"Xenophilia for all" Edition>Rules:*Limited futa (No humanoid phallus) or A.I., just don't spam it.**No aliens at level 2 or below, refer to the chart in the imgur link (Replace when needed.)**>https://imgur.com/a/7csdjRc>Recent Stories:By KaktusMycelial Bonds (complete)https://archiveofourown.org/works/53584396Bug in the Stars (in progress)https://archiveofourown.org/works/36819391By Snekguyhttps://snekguy.com/stories/Latest: https://snekguy.com/stories/pinwheel/dire-contingency/By ThisIsARealAccounthttps://www.fanfiction.net/s/14112773/5/Vipers-Nights-and-French-Frieshttps://archiveofourown.org/works/39895998/chapters/130969354Broken Sanctuary by Jixijenga:(Ch. 11) https://archiveofourown.org/works/57275167/chapters/148635454https://rentry.org/brokensanctuary21985 Proto-HFY by Harry Turtledovehttps://www.eyeofmidas.com/scifi/Turtledove_RoadNotTaken.pdf>Smut list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZTFvrLMY1OnNzxhU0p2UhL1wYmRgOoAjmOzkq8z_gQ/edit?usp=sharing (Needs to be updated)>Game:http://teraurge.blogspot.com/?zx=e9ef98831783e9e6 (V3 after WW3.)>Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/xeno/type/op/>Enemy Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/574310.html>Enemy Quest - The War: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1080085.html>Previous thread: >>8674655Thread Motivator: What are some ideas for xeno relationships? What are their cultural norms for concepts such as marriage or being a couple? What is the common sexual dynamic? Can be for Xeno on Xeno, M-Human on F-Xeno, M-Xeno on F-Human.
Second for alien buggos.
>>8686642>Thread MotivatorThis was from another anon, a very long time ago but I believe it went something this. Image shows this off."Two individuals of this Necroid have intercourse by using their prehensile tentacle genitalia to wind around each other members, much like a slug. Then they grind in positions while undulating their tentacles wound around and in each other like one does with their tongue when they're making out(which they also do), exchanging dna when they climax and all that. The control-ability of their tentacles allow them to interface in both pitching and catching in sex, either fully out for penetrating, or wound up within to get penetrated too."
Interesting bits
Imagine this but shooped with the bug bits autism from the last thread
Get humiliated humie
>>8686658why so big?
>>8686832well the Baxxids are kinda big themselves
So ive been reading the "brokering trust" story and as much as im liking the story I'm hating the mc, why would a scientist swear that much in front of a "new" alien species?! You would be extremely polite no matter what and even more when the weight of the first look of authentic humanity, that throws me a bit but overall it's been very nice! I would love some octopusspuss
>>8686942anon you're reading lowbrow amateur smut if you try and look at it through an analytical lens you're only ever going to be disappointed
>>8686952Oh really? I got it recommended in the last thread! Because I wanted some octoxeno fiction and im new on /xeno/
>>8686958If you want a good read, I highly recommend Ambassador to LE9043. I thought it was pretty good at least for a one off.https://archiveofourown.org/works/47500150
>>8686642of all the sang images that are out there, and you chose that one
No tits, with tits, in all honesty, I'm fine with anything for these beautiful warriors. In the case of giant honkas, they have four pectoral muscles and they can crush a mans chest in with one firm stomp, I think 5 pound melons on their chest is little to worry about.
>>8686958>Oh really?YesBrokering Trust is one of the few of his that becomes overall decent but even then it's not great>>8686314Generally its the hetero one that's the original and the homo one that's got underbaked shit spliced in or stapled on. The only one that's not obvious is the polar one i think but those one's also had little point except being smut
>>8686968The description looks nice but i was searching for something more sea themed or aquatic! Im gonna read it after i finish the octogirl one !
>>8686995To each their own, but I assure you it won't disappoint!
>>8686987>the homo one that's got underbaked shit spliced in or stapled on.Yeah i noticed that there was two versions on the website i saw and i doubt that doing something like that works>>8687005Thanks i will look on it!
>>8686979it's bimbofication, not xenophilia
>>8687138I'm sorry but if they don't got a wagon rear I'm not interested(fat abdomens count)
Realistically, could a human fit in on Sangheilios?
>>8687467Weebs with a tolerance for desert shitholes probably might.
Chapter 2 of the Rookie x Elite x Jackal fic is almost done. I'll post it shortly.There's no sex yet but there will be. I like writing porn with a plot. I've not uploaded onto A03 before but do you pre-tag with sex or not tag until the sex is present in the fic?
>>8687473Usually people tag with what will happen rather then what has happened, lets them know when there's something they'll enjoy or hate.
People keep shilling Halo here, but you just slaughter xenos from beginning to end. That’s like the opposite of xenophilia.
>>8687644The same can be said of XCOM or Alien with the Vipers and Xenomorphs, and yet...
>>8686942Desensitization I'm guessing. When you work and live with someone you start caring less about being high class.
>>8687644you only kill male xenos, while the women are back on the homeworlds with less potential mates.
>>8687644I'm only just playing it for the first time and even I know it's more complicated then that and probably has fighting alongside aliens at some point (though maybe only in the 343 games which I won't be playing)
>>8687696Forgot my pic
>>8687467Oh my, seeing this drawing made me like them now, always the offmodel bimbo or hyper muscular, this one is really nice, i get it now
>>8687644>he didn't play any halo game past 1lol?
>>8687644Obviously, you're slaughtering their soldiers so it will be easier to enslave their women.
Does anyone have a download link for this model?I don't want to have to dredge through twatter again.>>8687138Maybe the busty ones are from a different part of Sanghelios? The ayys in the vidya have enough variation as it is.
>>8687467I mean there are joint cities where many species live together including humans in lore
>>8687644Technically the ones you kill are all enemy combatants and Halo 3 ends with a team up with the elites. Most sci-fi games in general are all about just killing xenos because that's the fun power fantasy of being a space marine fucking shit up with a cool space gun.
