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To the men who are very successful on dating apps:

How many matches do you usually get a week?
How hot are the girls from 1-10?
Do they ever slow down?

I’m a strong 7/10, fit, nice teeth, handsome face, I swipe on 8s and above and don’t get shit. Maybe one a week. Starting to think this shit is rigged. There’s no way EVERYONE is swiping left on me??? Damn this shit brings me down bros.
don't use dating apps. Literrally join some online community and find a gf, it is that easy. You don't want the kind of woman who goes on dating apps.
>How many matches do you usually get a week?
usually around 20-30
>How hot are the girls from 1-10?
all the way down to 3, I only really respond to 6 or 7, rare 8 on occasion
>Do they ever slow down?
no, they have gotten faster over time actually
Why are you swiping on 3s brother?
Are you talking about Tinder or Bumble, the lowest I swipe is a 6
He made it up.
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I got lifetime banned from Bumble for no reason. No matter how many times I try to make a new account with new pics, it gets banned again. Shit is infuriating

I’ve had good luck on hinge but I literally only swipe on 8s or above. My “practice girlfriend” slampig days are over
btw I'm 6'4", have been described as 7/10 or 7.5/10
Sorry but I wouldn’t call that “very successful” brother. I’m talking like top 5% of profiles that pull multiple 8s and up per week. I can swipe on 6s and get matches too, but I have zero interest so why bother
You just said you get maybe 1 match a week
But I only swipe on 8s or above.

I made a fake profile with a male model’s pics once. Twink looking guy, pics with his hot friends under a waterfall, dog, on a boat, etc, and got dozens of crazy hot matches, but after a month got nothing. They HAVE to be throttling profiles after a while.

I actually got one of the girls to snapchat where I sent her an actual selfie and she bought it and came over. Best pussy I ever had. 19 years old and fine as fuck, god I wish I had a profile that could pull them consistently
yeah I was confused on your wording on the previous post
I do get like 20-30 matches a week, probably 70% 6s and 30% 7s. once every 2 or 3 weeks an 8 and maybe a couple of times a year a literal 9 (literal immediate dick is diamonds)
don't know if you consider that "very successful"
I’m about the same, an 8 a month and a 9 a year but they never go anywhere. Do you get dates with those? And what kind of area do you live in?
>Do you get dates with those?
I have a pretty good success rates with the 8s I think. Maybe 1/5 or 1/6 I can convert to a date or casual sex? I usually just want casual sex so I do that instead.
With the 9s it's actually probably a bit higher, 40% or so maybe. I have no idea why that is though, you would think they would be more difficult than the 8s. One told me it was a fetish thing but not really sure
>And what kind of area do you live in?
Lol I’m in Manhattan rn for a business trip. The women here are insanely hot. Can you describe your pics/profile?
>Lol I’m in Manhattan rn for a business trip.
Yeah I'm in Manhattan more specifically
>The women here are insanely hot.
They are, I'm assuming you're going to be trying while you're here?
>Can you describe your pics/profile?
5 pics, two are me with a bunch of guys and girls, one is me at the gym, two are me with a shirtless selfie, one from the front and one from the back
bio is pretty short, mostly that I'm open to both dates and casual but prefer casual.
I've experimented with longer bios before (hobbies, job, etc) but I found I actually got less matches then basically saying "let's fuck" lol
I went on one date with a sweet girl but she was looking for long term. I’m definitely missing the pics with other people, all I have are pics of me alone and it makes me look like a loner, red flag for sure

