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So, I'm set on joining the Ukrainian Foreign Legion at 18. For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm fighting for something worthwhile, and not just sitting back on the sidelines in comfort in America. I've made contacts in Ukraine that will ensure I join a unit pretty much the second I get to Lviv. In case anyone is wondering still, I am set on joining, and there is nothing at this point that will change my mind. How do I break the news to my family, though? They obviously won't be happy (since I'm only 18), and I was set to go to a pretty good college in the next month and a half, too, which probably won't happen. Any suggestions on how to go about this?
I also want to join the foreign legion. How peoplr are getting inside Ukraine? Can I join despite no military experience or should I enlist in my country first?
>Any suggestions on how to go about this?
I don't know about that, op. War isn't the same anymore. Getting bombed by a drone doesn't seem very dramatic or heroic. Life is more valuable than that
Just don't. Stay in school, pick something that interests you, and don't go and be fodder for some bullshit which is way bigger than you or I.

You're young and impressionable, seeking purpose, Military is the worst possible way to find this purpose... Please, young gun, give your head a shake.

If you're mid 20s and still dying for military, maybe consider it then, but don't do it now. Your brain isn't even fully formed - don't waste it on this shit.
>Life is more valuable than that
Life is more valuable than bringing justice to this word and Honor? Whats the point of living without a good fight with the devil?
From the advice I've received, the recruiting situation is so dire at the moment that if you just cross the border at Medyka in Poland and tell the guard you want to join, you're set. The new physical fitness minimum standards are also as follows:

24 Pushups
24 Situps
4 Pullups
12 Minute Sustained Run (no specified speed)
Because other people aren't the devil. It's OK to protect yourself and denounce people's actions. However, it is not OK to denounce the people themselves.
If you knew anything about Ukraine, you would realize this is just stupid politics and both sides are pretty shit.

You can get justice and honour from other places which are less dangerous, and certainly more fulfilling. Shooting and killing people is such a vain form of either.

>a good fight with the devil

Welcome to humanity. We're shit. You're just trying to justify being less shit than the rest of them.

Fight the devil in your hometown and do something to stop drugs, crime, etc there. Risking your neck for some political nonsense a world away is just silly - nobody will remember your name.
Isn't life more valuable than sitting in an air conditioned office, making a slightly above average income? My ancestors didn't wallow in luxury and jerk off to CNN all day. I get what you're saying, but to me it seems like the lesser of two evils. I'd rather die a man than live as a coward.
An oligarchical ex-superpower army made by communists and fascists who do mass sexual assault as a weapon of war seems pretty diabolical
my ancestors didn't fight for nations other than their own
they weren't slaves
Seems easy. Is there anything else?
>Russians are the only people who loot, rape, and pillage
>Russians are the only people who have shitty leaders
>Russian people are just devils despite many of them wanting nothing to do with the war
(Many of their relatives are in Ukraine...)
>Fight the devil in your hometown and do something to stop drugs, crime, etc
There may be wisdom to be read here, OP.

You're family's here, and you may be able to uplift the quality of their life. How about you start doing good locally before you extend?
Not that I know of. I was told that during Basic you'd be pushed to the limit, but that's the same everywhere. They seem to care mainly about motivation and determination, not necessarily that you come in looking like Brad Pitt.
>Rather die like a man

Literally, 18, running off to die to some globohomo conflict lmao

Supremely manly when you become fertilizer. Remember how manly you were when you catch a bullet without hearing where it came from, or a bomb that landed between y our feet.

You've been sold the most vain and shallow notion of what being a "man" encompasses, and you don't know better because you're fucking 18. Give your head a shake, PLEASE

We're trying to tell you, empathetically, that you need to reconsider. The chances you look back on this later and go "Wow, that was silly." are high.
Can you point when Ukrainians did this across Europe or against Russia? Plus it's not the Russians that made family member loose their citizenship and live in another country
A big part of being a man is love.
It's OK to fight to protect yourself or to help others protect themselves. Again, Russians are still human beings. They aren't demons that you can project your hatred on and jerk yourself off about killing.
OP, I want you to dig into some of the /pol/ threads and watch the footage that is being archived.

Understand the true nature of what war encompasses. It is brutal and unforgiving. Visceral and disgusting in ways you surely don't comprehend.