Any stories that feature human men being raped by female xenos?
>>8688006don't even front>>8688188Alien
>>8688006Unfortunately anon, I don't believe the model was ever made public by the creator. If it was, you would sure as hell see plenty of SFM's of her getting rammed.
slow thread
It's never updating is it?
Reposting my update for those that didn't see.>https://archiveofourown.org/works/39895998/chapters/159090775>https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14112773/10/Vipers-Nights-and-French-FriesGreetings mentlegen, it is I, AP, here to post a new chapter of Vipers, Nights, and French Fries. Chapter 10 is flopping at a thicc size of 13,000 words.Synopsis is: The cliffhanger is over, Vince MUST confront Thorn to find out why she manipulated them. If not for Tay, then for his own curiosity. Though it would take a lot more than an answer to fix the mess Vince and Tay find themselves in now. Will this secret have them leaning on each other for support, or will it all fall apart? Will Vince crawl over to his bodypillow in shame once again? All this and more in this wild rollercoaster of a chapter!As always, I appreciate any and all feedback. Constructive, or not.Big milestone for the story, end of act1. I apologize for the wait, I got distracted working on a oneshot story for a bit that may see the light of day eventually.
Alright. Halo story is begunned.Rookie x Elite x Jackal.https://archiveofourown.org/works/62347525Have a read and let me know what you think. I don't know if comments on the fic on site boost it or anything, but I'm happy for feedback so r8, h8, and penetr8.
>>8689045>>8689008TWO!? In one day!? Good lord I'm spoiled for choice. It's going to be a long night reading.
>>8689045/v/ jannies acted as expected but don't think I'll stop monitoring your story.If those two aren't infighting in some way over the Rookie's dick I'm going to find you.
>>8689498There's only going to be some light competitiveness, so if you do come looking for me be sure to bring flowers and chocolate, faggot.
>>8689045Anon, it's good and you better deliver quick or else I'll curse you to be forever unable to french kiss a female sangheili
>>8689008>Vipers, Nights, and French FriesI got maimed by AGO_'s update pace when he was writing On the Fringes.Is it worth reading yet or will I suffer the Teraurge syndrome when reading it
>>8689551I'm writing the now.If I update uber fast then I'd better get some nice kudos, though I've no idea what it does. I'm going to assume it's just a positive rating like updoots or likes or whatever.
>>8689551actually decent art, but it's a shame that it's of a bad redesign. I never understood why they turned the lithe elites into bulbous monstrosities. look at the mandibles; imagine every time they relax or close their mouth, they're gonna end up biting their own eyes
>>8689552personally i never read stories until they're done.i don't care if the writefag releases a new chapter once a month or once a week, it's still too slow for my retardbrain to remember everything that's happened.
did that guy who drew the valbaran taco comic ever make anything else like that?
>>8689690Almost like 343 are incompetents that also cared more about what they could turn Halo into then being faithful.Although the Jackals also got a redesign with each Bungie game so... *shrug* 343's redesign is still the worst of their lot anyway
Do you think in-universe, there are interspecies porn parodies of the Human-Covenant War? Like human on Sanghelli, or human on Jackal?
Has any /xeno/ media released recently?
>>8690166Yes, picrelated.
>>8688983What did you expect from a guy that has poor time and project management skills.
>>8689052Best problem to have>>8689552I'm pretty good about posting a chapter every 1-2 months. I don't like to promise when updates will happen, but I can promise I will finish it. I plan on changing VNFF from a fan fic when I finish it, so I can self-publish it.
>>8690494>>8689008Glad to see a continuation! Overall the details of their intimacy and Tay's teasing during it felt well done, looking forward to reading how you pull off the "big payoff" Here's something quick-ish slapped together after reading of Tay under the blanketsalso pass along that the DE style fanart is sick. Shivers interlude when?>>8689045glad to see more writefags around! Took a read and got some feedback!>Marine shoulder armor successfully takes a beam rifle shotnot on legendary lol, but that's fine>He risked a peek out and didn't see any more Jackal snipersI think this would be a good spot to slow down pacing for a moment. have him sit and just watch for a minute to make sure he doesn't see movement or reflections off of moving armor, can even accentuate the time by having line breaks between sentences during that section. This could set up some more atmosphere.>The personnel were even down to looting Covvie weapons, the situation definitely called for his interventionseems like we already knew rookie planned to intervene from the previous sentences, I feel like there would maybe be better ways to phrase this to highlight the use of covenent weapons by an unknown (but presumed) friendly force?also having him just tank carbine shots fine in non power armor deflates the tension a bit>The place looked as if a mad artist had gone wild and sprayed nearly every surface with paint thanks to the overlapping hues of bloodGood imageryRookie does in general seems a bit blase about being about to die, idk, as with the tanking so many shots earlier, I there's just not a ton of tension>The situation that had been slightly odd and had toned down into relative normalcy returned and went further into the realm of oddity,Too much tell here, just go for show, paint the scene, don't tell me the tone, show me. You could cut out that first sentence and just start it with "A cry from a rather small jackal"Looking forward to reading more!
>>8690665>>8689045Two other quick things I thought of: why not just have the VISR just translate/subtitle the covenant speech as opposed to them happening to speak english?Plot wise was curious/had a prediction; you specifically point out its a smaller jackal, since the tiny bit of lore we have about jackals is them being matriarchal, is that going to come into play? Like it's a female runt and has trouble or is unable to fufill that normal/expected role in jackal society? Therefore being more comfortable in a non-jackal lover that doesn't have the same expectations?>>8690494unrelated question for some feedback/suggestion I could use from you; A while back mentioned I was planning to finish this up, and make a part 2 of the human reciprocating and explaining why they found the bug ayy attractive. Didn't get many suggestions at the time, was wondering if you had thoughts on that?
