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how do i become a high value man?
By not posting retarded found images of Google on here. What did you search for? Hot and successful man? With a starting point like this, you'll never reach anything great. It is simply too pathetic.
>"ambassador for Hugo Boss, Dolce & Gabbana and Calvin Klein. "
dont deter me from wanting to be better
>high value

Only a few things anon.
1. First you have to be a Chad physically. 6 feet, 6 pack, 6 inches.
2. Then you have to be educated to today at least Masters level.
3. Then you have to be earning 6+ figures.
Maybe I'm retarded, but what does this mean?
i want to be a man worth something
Yes my guy. I'm talking about your responds( >>31109641)

What does this even mean? You want to just become an ambassador for some of the biggest brands. No problem buddy. In two years it is done. Really expect me to say this to you? Let me give a more realistic example. Bust your ass off in school, find a very good job that is enjoyable and save up. There is a much more likely chance, actually even a chance in hell, that this is possible compared to whatever shitshow that brain of your is cooking up.

In short lower expectations to a minimum and live like the rest of us: normally.
Some people are not meant to be high value. Just accept it
literally made up by feminist holes on r*ddit, cry about it.
there's your (you)
I unironically have all this and haven't had sex in 2446 days (approaching 7 years).
sounds like a (((you))) problem
Not really. The reality is that the Der Schooler was always right, we just wouldn't listen.
You gotta be an uggo then.
Kind of, but I always had a few girls into me during school and college, and could always count on being asked out when single.
After graduating you just don't meet any new women, if you're not already in a LTR from college then it's over.
I mean yeah that's the point. Salary doesn't matter, even penis size doesn't really. Just facial genetics and height. You are born a chad, you can't become one, none of us can

Certain hyper-social Chads meet women after college, usually at bars or their big law/high finance jobs. But yes, none of us will.
You can be rich and attractive, but that in itself doesn't confer social status (though it helps to fake it). You need to have friends, be sociable with people who are also sociable. When you're viewed by others as a "cool guy" women see that too and they see value in it.
Even asking the question indicates immaturity. People are human beings. You'll have glimpses of realization about this.
i realize people have as vivid a life as my own
what are you trying to say here?
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>Then you have to be educated to today at least Masters level.
Oh, you poor fucking moron
This question was answered in the Bronze Age, kid
Female hands typed that
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Remember that "I just wanna grill?" image that /pol/, /b/b, etc mocked so hard a few years ago?
Newfaggots can look it up.
THAT is a high value man.
Has what it takes to get a wife and raise kids.
Works hard and supports his family.
Is focused not on stupid, remote shit far beyond his control but his family and his friends.
The sort of guy that if he says he will do something, he does it.
The sort of guy that won't lie.
The sort of guy where his grown kids come to him for advice.
The sort of guy that when he dies his grandkids are devastated and talk about him to their grandkids.
THAT is the highest value man you're ever going to see.
Long after Bill Gates, Andrew Tate, and all those other chucklefucks are trivia questions people will be talking about how much they miss him.
You walk past them every day and don't realize it.
You aren't high value.
How tall are you?
It entirely depends on the axiology of who you want to impress, i.e. how they define "high-value". In my experience, discovering and learning about who you should want to impress is infinitely more important than the how.

A surefire sign that the crowd you are trying to please is the wrong one (the discriminatory and treacherous ones that will spit you out in due time), is if the journey forges you to become a poser. Meaning they (be it overtly or covertly) warrant improvements that emphasize more on superficialties instead of personal philosophy.

Becoming is achieved by revamping your personal philosophy. Not by just tuning your visible traits. Now as for transforming your personal philosophy... this is a journey you have to undertake yourself. There is no use for me to promptly hand you the ultimate answer on a platter. As i am certain that with how you are now, you won't even perceive it as anything close to an answer.
Step 1: determine your own values
Step 2: live by those values

gonna do this
Watch Fresh and Fit and Alpha/Sigma vids.
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This made me miss my grandpa.
Dude looks on point, what's your problem?
Do you look like that?
A man who heard it from another man's idea of what a woman looks for in a man wrote this.
Source trust me bro.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
You've been fuckig every day, but suffer from narcolepsy, sleepwalking and amnesia.
Every day I am reminded that it doesn't matter how cool your clothes are or how tall or fit you are. All that matters is the face.
stop masturbating, if you can do this, you can do anything.
A fucking meme, because you never hear ‘high value woman’, ‘high value student’ or ‘high value employee’ get peddled even for a tiny bit of fraction of the fucking meme. Just be a man, good human being and don’t care.

"High value man" is a term created by mansluts who want to excuse their whorish behavior.
And buy their shitty course, join discord/TG to leech off of referrals and sponsorships. Basic simps for manwhores. I don’t have any other term for the twisted logic the value is based on while at the same time mocking OF whores and their simps.
It just means "desirable"
So have money and be hot
Dude has a robust jaw, ngl
High-value to whom?
Just a concise summary of thousands of women's tinder, bumble, hinge profiles.
this. foids will always think theyre too good for you so dont bother putting in too much effort. The smartest men are the ones who can convince their foid to still put in all the effort despite them not doing shit.
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Cultivate or possess traits which people find valuable. Also embrace the Kipling-pill, pic related

The value of a man is not measured wholly, or even substantially, by the number of people he beds.
I remember my first exposure to the entire 'alpha/beta/etc' man explanation also proved to me it was bullshit.
Heartiste carefully described an Alpha versus a Beta.
To him a tall, good-looking, well-liked, intelligent, successful, charismatic man who married a gorgeous, brilliant, charming, happy wife, only ever had sex with her, and had a large number of happy, well-adjusted children was a LOSEr, at best a weak beta.
A fat, ugly, ignorant loser living in mom's basement that fucked a different skank whore every week? That, he said, was an ALPHA, a TOP MAN, a TRUE CHAD.
Not even kidding look it up.
All the PUA types cheered him on, all of them copied it, the redpillers and blackpillers happily repeat it to this very day.
FFS, Teddy Spaghetti had to invent the term Sigma Male to explain how he never got laid until he married but wasn't a loser!

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