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>be me
>conservative(ish) atheist
>marry catholic woman
>agree on 99% of important issues
>get married so we can start a family and raise the kids catholic
>sex is good at first
>spend our first year of marriage traveling together
>6 months in her anxiety sets in
>sex becomes less frequent and quality declines
>panic attacks near daily
>crying for no reason
>laying in bed all day due to migraines from anxiety and stress
>blames being homesick but anxiety seems too severe to be the real reason
>eventually catch her watching lesbian porn
>she doesn't know that I know
How should I confront her about this?

I know she will deny it because the repression runs deep. She is very much afraid of going to hell. And she gets extremely embarrased over much less.

I am willing to stay with her if she is bisexual, but full on lesbian might be a dealbreaker because I enjoy sex.

She seems more commited to her religion than me, but she is absolutely miserable being married. I am attractive, tall and make good money so I don't think it's an issue with me personally. I still love her and I am pretty open sexually despite my conservative views. I wish she could stop feeling so guilty because I would still accept her for who she is.
I think this is made up
Why would I waste my time? Not even a good larp.
That's kind of hot. Watch is with her and then pretend to be a girl while you two fuck.
Yeah I also wonder. Whatever floats your boat I reckon
assuming she's bi and not full lesbian
introduce her to the concept of pro-LGBT Christianity even including pro-LGBT movements within Catholicism and tell her she doesn't have to choose between her faith and her sexuality
if she is bisexual you are fucked in the good way and are on the road to unicorn hunting
if she is full lesbian you are fucked in the bad way and need a divorce
Catholic man here. You’re in for some shit, let me tell you. First of all, your home is unequally yoked. That means you being an atheist and her a catholic, it creates problems. Not conscious direct problems, unconscious indirect problems. You two are reaping the fruits of that.
>dead bedroom
And now recurring sin. Or what you call her ‘kink’. She’s going to keep revisiting it again and again. Y’know why? Because she lacks a spiritual leader, she lacks a spiritual husband, and she lacks direction which her husband should be providing. And you can’t, because you are an atheist. What’s more you’d encourage it in your passivity and acceptance. She won’t fuck you if you do. What she will do is boldly explore it even further, and you’ll be playing second to her fetish.

Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal and all if you two were only dating. But you’re married now, the stakes are higher. So here is my unapologetic advice as a catholic man, take it or don’t.

Get right with God. Recognise spiritual attack for what it is (temptation). Realise that you opened that door, and it crawled into your marriage with your Godlessness. You indirectly lead her to this, as the man. You did this with your lack of faith, lack of virtue, and lack of prudence. Whether you deny it or not is irrelevant. Men lead, women follow. Been this way since forever, regardless of religion. You lead her to lukewarm water where this is permissiblem and now she drinks that water.
So what you do is ask for the gift of faith, become a righteous man, and you take her away from that.

You won’t believe me now. But months from now, a year, maybe a handful of years from now, you’ll be watching it all collapse and deteriorate. On that day, please don’t act like you weren’t sternly warned.
There was an entire convent of nuns that became lesbians in 1966. Stranger shit has happened. Christian sexual repression is no joke.
No cap you should sussy baka amogus skibidi rizz into her gyatt fr
>pro-LGBT Christianity even including pro-LGBT movements
We don't like these homosexual movements. This is a private issue and should not be paraded in public. Being open sexually does not mean I support public displays of behavior that is objectively harmful to society.
>it's an anti christian thread larp
Now I see it.
I was completley upfront about who I am from day 1 and she still dated me for years and wanted to marry me and have my children.