>>8690665>I think this would be a good spot to slow down pacing for a momentI'd already established that the Jackal he'd dodged had probably called for help, though I might be able to add to this section in some manner.>I feel like there would maybe be better ways to phrase this to highlight the use of covenent weaponsAgreed, actually.>Rookie does in general seems a bit blase about being about to dieFucked up lung and broke ribs, and a Brute and Elite bearing down? I'd think anyone other than a Spartan would be moving towards 'Welp I'm fucked'.>Too much tell here, just go for showI do wonder how to word it better, but I'm uncertain how to put across that everything is weird about things due to the reader knowing we're here to bone alien pussy.For the reader it's not weird. For Rookie it's bizarre to be in that situation of friendly aliens, so I figure putting his thoughts onto paper is a good move. There's probably a better way to put it down that I ain't found just yet.>why not just have the VISR just translate/subtitle the covenant speechA good idea, but at this point it would be a bit tedious to rewrite around it.>since the tiny bit of lore we have about jackals is them being matriarchalAs far as I know that's more or less obsolete with the Jackals being taken into the Covenant so I didn't write her from that perspective.Appreciate the feedback! I can certainly use it to improve what I've done.
>>8690176>patreon is still up
>>8689838Check his twitter.
>>8690802don't know it
>>8689838Delta vee?
What's a body type and general look of xeno that's underrepresented in /xeno/ content?
>>8691218off the top of my head, invertebrates that aren't just bugs. hardly ever see those.
>>8691305>Invertebrate ayy fish from a massive aquatic planet
>>8691218Aquatic aliens are rare, most of them are just shaped like land creatures with fins attached to weird places. Any body type outside of bilateral symmetry is extremely rare.
>>8691447Careful, she appears to be horny...
>>8691306I love the idea of 6 limbs, four legs, but I hate the classic centaur look.
>>8691520then use an animal beside a horse
>>8691319>>8691513lol wut
>>8690665Glad you liked the chapter. This one took a lot of effort, there were a lot of moving parts and emotionally tense scenes I had to get just right. Feels like a great cap to act 1. Thanks a lot for the fan art, you've been spoiling me lately with all they Tay's you've been drawing. I appreciate that. Funnily enough the guy that did that DE style fanart is my beta reader, so I'll let him know. I know he'll be happy about it. >>8690682Good question. Funnily enough I figured looking at it from the perspective of the alien would be harder, but I'm wracking my brain to think of stuff. I liked what the bug said though, it feels realistic for her. Could you post a fully rendered pic of the bug? That might help me a little with ideas.Here's some stuff I thought of off the top of my head. The colors and iridescence of the chitinous plates. The crest on her head. Like a living work of art awash with color. Compound eyes are pretty. She’s got more limbs to hug him with. “Dat thicc abdomen tho,” lol. Plenty of cuddle surface area on that thing. Weird ones might be, wow she big(thought of being smothered with affection by someone many times his size). Another thing could be that she’s so big an covered with armor he doesn’t really have to worry about ever accidentally hurting her(could be during love making or in general) this could be tied into a negative experience he had in the past. Her personality could easily be a reason as well. Maybe she’s treated him better than anyone else he’s been with. Maybe he finds aspects of her personality interesting.Could go for the classic “she’s exotic” argument, but frame it so it sounds better. Something like: she’s so far removed from what he is, that everything he does with her is a new experience. Something as simple as a hug between them is a novel experience that few of either of their species gets to do. She's so different that it's exciting to him, he doesn't know what's gonna happen next.
>>8690699>I'd already established that the Jackal he'd dodged had probably called for help, though I might be able to add to this section in some manner.That's true, I guess I was just meaning more as it would be a way to add some atmosphere for a moment!> I'm uncertain how to put across that everything is weird about things due to the reader knowing we're here to bone alien pussy.I agree that can make it seem hard to get the right tone, but I think its almost best to "ignore" the fact that we're here for smut. A good story is a good story. having it end in fucking doesn't change what elements make it well told, if anything if there's more development of the atmosphere and characters that makes it a more rewarding payoff>A good idea, but at this point it would be a bit tedious to rewrite around it.I get that, would be a bunch of work to redo and once you've finished something its hard to have the motivation to go back and remake things on a larger scale>>8691218How's this for a less used bodyplan?
>>8691538These are great ideas, thanks! Here's a ref sheet of the species from a while back. Hermaphroditic species, Pretty much kept everything the same since making it, outside maybe going to rework some of the abdomen genitalia a bit.
>>8691564Snippets from a short comic did with it (RIP my ability to draw faces well)
>>8687467Don't see too many halo fics set in the far future. If you want stories with regular co-habitation, it should probably take a century or more for relations to even get somewhat amicable. The war was longer and more brutal than any before it, in their eyes.
>>8691523I think they mean xenos with fur are kinda rare here.
>>8690176for the 7 years since the last major release, I had a tiny shred of hope that V3 would eventually be put out; even if it was a relatively minor release done almost out of force of spite as a kind of "see? I was able to do it, now stop asking" thing. I understand Meandraco was probably concerned about what was in the V3 build being greatly disproportional to the development time, but I just wanted another release in order to get closure and bring the 2018-era hype back at least partially since I have very fond memories of the Teraurge threads on /aco/ and /trash/. I guess it just quietly remaining vapourware is better than him open-sourcing it and having the project fall into autistic infighting and futa sparkledog OCs
>>8691838the years have kinda soured me on teraurge, honestly. my appreciation of unique body plans and different ways of thinking has grown over time, and the majority of teraurge's cast being either humanoids or snakes, both of which act more like humans in costume than aliens, has become a real turn-off.i realized a while ago that the game being unfinished doesn't affect me because i likely wouldn't have enjoyed it anyway due to my changing tastes, and that was pretty freeing. maybe someday someone else will pick up the mantle of xeno-game dev and re-start that hype train, but i'm not counting on it.still, at least it gave us breirb.
