women as long as I don't have kids with them, and for getting all the women I want I'd do it through coin or rape>Sansa when she's still a push overBASED
>>8683079I'd wage war over those pancake tits.
>>8683571She would make a very good and competent Queen. I would wage war for Daenerys and rape her.
>>8684169hell yes. just like khal drogo?
>>8684489Drogo was hella soft. I want to turn Daenerys into my sex doll!
>>8684757fuck yes. turn the mother of dragons into a common whore.
>>8685309fuck, imagine all that cum pouring out of her holes
Truly the most fertile lands!
Could Margaery have turned the Faith in her favor given enough time and if she didn't get obliterated by Cersei's stupidity? And what would such a kingdom be like?
She would have been a very lewd Queen
>>8687643She probably could have and it'd be a police state ruled by the church
>>8687643>>8688714as long as we get more cersei walking through the town naked, id be happy.
>>8688757She'll be paraded around the street weekly as a reward to citizens Followed by the weekly line to fuck her while she's in stocks
>>8688775fuck yessss that royal womb needs to be degraded and used up the absolute lowest and filthiest in society
>>8688781It'll be used by everyone from the wall to dorne
>>8688795that royal lannister womb needs to be impregnated and abused. still getting fucked and cummed in even when 9 months preg.
>>8688804She must pay for all her crimes against the lands by having her back blow out even when she's still carrying a commoner baby
>>8688810hell yesss fuck that queen bitch like the whore she desperately wants to be. make her milk filled tits sway back and forth as shes mercilessly pounded by every dick in the country
>>8688822She's been gagged to prevent her from biting anyone but sometimes they ungag her to here her audible squeals or to get off to her berating who ever is in her
>>8688875fuuck id cum so hard while she talked down to me.
>>8688891I'd spank her while she berates me or calls me too small to feel anything
>>8688903spanking those fat, pale cheeks red all the why your little cock is at full attention and leaking
>>8688908Slamming into her highborn pussy while she grunts trying to pretend she can't feel it
>>8688915making those fat hips and tits shake with every thrust. her lips shouting curses at you but her face revealing the absolute pleasure shes feeling
The lack of Margaery porn makes me sad
>>8688929You can tell she's really enjoying it when she squirts milk all over the place and howls like a wolf Though she's insist it was a lion's roar
>>8688952we should be sucking on that momma lions tits while shes getting absolutely railed. no since in letting good lannister milk go to waste
>>8688958Yes, mauling her tits with our mouths and milking that cow for everything she's got
Margaery is fucking amazing even if she's a bit plain
>>8681933No.Stark.Probably just try to survive until they are done killing each other.Probably a bad idea, but Daenerys
>>8691870This but Rhaenyra. I want to watch her meat folds go *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* when I fuck her and be engulfed by her obscene body meat. Plump milf Rhaenyra is best Rhaenyra.
>>8692498i could fucking cum just from hearing those plapping sounds
>>8692546Queen Rhaenyra is a huge SLUT!!!
>>8692862yeh she is
>>8694328More than Margaery?
What do you do, anon?
>>8694832Fuck her into a coma and then sell her to the current ruler of westeros
>>8694888>Fuck her into a comahow does that work?
>>8694569Margaery would fuck just about anything to become queen>>8694832breed the slut
>>8695565Basically make it so she becomes over stimulated from the session and passes out for a good amount of time
>>8694832>>8695962>>8694888Nice! Also blessed trips of truth
>>8696220the gutting would be worth it to knock that bitch up
>>8696220>>8696244If you're good enough, you may even get to survive as her concubine.
>>8697770and if I'm not good enough?
>>8699157Then you're not gonna get time to worry much.
The Lannisters send their regards!
