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Well, I can't get a real bf for a long term relationship and I have no interest in hook up culture. I'm interested in looking into being friends with benefits, anons with fwb experience was it fulfilling for you? Did you end up falling in love? Do you regret it?
You’re fat
>I'm interested in looking into being friends with benefits, anons with fwb experience was it fulfilling for you? Did you end up falling in love?

So your hope is to be a fwb to someone in the hope they fall in love with you? If so that sounds like a surefire way to get your heart broken on loop lol
That just means I swallow, always look on the bright side
No, I'm not hoping to fall in love I just wanna have a bf simulation. I'm willing to do most things sexually but I'd like to hang out and be friends with a guy as well
Yeah just whore around, that will definitely increase your chance for a long term relationship!

Stupid bitch
It didn't work for me the whole bf simulation thing. It felt like we were in a relationship and everyone, my friends and family thought so. Because we did things together and had sex I ended up liking him way too much and got hurt when he got a real gf. My suggestion. Keep a guy friend a guy friend you go do things with and the guy you have sex with semi regularly separate. There's this one guy I know has sex with other girls too but I know he would never settle for just one. Its been much easier for me to not become emotionally attached to him because we can talk frankly about things, have sex and then he goes home. I always contact him first and if he is available he comes over. We never go out anywhere even for coffee.
I don't wanna whore around, I just want one good fwb
>bf simulation
>willing to do sexual things
>expects man to stick around and be a loyal friend

You’re simply describing ‘boyfriend’, you want a boyfriend. Nothing changes OP, the only problem with your ‘simulation’ is loyalty and commitment is out the window. Would you be happy knowing he fucks other women and will most likely have his heart claimed by someone else? Because that’s what your FWB bf ‘simulator’ will get you.
Why can't you get a boyfriend for a long term relationship?
>I always contact him first and if he is available he comes over. We never go out anywhere even for coffee.

Wonder why. What could possibly motivate a man to keep his affair in secret? Why would he never want to be seen with you in public? Oh right. He’s married/engaged/in a relationship with someone and he knows people will talk and word gets to his woman lol.

You’re aware you’re being used by a serial cheater right?
I wouldn't want him to have a serious relationship but I wouldn't mind if he was dating around/fucking other women. I'm not jealous and would want him to be as happy as possible
Uh oh. We got a 40 yr old single divorced roastie here. Yikes. Let people live you retard. There’s no such thing as cheating. We are animals designed to have many mates at once.
Uh-huh. And would you still want him to be as happy as possible when one of the girls he fucks around with and dates around with begins to really make him fall for her? And he starts taking the other woman seriously, and that means you need to go bye-bye because he doesn’t want to see you anymore because he is now committing to a woman who isn’t you?
Nice quads Satan.
>Let people live
If a way of ‘living’ comes at the expense of someone else, it means someone is a social parasite. And most people do not like social parasites.
It's the same fucking thing even if your stupid female liberal brain can't understand that
You're asking about getting a boyfriend. That's what a boyfriend is.

I'm gonna level with you anon, I'm nearing 40, I've met a lot of people, I've seen how paths end. Your view is typical of a certain type of woman it ends extremely poorly for. You're way overthinking definitions and technicalities, you'll leave a trail of shattered hearts, and you will yourself wind up alone.

If you are engaged in a sexual relationship with someone exclusively, it's a romantic relationship. Period. No rules or technicalities. No "well i didn't say we were in a relationship so actually I can do whatever I want". No "you should have known what this is". It's a boyfriend. I'm especially troubled by
>I can't have a relationship
Why? No matter your life circumstances, most people won't fit in, someone will. You want a boyfriend, you've just overthought something retarded and made a dumb decision based on probably nothing important.
Not OP.
You got it backwards. What she wants is the same thing as a boyfriend. She's just caught up on labels and technicalities. Which is beyond fucking stupid and screams "I'm an 18 year old girl". She'll get it in time.
No. Men aren't useful for sex half the time when you get older.
We're supposed to be grooming young men. It's a biological imperitive.
>She's just caught up on labels and technicalities. Which is beyond fucking stupid and screams "I'm an 18 year old girl"