>>8691447Elder Things are super underrated and misunderstood, probably the one lovecraft creation that could cooperate/partner with humanity.>>8691771I mean, not only do you get the usual predictable accusations but the mods have given me mandatory vacations for posting them, even recognizable or obviously alien ones. So it's actually a self-defense thing to avoid them.
>>8691999hips not wide enough to support that many nipples
>>8691611I would smash.
>>8691904What is the source of that animation?
>>8692160no clue, i saved it from a teraurge thread on /v/ a couple years ago. sorry.
>>8691999>jannies are retardedwater is wet and sky is blue.
>>8691447Elder Things my beloved... seriously is one of my favorite races in fiction along side the yith... is there even a fic about them?
>>8691999I don't know, not ayy, but the deep ones seemed to partner pretty well.
>>8692261I doubt it.
>>8692279That shoggoth is clearly doing something not very friendly to its master... maybe they forgot the safe word...And yeah I doubt anyone has done it... time to write then
Ayo.New chapter of Silver Linings (Rookie x Elite x Jackal story) is up.Let me know how we go, preferably on A03 if it makes engagement, but here if you've got a bajillion questions.https://archiveofourown.org/works/62347525/chapters/159754645[spoiler]I should get art of Velis and Seta done if the story does well.[/spoiler]
>>8690176My one consolation hope is that Kenshi 2 releases sometime soon so I at least have something, ANYTHING even close to something like TU. I just wanted to explore a cool and exciting unique alien world man.
>>8690176Well thats fucking sad... i barely liked the worldbuilding and like the 3 creatures that were nothing but weird shitty lemurs but fuck... i loved the other designs :(
>>8691838>>8691904I hate Meandraco's radio silence on V3 development. So far we still don't have a full picture of what the update will have because MD keeps adding to it. I remember years ago when V3 was supposed to be just a UI update now years later when anyone asks all you get is a "working on it" and his fans eat that shit up.
>>8692753>I just wanted to explore a cool and exciting unique alien world man.I got a game for you, anon.
>>8691999Honestly I don't see it. There's been plenty of aliens with fur posted in the threads for years. I can still post them with no problem in every thread. It may have happened once or twice here, but that's probably because some anon decided to be a dick and report it to a mod that doesn't normally watch this place.
>>8689045Chapter 3 is breddy gud, will read Chapter 4 when it comes out
>>8693378Thanks. Anything to note? Any feedback?I'm happy to write as I am but I'm curious if anything is 'off'. I've not used A03 before but back when Fanfiction wasn't purged you'd get a lot of comments attempting to poke holes in the story and it helped to 'centre' the writing, so to speak.
>>8693398Not him but I mostly have personal nitpicks. Making a jackal a busty shortstack just feels wrong for the species that canonically lean or outright slim, and I would've written more caution and animosity between the two and the rookie given the years long situation, even given the recent revelations. Like sure ally for convenience, but be wary of each other. Have the jackal being the bridge between the other two out of gratitude be more paced out.
>>8693398>Anything to note? Any feedback?I'm an ESL so it's hard for me to provide quality feedback when it comes to writing, I like how the story progresses so far and how it's balanced in its pace, but it feels like the group doesn't really have a clear objective/destination at the end of Chapter 3, and their respective goals seem quite incompatible, unless one of the parties forget theirs.Also, sooner or later the group is likely to run into some other humans, and I'm a bit surprised the Rookie didn't seem to take into account that Velis and Seta (And most likely him too) would be shot on sight, even if somehow he tried to explain the situation beforehand.
>>8693441>Like sure ally for convenience, but be wary of each other. Have the jackal being the bridge between the other two out of gratitude be more paced out.Not the author, but I'm sure writing this story would be a pain if they were still at each other's throats for too long, and also kind of a slog to read through. Personally, I'm okay with their trust building the way it does, I'm not sure the scope of this story would fit 10 chapters of them looking suspiciously at each other over their shoulder.
>>8693441>Have the jackal being the bridge between the other two out of gratitude be more paced outAye, that's how things have been going thus far.>>8693443>but it feels like the group doesn't really have a clear objective/destination at the end of Chapter 3That's actually been established already.>Also, sooner or later the group is likely to run into some other humansA fair point, though from what I recall Rookie legit only encounters his own squad through the entire night because all people have gone or died. There's also that one corrupt officer underneath in the tunnels though other than him it's just Dare, until he links up with Buck and then the others.>>8693452I mean they still are to some degree though I figured 'hey they've saved each others lives and you can't really mistrust someone for long when they've put their life on the line to save you'.Also yeah it's probably going to have less than 10 chapters.
>>8693455>That's actually been established already.I probably worded it badly, we know their end goal but not their next waypoint/how they plan on achieving reaching it. But it's entirely possible I missed that.>A fair point, though from what I recall Rookie legit only encounters his own squad through the entire night because all people have gone or died.I don't think the Rookie is supposed to know that every single human being in several miles radius is dead or missing, it just feels that the thought crossing his mind would feel fair, especially since an AI made to assist other humans in the area is actively watching him.If he crosses paths with potential leftover human armed forces, at best he'd be considered a covenant prisoner, at worst a traitor.It just feels like him dreading the possibility of crossing paths with other humans would seem pretty believable.
>>8693474A fair point and I should certainly add it as something that crosses his mind.Maybe even earlier on, though now that he's building a much greater rapport it might be a thought that only now just crosses his mind.Appreciate the feedback!
>>8693007>SaarfieldOh god no absolutely not. I much prefer actually well written lore and good world building over whatever that Skyrim in space garbage is. I'll just continue patiently waiting for Kenshi 2 to release, unlike MD I'm confident Chris will deliver.
So what happens to the Human Race after First Contact?> https://youtu.be/2hsj8SroZqc
>>8693598bluepill: they help clean up our planetredpill: extinction/enslavement
>>8693598>the Human Race Which one(s)?
