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I started a job at a grocery store and I did not realize it until today but all the female cashiers except a few are like 14-16. I thought they were a bit weird for adults and assumed they were college kids because they wear a huge amount of makeup at times. However, today I suddenly realized they are all kids. Imagine if I looked at their ass without knowing they were?

Anyways as a man in his 30s I feel seriously weirded out by having mostly all teenaged girl coworkers.

I am quiet, do not talk much and am aloof and pretty serious at my job wherever I go. I need the money right now. And I do not have any weird ideas at all about this situation.

It just seems bizarre. How should I even behave?
Just stare at their ass and don’t get caught, faggot.
They are still mentally kids man even if they see all that shit online or look older. Its clear to me how they behave and act they are still kids. Even felt out of place being around 20 year olds before. I want to be with 30+ people but anyone 25+ is ok and 21+ I can manage
Why tf are you that old working a job meant for high schoolers? Of course they’re gonna think you’re a creep. Because you are.
Ok well then keep your dick in your pants and treat them like a brother would a sister. Be friendly but know your boundaries. Common sense dude.
Except its not and I needed a job and its temporary. Fuck you. Not the only place I work asshole. And its not there as a part time cashier. I do work on contract for the store technically you piece of shit. And I have never once behaved like a creep in my life. Nobody treats me like one either you fucking mongloid.
I do not interact with anyone unless I have too and then it is solely work related. If someone talks to me I usually just say yes, ok, yup, no, maybe, oh idk, thats it.

This was a shit thread to make forgot everybody here was retarded.
Then fuck off to Reddit homo
Pull one off in the bathroom to stay in control or you may end up with an incident.
>teenaged girl coworkers
so... you're a cashier then? just ask to switch to another department. be a cart pusher or a shelf stocker. most of the shelf-stockers in my store are dudes in their late 20s.
So you are saying jerk off at work like a degenerate in a public bathroom to fantasies about minors I work with? Or by pull one did you mean commit sexual assault in said bathroom?
Ass is ass, man.
I am not a cashier. I have my own area. I only really talk to their supervisors.
Beat the meat in the shitter to keep your hebe sex strive down, you weird fuck. You knew how old those girls were from the beginning and at least a few of them are dtf little whorebags that would ride you while you poop.
Man shut up I am not into kids or a weird fuck. You sound like one though you fucking sociopath. Dont project your weird fucked up fantasies on me. And I only like women my own age not girls not kids like you. You are just trying play on my uncomfortableness. Which is out of desire to be respectful to younger people while staying professional.
Aside from the shitty advice, I think you got some decent advice here. Not much else that is really left to be said.
so then don't worry about it. if you're not directly interacting with them there's no issue. there are dudes in their 50s who are team leads at my store, and no one cares because they don't interact with the underage cashiers.
Not really much I can do besides change jobs which would be stupid due to shortages of work here recently. I do not really have to interact with them unless I have too technically so its not a huge deal. Just made me feel uncomfortable not cause of some deranged reason but working around kids is always uncomfortable.
NTA but even IF they were 9/10 jailbait and acting like little sluts at work i would never jack off in the work bathroom. I barely even shit there. And then the people who use their phones on the toilet. Disgusting.
We make with whatever shit hand is dealt to us in life bro. Just hang on and apply for other jobs in the mean time.
>there are dudes in their 50s who are team leads at my store, and no one cares because they don't interact with the underage cashiers.
As long as nobody cares and knows I am just there to work I am solid.
I don't know what your problem is, besides being a reddit fag. People of all ages work in retail. Customers are going to checkout the girls even if you won't.
>Just made me feel uncomfortable not cause of some deranged reason but working around kids is always uncomfortable.
It sounds a bit deranged. Why would you be so uncomfortable?
Because man kids dont know any better about anything.
>he doesn't live in Oman where age of consent is 9
well whatever good luck kaffir
This nigger can't be serious LMFAO
Legally you can fuck them in the majority of states.
>As long as nobody cares
just don't give them a reason to care. coworkers can be chill if you are, but the moment you slip up they'll start coming after you. you know how rumors spread... a simple conversation starter can be interpreted as sexual harassment. next thing you know you'll be know as "that guy", the one who says weird shit to women.

