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/aivg/ AI Video General
Resurrecting the the thread edition

A thread for all adult/pornographic AI video generations, and the discussion of technology for making such content.

previous thread

https://hailuoai.video (requires signup w/ google)
https://klingai.com/ (1.6 is the best model for it right now, and requires signup; loophole still works. people are just not doing it correctly)
https://unwatermark.ai/video-watermark-remover/ remove watermarks from videos (works with other things too)

Removed the unnecessary webm converter link since we have mp4 support now
>since we have mp4 support now
I keep forgetting that and often still convert lol
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needs some cum flowing out from her closed mouth
please help. on pixverse i cant seem to get the wording to have the camera move ahead of a walking woman to show more body and then resume tracking keeping the same distance from her as she walks towards the viewer. please help...also cant seem to get any images of wonder woman to remove her tiara, she either keeps it on or places a new one on.
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help pls^
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I'm not sure I understand what you mean. But back in the golden days of hailuo I used this to create a moving camera before a walking woman on a catwalk:

>A fit and slender young european woman is walking atop the raised catwalk of a fashion show. [description of the girl] She is walking towards the viewer, the camera is moving backwards. [discription of the background]
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That got dark very quickly
posting original too wont trick filter
dam, nice, prompt?
is repost
>adorable pussy cat running fast towards the viewer, camera trailing backwards

>to show more body
camera zooms out to reveal blah blah
I'm afraid so...
anyone else use sora a.i.?
the most censored tool? yea sure
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Maybe I should post the little movie I made again if there are new people who don't know the story lol.
that hip sway, so nice
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what's going on at pixverse
They must have seen the uptick of pious, christ loving users on kling and decided to try and attract those customers too.
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>no demo
>censored as fuck
>can't even gen kisses
>can be banned without refund
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>Flat chested
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Best one so far
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just a normal room nothing to see here
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Yes, they should have fattened her up for sale.
I disagree
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Can confirm :/
>those who do know
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WTF happened to hail!?
prompt issue
can you share this prompt? will check how it looks on hunyuan
not mine
try cyborg woman with cat ears or something
try on public flux first for the test
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Heeey thank you for the video, I really appreciate it’s so nice to see her animated
So which one is better, hailuo or kling?
kling > everyhting else

what that anon said. kling is king
real cool how many people say this but never what a good prompt looks like
hailuo AI has the best model for animating and is the most finetuned and the most features for animating, but it's not uncensored. Kling dropped 1.6 and became really good but it doesn't have an expressive animated model like Hailuo AI's live model. Kling's image to video has a loophole to allow NSFW images being put it into it for NSFW gens and looks the highest quality with NSFW video gens so far - assuming you aren't using your own local GPU to generate video with AI like Huanyuan. As far as I know, Huanyuan doesn't support image to video yet. Kling 1.6's image to video with the loophole is probably the best method for NSFW video right now.
If you're on Kling, what exactly do you prompt for these? I know they're image to video, by the way. But I still need to know what actions to describe, because the text censors always seem to block the word "milking" for me.
Now you're talking
It didn't use to be like this, and I'm convinced Hailuo purposely sabotages any gens that it detects might be raunchy. I've noticed it sometimes does this with stuff that isn't sexy at all, but if it involves a woman might still fuck up her face into a blurry mess, and won't do this if it's a man.
I tried to do a sexy gen using their new character thing, and it worked for the most part... except that it also gave her fucked up teeth (something the source "character" didn't have) and arm and belly hair. It absolutely HAS to be purposeful sabotage.
So, I managed to get some super spicy pics to be usable for Kling through the loophole, but I'm pretty limited in what I can prompt, since very few prompts will actually gen, and most will give me a "process failed, try again, change prompt". Rather discouraging, honestly.
>Adult length legs and torso
You've ruined it, you fucking fed
but what was the prompt?

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