>>8693504Cute bone dog
>>8693660if they wanted to extinct us there wouldn't be first contact to begin with, and there's no reason to enslave anyone by the time you have interstellar travel since resources are effectively infinite.if there's ever a first contact scenario, they definitely come in peace.and we might just be peace.
>>8693764Traveling to space hasn’t granted us any resources.
>>8693775You hasn't travelled to space yet. Even your closest neighbour was visited only a couple of times.
>>8693775tbf we've barely been to space
>>8693775honestly, space travel doesn't start until interplanetary is feasible. we haven't even really been to space.the asteroid belt is filled with more valuable and useful minerals than we could ever use, but they're entirely out of our reach at present.wouldn't be a problem for anyone capable of interstellar travel, though. hell, they could just show up, mine OUR asteroids, and fuck off before we could do anything about it. no reason to come down and mess with earth.
>>8693777>your closest neighbour>yourAre you into human men?
>>8693179floof > chitin
>>8693856>Free use>Isn't free
Are there any good SoL stories you guys like? Like maybe a sort of Human Resources fish outta water type thing?
>>8693229The druggie lizards can't live without their meth trees, so they can't into space. The catsluts are all thieves and criminals and spread STDs, so they aren't allowed into space.
>>8693863Alien and Me not Adam and Eve ok?
How would you love your symbiote wife? Her in a different body so you could share a more normal relationship, or share your mind and body?
Hello /xeno/, the divegrass manager here. Thanks to your votes the Xenomorph kept her place on the team strongly and will play an important part in our defense. And in about 25-26 hours we will be playing our first game of football vs /ck/. If you want to watch other matches of other boards before our own, you can over here https://pastebin.com/7yXYbFqn Otherwise, thanks for the big support and I hope you enjoy this tournament
>>8694219I'd prefer her on a different body
>>8694222Update the xenomorph model at some point with giant arse and tiddy, if you please.There's a great xenomorph queen model on smutbase that can be made SFW.
>>8694222for the love of god do not listen to >>8694231
>>8694241You are weak.
>>8689045Teng here, Read through chapts 2, here's my feedback>big titty jackal and elitesigh. I'm very much not a fan of going off model for this. It seems like it goes against the whole thematic elements of xeno fics. (romancing the other)springboarding off that, lean into the xeno element, jackals have more rigid facial structure, challenge yourself to describe it doing something that for its species might be seen as a friendly gesture as opposed to a human smile. In general I think if you want to improve this fic that is what needs the most work. You've got an adversaries to lovers plot with wildly different biology and cultures, the meat of potatoes of potential interesting stuff is in the clashing of, and finding ways of working together with those differences.>"I know, it is just that... we did nothing wrong"This is good, the confusion at betrayal and a rocking of foundational beliefs, keep drilling this well.>With his VISR active from the near pitch-black night conditions, the thankfully much lighter rainfall softly tapped against his armor...This part of the sentence just feels kind of awkward. May be better to break it apart here into two sentences?>Velis gave a distasteful hiss. "Demons."Technically only MC got the nickname demon, i don't think they referred to all spartans as that>"I like human food."There's opportunity for bonding and opening up over the story of why this is, why/when did a jackal eat and find out it liked the food of its enemy? Have rookie ask about that here.>Personally, he just found it strange that the UNSC hadn't encountered any females of the various Covenant species before whilst he'd found two at the same time. Maybe they had but were too busy putting holes through them to notice or care very much about it.I would just cut this line, we know what we're here for, no need to telegraph it>Velis liking rookie because he tried to kill hergood cultural difference stuff
>>8694219Are superpowers included?Can she control my body?
>>8694269Seconding the first point.
>>8694269>cultural/body signal stuffsGood idea, and there's something upcoming regarding cultural differences to go over that's been happening already. Minor and subtle, but I could certainly do with adding to what's there.>sentence fuckeryAye, seems like something to fix.>foodstuffsAye, it's coming. Though I could add it into chapter two.>GIRLSYeah we know, but we're going through Rookie's mind, so it'd be odd to him.Appreciate your thoughts, anon. It's all stuff to note with the other feedback and I can work the stuff I ain't thought of into Chapter 3.
>>8694287Looking forward to seeing your updates! And don't be afraid of doing rewrites of earlier stuff, its not always fun to do, BUT it can really improve a work as a whole when its necessary. Each chapter is a foundation for the next, and it can be harder to build off a weaker foundation!
>>8694242 You’re low T. The natty xenomorph is already enough.
>>8694222One thing I love, love, love about sneks...Absolutely no feetfags.
I gotta ask, what the ACTUAL fuck is up with people on A03 being obsessed with making crossovers with literally everything or the strangest shit possible or both?
>>8694490Are you talking about the fics with fandoms lists a dozen fandoms deep?
>>8694501>fandom listsI assume so. One such story features a very powerful OC crossover thing with Halo, Transformers, and League of Legends, with a million tags before we've even gotten to the synopsis.
>>8694507There's a history behind that, one I am incapable of summarizing fully since the origin is beyond my expereince. But basically it comes down to people wanting to self-insert as a Mary Sue, wanting to self-insert into their favourite media franchises, and a community willing to encourage them to do so.Use https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10944-ao3-fic-s-style-blacklist-bookmarks and the max Fandom option under Blacklist to filter them out. It's what I do.
>>8694522>But basically it comes down to people wanting to self-insert as a Mary Sue, wanting to self-insert into their favourite media franchises, and a community willing to encourage them to do soOh god, we've reverted back to Wattpad. The 10 year olds grew up without growing out of their power fantasies.
>>8694490 Newfag I take it? This has been a thing for 30+ years. Cringey crossover stories are a core part of internet culture.
>>8693744His name is Kenji and he loves playing limbs with Hivers :).
Big xeno woman/small xeno men anyone?