>>8681933>Maybe? But after Winter come Spring, and that has a darker cloud above it.>A reach house would be peaceful, but I'd say an Iron Islands house, I'll say Goodbrother.>I don't plan on winning it but I would plan to carve out a niche for my self as an adventuring raider in Essos. Capturing women in Myr to use as sex slaves until I sell them in Lys. Fuck ghiscari whores paid for by the gold I stole from a ship form Ashai. Eventually live in a nice big mansion filled with my slaves and loyal ship mates. Ideally dead after a night of fucking beautiful women.>To be my pirate queen?I would go with Cersei. Make her a pirate queen, raid a few of her personal enemies, but slowly start treating her worse and worse until I make her an anal only slut for my crew and name her as Queen of Whores instead.
>>8700194Might be a pretty smart strategy. Keep it small, ravage, pillage and enjoy life and avoid the Iron Throne. Hadn't seen many Iron Islander fans so its neat. What do you like about them?
>>8700403I like their general vibe to be honest. Viking-pirates worshipping their god of the sea. Sailing the world at their leisure, taking valuables and woman to make thralls. Capture a whole family too and then make a girls sons watch and you fuck another daughter into her. That'd be the fucking dream.
I wish there was more Asha Greyjoy art. She's so hot!>>8700943Agreed, that's the good life. Definitely worth trying, I wish they got the Reach's resources to pull it off on a massive scale.
>>8701751I agree. More ironborn art in general would be nice.Them having more resources to do it would be great, but it sounds like raids on summer islanders aren't too hard. I would avoid Westoros and basically make money stealing shit from merchants, get a fleet of ironborn and at some point try and become a mercenary company. Be like the Golden Company in not breaking any projects. Of course in addition to gold we would get to claim some of the hgigher born women in the towns and cities we'd attack by boat. Then we'd either sell them back to their families(after they've been fucked by myself and basically every other commander) or kept as sex slaves in a brothel I'd establish somewhere. Maybe Myr of maybe Volantis.
Book Asha or Show Asha?>>8702339In your fantasy would you be born a Greyjoy or an Ironborn Lord who defeats the Greyjoys and takes over? How would you deal with Theon and Asha?>I would avoid Westoros and basically make money stealing shit from merchants, get a fleet of ironborn and at some point try and become a mercenary company. Be like the Golden CompanyI feel like Westeros really sucks and is stuck in a backwater dark age compared to the Free Cities. They seem much easier for an ambitious merchant to make it big and rise as a Lord whereas in Westeros you're pretty much stuck with the position you're born with.
I want Margaery and her pancake tits!
>>8702624Not that anon, but I thought show Asha was hot.>>8702823Would go to war over those pancake tits.
>>8703018>Would go to war over those pancake tits.Agreed, totally worth it
>>8702624I'd say book Asha. Better personality and I like the more tomboyish vibe.>In your fantasy would you be born a Greyjoy or an Ironborn Lord who defeats the Greyjoys and takes over? How would you deal with Theon and Asha?In my fantasy world I would be a member of House Goodbrother or some other strong Iron Islands house. Basically soon after becoming a man I'd leave the dreary Iron Islands and westros behind. I'd keep only the Drowned god and anything that could be used for naval combat with me. Ideally like the 3rd or 4th son so my house wouldn't miss me and I would occasionally return and show off the shit I stole.>I feel like Westeros really sucks and is stuck in a backwater dark age compared to the Free Cities.My thinking. If I tried to pillage and rape in Westeros it would start some big political scandal. In the Free Cities it would be small news unless I stole something or someone very valuable.
Going by the thread's theme, what would be the consequences if an Iron Islander raid managed to capture a high born girl on the level of Margaery Tyrell or Cersei? What would the political fallout of having such a high profile hostage be?
>>8704334It'd probably lead to another greyjoy rebellion but this time they have leverage over the kingdomsProbably will lead to them having to do arranged marriages to settle debts
>>8704334If it was someone in charge on the Iron Islands it would start a war between them and the house of whatever woman they kidnapped. If she is a full blown royal family member, then all the houses would go to war with them and basically destroy them. Might even force Westeros to make the Ironborn leave behind their raiding days.
