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How much do looks actually matter to women? People seem to downplay it but whenever I see a very attractive man they never seem to struggle at all with women. Webm related, could an average/ugly guy replicate those kinds of reactions somehow?
Looks matter a lot when you are 20-30. After that its whether you have a successful job or enough finances.
people are looking at that guy because some dude is following him and recording him bro
>can't see his face
For all I know the guy has a huge penis tattoo on his face and that's why everyone's staring.
With that said.
>People seem to downplay it but whenever I see a very attractive man they never seem to struggle at all with women.
I've seen it happen a number of time, depending on how you define it.
I've seen:
1. A fit, facegod Chad with a 4/10 hawk nosed woman.
2. A guy who literally looked like an elf with a completely average girl by his side.
3. One of the most beautiful men I've ever seen (also clearly rich) with an ugly Chinese girl (also clearly rich).
Another Chad I know is also married to some Far Eastern woman, although I've never seen her so I can't say how beautiful she is.
>How much do looks actually matter to women?
Depends on the women. There are some girls who are on the hunt for "hot lays" just like guys are. Strange creatures. Most girls aren't all that moved by male beauty. The K-pop stan accounts you see are overwhelmingly neurotic femcels who are coping for the lack of real male affection in their lives. The average woman can be seen dating all kinds of men: from Adonis types to actual troglodytes. I'll never forget seeing one really beautiful woman who was out with her genuinely deformed boyfriend.
But obviously being hot is a huge advantage. Not being ugly is an even bigger advantage. If you groom yourself well to at least not look ugly, that'll be very helpful with women.
Most of them saw him before the guy following him, and he was probably being discreet with his phone and not looking like a movie camera man.
It matters a bunch.
I used to be thin and semi okay looking and girls would look at me and give me positive attention automatically, now I'm fat and the difference is stark.
This video always brings out so much cope. People just can't accept that attractive dudes play in an entirely different difficulty level.
He’s in Medellin which if you wear a Rolex the girls will look at you like that. Pretty sure half of these women are prostitutes too. And no it’s not cope because if this dude walked around LA you could guarantee none of the women would even glance at him
yeah they're looking at his watch and shoes
in LA he would be the average ugly black dude
>could an average/ugly guy replicate those kinds of reactions somehow
average face is all you need. What's important is the dimorphic features you display such as height, voice, shoulder width, etc..
schizo post
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So a fat shirt dude with a Rolex would get the same looks?
You're kind of right. I'll take a built 6'4" 4/10 faced guy over a skinny fat 7/10 faced 5'7" guy
>People seem to downplay it but whenever I see a very attractive man they never seem to struggle at all with women
Not true, but even if it was, that still wouldn't prove the premise you think it does.
There are less attractive men who also don't struggle with women, so how do you explain that?
Even if there are ugly men who do well with women, attractive men are still wildly more successful than them with far less effort. The guy you're talking about can't do what is seen in the OP, he has to jestermaxx for every crumb of pussy he gets, and the pussy will be less attractive.
I didn't watch your gay little webm and I don't care if you have to put in more "effort". GOOD, you should have to put in effort, faggot.
To be clear, incels like you are not really crying about not being able to get pussy. You're crying about not being able to punch above your weight class and get pussy that's way too good for you, AND that you might have to actually do some work to get it.
So why the FUCK would anyone else feel sorry for you for that? No one cares if some lazy entitled failed narcissists are struggling, in fact we all agree that it's a good thing.
The only reason people are looking at that guy is because he is tall. He looks like he has Nigeria hair and someone is following him around with a camera. Probably saying look at me
ah, the -1/12 b8 posting faggot spammer.
well, that's what women mean when they say they want a masculine man, ah man that displays visually high sexual dimorphism
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As a 7/10, 5'8 guy, I can safely say that I am not operating on the same immediate level of attraction as taller, better-looking guys. But since I can communicate well with women and people in general, talking with them usually wins them over after a bit.

You just have to work with the tools you've got. Getting butthurt because taller guys are more noticeable isn't going to get you any closer to getting laid or finding a partner.
I guess the best answer is to work out, take care of yourself, get some self-respect, and you'll naturally just appear more attractive? The least attractive thing about yourself is probably self-deprecation. Work on feeling okay and confident in your own skin and you'll be attractive in your own way.
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Girls look at you if you are
>tall, flashy, above 8/10 looks
at least 2 out of 3 attributes are needed. Also being in poor brown country makes it easier, that guy would have way less reaction in germanic countries. The flashy part is why the old PUA looked like clowns, but I still don't believe that worked for that jew manlet Strauss.
Best post in the thread so far. I have friends who absolute do not wanna date someone they don't find hot at first sight. For some of those friends hot includes anime like cuteboys, for others ripped with a beard. But a good chunk of my friends, including me is first and foremost looking for a personal connection. The looks don't matter in that case, with the except being that someone needs to be well groomed. Well groomed meaning here regular showers, kept hair, clean clothes that at least sorta match, uses products like toothpaste and deodorant daily.
So long as you groom regularly and have no actual deformities your looks won't be a dealbreaker for most girls. They will be for some. That sucks. But you will have to deal with it. In my experience it's the same way around with men, where some men have a strong type preference and others just want you to put some effort in.
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>The looks don't matter in that case
So you would date this guy if he were cool?
shut up whiny retard.
Yeah, it does for shit like that. I'll be looking at people struggling to carry strollers into mall doors. She thanks me as if I did something. Before Jesus Christ, the Lord of whom I serve I think she's just thanking me for putting in the work in the gym and styling up. Halo is real but you guys gotta respect that more. Even Picasso art had to look clean.
You're good, dawg. You don't have to do that.
It just depends on what you're looking for and what kinds of people you want to date. For the most part though, take a serious look outside and in your community and see what kinds of couples there are. Tons of totally average and even straight up ugly people are in relationships, grow a family together, and so on. Being attractive can help initially with getting more attention but it doesn't mean you're attracting people you would actually want to have a long term relationship with. I suppose it's great if you like having easy hookups but do any promiscuous people actually seem happy and fulfilled to you?
No he looks like he doesn't groom very well. I.e. greasy skin and an unclean shirt. He's also not age appropriate for me me. I wouldn't have trouble with his face or weight otherwise if he was a good match based on personality, values and desires out of life.
For women who are in their 20s, skinny and don't have horribly deformed faces, hooked noses or tons of acne, it's very very important BEFORE they consider a guy's personality, values, etc.
Age is part of looks, looks matter.
What's the point in even inquiring about this? Seems like you're looking for an excuse to be lazy.
What a ridiculous cope is this. I would like someone close to my age so we can relate to eachother, raise healthy kids as healthy parents and grow old together. That really hasn't much to do with looks, if at all.
as a handsome guy and fit guy, i have gotten attention from a lot of old ladies and ugly girls but girls im actually interested in avoid me or act like a cunt to me. they always thought i was a player and that i had multiple girls and most women i ever got anywhere with resolved to not wanting to have to put up with the competition for me or try to keep me loyal. i was never any of these things and was always shy growing up until i learned how i had to play it.

