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I met the perfect girl for me, but my friends tell me shes a giant retard and I should stop fucking with her. We've had sex a lot now... so I don't really see the point in stopping unless she is truely like... retarded... how do I tell?
>She isn't the best looking... bad at doing her own make up but tries to anyway.
>Her hair is always a little bit wild and frizzy.
>She talks like she has to think of every word, says UM alot.
>I will admit she dresses like a dipshit, ranging from overly cutesie to straight up adult child.
>She is not smart, at all, Its honestly one of the things I like about her, she just listens to things... like shes stupid and knows it... shes very simple, easy, easiest girl I've ever fucked around with.
>Shes awful at everything she loves doing... I'll admit it is a lil embarrassing to put up with at times, she posts her art in me and my friend's discord... and her shitty short stories...
>She gets overwhelmed SUPER easy and has weird body language... she sways her hips side to side when shes happy or bounces a little on her toes... she flaps her hands when shes excited or overwhelmed... she rocks when shes upset.
>She doesn't talk much, she points at shit she wants.
>The one thing I absolutely love about her, is she is like constantly in balls to the wall heat... I can give her a little ass pat and she starts wildin out wanting to fuck, grabbing on me and shit.
>Shes going for an IT degree, which if she was retarded I don't think she'd actually be able to get.

I can keep going... but other than some of the stuff I listed, I don't think those things make someone retarded... shes an amazing cook... she cleans shit up and keeps clean, doesn't require someone to take care of her, she buys her own shit....has held jobs... took care of her sick grandmother... like you wouldn't have a retard do that right?
> She gets overwhelmed SUPER easy and has weird body language... she sways her hips side to side when shes happy or bounces a little on her toes... she flaps her hands when shes excited or overwhelmed... she rocks when shes upset.

what? this is textbook retard stuff. she probably has some form of autism, sounds like she walks the line between aspergers and severe retard.

i know two autistic people (have to live with them) and they can do all the things you mentioned, but they don’t even do the arm flapping shit because they went to special training school to break those habits so that they can pretend to be normal better.
She functions fine though, shes not great in social situations but navigates them... she has self awareness... Shes a little weird but I've always chalked it up to her wanting be like an anime waifu or something. i'll admit she has anxiety really bad, and I've brought her to parties where she has kinda... like had a meltdown so I had to take her into the bathroom and hug her until she calmed down... other than that shes fuckin chill... like if I'm tired from work and she comes over, I just yank her pants off and cuddle her until she gets worked up and wants to have sex... like I've never had a girl who initiated it so much... shes damn near always on.

I dont think that anybody would send a person to special autist schools just because of weird body language. That shit requires actual social maldaptations and inability to live on your own.

Your girl actually sounds a lot like me lol. But I finished genetical engineering with cum laude and know 5 languages, depite all social retardation factors. I mostly listen instead of talking, because the physical activity of talking irritates me in a weird way. I also tend to forget the words themselves when needing to improvise, and that makes me very anxious about talking. Yeah that pointing at things stuff is very familiar. Strange fashion, high drive, stimming, and making no progress at my hobbies are too.
But frankly there are no applicable diagnosis for me except for being a weirdo, since I have average IQ and my life is not messy at all.
Why would you care if she's a retard? If she won't cheat, you like her and she's a good lay why leave her? Is it a turn off if she's dumb or something?
they literally do send retards to special schooling, especially in their toddler age as soon as they can spot the symptoms. it’s designed to specifically iron out these problems so that it doesn’t continue into adulthood.

