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Here we go again
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Anything new?
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What's up guys?
Any new fanarts feel like sharing?
I find it hard to fathom how he's been active for this long but his english is still so bad
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Mint is a witch

Skarpne needs to be a sexy alien milf.

Pls someone draw Dumfer breeding Skarpne pls.
Why improve the language stat when you can improve the art stat?
Are there any other artists who do it like gerph? Similar styles or just long running comics with good character designs? Any recommendations?
I too like to know as well
I guess Fred perry has something similar
Is there anyone from the last Gerph 4chan thread?
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Is Mega anon here or anyone who has the latest link?

I'd imagine most people are
At the end the discord server happened?
Morning guys; what's up

I don't think so (?
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Anyone with Subscribestar content up to date?
Sup guys, anyone doing alright?
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also interested in this
I'm doing alright, hope you are too
requesting rimming if you have it
I'm doing alright.
Any luck on the last person who said about someone doing a Dumfer and Anisa art from the last 4chan thread there?
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Did Gerph ever post this? I got this as a comm ages ago.
Any fan artists around here?
I definitely saw and drained my balls several times to the first one (long story short; I had his subscribestar stuff but now I don't). Never saw second one but I love it, it's even hotter. Thank you dude, have any more?
Sexy redhead

Not the same guy, but I've got this one
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Got any more Subscribestar stuff?
Only thing I can imagine is these must have been bank busters.
Gats and NuclearWasabi I guess
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I’m still waiting for either someone to get SubscribeStar content to share or for another group discord.
Anything new around?
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It is a mystery
I'm hoping the next chapter is more adventures of Dumfer and Skarpne.
I doubt it but I could be wrong
Happy Valentine's Day
Anything going on?

Any new fanartists around that we could request on a Skarp fanart?
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Lost all interest in this guy.
What are you talking about?
I'm also interested to know this.

Not the same guy, but I'm pretty sure he means "non blood related", referring to Anisa and Dumfer
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Hey guys; any news around?
Drawfag here
Tell me what to draw
Can you draw Dumfer and Skarpne making out; or Dumfer breeding Skarpne, Mint or Anisa?

Wait; you also have discord too?
Draw Exlair assembling a K'nex ferris wheel
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took a while drew, officer juggs from mnf series in gerph style.
Love the art.

Can you draw Dumfer and Skarpne making out or Dumfer (John Wick style) as a request?
Continuation of this >>8716392 with Witchy cheering on Dumfer in fucking her mom.
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Wake up chat, new Skarpworld cover just dropped
The early Gerph gets the one-eyed worm.
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well, maybe im asking too much but i would like to see miss heed in gerph style or the other girl that he can't draw for legal issues.
maybe in a gloryhole cleaning cocks or getting railed by dogs
I like Gerph's art, but god, his stories are so boring!
Speak for yourself. I enjoy the stories
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here you go.
Thx bud.
Perhaps we can talk on discord?

I can add you as friend.
Or how about create a discord server
Hmm well idk how to create a server, but what if you give me your user and I'll add you as well?

or if you want to; we can talk on Twitter or bluesky
>>8708155 (OP)
Did I miss a timeskip or something?
Seems to just be a what if
Skarpne has long hair
What's up guys?
Haircuts aren't all that unusual
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did you draw this?
Anyone here taking requests?
You an artist?
uhnm... request?
what do you want?
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No I'm not, sorry I worded that wrong
Could I request Risky swallowing down a huge mouthful of cum after a blowjob?
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Could I get a Dumfer x Skarpne wedding or honeymoon breeding

Or perhaps Dumfer dressed in Shadow The Hedgehog's getup; Black jacket, Black pants, Sonic 3 Shadow's Air shoes and limiter rings; giving off a John Wick vibe.

Or perhaps a sexy pregnant Skarpne teasing Dumfer?

Either one is alright.
Skarpne pegging Dumfer and making him cum
Dumfer and Skarpne in a wedding honeymoon
Having a steamed, heated and horny night to themselves
Think the idea is good?
Its a new comic from Gerph?
Oh idk I pulled that image from their twitter
Any new fanart to share?

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