Yeah short, sweet, fun bios work better for me too, better to be clear about your intentions
You've never had any success with an 8 or 9? What do you think your conversion rate is for 6 and 7s?
>I’m definitely missing the pics with other people, all I have are pics of me alone and it makes me look like a loner, red flag for sure
Yeah, that was one of the first things I learned on Tinder, you always need pictures with other people (preferably girls)
If you're getting 8s and the rare 9 without pics of other people you are absolutely doing something right
I’ve had a few dates with 8s and 9s but I get nervous because the chance is so rare. I can knock 6/7s out of the park with my eyes closed because I literally don’t give a fuck about them.
You don't just straight up ask for casual with the 8/9s? That usually seems to be what they are looking for, they're eager to just get some dick. Actual dates with them I've had a lot lower success.
yeah i get too in my head and treat them differently than i do 6/7s because they're so rare for me i don't want to scare them off lol
Honestly I would just be blunt with them about fucking her that day, you said you match with an 8 every month so it's not all that rare and you should try it out. Maybe the ones you match with act different but the 8/9s I get are usually very explicit immediately lol. Like they're in my apartment within an hour.
Of course you take some caution, a lot of the girls afterwards I found out where married but it hasn't come back to bite me yet.
Also when you talk about an 8 can you post a pic to see what you mean?
Basically a fit body and a pretty face. Yeah I need to be getting 8s more consistently and I can be more forward. I was extremely forward on the fake profile and it worked. Changing to pics with girls and other people is a good start. Thx bro
>shirtless selfie
Do you have visible abs, low body fat and good muscle size/definition?
Ok, I usually consider 9s to be model tier and 10s to be supermodel tier (can't say I've ever matched with one). 8s are a bit below that
Also random question, how many years have you been on Tinder? Body count? Just curious.
Yes, my BF is at 11% and visible abs. Good muscle definition is debatable lol but I've been in the gym since I was 16. I guess it's considered good though as it gets me matches
Been on dating apps for like 8 years, body count around 40
>in 2 years of using apps, got a total of 2 matches
>one was a bot, other was a 40 year old obese single mother
>even going on holiday to asia got me fuck-all despite the supposed jbw factor

I lost weight and got /fit/ for this? Fuck man, I don’t understand, am I really that unappealing? Do we have a discord or something where Chads can teach incels because this is ridiculous. I’m not holding out hope for a super-hot girl but surely I can get an average cute one?
>I actually got one of the girls to snapchat where I sent her an actual selfie and she bought it and came over.
What? Like you vaguely resemble the model and said it was you and she believed you?

isn't the single female to male ratio in NYC like 5:1? Is it really that easy there?
Alright, any other questions
>19 years old and fine as fuck, god I wish I had a profile that could pull them consistently
You think she was an 8?
Unfortunately a lot of it has to do with height and face... I'm the 6'4" anon and while getting fit does help you a lot it's also basically a requirement for 7s and above.
It really is an all or nothing game, I know guys who get nothing and guys who get like 20 9s a week. It's insane.
>isn't the single female to male ratio in NYC like 5:1? Is it really that easy there?
I don't know what the exact stats are but it could be for all I know. It's extremely easy over here. I previously lived in Boston and it was much more difficult.
It’s your pictures bro. They probably make you look cringe, awkward, or like you don’t have a life. You need pics that show you have a fun life. If you don’t have a fun life then you need to get a fun life. And friends. Or your pics will give off red flags.

I guess I kinda look like the model (brown hair blue eyes) and looked good enough to fuck. It was like a dream desu I couldn’t believe it happened. And bro dating in NYC is ridiculously easy. The women are drop dead gorgeous, smart, successful, and most of the men are retards or socially inept.

She was easily an 8

I hate leaving NYC, I never match with girls this hot, and they’re very high quality women too.
Do you live in a city? It's way easier in big cities.
I’ve been in my bumfuck hometown saving money for the last year but I’m moving to a city in Florida next month
lol and you say you're getting that many matches in your rural town?
yeah the rural/urban divide is fucking insane. I'm from a ruralish place in NC and if I boot up an app it's just generic fly over fatties and single moms. But when I was recently in the RDU area for business I couldn't help but notice every other girl was fuckable. I can't imagine NYC.
I usually change my location to a city 2 hours away to match with 8s but I’m blowing too much money driving and paying for hotels/dates so I’m just moving out
What's the best girl you've pulled?
I’ve never seen girls as hot as the ones in NYC. There’s a model every block. I fall in love with 5 different women just walking to work
Honestly that's a difficult question. Probably the absolute best one I ever had was this 22 year old kindof thick white girl who was just basically my fantasy girl. Unbelievable ass and amazing tits, she was just incredible in bed. Her twerking almost gave me a seizure God it was just amazing.
There is probably no better selection in the world. Not hard to get threesomes and foursomes too if you're into that.
you are either evaluating yourself too high or your profile pictures suck. if you are an attractive guy then you just need to change your pictures. no joke, get a photographer friend to take some good pics of you at the beach or in really nice clothes.

if you look right and most importantly (look like you have money) then women will pour in.

t. 8/10 dude who did shit on apps until i put professional pics that made me look rich on there
Thing is I’m not short, I’m about 1.85m if I don’t slouch. I will admit I’m no model but I’ve had some women call me handsome. Granted that’s no 6’4 Chad Thundercock but I’m still pretty fit and stronger/faster than quite a few bigger guys I see at my gym. Hell I think I look pretty good for my age (30), many other guys I see let themselves go at this age.

