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No off topic garbage, low quality images, or trolling. ERP is OK!

>About /xivgd/
OG Balless futas, full package herms, vaginaless transwomen, and traps are all welcome.

>Dickgirl/Futa Mods

>Previous Thread
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The world needs more of the OGs. They don't get nearly enough love, especially from mod creators these days.
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What animation mod is that?
>>8697959 (OP)
Man i know this c@, such a tease.
TIL I'm basically an F+ middie.
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a variant of noff's ass2ass, it comes in a separate download https://noffleshop.gumroad.com/l/ass2ass
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If we're posting webms...
How did you get nophica to work with animations? I've tried using a nude mod, but it just for the battle npc and not player npc
i just used a regular player model and found a nophica sculpt on the HuaJi discord and an appropriate hair mod
Thank you soo much for the help!
She must not have teeth kek
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tfw still not knotted
what knot mod is that?
oh what i would do to have a hung rava/hrothgal knock up my eb
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I love teh bnuyus
very nice
So what are the most used body infrastructures now, is it YAB? And what types of dick are compatible other then hotdog?
there is this now, which is packed with different options
there's many outfits that support it too
really no reason to not use
you also dont need ivcs for it
i switch between YAB and Lavabod depending on how i feel and what characters im using, but i like the latter a little more
I like AB body for small/flat tits but not many mods support it
I love this fatass bun, need to see her servicing more futas
Post more pics of you just standing/sitting around near various pools/baths. Bonus points for NPC girls staring at that lovely gock.
For the life of me I cant find that texture with the darker cock, anyone got a direction to point me in?
More like this? I love seeing bunboys getting topped by ladies with bigger cocks than them.
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unfortunately im not subbed or else i'd make more, im just posting old stuff made a long time ago
No bonus points sadly, I'm lazy.
It's a custom edit of Nyl's hotdog, easy to do with the advanced edit feature in Penumbra.
Advanced editing > materials > select the one highlighted green (this means it's currently in use if you're doing this while your character is naked.) > material constants > g_diffuseColor (Adjust this lower for darker, up for more pale.)
The skin shader that is highlighted green, that is.
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Sadly i haven't made anything recently i would love to do more stuff with bunboys tho, they are my weakness :^)
My male rava would love to do more stuff with this furava...
But is she bigger than him? We love fat, veiny, hairy gocks that are more manly than a boy's.
We'd have to compare them side by side methinks, but she's probably bigger...
>bunboys tho, they are my weakness
Hmmm.... I've heard differently...
Does anyone know of any twitter that does male on futa, or futa on male content?
Do it yourself coward
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I make some from time to time! as for the twitter, its such a rare thing went it happens, i wonder if there is a dedicated poser for it sadly its a very niche kink.
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Thanks stranger, it kinda leaves an obvious seam but its a quick fix if I desperately want a darker cock
Lucky guy
This is good advice, NTA but I appreciate it
what pubes are those? looks bushier and larger than BPF, and I'm always on the search for bushier pubes
Great pics, thank you!
It's not cowardice, I just don't gpose, never learned. I guess making my own niche porn would be a good motivator...
FWIW I ask all my futa partners if they would like to RP with me with them as futa and me as male... And I mean as a man, not a femboy that is uncomfortably close to a shota. So far, no one has ever said yes.
I know the struggle, it's hard even as a fruity bunboy twink. I'm the same way, I'm not interested in playing a flat girl with a penis type "femboy." Even the few futa players I know who will RP that, it seems like I can never catch them at a good time.
is it? guess i missed some options...
you did
i figured it out, i was using an older version which had less options
thank you

hot futa btw, would love to yank her chain
>>8697959 (OP)
Does this cat have a gallery somewhere? Only good futa in this thread.
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Them shoulders
Good taste btw.
they'll poke your eye out!
Well what would you consider a good futa poser then? Share them with the class!
Any knotted dick mods for Hrothgals?
I've never needed to be fucked by a big futa more than right now~
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I'd throat like that I owed her money
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Good Kitty
Very good elezen
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im new to this shit, this shit hard
Does she like bunboys?
do you like femzen... can I kiss it tooo....
Looks like something else is hard huehuehuehue
only the cute ones that like to suck cock
You're on balls duty honey ~
is your elezen a golem...?
She exists! She's a trial though...
a free trial account?
tsk... no kisses for you then...unless I think I know who you are...
i returned to the game after a few years, glad to see penumbra being a thing and not textools anymore but i lost my old brown femezen
So restarted recently!
hmm... maybe just one or two kisses...DC?
Hehe, Crystal Balmung
wanna... in like 15 minutes...
yeah.... i wanna...
but its waaay too late now, I didn't see the time ack
no... tomorrow then?
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mayhap... have this alt version of a pic as a parting thingy...
cute... can't wait to have you kissing mine~
My bunboy would throat her until she lets him come up for air...
where did the brown big dick fiddie go? I need her
I like hotdog but it bothers me when I'm trying to do male on futa stuff and they have different dicks
are there any good futa mods that use the same dick as the body se?
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Your bunboy's sight would be focused down here...
I don't remember making this post
Sorry femezen... i forgot+busy..one day i will find you again
I can't help you with male mods, but I hope you'll share your male on futa content (or futa on male)
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Don't worry, I'll keep a nice spot for you~
Why do you want them to have the same cock?
(Not mine)
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because that's what I want to see
if it's futa on futa then hotdog is fine and honestly preferred lol
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Both of these characters are very qt, where can I meet them?
The Elezen isn't xivg though she does have a venue open sometimes. I'm Lorilee on Balmung.
Do you have a disc? I'm not subbed atm
I don't ERP on discord with people I don't already know well from in game, sorry anon.
Go fuck yourself, pretentious faggot.
This is why
What a fucking clown
how so? he's not even funny
how do I get plapped by this Viera?
Message me in game, be hot and ERP.
where can I find you ingame?
Make more stuff with the elezen
I will for sure she's really fun.
Either on Balmung or somewhere else on Crystal usually. Sometimes I'm at the Malboro hangout spot. Doing a /sea and sending me a tell is fine by me.
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PvP queue not popping. Going to rail a golem and take pics, any sugestions?
Railing another futazen would be great
stuff a fiddie
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Will work on Shale

Already stuffed a fiddie while a bunny worked the balls
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Excellent stuff, love seeing those fat balls and Shale getting pounded
postin my moonie and a certain femhroth
what a lucky moonie
That's your moonie? Saw that set on twitter and wondered who that moonie was. Probably the hottest catgirl I've ever seen.
yeah, big girls are.. cute.
whoa thank you.. that's one of the nicest compliments I've had..
What dick mod is that?
uhhh you'd have to ask them in game or on twitter, they're usually floating around the thread too so. I think its custom...?

Yeah it's a custom mashup I put together.
>futa shale
I never knew how much I needed this in my life
do you do private collabs or does everything you make get put up for everyone to see?

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