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This thread is for minimalist art, stickfigures, MSPaint doodles, and similar items that are both simple yet sexy.

Share any stickfigure/simplified character designs porn you have here!

>Posting art of OCs is allowed and encouraged
>No AI
>Do not make posts breaking /aco/ rules or global ones
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it, DON'T respond to it
> To make the new simple thread, wait for page 10 at the bump limit.


Previous Thread:>>8628913
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Picto or Stick?
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Who else is an honorary sticc
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Stick supremacy!
She is here
Need more of her!
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Man, need more porn of Stacy, miss her.
she cute
wowoow thank you!
Keep it up!
i wanna fuck those nipples
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Do Sunny-type drawings count? If so, I have several I've made of the Jackie Moo variant.
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There's usually sunny threads up but who's going to stop you
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penis in her mouth :)
I wonder how much cum she can swallow
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Fair enuf
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Ashley should ride on Girls
2025 is the dyke fatigue year
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recent draw
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no idea if this kind of thing is accepted
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Sketch Dump Bump
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is the anon that was working on this still here?
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Ashley putting her bare, sweaty, feet all over the pictogirl on her board!
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I believe it
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does anyone know who made this...
I'm not one to usually draw Yuri but never say never I guess. Very cute Ashley thank you!
There's a lot of cool Girls out there too, in case anyone gets inspired
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I wish that was my cock in her throat and her swallowing it all down
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A beautiful slave gf!
>new drawpile canvas has been made
>time to do as promised last thread
doing requests drawn in the drawpile.
no character repeats (per request session. what I'm posting is last session for exampling)
include poses
once I get 3 there'll be a 24h countdown on 3rd "done it" post
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Stealing the Slave GF spot.
Slave GF deepthroat! Cum may or may not included.
what about this giant vampire woman (in the image) getting penetrated in her vagina while giving two handjobs.
She needs more cum she looks thirsty
somewhat done. may do adjustments/alt in CSP after this request session is done
also done so just one more before I start the countdown
it's not porn, but
opinions on Normies? (https://normies.thecomicstrip.org/)
Looks very interesting, lots of cute designs
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this thread lacking ENF/ENM content, would like to see more.
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She should try sword swallowing deepthroat
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Good girl deserves a reward for not leaving the house naked in search of her Master (he went to the store for five minutes)
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still open to requests. (one slot before doing the 24h countdown)
Requesting one to the far left getting deepthroated with her throat bulging
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Latest Stick Commission
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That sticc has unreal booty.
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Found a neat stickman looking through my archive
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Scary teeth...
she got a name?
I wanna put my dick in her mouth
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Anon, she'll bite...
worth it just to get her to suck it
sorry about the long delay but its done though its another rough one that I should fix in CSP
Countdown begins now
if anyone still wants to request they can but after 24 hours
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Tinkering around with a little androgynous pixie girl
was there an update on these?
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I hope you brought a backup penis anon
I want to get kissed by her
times up
if you do want it remastered in CSP let me know
She can bite it, I wanna watch her swallow it down whole
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I love these sexy sticks.
What's CSP?
Clip Studio Pro, Casual Sex Partner, Child Sex Priest, Cervical Schlong Penetrator, Christmas Sadism Parade, Customer Service Pregnancy
Boozember is really doing something to me
Clip Studio Paint
Only if you are up to it, could you do the far right in csp?
3rd thread I've asked you, and I'm getting real tired of you ducking me.

Tell me the sauce, now! Who is the artist?
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Is she dumb or she just looks like it? Either way what a cutie
"Hmm what a weird milk fountain. Oh well, bottoms up!"
It's so cool how 3D those titties look
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Crazy to think that they're actually flat like paper.
Yet look super squishy it's amazing
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God i love Ashley, she's just neat. Have a doodle of her in a bunsuit.
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holy shit that is great
Quick doodle:

looks great!
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These two need to engage in furious scissoring
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Yes. Purely for the entertainment of their master, of course.
Big fan of this dweeb
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praying for the day i get a gay stick thread
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This thread is pretty inspiring to look at from Ashley to Pictograph to Stacy Drew and more. Excellent work to you all. Keep it up y'all :)
Any good simple 3d art?
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Are there any bondage version of them?
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Amazing work.
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"You okay?" After having touched those magnificent melons I sure am.
Thank you, I can never get enough of these sluts. It's good to see them getting along.
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Oh man who sucks it first?
Slave gf offers the first suck to ginger slave
Ginger slave declines and says she can go first
Slave gf says thank you and sucks it like a piston on speed 10
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But who gets the honor of gulping the load?
Aftermath of
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Ginger goes for it but Slave grabs her by the throat and forces her to give it back. She doesn't have swallow privileges today.
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This twerp is such a brat, I love it.
That or she forces ginger to snowball the load into her mouth
Where my toad pokers at
Both is good.
Now I just want to see all of this happen
nice one
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I don't know what a toad poker is but this is very lewd.
I don't know what those are.
Is that your artwork? Please tell me your blog.
I love the golden detailing on the bottoms.
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From a game called Poke All Toads
Funny fairies

Sorry found it on /v/
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Have this before I go to sleep.
Question can simple be thicc, or they have to be sticc?