I did not cause this either. I have been completely supportive of her. I go to church with her every sunday. She told me she used to have a porn problem, but never mentioned what kind. This has been a problem for a long time before we met.
Cope. Sexual repression is real. And the catholic church has been the refuge of homosexual men and women for decades. Link related.

you are married to a Catholic, by movement all I mean is there are DignityUSA Catholic Churches that don't care if you're gay and will gay marry you if you want
if you're this much of a fedora tipper you shouldn't have married a Catholic
by the way did you guys fuck before marriage?
>by the way did you guys fuck before marriage?
Yes, but we agreed to stop until the wedding because she felt guilty about having premarital sex and had to confess multiple times for it. We got along so well that I was willing to wait.
Nope. I dated a catholic girl for a while. I could tell it was going to end up like this. Just too neurotic.
Christianity is anti-human.
You still had a responsibility and you shirked it. Of course she had the porn problem prior to meeting you. EVERY Christian was and is a sinner, including me. But if you open your eyes, you’ll see something:

>You meet Catholic girl, she is a part-time sinner like the rest of us, atheist christian or otherwise
>You get married
>Things are great great great, sex-o sex-o.
>You’re still atheist, still half-in/half-out
>All of a sudden she breaks down, anxiety and all, dead bedroom and all, and a relapse of porn addiction

I wonder why. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she was holding out for a Catholic marriage, a completed one where both husband and wife help each other spiritually, and she did not get that. And with each day in a spiritually unyoked marriage, the harder and harder her faith weighs because there is no catholic husband around to help her carry that weight. Just an atheist husband who shrugs and says ‘meh’.

So off she goes to despair town, giving into sin because there’s nothing else. And her conscience is plaguing her, she feels like she fails as a catholic wife, and she won’t bring herself to fuck you anymore.

I know I sound harsh. I don’t mean to blame you entirely, but I am saying you are way in over your head. If you want things to improve, if you go full atheistic secular mode on this specific matter, it will blow up in your face and the marriage will dissolve. As all unyoked marriages do.

If you wish to avoid this fate, refer to my last post and its advice.
You got the wrong idea. I am the only atheist on the planet that has gone to church every sunday for years to support my wife. This is not the issue. I did not mislead her at all.
>I am the only atheist on the planet that has gone to church every sunday for years to support my wife. This is not the issue.

Church is for God, not for people-pleasing a wife. It’s sweet and all, bless your atheist heart for it, but your actions are still hollow. You went there for non-spiritual intent. And so it follows, your role as a husband has no spirit either. And this eats at her. And her share of the problem is she went out of her way to date and marry a non-believer. No idea what she was thinking with that one. Well, I do, she most likely in her mind wanted and hoped she could lead you to God by loving you. It never happened. You can bet your ass that’s a huge reason why she’s a mess too.
Nah shut up retard. I went above and beyond what was expected of me, especially for a non believer. Your opinion is irrelevant.
I’m afraid it’s not an opinion, it’s a statement of truth. No idea why you’re giving yourself brownie points for being the quirky atheist who indulged church. But I suggest you take it seriously if you want to take her seriously and by extension your marriage seriously. You are going to find that she likes the porn, she wants the porn, but she is aware she wants the marriage more, and God the most. She wants better than porn and lust. And she can only get that with a husband who is on the same page. And you are not.

Like I said, all unyoked marriages have an expiry date. Don’t act like no one told you when it ends. Peace out.
It's not about brownie points you dunce. Your posts are derailing the actual topic so I explained why your take is wrong. Keep seething that catholic women would rather marry me than you.
thanks for the Vogue magazine Freudian analysis, real insightful
150 nuns all becoming lesbians in less than a year is pretty significant. Sorry not sorry that I use actual examples to back up my words. Mental midget.
>Keep seething that catholic women would rather marry me than you.
Ah, that’s what this is about. A point of pride and why you bothered to highlight how conservative of an atheist you are, how you agree on 99% of matters with wifey. This is political showmanship for you. The catholic trad girl was your holy grail, your little kudo badge for being conservative.

And don’t worry, I’m already married. Catholic wife too. And to date, no dead bedroom, no wife sneaking off to get her jollies off to women over me, the man.
It's called context retard. You might actually be too stupid for this thread. Get the fuck >>>/out/
Gladly. Next time stop poking around churches for waifus. As ye reap so ye shall sow.
We did not meet in church. Yet another false assumption from the dumbest mutt in the thread. Get lost.
Nigga stop replying
Ah shit i bumped it
Gen A, is that you?
Lol you can't enjoy sex with a man for years and then forget how to do that because suddenly lesbian, that's not how this works.
>I am attractive, tall and make good money so I don't think it's an issue with me personally.