>>8694490because if you're lucky it can become a multimillion dollar franchise (kingdom hearts)
>>8694653for me it's big xeno woman >>8686973
>>8694653I like the tall skinny look.
>happen to be writing a story that contains bug women (and several other non-human species) >it's not smut at all, it's a relatively normal science fiction story >almost accidentally write a bug woman love interest for the main character, still possible that they pair up later>have to actively remind myself that bugs aren't sexually attracted to mammalsI'm too far gone, aren't I? I'm completely cooked.
>>8694219Can't I just fuck the worm?
>>8695299so long as they have good chemistry normies won't find it too weirdwe were actually talking about the book Perdido Street Station in the thread the other day, which features a relationship between a mute insect woman and the human scientist protagonist. it's not done for laughs or anything either.
>>8695417>Perdido Street Station Aw, that's cute. Any /xeno/ content in it?
>>8695422well, while Khepri aren't technically ayylmaos in the sense of coming from another planet, they're alien enough that they're mute to non-Khepri on the basis of communicating via pheromones and most of the city's denizens are viciously prejudiced towards themthe main character's girlfriend, Lin, is one and their relationship is played completely straight; she's just absent 2/3rds of the book and it doesn't end particularly well for them despite the fact that they both survive
>>8695299>>8695417There's also the Sirantha Jax novels wherein an mantis alien bounter hunter gains a deep affection for the main lady.
>>8695299>have to actively remind myself that bugs aren't sexually attracted to mammalsDude you're writing about aliens who cares what they think? If you want to add a bug lady that's attracted to the MC then do it!Where do you think we are lol.
>>8694269i also enforce the first pointim sick of seeing female elites with massive titties and tighs, i dont even remember what the female sanghelii are meant to be like, i seem to remember them being more slender than the males
>>8695634>>8695299could just be different reason she attracted to him like she just like how he smells
>>8695299>have to actively remind myself that bugs aren't sexually attracted to mammalsYou never know. Botflies love mammals.
>>8695504cool to see perdido st station mentioned here, all the books in that series were really good and the world was so uniquely made. Be warned for anyone going in the books do all tend to be depressing as fuck; I can best describe it as feeling like the characters are having to fight entropy itself.
>>8695299Why are we attracted to aliens, her reasoning could be interesting, emus apparently find humans more attractive than other emus. Some traits an alien finds attractive could be present/exaggerated on humans. At the very least, the pairing would be interesting. I think that it can be done tastefully, adding more layers onto the romance as one deals with how strange the other is/how it's perceived by the people around them.
>>8694222Now it is 15-20 minutes. So if you guys want to watch the actual team play. You can! It’s fine if you don’t the support is what really matters
Does anyone still play Helldivers 2? I like fighting squids in my wolf brigade armor.
>>8688006The creator only ever released the male version
>>8695299>posting in a thread where mammals express attraction to bugs>"bugs would never be attracted to mammals that's so unrealistic"what type of retardation is this
>>8695832I can't get good at fighting the squids. I'm stuck as a bugbaby.
>>8694222>>8695774Thanks to anyone who may have watched or will watch. We sadly lost at the last second to /ck/ but we have 2 games to try and be better. Our next game will be Friday at Noon EST as we open up the day vs /y/. It is going to be very gay very fast on Friday so look out when it happens
>>8695892The Heavy Machine gun is your best friend, stupid squids and their fancy technology can't handle getting sprayed with lead being stunlocked until death. Makes you feel exactly like a real John Helldiver.
>>8695898Well, not the worst board to lose to. Thanks for the update, anon.
>>8695914>The Heavy Machine gun is your best friendObjectively inferior to the regular machinegun against the squids.
>>8695898Can't believe we lost to the /c(oc)k/.
>>8695921Right right I meant the regular machine gun I was thinking of the stalwart as the regular one lmao. Great at clearing voteless hordes and sprays both alien troopers.
>>8695926xenos always lose to the co/ck/ in the end thoughit was inevitable
>>8695702>ayy in human sportswear unf
>>8694490Lazy writing.Why have your own ideas when you can just borrow someone else's?
>>8694653BONUS: They're the same species, that's just their normal sexual dimorphism.
>>8695368I dunno, can you?
>>8695643Or maybe her curiosity just gets the better of her. Humans do have something of a reputation in galactic circles, after all.
>>8696019To be fair, its not a bad way to learn and practice writing. Many artists practice tracing when learning to draw.
>>8695702do you really need an excuse like "well X trait is attractive and humans have lots of that?"i can't think of a single facet of regular human attraction that applies to breirb and yet i still want to live in the worm colony and fuck the worms. attraction isn't logical, it just... is.
>>8696049That's why I stated "interesting reasoning", could be any reason at all. Doesn't need logic, or isn't hard to justify, the fact that we're here is proof. Using a real world example like that was to prove that it doesn't really take that much thought.
>>8696026Worm gf prototype isn't in the human trials stage of testing yet.
>>8695417Too bad she was lobomotize by a eldritch moth
>>8695368>>8696136That's what (You) think...
>>8696662If you think it can't be done or hasn't been done, always check Meandraco's catalog.
>>8696135>>8696049There's that bug, Australian jewel beetle, that has problems with population (down to being endangered, I think) because males prefer to fuck beer bottles instead of females.
>>8695892Kill buggers, behead buggers roundhouse kick a bugger into the concrete.
>>8697662and some people will say bugs aren't basically robots, kek.
>>8697838>>8698239Watch out anon, you've alerted the hive.
>>8697838You were bitten by a mosquito as a child, weren't you...
>>8696049It helps that Breirb is a big sweetheart. If the game ever gets updated I hope she gets some more love. Or at least some other artists picking her up to draw.
>>8698402>If the game ever gets updatedlollmao
what if the self awareness and consciousness we experience is merely an evolutionary fluke that worked out, and any aliens we end up encountering operate more on instinct like most animals on earth, but are incapable of higher thought
>>8698730counter point>dolphins>whales>the other great ape species>squid/octopus>elephants>crows/ravens/parrots/etc >and so forthbeing smart has so many damn evolutionary advantages
>>8698730Someone just read Blindsight eh?