Watch enough people die and it changes you.
Yes they are

Are you insane? The time of joining the foreign legion (international legion) is long gone, it was way safer when the frontline was still fairly fragile but now it's literally a grindfest. There's a reason foreign fighters are leaving and not returning, outside of the thousands of dead, leading to a shortage of foreign soldiers to fill out the ranks of those formations, it's a fucking bloodbath.. and we're talking about actual soldiers here, veterans.. so an untrained 18 year old getting sent into the thick of things.. you don't stand a fucking chance, I hope you realise that. But since you're set on going, just make sure you provide your family with all kind of information so they know we're you're going and who you will fight under, that way it's way easier for the ukrainian military to contact your family when you end up dead
OP here. I do what I can locally. I volunteer at the food banks every once in a while with my church, I've volunteered for a suicide hotline in the past, hang out with homeless guys and bums and give them the time of day, etc. I just don't like the trajectory my life is going in. The way I see it, I don't have a family to take care of, no wife is going to miss me, and now might be one of the only times in my life where I can make a legitimate difference. I've lived my life on the sidelines, content with tranquil mediocrity, and I'm tired of it.
Fair enough. I was going to give them all of that info, if at the very least for life insurance purposes.
>Born in one of the greatest countries on Earth
>Wants to throw it away for some slavs across the world


Why don't you just become a police officer or something?
I've seen the footage from both sides. It's terrifying.
All the cops near me just sit in their cars and play candy crush lmao. Seen it myself.
Don't. Your death would be a pointless waste in a made-up jewish war.
You're getting killed over a dumb land grab
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Good luck with having PTSD and crippling suicide retard
have you ever shot a gun? like are you going in totally green, going through some shitty version of basic training, and, despite what you read, go up against a technologically superior adversary with more firepower?

like i hope to God you've atleast shot guns regularly and maybe fucking hunted, because your ass is about to get hunted.

also, what makes you so certain you're fighting on the side of good?
Do it anon. If you're actually considering this seriously, your life isn't worth that much anyways. Just make sure to take some decent war footage before you get blown up, I might even see you on /gif/
>what Ukrainians did
It’s less about what the average Ukrainian did, and more about what America did to Ukraine. America uses its intelligence apparatus in order to find local stooges who will allow for their countries to be used as proxies essentially. In 2004, and 2014, the US set off color revolutions in Ukraine against the current democratically elected governments there. Invading any country is wrong, but absolutely no country on planet earth that has any ability to set its own foreign policy would be fine with a hostile power, known for overthrowing governments at will (Gaddafi’s death was horrible and featured him being sodomized on television) essentially taking over a country right on their borders like that. Please anon, you’re young, 18, this playbook has been ran multiple times over the course of my life alone. No wars are good and virtuous, they are all about money and power. The war in Ukraine was engineered by the US and the west in order to make money and maintained their hegemony. It is a brutal WW1 style slugfest. WW1 was a deeply traumatizing war for the vast majority of those involved in it, it was deeply unfair in comparison with the battles of the past, where a man could win by being the better fighter. It was random, pointless, and futile. Don’t die for blackrock.
None of this bullshit about is "its le america fault" nulls Russia is deporting kids and genociding locals. The america support in this war of aggression was very shy and limited compared to Europe

Also, I am not OP. I am 24, with two citzenships (one of there from a eastern euro country)
Thanks for the encouragement. I'll try and bring a gopro if I can
What stops you from enlisting in your cunt's military, getting some training, then going to ukraine later? that war isn't going to stop anytime soon
IMO the war isnt as bad as they say. I have military experience and got rejected. If it was a meat grinder and shit theyd take me. Good luck fellas. 18 is too young go to war imo btw. I get the allure though as I tried.
>I'm set on joining the Ukrainian Foreign Legion at 18
you would be fighting in an unwinnable war, fighting for bureaucrats and plutocrats who are milking a nation for money. you will die unglamorously in a foxhole, dont be a retard.
ukraine genocides Hungarians and russians in ukraine, thats literally why this war started you retard.
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>I feel like I'm fighting for something worthwhile
Russia literally started this war because they wanted to loot, rape, murder, and conquer. Putin wants to conquer more land and doesn't care how many russians he gets killed.
>ukraine genocides Hungarians and russians in ukraine
100% russian lie. I would tell you to be ashamed of yourself for spreading such retarded blatant lies, but you are unable to because you're russian. Russians do not understand concepts such as truth, honor, justice. Only force and rape.
You're just going to end up on WPD being called an idiot because a grenade got dropped on you, and if that doesn't kill you, you'll go home without your legs
>throwing away his life at 18 for sl*vs
Why do you want to kill and/or die for a cause that is ultimately a game for a bunch of evil bastards in power? Would you not feel guilt in killing an innocent man who was forced to be drafted for some shitty pointless war and had to be taken away from his wife and kid? If you want to fight for something worthwhile then why don't you develop plans on killing every piece of shit politician in the world instead of some poor bloke that just wants to go home? If you want to fight for something worthwhile then why don't you become a firefighter instead of being some soulless mercenary for a bunch of elite assholes who don't give a fuck about anyone except themselves?
Anon I’ve been to war and trust me it is fake and gay in the worst ways I can’t go back to how I was physically and mentally before I deployed. Seriously and I mean this earnestly calm your ass down and stay at home you aren’t missing anything I promise.
There is no debate about which side is completely evil. Their men are evil too. Russia's soldiers are all volunteers, they specifically chose to go to Ukraine to loot, rape, and murder. There is no guilt in killing such people, they are not innocent.
Dude, don't. The Ukranians have no idea what they're actually fighting for, and ypu would be used as a meat shield.