That or female autistic. Autists are famously always getting themselves hung up on label and technicality. Also why female in autists in particular end up walking into stupid situations, like this one: >>31526541 who helps psychotic men cheat their wives or fiances without even knowing it. Soon she will panic when people around her hate her and call her a home wrecker when all she wanted was inviting a ‘nice man’ over for coffee.
because you attract to shits like you're the fly
improve on yourself
so you can smell the honey and you'll be the bee
stop giving your cat to everyone
then you filter out the hoodlums who want a quick nut
and repent about the fornications you did with your past bfs
in Jesus's name
Idgaf about politics and both american parties are neoliberal
No cause that'll end our fwb relationship, I think I'm looking for a guy that's happy to date around but not looking for anything serious
Good luck. At most you’ll get is a cheating man who has a wife yet keeps you in secret. That’s all you’re allowing yourself to be used for wih your current mindset.
Male here
Three experiences.
In HS I met an older girl home from Uni. We knew it was nothing serious so we spent the Summer as FWB. It was quite fun knowing it was a lark and that the only REAL goal was to have lighthearted fun and to avoid upsetting each other and it ended with us being friends who stay in touch to this day.
Later I was in a very hectic work environment with tons of travel, people constantly moving between offices, and so forth and it would have been impossible to seriously date, let alone make a relationship work. A sweet girl and I hit it off and we enjoyed 6 weeks of FWB, always knowing it was ending. I am likewise still in touch with her.
After I dovorced my first wife a co-worker, who got divorced 1 month before I did, and I went to lunch. We are radically different in interests, hobbies, etc. but we spent 6 months as FWB as a form of getting over how badly our past spouses had been and sort of forcing ourselves to realize we were actually ok. We lost touch.
Why are you so sure only cheating husbands exist? There's lots of guys just looking for non committal sex
Because people who look for non-committal sex only do so because they can’t commit. You need to ask why they can’t commit. It’s not rocket science. They can’t commit for two reasons:
1) They are afraid to commit, too many ouchies in the past.
2) They’ve already committed to someone else, and you’re their side-piece, their concubine, their secret whore.

In both scenarios, you walk away empty-handed. No one to actually love you. And if you settle for this, then it’s your fault at that point unfortunately. Learn to know how to deserve better.
All fair points, Well she does say she's autistic.
Hopefully she reads this and understands.

OP. If you are In a sexual relationship, for all intents and purposes, this is a boyfriend. Period. Please approach it this way. You're gonna hurt others and get hurt yourself if you don't.
this is a virgin incel that will never see a vagina irl. don't listen to it.
You didn't even end this post on the same point/argument you started on
You also can't boil down extremely complex multi variables situations to 2 possible situations. That's not how people work.
I’m a married man. I’m so sorry I’m giving away the game and telling OP how cheaters operate.
I already say no to those just looking to nut, I've never had a bf just 2 guys
>You also can't boil down extremely complex multi-variable situations to 2 possible situations. >That's not how people work.

Yes, I can and I did. People aren’t as complicated as you think. And those that are ‘extremely complex’ and ‘complicated’ are simply known as one thing: Broken. And broken people are the one who cheat and keep attracting cheaters.

I don’t hate them or nothing. Don’t shoot the messenger, just tellin you how it is.
I wouldn't mind a guy with too many ochies in his path just don't wanna help anyone cheat
This really begs the questions, how old are you? (I'm guessing close to 20) and do you have an active social life that doesn't exist solely on the internet?
Idk, no one's ever been interested in me that way the only ones who are interested just wanna pump and dump
>I wouldn't mind a guy with too many ochies in his path just don't wanna help anyone cheat.

And if you don’t want a man with ouchies to keep getting ouchies, then don’t become his ouchie. You’ll be beocming one by leading him on, by acting like his girlfriend but refusing to call yourself his girlfriend. So your plan you have doesn’t work out, like this anon said: >>31526692
You’ll leave a trail of shattered hearts by that point.

Old enough to know better. And yes I have a life.
>you’re being used
ok and so is he for sex only and we are open about that. Its why, along with not going out to do anything else, it works. Sex for both of us without any emotional attachment. And since I don't care who he likes or don't like, even if hes married, it doesn't bother me.

And a married guy is perfect for sex only. He doesn't want to leave his family and wife and I wouldn't want him anyway.
>even if he’s married
Most likely not an ‘if’. Chances are he is committed to someone else. It’s why you’re not allowed to go anywhere with him in public. You are told to stay put in your home like a useful item.

> And a married guy is perfect for sex only. He doesn't want to leave his family and wife and I wouldn't want him anyway.

Yeah and that sex belongs only to his wife. But unfortunately he gives it to many other women, including you. And if you can’t see why this is a disgusting thing then I don’t know what to tell you other than perhaps try talking to people who had cheaters for fathers or mothers. Ask them how their childhood went down. Then know that is what you are a part of creating in other families by being happy to be a homewrecker.

