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I work at mcdonalds for minimum wage. What do you recommend I do with the spare money that I have so that I can start earning some passive income within the next six months?

Enough income that would allow me to quit this shit job.
First, be good at your job so you rapidly get promotrf to manager level.
Meanwhile, sell stuff on ebay or similar sites. Post local ads and tell friends you'll do all the work of selling their unwanted stuff for 50%. You'll be surprised how many will give you half for getting them any money for their stuff. Go to garage sales at closing time and offer $5 for everything left over, and then sell individually.

A few hours a week can bring in a few hundred.
Your best bet is probably to educationmaxx
OP said passive income. Also, having sold salvaged computer parts on Ebay, I concluded that it was too much time and effort for too little profit, at least for a one-man operation.
Yeah I don't think ebay is too profitable
If youre chinese and own a factory yeah
you could invest in index funds or open an IRA. these are kinda made for the long term so dont expect quick returns immediately.
nothing. six months of mcwagies is not enough to establish passive income streams, even before taxes are taken out. you are in a position that will not improve your standing in life, even if you execute optimally
six months of current minimum wages (~$16000) put in index funds forty years ago would earn you just north of $40k nowadays

that's a good gain but nothing at all near the realm of passive income streams
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Something something lots of things could be done to have passive income from royalties to ad revenue.

Something, something, it may take some time. Something something, love and support. Something something, you only need one good break. Something something, a niche is better than catering to the generality, like if it is fine tuned to appeals to only 1% and the US population alone is 341 million, then it appeals to 3.41 million dudes in the US; people after a certain size divide itself and people don't usually agree and is yada yada impossible to please everyone and you shouldn't anyway, et cetera.
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Something something, you can turn anything into money.

Something something, there's a loser with less half of everything you got — looks, status, opportunity, money, health other important stuff that's doing the shit you wanna do right now simply because they believe.
You're not going to make enough money at minimum wage to generate enough passive income to quit that job. Even in a rural bumfuck shithole you'd need a million or more
>I'm just saying, index funds are like the only way ever to make money.
>There's just no other possible way to make money that has ever been conceived in the history of mankind.
>None whatsoever. Just index funds and nothing else.
Sure, whatever you say, boomer.
Get a better job asap. Why TF are you still working at McDonald's, fast food work is for losers and high schoolers. There's plenty of well paying jobs that aren't even hard. I worked fast food for one month before sticking a porter role that pays twice as much. No excuses. Get TF out of fast food
This probably sounds retarded but is it hard to learn to do the behind the scenes stuff? Like making burgers and stuff? How do they teach you and how do you remember all the different burgers?
pretty sure they have an app for that. I would've looked into it but 20/hr mcds ghosted me after our interview.
Dude, don't over think it. Fast food work is some of the most simple shit you can do. The problem is the repetitiveness and environment.
-If you're on fryer, and it's busy, you pre drop whatever comes up on the screen.
-If you're on grill, and it's busy, you pre drop parties and whatever else.
-If you're the one making sandwiches, you follow the orders on the screen and keep up with the pace.
-If you're on front of house, you take orders.
-If you're on window, you take orders.
-If you're on prep, you prep the things the kitchen used to cook with, also you're dishwasher as prep most of the time.
When it's dead, everyone cleans and stocks for the next rush.
Before you leave, you clean your station for the next person.
The only hard part about working fast food is the kitchen is hot, people have bad attitudes (a lot of them are really dumb so they complain about everything), the customers can be... American, and the pay is garbage.
Fast food should always be your stepping stone to a better job. You never want to stay at fast food work.
invest in high dividend yield stocks and funds. that's the easy answer because you asked.

but IMO it's a far better use of your time to invest in marketable skills you can use to trade for more money.

ever play this game Business Investor 3 (i think) on your phone? it has you start out as a wage slave with no skills. you have to invest in skills to slowly free up your time and ability to build side businesses. eventually you can become a trillionaire, but you can't skip any parts. you just have to start building from where you are.

and where you are is the lowest skill job in the world. you need skills you can trade for more money. since your desire is passive income, invest in the skills that can earn you passive income. i recommend a youtube channel course if you don't like my stock recommendation. but think of it in terms of BUYING INCOME SKILLS rather than having all your problems solved after 6 months
when i worked fast food like 20 years ago the coworkers were horrible and the customers were fine. seems like its reversed now, the coworkers seem friendly from the outside looking in. is that true?
i feel like besides the rape, working fast food was like prison, with the inmates
>-If you're on prep, you prep the things the kitchen used to cook with, also you're dishwasher as prep most of the time.
Mcdonalds has this shit?
What I was getting at more is is there a worksheet for burgers to learn or is there a screen that tells you which order and which ingredients to put on? I assume after a few weeks you would know it without looking but I want to know how it works for someone just starting off
Is being an overnight stocker at walmart the same thing as working at McDonald's? They're paying me 16.50 an hour over at Walmart.
>start earning some passive income
Open a roth ira account and invest into mutual funds
>Enough income that would allow me to quit this shit job
Lmao that's not happening. You could probably join the military or civil service to pensionmax. IDK your situation but I've heard air force is reasonably comfy if you have . Post office/forest rangers have it alright but the good jobs are highly competitive
>mutual funds or the military
>there's literally no other way
So unimaginative. Guess all those people who wrote successful apps or viral songs don't have passive income.
If you were that skilled, lucky, and intelligent you wouldn't be a mcwagie
>thinks everyone that responds to him is the OP
so not only unimaginative but severely autistic as well
Why don’t you work your way up? Become a franchisee one day
Now that is some good thinking.
I’m being serious. This guy here started as a normal employee making burgers. Now he owns two McDonald’s franchises. He worked his way up the ladder and became very successful

>I’m being serious.
Who said you weren't? All I said was that's a good idea.
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>Sure, whatever you say, boomer.

>invest like a Boomer? lmao why would i want to do that?
Invest in your ass

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