its not as easy as everyone thinks when you’re attractive. everyone holds you to a higher standard off of your looks especially women. once you learn how you have to play it though then it gets pretty easy. you still run into women who hate you for being attractive but you just move on to the next girl.
also, every girl wants to lock you down so they don’t have sex nearly as easily with you as an attractive guy. it’s a fucking pain in the ass. i’ve had many well known whores and sluts deny me sex because they thought if they did then i would see value in them and date them.
>How much do looks actually matter to women?

For casual sex? A fair amount. For relationships? Not too highly.

Relative to men? Not as much. A dude just has to be in good shape and exhibit masculine traits in order to be slamming hot ass like no tomorrow. An example is scars. A girl who is scarred is not as sexy as a gorgeous babe with flawless skin. A scarred dude who looks like he's partaken in his fair share of violence gets girls horny to an almost ridiculous extent.

The problem with sexually unsuccessful men who obsess over looks is that they focus on the wrong aspects like hunter eyes, canthal tilt, jawline being an inch away from symmetrical perfection (you want sharp facial features, lose weight fatty) instead of what will make them look more manly.
Damn that guy must be fat as shit. He needs to sell the rolex and hire a full time weight loss coach.
lol, that's me.
why are you crying
I feel like this is nonsense because highly attractive men just have it way too easy. The stories I've read of girls just throwing themselves at them pretty much debunk this idea that girls don't care.

Not saying average dudes can't make it work, but it's just that, they have to work hard for fat girl pussy while attractive men just fall into pretty pussy.
No, read >>31522091
It is totally true. There are so many different attraction triggers that women abide by that anything can change the second you open your mouth you could fuck it all up which i can attest to being an attractive guy. The guys I know who fuck the most and hottest girls are maybe a little above average looking or average but they have great game. Also, to add to the above posts it is common for me and my good looking friends for girls to either make us wait or to outright reject us so they can wear it like a badge of honor. I see that women like guys who are less attractive than them so they can feel like they have the power in the relationship. That is just my perspective though.
Probably as much or more than it does to men
This guy is not that impressive from the back so I'm assuming he has a beautiful face
>How much do looks actually matter to women?

They don't know what they want until they get stuck with what they don't want. They thought the 'attractive whatever they desired' was worth it. Until they learned that inner beauty means more than outer attractiveness.

Look at the attractive celebrities going through multi million dollar divorces with their attractive spouse. These couples are always so stunning. And yet, go through such hideous crash & burns with hardly any years in on the relationship.
He's a head taller than everybody
Being tall is just another way of being flashy. It's just about standing out for these pickup fags so ofcourse they have to look clownish.

Ideally you should have enough status so that you don't have to do this gay performance shit to attract woman
Status probably matters more. As long as she can date you and not hear anyone say "why the fuck are you with him"
they matter, but attraction is a game of threshholds across a hundred variables. height/face are the most obvious to get you in the door, but they won't keep a relationship and won't even necessairly get you laid with someone worth you'd want kids with. the behavioral components are complex and many. usually those exist from a young age if the boy is good looking enough, receiving endless attention from other boys/girls/parents, but not always if he comes from a broken home
money is the ultimate power, a man with money is perceived to be high status, powerful, dominant, successful, pre-selected, succession being guaranteed, other men submit to him because of his potential to help their own succession (and women know this implicitly), the implications are endless. men with great wealth have access to virgins in any country. even the dorkiest of them
This. The halo effect is real. Women are genetically programmed to want sexy sons so they prefer sexy men, even if the males in question are dark triad types (i.e. felons, cheaters, wife beaters, etc.)
Women do not care about facial aesthetics. They care mostly about height and status. Personality barely matters to them since most guys just acquiesce to them anyways.
How tall was that faggot? I remember feminist blogs (who were seething over the success of his short lived brand) always pointed out that his "techniques" only worked because underneath his custom he was in fact an attractive man. I always assumed that they were really just saying that he was tall.
alot because then they want to know your personality
I wan to add to this that some women genuinely look for men who are like neaderthals. What they are looking for is pure brutish strength and masculinity.
Masculine men done often look "pretty" its more the effeminate men who look like that.
if you're looking to betabuxx then yeah.
Yes you can replicate it, Just wear 6 insoles, Mew, and deadlift.

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