she can have self awareness, it’s just at the level of a 12 year old. you’re fucking a retard. but it’s only “bad” if you think it is. retards need love too. just don’t have kids, you might risk getting a non verbal autist as a baby, and the RNG for that is not in your favor when one (or both) parents have the ‘tism.
it's because of anime even if she doesn't like anime. japanese women who don't like anime do these things. it's just learned behavioral cuteness. She might be more capable than you think and just acts like this. She might be kinda dumb. She might be average. It's a cultural thing I think.
Except for her easy-horniness, every single thing you list about her is something that bothers or embarrasses you. So the question is not whether she is medically subnormal but whether you are being driven by your cock and not your head or heart.
Which she didn't go to special school, She didn't even do special ed. she went through normal ass classes.. never had a Tard Guard though.
Isn't it, not acceptable to date a retard... or can't you go to jail for it? Her stupidity honestly is kinda nice... like shes never scheming, never cooking up some kind of drama or overthinking shit... sometimes I think her head is completely fucking empty and its great...
again I think banging retards is illegal.
I dunno, maybe I worded it weird, like some of the shit she does embarasses me but I also like it... like when she gets really horny she can't stand it and will try to get me to touch her in public, she'll grind on my arm and stuff... When shes excited she dances around or does little hip wiggles and its fucking stupid, and part of me wants to drag her away and get her to stop but another part of me just wants to let her do her cringey ass thing... like we aren't dating, she has told me she wants me to be her boyfriend, but knows shes not pretty and shes not worth anything... and thats really why... I'm trying to figure things out because truth be told, shes the weirdest fucking person I've ever met, and she was kinda just supposed to be a slampig but I've caught feels hard, but if I caught feels for a retard. I dunno what I should do... fuck.
Before you send a retard to a special school, it needs to be diagnosed as retard. Weird movement are not a basis for diagnosis, cognitive dysfunction is. Like if a child doesnt talk or cant wipe his ass at 5 years of age.
and btw toddler are only ever diagnosed for severe conditions that are reflected in their physical measurement. Because toddler doesnt not express itself in any way irregardless, it is normal, they do not have a cognition separate from their physical needs yet.
>again I think banging retards is illegal.
You talking about medical ones? Medical retardation is characterised by delayed development, if she passed all normalfaggot milestones (I'd exclude sex here as its not about just oneself), such as finishing school before 20, getting a job for longer than three months, and being able to sustain oneself, she is definitely not a medical retard. She may have some variety of personality disorders or neurodivergence. Does she have any friends of her own though?
they get diagnosed at 2 yrs old (google it) but mothers typically figure out something is off much sooner than that when they see shit like toddlers walking on tip toes, “potato sack”-ing when being held, arm flapping, not playing with toys and just stacking them, there is so much more. i know this much because i am terrified of having retard children so i had been brushing up on this lately, so go ahead and keep pulling shit out your ass.

regressions are also entirely possible and common which is why they get sent to school to help them be verbal and stop doing autistic shit.
She has friends of her own, they're all guys for the most part and they kinda... muddy the water a bit because they kinda said theres something wrong with her but don't know what... None of them have fucked her at least according to them, they're actually cool dudes... the chick friends she has that I've met honestly treat her horribly so I've been trying to distract her from hanging out with them. Shes super overly nice and always just assumes the best when people talk shit about her.
i dated a girl like this and liked it but in retrospect it's now a redflag
its not illegal, you can marry a downie, but they have to be someone who can live independently afaik
>>Shes awful at everything she loves doing... I'll admit it is a lil embarrassing to put up with at times, she posts her art in me and my friend's discord... and her shitty short stories...
>>She gets overwhelmed SUPER easy
If you can make enough money to support her one day it can go well. Sounds like she is the type to not handle work very well but would thrive as a housewife.
Help thats cute as hell
What happened?
Yeah but isn't it unethical or immoral or something?
She isn't great at working, shes been fired from most of her jobs from fucking stuff up, shes clumsy as hell.
She does do cringey shit that I just can't fucking help but find adorable... her attempts at flirting and being sexy are so fucking weird and cute I just go along with it even though its more dumb than anything, like she's pretended to be stuck... she's just flat out humped my arm or leg... she one time tried to dress / be sexy, but she owned no sexy lingerie at the time so she just put her hair in pigtails and wore a fucking hello kitty T-shirt and thong... then tried to dance up to my bed but ended up slipping and face planting... I got down on the floor and cuddled her while she was upset at failing then we ended up having sex right there..
thats cute
you straight up opened the thread with "I met the perfect girl for me" so I don't understand the confusion
All my friends, her friends, all say shes actually retarded and I shouldn't let the relationship get serious. I don't see it though, I just see it as shes quirky, cringy, and prolly a lil sped... but not full blown retarded... but them bringing it up all the time, I don't know... I mean she sometimes gives Vacant ass stairs... she gets confused fucking EASILY and the more we hang, the more I notice she relies on me and asks me for help... like even on days we aren't hanging out she texts me to tell her what to wear... and when I am there, she will pull me into her bedroom butt ass naked and have me pick an outfit for her (after we fuck)... and her meltdowns and body language are fucking red flags I think... no other girl I've dated does shit like that.
I'm 45 and married with kids house etc. i've been through some relationship shit. if you love her and don't think she will suck as a mom then you have to start making her into the life you want to live. control all this situations. read some more modern pua shit. take what you like from it but women no matter how old need some boundariesI regret dropping a woman like this. who is now a doctor but I left her because she heard the streets calling. if she is like 24 years old figure yourself out first. . you are trying to figure out if you have kids with her if you can coparent.
She sounds sweet. If you like her I say fuck it just see how it goes.

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