I didn't know I needed poke all toads lewds
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nice clitorial hood
very important stuff
If anyone here is taking requests: https://postimg.cc/MXJ4BWdV
Simple can be thicc
Poking shall commence
Goatboy my man I cannot belive we not only meet at bloons threads, but also here.
Excelent taste on fairies.
I don't know if its actually him or just someone reposting his stuff from /v/, but damn, I should have caught the style earlier.

It's nice to see his skills applied to other characters other than monkes. He's really good at drawing! And a friendly guy.
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Downloaded it now; I guess you can just call me a PokéManiac.
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Horny for sticks!
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These sticks are too sexy!
I just want blue to deepthroat me
The fishnets are still incredible
I made this about two years ago, I figured you’d like it anon
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You made this?! It's so good! Ah I love her design, would love to fill her mouth up and watch her gulp it down
nice one
so epic so cute so hot
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can i draw
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that anus is godly
Incredible, now swallow it
These are so good
Did the stream continue on Piczel after all?
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I drew these there but noone showed up
waited for the twitter link, never saw it. damn
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Holy shit yesssss!!! Did you make this?
Yes. I *figured* that one anon who always requests cum swallowing got some justice
Thank you and I am that anon! it's so well done I really appreciate you doing that! I always request it because no one really ever draws/animates swallowing for some reason
Very hot. We're so lucky to have a guy like you around.
looks like something korean or chinese would draw
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Love her design
thank you good sir :)
absolutely! got more of her?
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Best doodle I did today at work, had to keep this baby hidden in the office while I made her with office supplies.
not at the moment
no problem! hope to see more of her in action
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Don’t die on me thread
found this from scribble file
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is the creator of this still here?
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Bravo. 10/10
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I saw this guy earlier or is this mimmickry?
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That's a bit creepy. Give her a slutty face.
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Ayyy somebody rembers me I'm happy
True story the jews cut cables around village fuck up internet for month
Then thread dies so no where to post I thought
Lucky me anon rembers
Here link to full gif https://files.catbox.moe/drlcve.gif
Taking any requesta still but delivery will slowly happen
Glad to see you again anon, you are

Requesting this tulpa to be impregnated and cumflated, or her breasts to be used for titfucking, if you’re up for it
yay you're okay! glad to hear that you are alright!! I was the anon that originally requested all of the gifs and how could I forget with incredible work like that! Idk if you remember I know it's been a bit, I think she was going to swallow the full condom whole
Fuck, someone beat me to it. Well, here's the OP's Twitter.
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just started drawing, don't rip me to shreds too much
Anon this is great!! Seriously this is really good
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I actually uploaded the wrong file, this is the more completed one. I still don't know how I should shade it- if I should
Even better! You can always try anon, there's no shame and it's always progress regardless
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Love seeing you keep drawing this spy stick
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*Pulls out cock* suck it
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That zoinked out face is so cute. Slave gf deserves all the cum she wants!
very nice
Now swallow
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power puff art style

the file died with old drive
is only renders left
no way to color it now i regret
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Omg you absolute fucking legend you. I was actually requesting your OC here >>8736280
but my bad for not having specified that. You actually drew and animated my OC instead, I'm stoked man. I love this, thank you.

Have a sneak peak of something I've been cooking

Also sorry to hear about the dead file brother
That's okay and I'm sorry to hear about your drive! Could I request your oc swallowing a condom full of cum anyway? If not it's okay
Whoops sorry I should have clarified! Could I request this anons oc >>8736280 swallowing a condom of cum whole? (Obviously as long as it is okay with them since it's their oc)

Also thank you both for doing such amazing work!!
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My tastes are so specific that I've been trying to get back into drawing and finding this thread has given me some motivation to try some more.
Do any of you guys remember a bunch of years ago a girl came in and requested art of herself and her boyfriend in these simplistic artstyles?

The guy was a doctor and she was a blonde
That's great to hear and love the pic btw
Thanks, and glad to hear you like it. I was afraid it might be too niche.
You're in the right place, would love to see more of them
feeling like maybe drawing more OC stuff in a bit, reply to me with your OCs so i can get some ideas
she got delivered a bunch and suddenly vanished
she always insisted on being drawn wearing Sailor Moon's outfit
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need suggestions on what to do with her
Have her tits getting milked
Pick your poison
Can you Anons give the link to said thread? I’ve never heard of this before but I’m curious
Incredibly cute. Now draw her getting pregnant
Would love to see more of the one in the middle, maybe a blowjob?
Sword swallowing deepthroat
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your state mandated cow stickman gf, sir
only the cutest boys can breed her, so we need volunteers
do you mean the dick bulging her throat?
Oh you know it, bonus if she gets filled with cum too
Damn you just made me realize I haven’t drawn a femboy OC yet. Time to fix dat
Is this depressed boi cute enough? Will his dream come true?
pretty good! i can hopefully do something soon, just away from my drawing stuff atm
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New fashion trend: wearing your boyfriend.
I know EXACTLY what you two are talking about, give me an hour or two with the archive
Oh my...this is hot! You think she'll suck him off as a treat?
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These are all from 2017, only managed to find 12

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