the tricky part is that you can't even avoid it by simply ignoring the females. if you do that then you'll also be seen as weird. don't go out of your way to not talk to them, but also don't talk to them if you don't have to. it's tricky anon, people like to turn those who lack social skills into pariahs.
If those jobs were meant for school kids they'd be closed during school hours faggot.
You’re lying - you have to be 18 to cashier.
just dont bother them? lol? i dont fully see the issue here that needs advice.
Plenty of teenagers work retail or fast food jobs it's been normal for many decades. What aren't you telling us? You're really hung up on this for some reason.
Yeah, OP is a fucking retard
Heaps of highschool kids work part time jobs as cashiers. Fast food or retail
I think he's a pedo in denial or something. It's really weird how fixated he is on them being "kids".
probably, its sad to see this sort of stuff.
Cringe burger
just tease them like a big brother would
>wagie cuck job
Don't make people laugh.
He's probably been brainwashed to think noticing that sexually developed teenage girls are attractive makes him a pedo.
>Man shut up I am not into kids or a weird fuck. You sound like one though you fucking sociopath. Dont project your weird fucked up fantasies on me. And I only like women my own age not girls not kids like you.
Look how defensive this repressed cuck is.
He needs to go bust his nut with a pussy and then maybe he'll have the balls to look for a real job.
>It just seems bizarre. How should I even behave?
Look at you, a well trained dog. Can't even stare at nice asses without feeling bad like he did something wrong. The only natural reaction is being annoyed by their teenager retardation. I mean let's not act like you wouldn't already notice since most teen asses are looking like boys butt. You just don't actually fuck them or try it. Or maybe you subconsciously have your gooner twink thoughts and feel bad about it.
Umm… have you seen 16 year olds nowadays? With what they put in the food? I’ve seen some built like 25 year olds. Fat ass, thick thighs, big tits.. QRD - you’re retarded
Any chick that has big tits and a nice ass a dude is going to notice, doesn’t matter their age. You just learn that if they look under 18 don’t stare or be weird - but it’s in men’s genes to be attracted after puberty if their body bangin. If you don’t like it take it up with biology. Pedos like kids, like before puberty. Legal age of consent in most countries is 16 for a reason.
When I was in my early 20’s I was at a bar with an outside area by the walkway. This was college area in my town. 2 chicks walk by and one is smokin hot. Literally every dude in that outside balcony area (at least 30 of us) starts yelling and saying shit to her trying to get her to come over and talk. Lot of comments like typical guy stuff “damnnn!!!!” stuff like that. Her friend comes over PISSED and says “do you know she’s fucking 16!” Were all like oh shiiitttt!! But it’s like there is reality in that moment, if a chick is hot the bros are gonna notice. And we all thought she was a college chick
Clearly it's about 14-16 year old, retard. Some grow faster, some don't. Those you just don't notice. You just notice those whose ass and tits grow faster than the rest of their body.
Most girls don't get taller after 16
You can still talk to them. It's kind of cute imo
Obviously.. you fucking retard. That’s what I just said.
OP you have no idea how much this information shook me, that is probably why the people at my local cafe and grocery store gave me dirty looks for staring at the cashier girls. I genuinely thought you had to be 18 to work anywhere.
How about you get your minds out the gutter? Half the people here are calling me pedo and the other half is saying I should be a pedo. I only like being around adults. I am not a daycare worker or babysitter or teacher. Seriously grow up. I have a gf and shes in her 30s like me.
I worked retail when I was a kid and the average age during first shift is about 45, stereotypical MILF part time job while the kids are at school. Actually kind of nice if you like cougars.
The average age of the store dropped from 45 to about 17 during 2nd shift when the kids got out of school and came to work. There would be like one adult supervisor.
If you're unhappy working with literal children just work 1st shift instead of 2nd shift, works every time, at least in retail.
Aside from the ... distractions, the adults are more competent, its just more fun working with them.
I would just pull a dr disrespect and hit on them.
Dr disrespect talked to a minor and he's not a pedo. He said so himself
>some don't
These are the ones I notice
There is truly nothing you can do about that. I understand that it makes you uncomfortable and generally I don't think they should allow minors and adults to work under the same roof, but the only thing you can truly do is ignore the kids and continue working. It's very unfortunate you have to deal with that though. I don't think you're a creep and reading all the replies you have posted, you seem like a genuinely nice and respectful person. I'm sorry 4chan can't react adequately to genuine questions. Best of luck to you, stranger !
That sounds extremely neurotic. You can't function except around people that are exactly like you?
How could you possibly be this retarded?
There's definitely something wrong with you. Those girls know there jobs, they've been there longer than you. Obviously they don't need you to babysit or teacher them anything. You're the new guy, you're the problem, youre the outsider. There's absolutely nothing strange about teenagers working a part time job. Can't you just be pleasant and courteous and do your job? Fucking weirdo.
Everybody in this thread is a fucking retard.
Op is the fucking problem because he thinks being in the same building as teenagers is some big issue.
You're an odd fellow
Not you though. By all means, straighten us all out anon. Share your wisdom
>How should I even behave?
Like a man in his 30s who goes to work, puts in his shift and leaves. I don't know how else to put it besides, just be normal, behave like you did before you knew there were minors working there.
It's really weird that it's even an issue for him.
same here, damn. i even formed a crush on one, fuckin hell m8.
I'm a hospitality manager and most of our staff are underage girls, they have their role, I have mine, I never thought that it was odd.
Sometimes I see them outside of work, it's like seeing any kid.

Maybe you just didn't have much to do with kids before and they surprised you
Where are you getting this retarded idea from?
Some people aren't used to working with minors, it's different. sometimes we get people in who aren't used to it and it shows, they don't know how to relate to someone 20 years younger than them who is a colleague, do you give them the same responsibilities or not? do you change your behaviour or not? valid problems.

I'm clinically professional and everyone at my work has to accept that, minor or otherwise. so for me, it was never a problem. Sometimes the kids think I'm being unreasonable if they can't get time off when some festival is going on or whatever and they play the age card, but I don't flinch.
Other adults who work with minors have other approaches which also work, but it's not unusual for adults to have these problems
care to be more specific?
they know to stay away from you, pedophile creep
You should show us photos of these girls so that we could tell you if they genuinely are underage or not.
he's probably an "inmigrant"
That no one under 18 is working or specifically working at a cash register.
How do you get through life and not realize that 16 year olds can work. Earlier with parental permission.

Tell me you were raised middle class without telling me you're middle class I guess. Never worked at an ice cream shop, grocery store, or as a camp counselor as a kid?

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