>>8698730>operate more on instinct like most animals on earth, but are incapable of higher thoughtBasically most of humanity NGL DESU.
>>8698733while I agree, it doesn't stop them from jobbing all the time to species with lesser intelligence, and the latter outnumbers the former>>8698736no, just a shower thought>>8698944sad!
>>8699215very good
>>8699218Yee. Big thorax is also sexo. Also, is that Gorast from Bionicle?
>>8699246i think she is do Bionicle count as xeno? or that more robo
>>8699257>One reverse image search laterSurprisingly not. Roly draws a decent amount of Bonkle. But they should count as xeno. Their alien cyborgs.
>>8699320they can be both i think its like 75% robo 15% organic
>>8699335Ayyo lusts for human cock
>>8699326True and the robo parts are just as exotic as the bio parts. Not a lot of designs like that to post here.
>>8699331>>8699335>>8699336they could just go out and try meeting humans>>8699341in the first 3 movies they did add the organic parts to the designs but most media didn't add it my guess is keep them looking like the toys also very nice slig need more
>>8699336>The jar in the background.I'm afraid for that galvan.
>>8699331I keep seeing this ball-foot thing here, what is it?
>>8699341>mfw no one makes good Slig or Glukkon porn sexy whilst on-model, instead just transplanting the heads onto human bodies
>>8699346pearls they use to roll on like roller skates
>>8699344No doubt, they still had to be commercials. Those three movies were a miraculous fluke for how good their were.>Good slig picsEven less porn of them than the tiki robots.
>>8699349Sadly most artist don't like most thing to be on-model. There's potential there, too.
>>8698402Shame that there's nothing femPC's can do with her/them. Not even kissing.
>>8694219I find the idea of having a relationship with a female symbiote to be an interesting idea with a lot of thematic potential yet to be explored. I plan on writing a story involving the concept sometime. It's somewhat of a generic idea. It'll be about a space mercenary, the symbiote is "precious cargo" he has to deliver to a space corp. Though he didn't know what the cargo was until the ship he was in was attacked by pirates and the box it was sealed in was destroyed. Despite how little the symbiote likes the guy, they're forced to work together for survival. This involves the symbiote giving the guy boons, but there's a catch. The more she grows in him the more boons he gets, but they also become more intertwined/inseparable. It can get to the point where if she grows too much, then separation means death for both of them. She becomes an essential organ for his body, like a second brain that runs all the stuff that was added on. I want the story to be a metaphor for marriage. Two people becoming one unit, IRL that's more symbolic, but in the story they would both change each other, slowly becoming one being as they work together to overcome adversity. >>8698430Lol, nice. I can't believe I recognize this art style, but S. Frost, is that you?
>>8699406Jane can get full-on tentacle'd if she helps Brierb scare away Canaemung the sea monsteryou can even request contraceptive from Bykaas at the pub afterwards and Jane refuses to tell her who she was with when asked
>>8699335Do I have to drink fire potion?
>>8699346A kineceleran from ben 10. Raptor like aloens with super speed. Fun fact: the can control the friction of their bodies in order to help them run.
>>8699917The cartoon looks kinda lame. Worth watching for the xenos?
>>8700018You never watched Ben 10?
>>8699353>No Galvanic Mechmorph wifeWhy live?
>>8700018It's a kids show anon, about a kid who turns into aliens for a while to beat up other aliens, monsters, and whatever. If that's up your alley then go ham, but it's not going to be sexy aliens pressing their tits on windows.
>>8699736That is Shane Frost, the omni-sexual, yeah
>>8700183i still think its holds up
>>8698430Hi Shane
Need greys.Post greys.
>>8700480Got very little to offer sadly
>op picI like these better when they're more on-model and not overtly humanized.
>>8700490I like them... 70% on model, but then slap on a nice pair of tits.Hyper is a bit much.
>>8700480Greys don't exist for your satisfaction, you entitled lech
>>8700492Maybe like athletic or tomboy style b-cups at largest, anything larger just kinda clashes with the silhouette.Although technically that's to scale with them, so an elite b-cup would by human eyes be sizable.
>>8700499What game is this?
>>8700189It really does. Especially with the background lore it has and the original series designs. Tom Perkins is a hell of an designer,
>>8700755This might be veering off-topic for the board/thread, but I am increasingly filled with sadness over how old games are getting harder and harder to play, and more are outright impossible to run or are lost media entirely.
>>8700932love the eye gal
>>8701574Me in the middle, getting human and xeno bitches alike on my fat alien cock.
Finished chapter 2 of my female Craver romance story a while ago, posting it here.Beyond the HungerCurrent word count: 8khttps://archiveofourown.org/works/59990275/chapters/153055099>Summary: Pavel Novik, a diplomat of the Vaulters—an empire once rooted on Auriga before fleeing aboard the colony ship Argosy—now has no choice but navigate the delicate balance of galactic diplomacy. When he receives a mysterious signal offering peace, coordinates and little else, he seizes the opportunity without hesitation. Had he known the mission would strand him on a ship with a female Craver—a species without the concept of peace—perhaps things would have gone differently.>Tags: Female alien, male human, Romance, Graphic Violence, Interspecies Relationship, Alien Cultural Differences, Language Barrier, Alien Cyborg, Interspecies Awkwardness, Science Fiction, Alien Biology, Alien Culture.
>>8701758I don't get it.
>>8701574Honestly, I get that. I may honest to god cry when the original ME1 will no longer capable of running on any system 20 years from from now. There will be the legendary edition, sure, but still.. the nostalgia man. Also great pic choice.
>>8701628There is a disturbing lack of craver smut or romance on the internet and I'm glad to see some here being written. I like what I'm reading so far!