>>8704345>Probably will lead to them having to do arranged marriages to settle debtsMaybe someone similar but of lower station to retrieve her>>8704599>If she is a full blown royal family member, then all the houses would go to war with them and basically destroy themWorst possible case
>>8705173>Maybe someone similar but of lower station to retrieve herThat or they join them so they can get a crack at that high born pussy
>>8706078Yeah less likely but probably more desirable. I would probably want to join the Lannisters post Rains of Castamere. Being a rich and feared Lord who can buy almost any woman would be so fun until they slit my throat.
>>8706867I agreeIt's better to side with the kingdoms because then you can just rape any of the iron island women who are left after the fighting
>>8707064very nice
>>8707008Being an islander lets you raid and take home salt wives. Sail around Essos and bring home the finest of women.
>>8707547A whole harem of kidnapped women to use for pleasure
>>8707577I wonder if it'd be feasible to get Margaery as a salt wife. Or if she's far too protected
>>8708122The Reach would send too many men to fight off She'd be a good salt wife but you'd have a better time trying to get a stark salt wife
>>8708147A shame, I find the Reach girls amazingly erotic. Though maybe I'd be happiest with an Arryn girl. They seem honorable and take to romantic love whereas a Lannister girl would be too uppity and a Reach girl would be a huge slut.
>>8710024Reach girls are all about their fertile soil being seededStark girls are about strong pounding Lanistar girls require to see your bank statements before they spread it
>>8710048What about Targaryen girls?>Reach girls are all about their fertile soil being seededAnd they love receiving the seed of countless men>Stark girls are about strong pounding They are lewd and hairy I bet, like the scent of a wet rutting animal>Lanistar girls require to see your bank statements before they spread itAre they good fucks at least?
>>8710654>What about Targaryen girls?Those girls require you to be at the peak of strength and vitality. Those girls require to be pounded until the next volcano erupts>And they love receiving the seed of countless menIt's not too uncommon for a reach girl to not know who the father of their child is>They are lewd and hairy I bet, like the scent of a wet rutting animalYou can smell when their ready from a mile away, their pussy smell is pungent >Are they good fucks at least?Like a velvet vice. lannister girls know how to lock down some good dick and money when they find it
Margaery is a filthy shotaconwhich is hot as hell
>>8710732She knows when a boy is ready to breed
>>8710743Shame the TV series aged up Tommen
>>8710745Be controversial to have that be live actionWell maybe one day some one will animate it
>>8710745Tommen was still 13 years old at the time of his marriage in the show.
>>8710749>>8710761I just want to see Natalie Dormer get plapped by a shota dammit
>>8710787You're gonna have to find some one to commission that then
>>8710024Weird turning between areas and Noble houses. Reach girls would be great though. Probably never seen any real hardship with all the wars mainly being elsewhere, the Iron Islands not being allowed to pillage them lulling them into a false piece. Capturing one in secret and having her be a secret sex slave would be great.
>>8684757>brown pubes
>>8711290they come in all kinds of colors, anon
>>8710690I love all those descriptions, nice job scholar anon. Are you one of the minds of the Citadel? And which chain represents sexual prowress?
>>8713538>Are you one of the minds of the Citadel?I was expelled from the citadel for my....unconventional statements >And which chain represents sexual prowress?The chain made of marble fused with noble women's fluids
>>8713568>The chain made of marble fused with noble women's fluidshow exactly does that work? explain the physics behind it
>>8714136We have a noble woman fuck herself with a dildo made of marble for hours then we break it down to make the chainThe physics behind it is the sexual magnetism found from humans
>>8713568Hot, so a sexual genius. Would be nice to have Maesters teach young boy kings how sex is done.
>>8714577There probably is a whole volume set of books about the sexual exploits of the kinds and the women they've plowed
>>8714603Knowledge only meant for archmaesters
>>8715605Only the archmasters know of the dirtiest things a queen and her princess's have done while in powerThey're also there to record the events and event participate in them