Maybe it’s that. I do have a couple of photos that are kind of shit but I think the rest are alright, one of them is me with a group of admittedly nerdy guys and one girl and another is me in casual clothes at the beach leaning on a railing.

Maybe it’s the place I am, you guys mentioned NYC and I’ve heard it’s a good place to find women. I’ve been wanting to visit the US for a few years now anyway.
it is rigged, these sites were great about 7 years ago, they all changed around 2019ish and have only gotten worse. i stopped using them, literally all i would get suggested to me were bots, prostitutes and women i would have no interest in, fatties, single moms and non whites. also faggots and trannies even though i had it set to women only. i would have a shit load of potential matches banked, but they would never let me match with them, i would get like 1 or 2 matches a week. they totally jew'd these sites big time. back then, i was able to get many matches in a week for free, but now they just want you to pay the subscription fee to "increase" your chances. absolute garbage now. i do wonder if the algos on these thing's are some how connected to online activity and they purposefully send what you do not want on there.
Anon, there's too many men in dating apps. So if you're not perfect material you get filtered, because these women need to be selective. Otherwise they'd be talking to 30+ guys.
Apps make women judge men superficially and the competition is tough. Only 9 and above are successfull. Your best hope is catfishing.
what online community
One a week is better than most men. Yes, either everyone is swiping left on you or not even seeing your profile because women have a shit ton of likes to sort through. Just consider that:
>women are pickier than men
>women get absolutely drowned in attention from men on these apps
>women see guys on there who are way better looking than you and this becomes their "standards" as a result because the app actually front loads you with hotter people making them seem more abundant
“some online community” lmfao bro what the fuck does that even mean
ITT: chad larpers
>thinking there are non-virgins on 4chan
>thinking there are people who use dating apps on 4chan
>thinking there are people who get even a single match a week on dating apps on 4chan
>thinking there are people who are 7/10s and get 20-30 matches a week from 8s on 4chan
I get like maybe 5 matches a week. Mostly 6s I guess
Are the girls even swiping?
I have used badoo for two weeks and not a single match.
And majority of the girls there have IG in their profile saying to write them there.
I think these whores dont even bother anymore.
I'm not sure which is worse.
A 1)The idea that you are LARPing to act like dating apps are real
! 2) you honestly believe they are real


B 1) You're yet another way above average guy that is clueless to dating
B 2) You are LARPing not being an autistic troll in a cave
Should I bother commenting on girls' photos on Hinge or just swipe?
This has been the general trend, yes. Women on these are mostly looking for instagram followers, you legitimately have more look trying to chat up girls on instagram
No. There are three scenarios
>she thinks you're cute and will match anyway
>she's not interested but feels compelled to match just to respond then goes silent
>very rare circumstance where your comment made a difference, which is bad because it means you were on the margin in the first place
There's no reason to comment anything if you don't think of it immediately, it's a waste of time
>Are girls even swiping?
Yes, on attractive men, which you apparently are not
>inb4 massive cope
How do you chadfish on Hinge without getting your main account banned?
I did it on tinder through a computer, I wouldn’t dare risk getting banned on hinge because it gets me the best results by far

Honestly chadfishing hurt my self esteem more because it confirmed that it’s really 100% about looks and good pictures. Literally nothing else matters.

The same 5% of men profiles are pulling all the hot women in your area and you will never compete unless you’re in that 5%
Never used a dating app, but the men and women I've talked to with successful dating app testimonies say that they didn't use the mainstream apps, and instead used more niche apps like religious, racial, or culturally specific types of apps. They also said that their matches got better when they paid for premium, usually taking 3-5 months of premium to find their current gf/bf/husband/wife.
I have never tried dating apps and im starting to want to but it sounds like im screwed because i have literally no pics that arent selfies because i dont really have a social life and dont use social media.
But im attractive, tall, and think im fun and a good partner, just not in the extrovert go out and party kind of way
Honestly anon I think the "bad pics" thing is a giant meme just used to blame men for being unattractive. I took "better" pictures and my results were actually marginally worse. If you are tall and your pics show you are attractive then that's all that will really matter. If you're average then MAYBE having some good extraverted fun pics will help but I can't imagine the result is more than a small boost.
>I’m a strong 7/10, fit, nice teeth, handsome face
Are your pictures just of you or are you out there with friends and family doing things in them
My experience on apps outside the main three is they are filled with asians/botted just as much as the mainstream ones without the sheer volume of people to counter it
Yeah and women don't want men that go on 4chan. Guess OP is out of luck!
This. Your profile has to be engineered like a magazine advertisement. Unless you are a 9+ bathroom selfies aren’t going to cut it. Appmaxxing takes effort.
the way i see it you either
>go on 4chan/incel/lookmaxx sites
>go on reddit/discord
>go to meetups or clubs/parties in person
>go on facebook groups if you're old
>go on nothing if you're older