Do you honestly think that is all that is expected of you? Where in the picture is any love, support, emotional intimacy ?
So, what with her.
stop shoving your religious bullshit down peoples throats retard
>(((Catholic))) woman does a sin
Water is wet.
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Why do women like Sims so much? And why do they like fictional families so much but refuse to start real ones?
OMFG, this FanFic is just soooooo fucking BAD!
The "So Super Catholic That She Is Really A Repressed Dyke" ALSO married a non-Catholic?
?"She's Catholic so she is repressed
>"I am a total Chad, I swear, that's why I am posting on 4chan, honest"
Maybe the worst LARP so far this week, and that is impressive!
OP, at least know a devout Catholic before you try to describe one, OK?
They can control them
>why do they like fictional families so much but refuse to start real ones?
No, obviously not. I just don't feel like writing a novel for dense people like you who won't offer anything useful anyway.
OP is a faggot, but imagine being proud of being actually brainwashed. Never really thought that was something to brag about. >>31521485 is correct. Religious people shouldn't give advice ever. You are mentally ill.
>house maid
>whore is too fucking lazy to vacuum or pick up her shit
>thinks she has value as a woman
Having 4 kids is earning your keep desu.
don't feed the christcuck OP
these people are delusional
long shot, but how about you talk to her openly
>she'll deny it
then you tell her you KNOW, and that you don't appreciate her lying to you
be compassionate about it ofc, she's your partner and in a bad place right now
I've never seen a man that rants about religious people being mentally ill that wasn't a toxic asshole with a shambles of a life
>t/ agnostic
You are shit at LARPing, bro
>assuming she's bi and not full lesbian
>introduce her to the concept of pro-LGBT Christianity even including pro-LGBT movements within Catholicism and tell her she doesn't have to choose between her faith and her sexuality
No, Stop. it is a sin. stop
>pro-LGBT Christianity even including pro-LGBT movements within Catholicism
Absolute degeneracy
get her to read the easy peasy ebook
this will fix her porn issue, she has just conditioning her sexuality. it's not a problem with her, just her porn taste

she could see a sex therapist though. you can probably get her to be spiritual rather than religious. read the power of now
Go and read your fairytale book. You basically still believe in Santa at this point. You're as dumb as a 8 year old. Congratulations. Bet all atheists are all druggies or without wifes... Yeah I'm sure you do. Which pastor told you that? Maybe want abit more brainwashing witht hat coffee?
Cut her out of the gene pool. Be thankful you found out before you had kids. Religion is bullshit but seems like she wanted to leech on a man for security. Don’t wait until she goes crazier
i want to join a church but im afraid it'll be one of these
where did you meet her i want one
no, catholic man come back i wanna ask you stuff where can i go online that has more people like you to understand God more?
I'm >>31525747
i dont wanna go to a cucked modern church, just believe and pray on my own. i think im coming to the conclusion that has become a satanic world and in order to excel in it we must be chasing sin and money. the only way to truly be good is to be alone and boring, give up our desires and die to escape this world, but we can't suicide. what do you think? i have to be wrong right? but why? also whats the difference of christian vs catholic? i was agnostic in the past but never atheist so im new to all this
bump i seek your wisdom catholic man
Catholic women are weirdo, bro. I just ended a 4 year relationship with a Catholic girl. She was definitely on some other shit -- and thought she was better for it, because she's Catholic. And I say this as a Catholic.
If she was a conservative catholic she wouldn't have married an atheist in the first place. You should probably divorce her before you have a kid. If you want to be a chad, use the porn thing and threat of divorce to coerce her into having a threesome, then divorce her anyway. Hang tight brudda, these hoes are for the streets.
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OP is a liar.

>marrying an atheist
Your agenda is to make people think religious people are repressed degenerates who need to have gay sex. Begone.

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