If you want to join the army in the states great, but do not go fight in Ukraine.
>The Ukranians have no idea what they're actually fighting for
They know exactly what they are fighting for. It's just you who is clueless. They are fighting for their own existence, to defend themselves against a barbarian horde bent on killing them, raping them, stealing everything from them. In that order.
Dumbest fucking thread on this board rn congrats guys
At least it's not the tenth incel thread in a row or the "I'm only 5'10 tall should I kill myself" autist.
nta atleast those threads opened the eyes of so many looxmaxx , moneymaxx or just beeemaxx copers
That seems to be quite rare. Usually it's the same retarded incels who angrily refuse all advice and keep repeating their cope mantras and excuses for not trying.
That's a lie, maybe some of them are volunteers but some of them are drafted as well. This isn't a video game don't go to war just because you want to kill people for fun under the false pretense of "justice".
And even if they are volunteers they're probably the same as you, either evil or brainwashed that they're doing this for justice. There is no justice, every soldier genuinely believing that has been deceived even if their heart is in the right place.
>repeating their cope mantras and excuses for not trying.
I think the only ones repeating the same shitty talking points are the ones who keep spamming to just touch grass, be cuckfident or anything along those lines. The only rational posts that I've seen are the ones advocating to revolt because the system is fundamentally unsustainable.
>The only rational posts that I've seen are the ones advocating to revolt because the system is fundamentally unsustainable.
Lolwut. How is advocating for a revolt rational? Or blaming your own life failures on "the system"? Incels are the most irrational people of them all. They operate purely on emotion. Which is a mix of hysterical fear and narcissistic entitlement.
>How is advocating for a revolt rational?
the average man has virtually nothing to lose except his life
>Or blaming your own life failures on "the system"?
being short is somehow the short guy's fault?lel. how much do you get paid to shill for le soistem anon? I wish to have some side gigs to pay the bills.
>they operate purely on emotion. Which is a mix of hysterical fear and narcissistic entitlement.
based bait
You are not average. Incels are the very bottom of the barrel tier males. Now stop shitting up yet another thread with your delusional fantasies and get back on topic.

Actually joining Ukrainian forces would do good for you as well. You'd finally grow up to be a man and you'd end up getting pussy too.
>they think its about muh honor
>not the deposits of lithium and ukrainian soil worth gorillon of dollars

Go die for the shekelberg i guess
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>You are not average. Incels are the very bottom of the barrel tier males. Now stop shitting up yet another thread with your delusional fantasies and get back on topic.
>now go become a canon fodder for jewlensky incel
you're not even hiding it shlomo. KEK
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>I want to be a zogbot and fight in a random war because I'm bored and have nothing going for me
Been there, done that (Iraq + Afghanistan). I know exactly how you feel. Let me fill you in on what will happen in Ukraine:

1: You will be mercilessly bullied by battle-hardened men who see you for what you are, and you will not fit in with them.
If you were a veteran, had medical or logistics training, or were in any way, shape, or form useful to the Ukrainians, things could be different. If you were Ukrainian or had family in Ukraine, things might be different. As it is, they will see you for what you are: a fucking idiot who flew halfway around the world to engage in a conflict that has nothing to do with them, with no relevant experience. Aka, a tourist.
>For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm fighting for something worthwhile
This is total horse shit. Even if you do believe this, I don't believe you, and neither will they.

2: You will regret going. You might begin to regret it as winter sets in and you shiver uncontrollably, freezing in a trench somewhere, waiting hours, days, weeks for something, anything, to happen; your warm clothing soaked through and beginning to smell vaguely of piss and chocolate, having not been washed for weeks. You might regret it when something does happen, perhaps when you or your buddy has their leg randomly and meaninglessly vaporized by a long-since-forgotten piece of UXO. You might regret it when you're captured by the Russians, and you'll tell them you're so sorry, you just want to go home, etc, before they rape you and cut your penis off. Or, you might just regret it in 10 years when you reenroll in college and realize what a fucking waste of time it all was.

All of this, just so that you have a story to tell that nobody really gives a fuck about anyway.
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Eбaть лaхтoпидopoв тpяcёт.
Don't tell them, if they found out and ask why you didn't tell him, tell them you didn't ask. If you survive, they be proud of you. If not, at this point you will not be capable of caring.
Also, before you get to fronline, make sure you receive at least 3 months of training. Don't be like mobiks.

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