am i missing anything for how people socialize online in 2024?
>some online community
I'm 99% sure you're talking about discord in which case fuck off tranny
If I've just become active after a hiatus probably 20ish in the first week but it falls off after. I can usually sleep with 2-3 5s and 6s but I'll usually get talking stage zoned or ghosted by 8s+. 7s usually want to date me which I'm not really interested in but sometimes I'll get lucky with one of them. I probably am a 7 myself so seems fair desu. I'm usually the second or third best looking guy in my local club so I might be underrating myself.
dating apps are my current monotrope so here's my stats

34/M/Yorkshire, job is double the median income in tech, 5'8, fit (yoga/fencing) but not musclemaxxed (yet), music/baking hobbies advertised, a ton of interests listed in the prompts

since launching hinge on 19/05 I have had 60 likes or matches, 6 dates (including 4 currently planned), 2 further nearly-dates and direct 1 sex offer (not looking for that)

i get a 6/10 average attractiveness (across many pics and hairstyles) on photofeeler, i have quirky features - think lean manlet adrien brody and you'd get pretty close to how i look

i only swipe on women without kids, who don't have listed "want kids", who are not fat and not basic (i.e. they've actually filled out their profile with language above text-speak and "pineapple on pizza" shit), and i'd say who are at least a 7/10 facially (i've turned down the last 3 likes because they just weren't attractive enough in the face/body).

incoming likes are rare, matches come from outgoing likes 90% of the time

i paid for premium for 1 month and had a spike towards the end of the premium period, which i haven't renewed. it's funny because most of my chats and dates are coming from the period of free likes after premium expired.

I met my wife on Hinge. Kinda same as you. Moderately fit and attractive but nothing crazy. I probably would get about 5 or so a week. The best thing I can think of is work on your pics and your profile. Seem interesting and cool. I probably just got lucky though.
from what i've read these stats are significantly above average, especially given who i'm filtering out

for clarity 19/05 is 40 days ago, so 1.5 matches per day

do yanks see 19/05 and think may 2019?
that's pretty impressive
I'm 30s and matched only in the first week then never again haha
Thread related, starting with this post and replies.

>How hot are the girls from 1-10?
All over the scale. Mostly 5-7s, a few 3s who had great personalities or some interesting aspect (I had a soft spot for actresses and creatives with literally any kind of published work), and a few 9’s for whom I checked some fetish or niche checkbox (some women see enough muscle or a honed six pack and their decision we’re fucking is obviously already made from the start of the first date).

>do they ever slow down
No, and if anything success compounds, both because woman who do a lot of fucking often have friends who do a lot of fucking, and because the apps like to show popular men off more.

>There’s no way EVERYONE is swiping left on me
Think in terms of flows - you know you’re not getting any matches as your current bottleneck, that means your profile sucks. Since by your own admission you don’t know why, get more feedback.

Be self motivated and figure it out. Do it online and pay for it, ask your friend circle, ask a sister, call your mom, get feedback, hire taskrabbits, ask a delivery driver his thoughts for a bigger tip, literally anything beats nothing.

>how would you start?
If you’re too retarded to do it online or pick your own favorite from the above, try the brutal eye of anonymous strangers: drive to a public beach with lots of foot traffic, a hundred bucks in five dollar bills, and a cardboard sign saying
>looking for women to help Un**** my dating life: 5 bucks for any >5 minute interview
And show them your profile as part of it. After 20 interviews, you’re gonna feel embarrassed as hell - but you’ll have mountains of actionable feedback.

>I only swipe on 8s
If a starving man told you
>I don’t like beans and rice
You wouldn’t have much sympathy for his plight.
When I used to be on there
>matches per week
Varied to an extreme based on profile tweeks and how frequently I used the app. I found if I switched it on in a new town I got match after match.