If you still don’t care at that point okay, sure. Just don’t expect others to care in return when it all crashes around you.
I've had many crushes. Many times where I had fallen in love. In the end none of it mattered because I never got the girl. I don't have the looks, the swagger or the balls to approach and talk to her. So I gave up dating, at least for now.
>old enough
So 21.
You can't coral people into 2 enclosures like this. It feels like you've never been in a relationship. There's a thousand reasons not to want one that have nothing to do with "ouchies" and people still like sex. And there's nothing wrong with casual sex if all parties are consenting. The problem comes with people like OP who wants a boyfriend but doesn't want to call it a boyfriend and will inevitably feel like that gives her agency to do whatever she wants while her victim falls.
What did I say in my first post? I said I wanted sex to be sex and not go out and do couple things so you are worked up over something that doesn't matter to me. If I go out for coffee and want male companionship I go with a friend. Friend is friend and no sex.

Most married people are committed to their lifestyle and family and do not want to wreak that so they are very discrete. I never ask if they have a gf or are married since that is too personal with emotions attached.
Stop trying to guess my age and marital status on 4chan. It’ll only embarrass both of us. No, not 21. Much older. And I’ve had 5 relationships. Currently married.

Yeah I did read your first post.

>I always contact him first and if he is available he comes over. We never go out anywhere even for coffee.
Try going out somewhere in public then. See what happens.
>We never go out anywhere even for coffee
You read this as a complaint and its not. It is keeping separate a man I have sex with and a man I do things socially that I might confuse as a bf.
>>gives her agency to do whatever she wants while her victim falls
I literally just want sex, to hang out, watch/play shit, I can cook too. We don't even have to do anything outside
Don't waste your potential on fwb relationships, beside you wanting to have such relationships, you seem to be reasonable and that's what guys are looking for in a relationship.
>You read this as a complaint and its not. It is keeping separate a man I have sex with and a man I do things socially that I might confuse as a bf.
Oh okay. So you’re the one who does the cheating then lol. You keep one man hooked to a breadcrumb trail, a pseudo-friendship-relationship-situationship and meanwhile you fuck another man entirely. I’m willing to bet he man you do things socially with hasn’t an idea about the man who fucks you over coffee, and you make sure he never finds out, right?
There you go again. A friend is a friend and that is all. I don't even see any male friends that often and certainly not enough they would get the wrong idea. But on the remote possibility they did we wouldn't be friends anymore. I'm not dating anybody. The only people that know about my sex life is me and the guy I occasionally have sex with. I don't ask him any questions and he doesn't ask me. Likewise there is no reason at all for me to share my private sex life with a male acquaintance/friend I have a coffee with or whatever.

You somehow think its your business and any other male I have ANY contact with to broadcast when and with whom I have sex and why. You do not own me but I am well aware most men believe they do.
>A friend is a friend and that is all.
Not according to you. I bring up the possibility of you leading the guy on because you said:
and a man I do things socially that I might confuse as a bf.

You said you might confuse him as a boyfriend. And I’m assuming that’s because you more or less have him act like one. And I am simply pointing out that if he were to learn about the guy you have sex with on the side, I am pretty sure he’d not be your sort-of boyfriend for long.
Friends with benefits IS hookup culture XD.
I mean I want a long term exclusive one, at least on my side
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Nice voice and it's because I don't consider it hook up culture if I'm gonna be exclusive and get to know him and have a connection with the guy. It's different from a bf because I don't require commitment, fidelity and he can stop it at any time without problems
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you need a better mic or something how is vocaroo fucking up that badly on you? i mean you're michael cera you should be able to get better quality
based and getbehindmesatanpilled
i feel so dumb it clipped my recordings :(
im sawry

STOP YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO RESPOND BEFORE ME! my fucking 4chan pass is making me reverify and i am too retarded to do the captcha

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Yea good points, I see what you mean but what you don't understand is no one wants an exclusive relationship with me and only wants hook ups which I don't want, I've already been used for sex only to be ghosted twice and don't wanna go through that ever again. So this is my way of making a truce.
That wasn't me btw, whoever said that about your mic quality it wasn't me the OP
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>I have no interest in hook up culture. I'm interested in looking into being friends with benefits
everything wrong with women can be summed up in that quote
yeah I like doing FWB, but after a while the girls I do with usually start to catch feeling so I stop seeing them
>real bf

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