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for example, when I left for college I never missed my parents, never even thought about my sister.

we were just never close, none of us. I get it was a highly dysfunctional family but I'm starting to feel this is why I don't really connect with anyone. every time I've made friends it's ended in betrayal or they ghost me. I get I'm the common denominator, not sure what I'm doing wrong
>it was a highly dysfunctional family
gee i wonder why you feel disconnected from them, you just answered your question

care to elaborate?
i'm the same, i don't think i ever missed anyone, not friends either. my family is pretty normal too. i think there's something wrong with me.
Same, although my senpai wasn't that dysfunctional apart from my parents never showing any affection for each other ever.
You're not alone.
why does
get auto corrected to senpai
onions senpai. totally onions
if it was highly dysfunctional theres no wonder you dont feel any connection
I check in with my family regularly and say i love you at the end of our calls but im afraid i dont care about them too much, except that i will be sad when they die, and you never know when that will be. My brother is pretty much polar opposite to me in everything, he's rich chad and has life so easy and every time i call he tries to give me advice in the same tier as 'just b urself' and also has anger problem so he usually berates me for still being in my current situation so even though i want to talk to him cuz family i dont. I know he cares and wants to talk but we just dont relate and end up fighting.

I find fun in the introvert things all of them don't think are fun so whenever they ask what I did today I don't bother answering because they'll just belittle it and say oh but you didn't go out and do anything fun? Oh why dont you get a better job anon

Y'know, the usual. Not abusive just we dont connect on anything. Dad's rich too but he never gave us money and probably wont even when he dies because he remarried out of tax break and has a new family now
I wonder this too because I've basically been raised in a fucked up house with toxic parents, and now I hardly feel anything towards them.

I can go months, have gone, without seeing them. I miss the dog and I miss the cats and I miss my sister... Not them.

If I don't talk to my parents for all of this time, I don't care. They get upset when I say nothing for a while, but they hardly gave me the environment as a child to enjoy. They should have divorced. I spent my youth hiding and indulging in escapism to cope.

Things with them are still awful and it stresses me to be around them. I'm fucking 30 now. I run my own business, have a good head on my shoulders, and I'm deeply in love with the woman that is my wife - but I could care less about my parents themselves. I tolerate them, at best.

I feel broken sometimes. All I want is the _real_ love which parents can give to their children, and the _real_ relationships where you can be friends as well... I'm an adult now and their behaviour is so juvenile and stupid. I want them to behave like adults.

Feels weird. I guess if your upbringing is traumatic, toxic, and shitty - you disconnect. It's more healthy to let go than try to ride the lightning for some vanity of pretending you care.

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