Bio pics were varied. Me and a dog, me with friends, me doing fun stuff. The pictures spanned 10 years and I had wildly different styles/aesthetics in each picture. That was unintentional but I was told more than once it was a plus.

Empty bio = more matches with whorier girls.
Full honest bio = a fuck of a tonne less matches but way better matched women.
>hotness scale
The entire gamut from 1 to 10.

But the tldr if you're looking for how to do it, you cannot get by with selfies if you're not a Chad. The girls wanna see hot or lifestyle. If you're hot you can do the selfie and gym photos. If not, you gotta advertise an expected lifestyle. What can they expect when they hang with you. As the song goes "girls just wanna have fun". That works just fine. Please ignore the incels and fucking trust this. Pictures taken by other people of you having a life doing interesting things.
When I was using them I got about 5 matches a week consistently.

It bumped up to a dozen or so when I rigged my profile pictures and shortened my bio, the matches were also much better looking. I have a gf now.
what online community lol
I've had more luck sliding into dms on Instagram than dating apps. On insta you can at least show personality and give social proof. Also girls are easier to talk to when dating isn't the immediate goal.
How do you just stumble across Instagram profiles of girls in your area?
What does "Very successful" mean?
I get 1 or two every couple of days. It used to be none but then I got some actually decent pictures of me that I didn't take myself.
I pretty much just swipe right on everyone until I run out of like. (I know that fucks with your Elo but it still works for me)
Looks-wise they're usually like a 5-6.5 with the eventual outlier, but personality-wise they are usually pretty low (dry texter, has little hobbies or interests, not generally girlfriend material, etc.)
I haven't been on since I found my gf but it is pretty easy to get 5-20 a week. it depends on time of the year and just how many filters you have going.

>I’m a strong 7/10, fit, nice teeth, handsome face, I swipe on 8s and above and don’t get shit. Maybe one a week. Starting to think this shit is rigged. There’s no way EVERYONE is swiping left on me??? Damn this shit brings me down bros.
You probably are doing 1 or 2 specific things wrong. Treat your profile like a clinical experiment. Change one thing every week and observe the changes positive or negative, keep the things that result in higher engagement and throw out the things that don't. Once you do this long enough you will be left with something that generates good results.
I read an article that said women get pickier on dating sites/apps. You pretty much have to be a solid 10 (both physically and financially) to get anything above a 5. Women are insane.
i've been through enough dating advice and discussions, and different apps that i feel if you post your personal info (in the sense that i did) i can probably tell you whether it's your profile (it probably is) - also mention what you're actually looking for. if it's hookups, women are generally not looking for that (despite what incels declare) - although if they are, about half the time they are only looking for chad (despite what normies say)

i'd add that radius and local population is a big influence - my local (10mi radius) conurbanity is about 1 - 1.5m - these numbers would be higher in london for example, but if you're in the middle of rural scotland getting any matches is going to be hard

>> I’m a strong 7/10

No you aren't. No 7/10 needs a dating app. Try again.
>ugly and weird looking
>nobody takes 'good' photos of me
simple as, really
OP here, changed my pics to less selfies, added one muscular shirtless pic, another one next to an ex on a fun night out in NYC, made my bio/prompts shorter, funnier, less serious, and I’m getting way better matches. Thx boys.
you only need it to work once m80

are you in good shape?

how much shorter? i've found women either care or don't care about height. paradoxically i think i'm more likely to match with a woman more than 2 inches taller than me than within the 2 inches around my height. and then you have the option of lying and lifts if it's really needed (i'm giving a few years as 100% honest before resorting to lying, but the AVERAGE lie is 2" so i think a lot of women are accounting for that lie in their expectations)

you're probably not uglier than me - it takes a good photo which conceals my side profile for me to crack an 8 for attractiveness on photofeeler

a lot of weirdness in looks can be corrected by losing weight and gaining muscle. jaw definition can be further increased with mewing. you're likely also better looking than you imagine.

for the photos part, that's within your control and requires some humility in going out in public with a cheap DSLR (look at 2010 models, i spent £200 to get top of the range but 15 year old kit) and taking selfies using a timer/remote so it looks like someone snapped a candid. feels easier to do away from home.