>>8701599Oh, so you're an alien? Prove it. Name 3 planets.
>>8702224I can't really appreciate them due to the massive shoulders.If there were actual shown female variants of Cravers with smaller shoulders and wider his I'd be all over them.
>>8702338I think that goes both ways, as the current winners on earth clearly something about our biology is superior (I believe mainly our hands and bipedal posture). Mainstream aliens are made with a lot more human traits I would expect from a foreign planet. I think the 2 key points to a "civilized" people are our ability to wield tools/shape things through our hands. Doesn't matter how smart you are when all you've got are flippers. I also think our bipedal posture is a great boon, from crouching, laying down, standing, etc. our range of motion can easily shift. Makes operating machinery in crammed spaces a lot easier than what a sentient horse (with hands in this scenario could do). If we encountered aliens I would expect manipulating digits or a posture that has a good/adaptable range of motion.That doesn't mean that this narrows it down to being bipedal/bilateral symmetry though, like the Hanar from Mass Effect, the tentacles would probably be able to assemble tools.
>>8702224Glad you enjoyed the story! You posted about the only NSFW piece of them, and I think about the only drawing a female one too. Really not a lot of stuff!
>>8702310YOUR MOM
>>8698430Sav'd and dream'd about
>>8702419Bipedalism is kinda meh except for the fact that it frees up our hands to manipulate shit and 4 limbs as a whole is easy. It has some advatages for efficient locomotion but plenty of awful shit with how fucked up everything below the knee gets, even without shoes fucking up the posture
>>8702519If bipeds were meh they wouldn't be so common. Its a trait that's evolved in avians, dinosaurs, reptiles, and mammals.
>>8702532three of those are the same damn thing
>>8702543Cope and sneed. Bipedals rule this universe.
>>8701862Funny enough, I'm doing concept/thumbnail sketches right now for members of an alien alliance and I just looked over the lot and realized they look like a menagerie of furries and goblins with few "alien aliens".Somewhat filled with despair atm.
>>8702713Don't worry about it. Design what you like and call them aliens.In my own thing I'm doing I've got rat aliens that are basically anthros.
>>8702713Make them giant or extremely small
>>8702745Create for the audience you want to cultivate, not what elitists expect.Aliens come in many forms, and whilst we all almost unanimously agree that space babes aren't good enough to pass, we differ on what constitutes an 'alien' design.Anthros by their very nature are already alien because they don't exist.
>>8694222Hello /xeno/, at the top of the hour we will be playing our second game of this current tournament. Today we are playing against /y/, a strong foe because they always find a way to stay good and have for the past 4 years. So I hope you are ready for a gay ol time. Link's are the same if you want to watch
>>8702829Update the xenomorph model!
>>8702713Post them.
>>8702713>realized they look like a menagerie of furries and goblinsTo be fair, in a billion years of history and evolution most successful forms have probably been found here on Earth. Try to make something completely alien and it'll just be ridiculous.
>>8702713>look like a menagerie of furries and goblinsAh, space Yordles, nice one!
>>8702829Update: /aco/ lost and was killed because the xenomorph model was not made sexy.
I like ayys this is a cool thread
>>8703017very cool
>>8702884I'm an amateur doing basic silhouettes/features/scale for early stage ideas, please be merciful.
>>8703029You've got way more alien designs than I would have thought, you're fine.
>>8703029>Why are we here? Just to suffer?
>>8689045Where is it, Anon
>>8703295I was working on other stuff, next chapter SOON™
>>8702829Sadly we lost and we won’t be going much further in the league. We will have one more game on Sunday vs /vmg/ so we have a chance to do more. Teams move up and down all the time so we will try are best to be back in Spring. >>8702833The model is an old model we had since 2018 so if there is a specific xeno to be used for the model then we are always open for ideas
>>8703337This model is SFW and sexy.https://smutba.se/project/8b844606-9faa-4b38-8574-fc507466a343/
>>8703029The anti-bipedal guy will be pissed
>>8703352Which one? Until horses can crew a b-17 I believe any aliens leaving their planet will be a starfish or a biped.
>>8702532Avians are bipeds because their primary form of locomotion has nothing to do with their legs in the vast majority of themAnd more mammals and reptiles are quadrupeds than bipeds.It's not common at all and like much of evolution is essentially a cosmic oopsie the species makes the most out of.
>>8703531>starfishExplain this. There are better aquatic builds.
>>8703612I know the brokers are squids but damn I wish they'd had tits.
>>8703610>a cosmic oopsie the species makes the most out ofDarwin would be rolling in his grave.
>>8703623Exactly, the best use these things could come up with for their forelimbs is to claw open ant nests, something other species do just fine while walking on four legs, and as a result they look like a bunch of bumbling buffoons. Just evolve a long snout like anteaters you sniveling things! If ants weren't the most plentiful animal on the planet they'd be one of the top 5 dumbest animals on the planet.
>>8703352Why? Bipedalism is by far the most likely option for an advanced civilization, doesn't change how dumb it is except for tool usage. More than four limbs would have some comparative advantages the issue is that the evolutionary chain likes four limbs for large, relatively smart shit a lot more than any other number. Quadrupeds are efficient thus bipeds evolved from quadrupeds are likely.
>>8703612Explain? Sure. I gave an example, and the first thing I could think of with multiple limbs was a starfish as I just finished watching a video on Echinoderms. Radial symmetry is a more exotic, octopi are also pretty good but I'm not going to list every animal in the ocean.
>>8703299I used to read this comic years ago. I wish they expanded on the idea that he was abducted by aliens. It's pretty much just a throwaway gag for a panel every now and again.
>>8702713if and when we do discover aliens we will end up being disappointed with how mundane they will appear to us, do not feel disheartened
>>8703017Ayys like you too
>>8704091>humanity was made in the image of God>all intelligent aliens were too>star trek style human aliens is reality> the most alien women is just blue skinned with a funny foreheadWorst timeline.