my photos, in more detail:
a photo actually taken by a friend at a food festival with some people in weird flower costumes showed up
a photo which is actually a selfie on my own balcony disguised as a cafe, taken solo with my DSLR + remote
a video clip of me doing a headstand at my yoga studio (in a 1-2-1 workshop)
a video clip of me (self filming) playing with a puppy at puppy yoga (yoga with puppies)
a pic of me in my fencing gear (mid fight, actually a still of a video clip)
a pic of focaccia i baked (i bake)

only the first one of these actually had another person holding a camera

it's crazy that photography has become an extremely important (possible THE most important) skill in the toolbox required to attract a mate these days but heyho

captcha: M4MM (what to do if my dates don't work out lol)
Success on dating applications is based on
1) city size: even if your city has a university, there's an incredible difference between a truly big city like Seattle or Phoenix vs just a city like Albuquerque or something.
2) your standards: it shouldn't need to be said but your success will depend largely on your definition of success.
3) your attractiveness: obviously.
There's no point in asking how successful people are because obviously people in the Bay Area with 5 million eligible females inside of 50 miles are going to have more successes than people in western Oklahoma, and everyone's standards differ.
It doesn't matter what you do, what your bio says or how your pics look. Face/height/frame is what gets matches. I could pay some pro photographer but I won't get any matches because I'm 5'7. Dating app whores only care about looks and height. The only chance is some irl shit

OP here, a few more tips:

1. Make sure you have at least one pic smiling with your teeth. Women have told me it's a red flag if you have none because they assume you're hiding some fucked up teeth. If you have fucked up teeth, get invisalign. After one year of invisalign, good diet, and exercise, you can improve your looks tenfold.
2. Have at least one pic with friends or women, like someone else said. Women have told me it's a red flag if you have none because you look like a loner who has no life and/or nobody wants to be around.
3. Have as few selfies as possible for the same reason as above. Probably 80% of men on dating apps only have cringey selfies and this is an easy way to stand out to show you're not sitting at home 24/7 with no life or friends.

I had a date with a 6 in NYC, we had a good time in the city, then she took a few fun selfies of us at the end of the night. I blocked out her face for the profile pic and it makes her looks way hotter than she really is. Remember: WOMEN WANT WHAT OTHER WOMEN WANT. This is a perfect way to validate yourself as someone fun who can attract beautiful women.

I know you don't want to believe it, but it's really not only about how you look physically. It's more about the vibe you give off in your pics. If you have pics with other people and look like you're a fun time, this is what women swipe on. If your pics/profile look like you're trying too hard, women can sense desperation and it's a huge turnoff. You want to be confident and nonchalant. If you're overthinking it or faking it, it will come off in everything you do and women will know it.

This is how mid dudes pull super hot women. They're fun and have good energy, and their profile pictures reflect their fun vibe and lifestyle. Taking care of yourself (fitness, style, hygiene) is the absolute bare minimum. Work on these first. Good luck bros.
"for no reason"
not saying whether or not it's justified but it's hard to believe you got banned out of nowhere chief
no like actually for no reason, some chick probably mass reported me
damn, you got a dedicated hater lmao
ive heard bumble's kinda trash so i don't think you're missing much desu
i am actively rooting for bumble's violent death over this shit
what you gotta do is send em a strongly worded letter
I've gone back and forth with their support team before, it goes nowhere. Just "we've reviewed your case and confirmed you are banned for life and we will never change our mind"

App store reviews are filled with similar cases, even the CEO on LinkedIn gets bombarded with similar comments on every post she makes. Absolute cunt of a company and I hope they die
verifyably false lol

hinge doesn't even have a bio so you're clearly not even trying
wtf do you actually write on your profile? feels like all the advice is about pictures, is what you write on there even relevant at all?
obviously pictures are of foremost importance, but surely whats on there matters somewhat?
speak from the heart and be funny, not too serious, just be genuine and unique bro don't write some canned copy paste shit. scroll through the prompts and respond with something clever off the top of your head
I think I do fine on the prompts, probably don't choose the right ones
but my bio is fucking awful and I feel like a retard no matter what I put there.
here again


it depends on what you're after

when i switched out my suited pictures for some of these listed and the fun short prompt responses for basically 2 lists of nerdy interests (I geek out on...) i started getting slightly fewer matches but nearly all of them are high quality

like 4/6 of the women i have had dates with/have dates planned with so far are doctors (Phd and GP included)

if you're after basic bitches put a mix of short, witty responses and at least 1 longer, more sincere one - i was getting more matches but i really didn't give a shit about them (and the flake rate was higher)
Saw someone else do this so might as well join in too

20/M/Melbourne, high profile finance grad offer next year, 5'11, fit (used to do swimming) but not musclemaxxed (yet). Prompts were about riding the double decker bus, the ‘you can’t get my hoodie back’ thing, and asking to watch my favourite TV show with me

since launching hinge on around a month ago I have had around 35 likes or matches, 6 dates (including one girl whom I went out 5 times with, only to find she wanted to wait until marriage for sex so I broke it off), one girl I’m currently talking to (2nd date this friday but it’s going way too well already)

i get a 7/10 average attractiveness (across many pics and hairstyles) - for the photos I used, wingman.live usually gave me around 7/10 to 10/10? Mainly photos from parties, group activities and my professional headshot.

Usually try to give a funny response to each girl, and stand out. One thing you guys should notice from which many girls told me - THEY DON’T SWIPE THROUGH ON HINGE. They only look at who replied to their prompts and go through there due to the amount of matches they have. Every time I go on a date, I like to ask why they decided to match with me, and this is what they tell me

incoming likes are rare, matches come from outgoing likes 90% of the time

Never had premium or paid anything

I just tried filtering out profiles with "liberal" political affiliation and got dozens of fat and ugly women in a row. I changed it back to the default filter then immediately saw quality women again, even if they don't have "liberal" in the profile. The people running these apps are fucking nuts.
Capped number of likes on most dating apps, I get like 20 matches a week if I actually bother swiping, but I only swipe edgy alt girls too. Bumble tells you if someone liked you and lots of "normal" girls are into me too, so the number could be bigger.
And what are your pictures/profile like?
Pictures are just random pics friends took, 2 friends take pics secretly and I always look really good in them, also 1 pic in a toji cosplay. My bio doesn't say much most of the time, I just list a date idea or an event I attend soon enough and call myself a loser. I am tall, semi fit, shoulder length full hair, nothing too crazy.
thanks for contributing

definitely seems to be a trend where women basically may as well not have a discovery queue
>match with someone I think is really cute
>quite fun and positive vibes
>seem to have similar values interests and life goals
>chat and get to know each other over a few days
>ask if she wants to chit chat over the phone or irl date
>ghosts me completely
what's the protocol? I normally don't give dating apps much credence but when you hit it off with somebody (has happened maybe 3 or 4 times in my maybe 100 matches over the last few years), it's just confusing and idk how to proceed

Like i don't want to lose a genuine connection if i feel like I can do something about it
manlet adrien brody reporting in again

hard probably truth: she's enjoying the validation from a bit of chat but isn't sold well enough, either on your profile or on what you say in chat

chat should be your opportunity to play the chaddish flirt (works by itself if you're hot enough on your pics) and to demonstrate value - and get them on a low-pressure date instead of asking for their number IMO

there's also the value proposition of the date itself. earlier this year i had an incomplete profile with mediocre selfies and fired of one set of (8) daily free likes mentioning a ticket to a show (not taytay level but it was £40 per head) and i had 2 responses agreeing to a first date, from just an >opening message< i had an effectively 25% match+date rate asking for a specific date and time (it was the day after). reason i had the spare ticket being bought them for my ex. actually had a date with a woman off that, she gave me her number IRL and wanted to see me again (i didn't feel it though).
good point about the height, I state my height outright so would suck if women thought I was frauding even that
I do have a bad jaw, I'm slim so the definition is fine, I just have a gaunt face and no chin which could only be fixed by surgery
I played around with getting more dynamic and outgoing photos than just my home selfies, granted not as good as yours but I didn't see any measurable difference in responses so I'm not convinced it will make a huge difference for me to do it seriously. big bottleneck for me is that I'm not that committed which is why I'm on the app to begin with. On Hinge specifically I usually just stop using it after a few days because not only does it suck not to get many matches and have the ones that do lead nowhere, 90% of the profiles I'm scrolling through aren't women I want to meet anyway.
most likely your pictures. the pictures are everything. get a tripod and take pics at different locations, and no fish/car pics.

I went from nothing to multiple a day and met a girl I'm really liking a few weeks ago
by car pictures do mean of to do with a car in general? I have a really nice picture of me in my car where the light just hits perfectly and my hair looks like its glowing and looks amazing.

or are there people just posting pictures of there car not even in it or leaning on a car or something?
hard to look natural/candid when I'm setting up the tripod and taking it by myself
get a depressable autotrigger for the camera

the way i did it is to have it autofire for like 5min while i fuck around, it takes 2 pics per second so i then have 100s to pick from, some will be good

having a photographer friend is even better though
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I got a single irl date from the app. We went on two, first was nice, walked around park and just talked. Second we watched movie, but I think I was supposed to make a move. Idk. Issue I believe was not being direct in my attraction to her, rather I kind of just treated her like a friend. I remember she invited me inside to give me money for gas, but I had no clue what the play was. I also played edgy rap on way back. Then after I invited for third date just didn't message me. Oh well.

Likewise I would say I am a little above average. Tinder I average a couple likes a week, most are sub 6s though or are party and I have no interest in short term stuff. Hinge I get less but get more matches from likes I put out. I just need to give it time since I don't have job, haven't hit peak /fit/ yet, or have developed my hobbies enough.
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I mean you posing in front of your car, or selfies in the car gives chicks the ick. women have these goofy inflated requirements for pictures even though they aren't held to the same standard by men. the tripod helps show your entire body, and gives the implication that you aren't a loner goober (even with a tripod).

took this picture of myself with a tripod and if totally turned my shit around even though it's a bit fuckboyish. Also obviously helps if you have a physique worth showing off
okay I will have to cut the in the car picture then
I actually already have a tripod that can hold my phone (use it to hold a webcam to play TCG tournaments online lmao) and il take some pictures with it, all my current pictures are me at places doing stuff and clearly have people I am cropping out of the periphery or cutting right we touch.
I didn't want to cut it because 4/6 pictures I have right now are me somewhere at lunch or dinner with people and im basically eating or holding food in all of them, which is no problem, but when its 4/6 its like woah I need some other pictures of me.

definitely not a bad picture you got there though bro
it's a balancing act. women want to see you in different environments, it's really fucking stupid but that's the way it is. you probably don't want most of your pictures to be eating but it's good to have a couple, just find yourself trying to take those tripod pics in various locations if you can. women have the pleasure of being extremely hyper picky on stupid fucking shit, mean more men will swipe right on a woman if she has the same selfie 18 times in a row.
The same way you get any woman: by being extremely attractive.

Any advice that isn't looksmaxxing is wrong.
you know what women don't care about looks? fat ones.

no shit, if you want hot girls, you have to be hot too.
Not him, but I get no matches, not even from the fat ones.
It really is that bad.
I have a job and money and a flat but I am ugly bastard.
Whores are my only option. At least they can look decent.
>Literrally join some online community
lmao fucking what
this is some shit my grandma would say lol.
I unironically get more "right swipes" in real life than these shitty dating apps. Stay far away from them
Here’s what I use for my pic line up

Action shot of me walking down my city street with a nice collared shirt and a black dufflebag. Dufflebag just has clothes stuffed in it to make it look full and I’m not really going anywhere but it makes me look like a busy/successful dude

A picture of me with my friends out somewhere at a restaurant. Makes it look like you know how to have fun

A picture of me in sportswear out hiking inna woods. Kinda shows off the bod and makes me look active.

A picture of me in casual clothes looking right at the camera, a clear glamor shot basically

You want each picture to tell a different story.

You all can cringe as much as you want but I got waaaaaay better results when I engineered my pic line up like this.
I wouldn't say I'm successful, but probably do better than average.

>How many matches do you usually get a week?
1-5usually, it depends a lot. Some weeks it'll be 5-10 matches on a single app, sometimes I'll go multiple weeks with no matches
>How hot are the girls from 1-10?
I usually match with 6-9s. I don't really swipe on anyone I consider below a 6 but sometimes they slip through. I do match a decent amount of 7+ girls, however, the chance that they actually respond to me after matching is a lot lower than the chances of a 6 responding. I'll match 8-9s occasionally but they almost never respond for more than a few messages, although I have gotten lucky with a couple 9s before and was actually able to fuck before they lost interest.
>Do they ever slow down?
Definitely. When I first made my Tinder I got to 50ish likes pretty quickly and got way more matches than I get now .I also matched with hotter girls initially. As I continued to use the app, I started getting less likes and matches, and my matches became less attractive on average.

I'd say I'm around a 7.5-8ish. You're definitely gonna have to either lower your expectations as a man using dating apps, its more luck than anything. Just hope you find a hot girl and you're her type pretty much. Otherwise you're gonna be punching down pretty much by design. I recommend watching hoemath on YouTube and tik tok, he has a lot of videos explaining how it is to be a man on dating apps who isn't a 10/10
It's difficult to even get swiped irl

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